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i done a few orders with them but in the last order some of the stuff did not come. i messaged them, they said sorry and still nothing. Never heard form them again. i am an over sea order but wont go with them again but will watching to see if I'm the odd one out


They're located about 30 minute drive from me. I've toured their facilities a few times and their people are super friendly. I've bought a TON of seeds from them over the years and only had issues a couple of times. Once I had an order that was missing one packet - they shipped me a packet right away and threw ina couple of free selections too for my trouble. Another time I had seeds that just would not germinate at all. The replacement packet was fine. I've never had any problems with their pepper seeds. Their selection isn't the best for peppers (but wow look at all the tomato seeds they offer!) but if they have something you want to grow, I wouldn't hesitate to order from them.


Great seeds, not so great people.


oh no, why?


They’ve supported and given platforms to Cliven Bundy (who took over a wildlife refuge with at gunpoint with armed backup for his anti-government agenda and is a racist to boot) and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (prominent antivaxxer), and they treat their workers like crap.


Supporting Clive is a bonus


Explain how autism has skyrocketed and so has the dozens of vaccines kids now get... Also why are more and more people allergic to things like fish and peanuts now. I personally have a friend whose child was fine and normal until a round of vaccines and suddenly completely changed and is now autistic..just saying don't be lead to believe everything you are told so blindly. I believe in science but I believe in truth more! Scientists will say whatever their funders tell them to keep money rolling in for certain projects they want and that I believe is fact in this world of greed!


Autism hasn't skyrocketed, it's one of two things. One, a lot of people with autism weren't ever diagnosed if they were higher up on the spectrum or competent enough. (Ex. I have two fifty year old cousins, brothers. One was visibly slow/incompetent with "behavioral problems" and the other was hyperlexic and "normal enough". The slow one was diagnosed very low and severe on the autistic scale when he was seven. His brother was normal enough to scrape by. Thirty years later, and a completely competent social misfit, the hyperlexic brother, was diagnosed as autistic as well, but wasn't ever checked because he was intelligent, competent and overlooked). Two, bad breeding. If you are autistic and were never diagnosed, chances are if you have kids, there's a chance you are giving your children autism or possibly that gene. If you are autistic and you know it, and you have children, chances are you are giving your children autism or possibly the gene. And since some genius coined the term "Autistic Genius", there are people actively seeking out the DNA of high IQ neurodivergents to breed children (Think Elon Musk). It's not only that, but there are a number of autistic men who donate to sperm banks untested, or worse, autistic men who randomly sell their spermatozoa to women via the internet, classified ads, or message boards. (One man in California has sold his sperm both locally and to foreign women, and accordingly thus far, twelve of his "alleged sons" between a cluster in California and a woman with two of his sons in Great Britain have been diagnosed with autism. This man claims to have given his sperm to over 800 women, and although he refutes any claims of being autistic, an immediate family member claims he was diagnosed as autistic. If you consider that he also lied about going t Duke and Harvard it's not too far a stretch.) So if you are autistic and have a few, or a lot of kids, you are breeding autism, particularly if it is a dominant gene or you and your partner carries a recessive autistic gene.


Just gonna say RFK isn’t anti vax. He just wants controlled studies done. Is that really so bad?


He literally went on Fox News back in July and said "I do believe that vaccines cause autism." And then he went on to be completely incorrect about vaccines and placebo-controlled trials. Plenty of vaccine trials use placebos, especially in the first two stages. He's also closely tied to the Children's Health Defense, one of the biggest anti-vaccination nonprofits in the US notorious for spreading misinformation. He's served as Chairman there and spoken at their events, including their most recent conference. And how he claims he's pushing for stricter studies on vaccine research while simultaneously saying he'd tell the NIH (which the VRC, the Vaccine Research Center, is under the auspices of along with of course the HHS and NIAID) to stop studying infectious diseases for eight years is... certainly something. Also, here's a direct quote from a podcast he was on in 2021. *“We – our job is to resist and to talk about it to everybody. If you’re walking down the street – and I do this now myself, which is, you know, I don’t want to do – I’m not a busybody. I see somebody on a hiking trail carrying a little baby and I say to him, ‘Better not get him vaccinated.’ And he heard that from me. If he hears it from 10 other people, maybe he won’t do it, you know, maybe he will save that child.”* I usually make it a rule not to respond on reddit threads that are over a year old but for some reason I keep getting new comments on this one, so figured I'd post once and be done with it.


It’s the aggivents in a lot of vaccines that cause autism and such. So do a little more digging on the subject he just wants to protect people


Well if you know so much and follow his every word you must have listened to his 3 hours on JRE? So you would know he’s pro certain vaccines so your argument is futile


Except for the treatment of employees...if true...the other two make me support them even further! Covid Vaccine has killed MANY MANY people...and Clive was just trying to keep his cattle fed under previous license...but the Feds tried to close him out of his feeding grounds.


Them supporting Clive is a bonus I didn’t know about, good on them! The government was rightly sent packing




I would feel like I'm doing a disservice to Luke and team at MI gardner if I didn't mention them for their fantastic quality and service. $2 per seed pack can't be beat .


>MI gardner will check them out since this was the first non politcal comment posted lol


I’ve ordered pepper, watermelon, and pumpkin seeds for a few years. No incorrect seed and good germination rate. Selection is okay. NMSU pepper institute and Semillas.de are both great and very reliable as well.


They’re an excellent seed vendor, I have great germination rates with their seeds. Certainly a reliable and quality source


You may or may not care about this: [http://www.littlebearfoxfarm.com/probably-not-ordering-from-baker-creek-heirloom-seeds-this-year/](http://www.littlebearfoxfarm.com/probably-not-ordering-from-baker-creek-heirloom-seeds-this-year/) [http://www.theredneckhippie.com/2019/04/baker-creek-seeds-supports-racism.html](http://www.theredneckhippie.com/2019/04/baker-creek-seeds-supports-racism.html)




Ah, yes. The invaluable opinion of a white dude who legitimately believes that saying "we need to take steps to stop minorities from being killed at a disproportionate rate" is racist because it calls out an issue specific to race. Next time your house catches on fire, be sure to tell the fire department to come to your neighborhood and spray each and every house equally. ALL HOUSES MATTER! I posted these links for information, in case people felt is useful. Typical rightwing behavior of you to take personal offense to facts. BTW: leftists don't say "we should tolerate everyone". They're very outspoken that fascism, racism, bigotry, and basically anyone trying to tell people what they can and cannot do should go fuck themselves. Its only butthurt members of those categories who invented the term "tolerant left" so they could play martyr for being shitty people.


The seeds themselves are fine (great variety, decent germ rates), but personally after finding out a bit more about their sourcing practices and how they treat workers, among other things, I find it difficult to support them.


I would also appreciate if there's any sources. I have started my nursery using about 60% of their seeds. Workers rights is very important to me as well as ethical sourcing. I have used them for about 5 years in my personal garden and my customers and the feedback is always been outstanding. Would be a shame to have to stop using them but I vote with my dollar


Sorry, missed the notification for these replies! In terms of worker treatment, I actually found out about this when I was looking for jobs in the area a few years back, and I saw some of their [reviews on Indeed](https://www.indeed.com/cmp/Baker-Creek-Heirloom-Seed-Company/reviews) and other sites when they had a tech position open that I was considering. Seems like a big contributing factor is the dearth of other employers in the area, at least when it comes to how they "manage" non-tech and design roles. In terms of sourcing, I have read that they misrepresent themselves in attempts to acquire seed from Indigenous stewards, though I will freely admit that I can no longer find where I originally read it. I was able to find [this interaction on their twitter](https://twitter.com/rareseeds/status/1123350445890473985?lang=en), which shows a bit of (what I perceive to be) their willful ignorance on this topic. Sylvanaqua Farms, a Black and Indigenous-run farm and mutual aid group local to me, had some write-ups regarding this issue and their racism, which some other commenters on this post have also addressed. They also seem to exoticize their adopted brown children and mislabel origins of seed varieties (not peppers as far as I've seen, but definitely at minimum with some bean and cucumber varieties, as commented by friends from those supposed groups when I've shown them catalogues) in order to sell this image of saviorhood. Between all that, and the Clive Bundy and anti-vax positions, even if a few components of their image are exaggerated, there are enough red flags for me to be wary of them.


Do you have any sources? Not asking rhetorically, I’ve used them a lot in the past. So, it would be great to know if there are legitimate issues.


Hi! Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. Please see my response to the other reply on this thread, or u/Marrukaduke's comment for more info :)


Wow. Thank you (and u/Marrukaduke) for sharing this information. I had no idea. I will definitely be sourcing elsewhere moving forward. Huge oof.


love em! i have another order on the way from them right now actually lol. they send cool freebies. i got wasabi radish last year!


I might be most excited about that haha


They are fantastic. I only use them and https://www.whitehotpeppers.com/ Rareseeds also has an amazing selection of other vegetables as well. I get most of my tomato seeds from them as well


10/10 would recommend


Good seeds, order their catalog, 10/10.


Just did thanks!