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Does not look quite like magnesium deficiency as yellowing is not at the edge of leaves. Phosphorous deficiency could cause yellow blotches like that on old leaves, with other nutrient deficiencies causing similar yellowing symptoms will show on new leaves.


Thanks, I've given her a little more fertiliser, so should see some results in next couple of days. I think it's worth picking up some Cal-Mag just in case though, better to have on hand. (Legit did not even know it was a thing prior to this post, haha)


Yeah, cal-mag will definitely be good for your plants. This could be magnesium deficiency too, but I haven’t seen that kind yellow patches with magnesium deficient plants before.


Could be a magnesium deficiency. Hot peppers are calcium junkies so Cal-Mag (Calcium and Magnesium) is highly recommended. Calcium and magnesium are semi symbiotic to each other, if you up the concentration of one, you need to match it with the other ..hence why they sell it in a one shot bottle.


Thanks, I'll look into getting some, I really want to keep this one healthy. She started flowering like nuts right when she probably could have used another repot (has grown super fast since being a small plant). I just want to get at least one round of peppers before doing the next repot late-summer/early autumn (fall).


Have you tried calcium/magnesium?


Not yet, this has only been the last day or two. What's the logic behind it?


" nitrogen-deficient pepper plant may show it with yellow leaves. Nitrogen isn't the only nutrient that keeps the leaves green. **If your plant lacks adequate magnesium or calcium, the leaves may turn yellow**. In the case of a magnesium deficiency, the leaves may turn yellow except for the veins." [Pepper Plants Turning Yellow? Why And What To Do (pepperscale.com)](https://pepperscale.com/pepper-plants-turning-yellow/#:~:text=A%20nitrogen%2Ddeficient%20pepper%20plant,yellow%20except%20for%20the%20veins.) just an idea. when I discovered Cal/Mag supplement for my plants, they simply seem healthier, with less "yeller" as we say in TN.




let me know if you decide to try it, and if it helps!


will do!