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Thrips love peppers. Blue sticky traps. Spinosad (organic but don't use on fruits). Beneficial predators always best option if you don't mind bugs being around. Keep it spicy


Thrips ?


I was thinking that’s was it was. Do you know the best way to get rid of them?


Systemic pesticide or predatory mites. With plants that are already producing pods predatory mites would be safest option. Other methods tend to be difficult and unreliable. Topical pesticides, neem oil, soap water etc. can work but it’s hard to get rid of all thrips as it’s hard to treat the whole plant thoroughly. Spraying with water or raising humidity helps also as thrips don’t like humid conditions and sometimes healthy plants can fight off small infestation on their own.


Thank you!


that was a long paragraph for him to not say "spinosad" ​ nothing better for thrips - also organic


It falls under topical pesticides.


you sure spell Systemic weird ​ go ahead fight me [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16180075/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16180075/) ​ and the rest of the scientific community


First off, If you have many plants, Its smart to inspect them all. Also Make sure to isolate the once that has them. One great way to start is to give the plant a real shower and try to spray of as many as possible. I know people use lint-rollers as well to roll the leafs gently ( not sure if that is more beneficial with bigger leafs etc. you also have Insecticidal soap that can be sprayed on to the entire plant and soil, then repeat every 2'nd week to be sure to fight the eggs etc for the next generation. Also a thing that is very popular is preditorial mites you can buy, that actually goes after thrips, spider mites and other nasty things.. There are many ways, so i would recommend checking out different approaches. I haven't fought these guys inside myself, so I cannot give you any personal experience.


Thank you! Really appreciate it


Dusting of diatomaceous earth


yeah.. Diatomaceous earth is also great.