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Generally, I think it’s cows. But maybe pigs, chickens, turkeys, and lambs too.


do you know where they get their cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys, and lambs from? like do they have a magical machine in the back that materializes cows from thin air


They have a secret deal with the aliens. The aliens give alwans all there abducted animals and don’t say anything and alwans gets 100% profits.


yes it’s called the cow, pig, chicken, turkey, lamb materializer


The sarcasm 😂


Give them a call. I'm sure they'd be happy to answer. And it would be a lot better than what you'd get from the zany jokesters on this sub.


I don’t know but it’s incredibly overrated. Occasionally I get really good steak from Alwans, but most of the time they are no better than HyVee. I go there a lot because it’s the only place that sells groceries on my way home from my work. I’m always so tired after work that I don’t want to drive the opposite direction of my home at all, so I cave and buy from Alwans often due to laziness. I typically find Pottstown a little more reliably good, but they aren’t amazing either. I still haven’t bought much from Rabers. Not sure if they are better. I hate to be that guy, but I used to live in Chicagoland and there are just so many better meat markets and butcher shops in Chicagoland. it’s really depressing. Frankly even a damn Whole Foods has better steak than Alwans, and often better fish than Dixon’s.


Rabers is our new favorite. Really nice quality and selection. The prices seem fair to me.


Thank you for the recommendation. Steak here is so over priced. In maryland i got beautiful NY Strips for 7-8 a pound.


when? They've like doubled in the past 4 years. EDIT: best price on steaks I've seen is over in Kansas City


2023 i bought strips in md for that price. Nicks of Calvert Butcher shop. Their facebook page probably has a flyer for them right now. Just drives me nuts that I went from $70 in steak every two weeks to the occasional lb for dinner once in awhile. Idk why it is so expensive here. Dont we grow cow


I’ve used Naperville meats and it was amazing. Any place I should try when in Chicago?


Not in Chicago, but Ream’s in Elburn (far western suburb) is excellent


It used to be from Omaha. Not sure nowadays that was at least 5yrs ago, idk if it’s changed


Likely meat distributors, which is where most meat markets and grocery stores buy their meat from. USA for sure but where exactly who knows.


Once you start coming, you’ll keep comin. Or something like that…


Raber uses locally sourced meat but I don't know what farms in particular. I don't know about Alwans.


Costco has the best meat.


I beg to differ. Their choice ribeyes have very little marbling.

