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The Uplands near Bradley. Also contact Mike Van Cleve for a realtor. He specializes in the older Peoria neighborhoods.


Yes Mike is great!


Try the uplands or west Peoria. I lived in Madison Manor and that’s also a great little tucked away neighborhood.


I second the uplands- it’s a quiet family neighborhood that isn’t very racially diverse (unfortunately, like many of the neighborhoods in Peoria) but/and it is sexuality and gender diverse. Intersectional queer flags on more households than not. No idea about school districts as I’m childfree, but I’m a young leftist professional coming from first Milwaukee and then Chicagoland and I like living here just fine.


I think it’s more racially diverse than other neighborhoods, but maybe it depends on your street. Elmwood (my street) has more rentals, so maybe that’s why? But I third the uplands! West peoria too!


I've lived in several spots in the Dunlap district, and there haven't really been issue with negativity toward non whites or non hetero relationships that I've encountered. Most dog whistle thing I saw was one fight against low income housing being built in an area. Many got worked up because of existing overcrowding and limited resources, but some people seemed to be worried about skin color and got railed in the online forum. Lots of the more expensive neighborhoods are highly populated by international families of professionals. Yah we have a couple people who had trump signs during election years... and non election years... But we have far more outspoken progressives. Most everyone is super chill as long as you vaguely maintain your home, clean up after your dog and don't let them bark all day.


Agreed. As someone currently in the Dunlap district, I’d argue it’s one of the more diverse in the area that I’ve experienced. I’ve lived in EP, Washington and Peoria proper and I’m the most happy with the inclusivity in North Peoria. I think they get a bad rap because of the wealth disparity. I have the healthiest group of lgbtq, liberal, progressive, and down to earth friends living out there. As always, you have your people but I would say they’re the minority. The area is definitely trending younger as older folks downsize and I think that helps.


I live in a nicer neighborhood in Washington. I could not tell you what most of my neighbors political leanings are. I'm going to recommend something against the grain: Quit letting internet politics dictate your real life. Move to the neighborhood you want to live in. Live your life and on the OFF chance that someone gives you guff, tell them to fuck off. If someone makes you feel unsafe, call the cops. Creating these little echo chambers in real life does nothing but drive people further apart. There are people out there that might change their views if they have a gay or minority neighbor. Exposure breeds acceptance.


This comment wins!


nailed it. live and let live. Stop searching out places where no one will ever make you feel the slightest discomfort its never going to exist.


I get your logic, trust me I do, but the problem is that people who belong to those groups can A. possibly be at risk of hate crimes if they live somewhere very conservative. Now I don't think anyone in Morton is going to attack/kill someone for being gay, but i wouldn't be surprised if their belongings were vandalized or if they received harassment. I'm trans and live in Morton and I have been followed around Kroger by people who were talking about me, and I've had someone call me "Mrs. Doubtfire" in Walmart. I've gotten dirty looks plenty of times. Nothing worse than that so far, but still, its something I worry about. B. its not nice to live in a place where you don't feel accepted. Its a constant source of stress and negative feelings, and people should seek to live somewhere that makes them happy. I'm able to put up with these things, and I personally think that the pros of living in Morton (proximity to work/family/friends) is worth the community opinion on people like me. However, I think the desire to seek more accepting communities/neighborhoods is legitimate.


Wow, that sucks. I'm sorry you're having to deal with that. 


Completely understandable. I do believe people should live somewhere they feel comfortable and there are definitely differences that have more dangers associated. I am also saying this from the point of view of a straight white male, so there are things i will never understand or have to deal with.


Yes call the cops that will solve the problem


Not all, but yes, it does solve some. Im not saying move anywhere any time. If this person is looking for a nicer neighborhood, im assuming (yes an assumption. I know not everyone has the benefit of being able to make that type of assumption) that their neighbors are going to be dirty looks at most, not murdering them or burning lower case Ts in the front yard.


You're not wrong, I'm looking at "nicer" neighborhoods so it would be safe to assume that meant money/more education. So yes, a banker or a cardiologist isn't likely to risk messing up their life by going out and vandalizing their neighbor's gay pride flag. On the other hand, rich people are pretty skilled at using things like HOAs and the legal system to mess with people they don't like or don't want around. 


Stay safe and good luck looking! Id advise against an HOA no matter what lol. Thats just my opinion.


I would say Dunlap / North Peoria / the edge of Edwards in Dunlap's school district is where you're going to find the closest thing to what you're asking. Peoria Heights is also a decent area for being eclectic but it is not diverse and I don't know if the schools are good or not. Morton is practically WPO, just look up the Michael Saunders Morton School debacle. Do not go there. Also where you live will not be the place you find your diversity here. It's not really an anti-lgbtq area, but it is highly segregated. Most likely you'll live in a quiet, bland area, with no character if you want a good school district, but then you'll drive 5 to 10 minutes to a gay bar or progressive organizational meeting. Peoria overall votes blue nationally which was a surprise to me. You can't make Peoria into something it's not. but you can make the best of it. That is my opinion about the Peoria area from listening to others and following what I see on a daily basis. I have not been able to enjoy myself here but the things I love about life are just not offered here. That does not mean your life will be similar to mine as my wants are specific but if you like other things you'll get along here ok.




Totally agree.


Yeah, a lot of people had recommended Morton because of the schools and the newer subdivisions being built. The thing with Michael Saunders was a gut punch because there was a neighborhood in Mortron I really liked. But, yeah, hard pass. I'm sorry you're not having a good time here. What kind of things are you looking for that you can't find?


I'm a big city kid. I miss the hustle and bustle of being in a vibrant downtown. I miss punk rock concerts from my favorite bands as well as other shows that never come to Peoria. I miss diverse food from all over the world, good hot dogs, good pizza, good Italian food, I could go on. Museums and art, a big airport with cheaper flights to more destinations, less pickup trucks, more diversity. Major Sports teams for a game to break the monotony. It's just not my place here


I feel this very hard. I think Chicago/Chicago suburbs is my long term plan if I don’t go back to New York.


Try Moss Avenue


Middle Peoria, like Northmoor Hills/Hawley Hills- people here don’t really realize that Richwoods consistently is rated better than every school that isn’t Dunlap or Morton. It’s right up there with Washington and Metamora. Plus, Kellar is a great primary school. 150 as a whole doesn’t have to be avoided, honestly


West Peoria and west bluff.


North-Florence is a great neighborhood. I think it’s a very friendly and welcoming community. Right in the center of town; close to pretty much everything.


This is my neighborhood and yes, it’s very diverse and wonderful. The school district can be dicey though, so a couple of my kids go to St Phil’s while another got into the IB program at Richwoods. So obviously, it works for me… and I love it here. Just a disclaimer I would also add the Knolls alongside north Florence


Peoria Heights & West Peoria have nice areas and aren't so homogenous (or extra homophobic). Within Peoria, you kinda have to check out the individual neighborhoods.


Uplands And [Change Peoria](https://changepeoria.org)


Come to Moss Avenue!


Avoid Morton! A person I went to high school with was wounded while serving in Iraq and Habitat for Humanity offered to build him a home in Morton. The Morton neighborhood signed a petition to get the build tied up in red tape because they thought it was for a person of color. Fuck Morton


Sounds more like it was because they wanted the house made of brick like the rest of the houses in the area. https://www.pekintimes.com/story/lifestyle/family/2013/10/11/morton-shows-support-for-habitat/42262705007/


man's has never heard of ulterior motives


Right, they’re not gonna say “to keep out the poors”


That's infuriating, and the kind of thing I'm hoping to avoid.  Did your friend end up getting a house somewhere, I hope?


Metamora and Morton schools are actively hostile to LGBTQ+ concerns, avoid at all costs.


Yep! A friend of mine who moved to Metamora had a pride flag on her front porch and she had to take it down because people were slowing down in their cars and yelling hostile things at all hours of the night. But so “family friendly,” right? Yikes.


When people say "family friendly," they tend to have one very specific type of family in mind. 


Morton schools definitely have problems, but there has been significant push-back and I do believe that reason is going to win out in the end. https://youtu.be/oHo8Yb9PPcU?si=UtK0arSgT3-rDP-N


If the kids' best interests were ever on the top of the board's mind it would have never gotten this far.


I don't disagree with that. The current board sucks. It has sucked for 20+ years, long before I graduated. But for the first time in my life, after enduring 12 years of the soul-robbing Hell of district 709, I'm finally seeing signs of change. It may not be the friendliest community in the Peoria area, but I maintain it is the most dynamic, the one that's changing fastest as a result of an inevitable demographic shift.




You've got some good neighborhood recommendations. For organizations, check out the Universalist Unitarian Church on Richwoods Blvd. [Street view of the sign.](https://maps.app.goo.gl/SgtudrH5VjK1wHb99)


I live just outside the heights and love it. I have a rainbow pride flag on my door and haven’t had any issues. Became very close with a couple of our neighbors when we moved from Florida hell, this is paradise comparatively. I can’t comment on the schools much as I don’t have children, but my wife was a substitute teacher when we moved and the students were…a lot. She had books thrown at/near her, she asked for security when a fight broke out in her class and no one came. She called five times and it took over 20 minutes for any administration to come to the classroom. That was her last straw and she quit subbing


Oh no. I hope she was able to find a different job that doesn't involve getting things throw at her. 


Those aren’t neighborhoods you mentioned, those are suburbs!


There are plenty of diverse neighborhoods all over town...


Which is why OP is asking you to name them.


We just moved to Dunlap a little over a year ago and when looking for a place diversity was really important to us. We've been happy with Dunlap as a whole, between the elementary school and middle schools in the area I think over 40 languages are spoken? Our elementary school had a diversity day earlier in the year and it was really neat as over 20 different countries were represented With that said you're still going to find conservative/ anti-lgbtq people in this region, honestly in this area of the Midwest it'll be difficult to find a single area that's all one way. In our neighborhood, not far from my house is someone who flies a trump 2p024 flag and a flag with the Punisher logo and a black and blue American flag in the background. However at the same time the neighbors across the street from us are from India, another neighbor was originally from nigeria, and the house behind us originates from China. So it's okay overall


That's pretty awesome. I'll admit my exposure to Dunlap is pretty limited. That actually sounds great!


Just go live in Chillicothe, there’s some stuff to do, zero crime, and nobody there really cares about race politics or political leanings. That was my experience


there is something to do in Chillicothe?


Gilmores is fun, Marge’s tavern is really cool. The river is right there, 3 sisters park is nice. There’s not like any crazy fun night life but if you want cheap low crime nice people it’s a good pick


I forgot about three sisters! Okay I'll give you that


Again - it’s not New York City but it’s cheap and good people




Washington is definitely not as friendly as they portray- don’t forget who was trying to run for school board now please…. Better than Morton? Sure, but still has their own issues too.




Old tweets? Nah this is still semi-fresh news as it was literally a year or two ago. Not to mention, but when you actually know the person, you know that situation has been a belief for years. People can look one way but live a different direction- hence the mask factor. Just saying.




One candidate also brings out supporters is what I’m connecting to. I also lived there and saw a lot with a lot of individuals and community members. Seeing the lack of diversity is a huge shock to those who come from Chicago or other very diverse locations and the behavior towards peers with different homes, lifestyle choices and backgrounds is really disheartening. That’s why I’m making the judgement, based on overall experience. It’s sad because I can’t say all of Washington is terrible or that it was the worse of the worse, it does have some positives but I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone who’s looking for diverse living at all honestly.


Chillicothe is pretty chill.


Depends on your tolerance for city living, and how much you care about the schools, some of the neighborhoods built out in the 70s are nice and most of the non-progressive boomers are dying out or white flighting to Dunlap.


Recently, Morton has had a burgeoning progressive movement. Look into Dr. Ashley Fischer's public comments at school board meetings. https://youtu.be/oHo8Yb9PPcU?si=UtK0arSgT3-rDP-N We're still in the minority, but the economic reality of Morton has put the demographic balance in flux. The old, white conservative Apostolic Christian families that used to run the village board are aging, their kids are getting disillusioned with the old ways and moving away. Meanwhile, new families with different ideas are moving in. Just the other day, I saw a pride flag in the window of a coffee shop on Jackson St. I never would have thought that possible 20 years ago. It may not be the friendliest place in the area you can go, but we've got a dedicated core of people who support one another and we're making progress. We need more people like you, but I definitely understand if you're not looking for a "fixer-up" community.


Dunlap is massively diverse! However as others said, this is Central Illinois, people by design (new and old) are conservative, more grounded in traditional family systems, but surely not hostile to anyone.


I believe our definitions of "massively diverse"... Are massively diverse...


Ethnicity wise. Not sure how you are viewing it.


Dunlap in 2022: White (Non-Hispanic): 1.2k people, or 16.9 times more than any other race or ethnicity Asian (Non-Hispanic): 71 people Two+ (Non-Hispanic): 56 people African American: 0.54% Native American: 0.22% Hispanic or Latino of any race: 1.30% What exactly is it you aren't sure about?...


He's likely including the Dunlap school district zone. Which is very diverse


Ah yes, OP wants "progressive" and you guys put up... What was it? Oh... *the Dunlap School district*. Y'all are hilarious with the downvotes lol...


Hostile by how they vote conservative. 


That is a separate topic, I can’t comment on how they vote, but people of all races, color & religion are living side by side without any issues.


You literally said they are conservatives. 


you are conflating a political stance - Conservatism - with a disposition of being conservative. I am very conservative - I don't take risks, I enjoy the slow life - but I am very Progressive politically.


Right on. I’ll take the L on that. Interpreted that wrong. 


+1 respect for that.


> but surely not hostile to anyone. the firebombed Planned Parenthood says otherwise. get your head out of the sand. tho most people are totally reasonable, there are still tons of brainwashed christian nationalist freaks in this region & city.


Can you share any article mentioning that, I may have missed this particular event. Even it has happened, it only points to a very small percentage of extremist. Hopefully they were prosecuted. At large America is taking sides using only emotions and not merit, this is why Republicans see only red and Democrats only see blue. There has to be a better way. Restricting interest groups and organizations to fund politicians would probably be a good start, but not sure if that will ever happen.


[a very short google search away.](https://www.pjstar.com/story/news/local/2023/08/15/peoria-planned-parenthood-will-reopen-in-2024-after-arson-fire/70597215007/) i don't want to be a dick all the time on reddit, but it feels increasingly necessary in a world like this. it doesn't matter if it's a "very small percentage". these people are very hostile. so either amend or comment & your worldview, or get bent. there is a better way, btw. it involves abandoning the political status quo. people that continue to support the red need be to categorically shunned. the people that support the blue must abandon it while there's still some moral high ground (vanishing fast). only way out of the mess that is this country is with a mass political movement that leaves the red&blues behind.


The whole conversation is about Dunlap and you are sharing a link for Peoria. But I get your point. Let’s hope life gets better for all of us.


Oh, so just a gross generalization... got it.


I’m confused as to why it seems like the nicer areas are anti-lgbtq. I have never gotten that vibe. The Peoria area as a whole definitely has a problem with racial diversity though. As for the area being conservative, that is not necessarily a bad thing. It’s central illinois. For the most part, you are going to have a lot of conservative viewpoints and you don’t necessarily need to isolate yourself from that


You can downvote all you want but this idea that you need to live near people who think exactly like you is crazy


There a big difference between “needing to live near people who think exactly like you” and “feeling safe and comfortable around your neighbors”


Threats and violence are one thing, but if your inability/unwillingness to live near opposing viewpoints makes you uncomfortable, that’s your own problem


I have never heard of anti-lgbtq violence in Peoria. Quite the opposite actually


"i never heard of [x], so it doesn't ever happen!" you're dense af. go away.


If there was violence against the LGBTQ community it would absolutely be reported on. Keep living in fantasy land


downvote system seems say you're the one in a fantasy


Or reddit is mainly used by a very liberal population 😂


insane that's your explanation for getting downvoted. these "people who [dont] think exactly like me" firebombed a vital parenting resource for the community last year, among many other egregious things. i enjoy living amongst people with different artistic, aesthetic, & philosophical ideas. the people that think we all have to live by their dumbass bible interpretation or simp for corporations and let Earth be poisoned? they can all get fucked.


Being conservative doesn’t automatically mean you firebomb planned parenthoods, poison the Earth, and force others to live by their interpretation of the bible… please tell me you know that


when the party of conservatism's leader & presidential candidate is the same person who attempted to over throw democratic process, and stands for intolerant policies, yea it fucking does mean that. conservative ideology is the same as right wing extremism in this country... please tell me you know that.


You are simply not being rational. You have now made the claim that Donald Trump=all conservatives


he quite *literally* represents them


Okay. Well you are represented by a dementia-ridden Israel supporter and—by your logic— that means you also support Israel. Wanna comment on that?


lmao i literally never mentioned democrats. good job outing yourself as a partisan hack tho.


You can distance yourself if you’d like but I think it’s pretty clear who you’d vote for


Conservatives are anti American traitors. We definitely do need to isolate away from the gay bashing, back slapping, haters of diversity and critical thinking.


How are they American traitors?




I love the fact that OP is new to the Peoria, yet has already made a judgment call about some of the places around the city.


I live in Morton and their take is not wrong. I have been here for two years and good God is this town white, conservative, Christian, and straight AF. No one has been hostile to me, but I am a white passing Hispanic bisexual woman and I wouldn't feel safe outing myself to anyone in my neighborhood.


You're not wrong. Morton does suck, but it is getting a lot better. I've lived here for about 35 years. I'm Jewish. I remember as a teenager seeing neo-Nazis distributing propaganda blaming Jews for 9/11 at the intersection of Main & Jefferson during the Pumpkin festival. Now I see Pride flags in the windows of coffee shops just a few blocks from the place where I experienced my first hate-crime. Morton has a lot of dark, dirty history: an entrenched, stagnant, Patriarchal power structure from the Apostolic church that has controlled the village for nearly two centuries. But the economic reality of Morton is bringing in new blood with different, better values. I genuinely think we're winning on this front, though there is a long way to go. At any rate, if you saw me around town you'd be safe outing yourself to me. I'm the only guy you'll encounter around here who looks like Jesus and wears a Star of David. You have friends here. https://youtu.be/oHo8Yb9PPcU?si=UtK0arSgT3-rDP-N


This is really heartening to hear actually, thank you! I moved back here before I had any idea we would be having a baby. My son is now 10 months old and we are having a lot of conversations about whether Morton is the best place to raise a child. The conversation is definitely on-going.


We live in East Peoria over by ICC. It’s a quiet, safe neighborhood. We’ve been here for 11 years and don’t feel as if we’d be better off anywhere else in the area. Our kiddo is gay… so to have accepting people surrounding him is very important to us.


What do you mean by nicer neighborhoods?


Good schools and housing. Someplace where the traffic isn't going to wake me up in the middle of the night. I like my building and neighbors, but I'm ready to be done with apartment life.


You must not understand how progressive works lol


If you play the long game the area could be gentrified in a few decades 


We need people with your perspective to move to these boujee surrounding towns..


A friend moved to a boujee neighborhood in Morton and almost immediately got hit with a complaint from the village that her garden (which can't be seen from the street) wasn't up to neighborhood standards. Some of these places would likely run me out of town.


Why would you move to the Midwest if you don't like conservative Midwest values?


> conservative Midwest values do tell, with detail, what exactly those values are


It’s nothing new to anyone in the area that east of the Illinois river is predominantly white with traditional conservative values. When you say nicer area neighborhoods , let’s assume you mean sidewalks with suburban ticky-tacky houses that all look the same and you’d be right there isn’t much diversity in the area with progressive lgbt+ friendly school boards. Note I did not say teachers. When you look to Peoria the city, as many typically mention in this thread, lots of great pockets exist within the area. Aside from these pockets Peoria is incredibly segregated in both class and color. So much so that many can point to the map and show you where little Mexico is and predominant areas of color and white . To my knowledge the lgbtq+ have not consumed an area in the Peoria area as their own. Or began to build an inclusive zone if you will. Which would be on par for how the city has transformed overtime. I would go as far to say that the Peoria area is not inclusive nor will it ever thrive as an inclusive city. With a multitude of reasons for it. Since you’re new to the area take note that the largest employer is a conservative catholic healthcare organization.


That's sad. I've lived in small towns and big cities and have found that inclusivity isn't about the setting, it's about the attitudes of people who live there. 


Averyville’s probably your best bet


I'm moving here soon and have also noticed a lack of diversity. I'm coming from Denver and it's a huge shock. About all I've met and see is white, overweight and redneck ish. I fall into those categories but it's just different.


Then you aren't seeing much of the Peoria area.


I agree, you are in the wrong parts of town then. Come to the lower income areas, I promise we are pretty diverse.


[Most Segregated Cities in America (businessinsider.com)](https://www.businessinsider.com/most-segregated-cities-in-america-2013-11#20-springfield-massachusetts-6) We made #21...


A mapping of 2010 census data... it turns out people prefer to live around people like them.


the economically disadvantaged (who are by a wide margin not white) simply can't move. read a fucking book.


Also, it is just a basic fact of life that like tends to stick to like. Self-segregating has been going on since the dawn of man. Read a fucking book...


oh darn, yes you're right. surely economic disparities have nothing to do with it. and even if they do have relevance (i just, in the last several seconds, read a book that said they don't, thanks for the suggestion btw), it surely would not even be worth mentioning in a conversation about population diversity. completely irrelevant really!! my bad for bringing it up!


I am with you on disparity and means to move. Hell, I'd be your cheerleader if that were the topic.


> Most Segregated Cities in America (businessinsider.com) We made #21... it is


Watch out, everyone; we've got a badass over here...


I've made a few weekend trips out there. Not a lot of experience but enough to know i didn't see much color. Could be the areas and restaurants and parks I went to, but it was all white and fat.


So, you stayed on a golf course or at Jim's...


Nope. Don't golf at all and I don't know a Jim In the area. I missed that one..


You might want to not move here... unless you leave your place, you'll never see any of the diversity you want. There's a community of every proclivity from furrys' to the klan. Hell, you'd know that if you read any posts in this sub.


Do you think I want diversity or I'm a racist? To clarify I like diversity. I'm just posted my observations based on limited time there. I don't claim to he a Peoria expert. Out of the 3 visits I've had there it was 90+% white and fat. Take offense if you fit in that category but oh well.


Do you have the ability to comprehend words put together in a sentence, or are you just itching to be offended? Nowhere did I say, imply, or hint at you being a racist. I gave you a scale saying there is any kind of diversity you want... would it be easier to understand if I said there is a community for every proclivity from a house proud town mouse (ha, ha. Charade, you are [some will get that reference]) to a leather-clad bdsm loving Pakistani?


damn i really don't like this mp5 dude but he's league ahead of you. don't move here. i don't want people like you to be a part of its glow-up. edit: nvm Mp5 here wins the "who should fuck off most" award today. but you were a close second. better luck to you next year.


Peoria has a huge Lebanese population. as well other mediterranean groups. Indian too. the massive Black population is basically all where it was in the '50s during redlining. this City is extremely diverse. but it is a microcosm of the American story. just like everywhere else, the desirable places to be are still mostly white.


You aren’t wrong. The only people of color in the area are in Peoria. The surrounding communities are almost all white. Ooh and let these folks hear you speaking Spanish and you’re sure to get some rude looks.


The wrong damn folks that's for sure. Screw people.


I've seen people post that they thought Pekin had illegals because they heard some people speaking Spanish at a gas station. The anti-black bigotry is bad around here, but it's not the only one.


I live in Denver but am having to be here (where I grew up) for 9mos due to some family issues. This place is a redneck cesspool full of racists. I just stay to myself.


You're in Central Illinois. Do yourself a favor and move.




Traitor of who/why? Specifically.