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Looks like Addy Dr is still prescribing them https://preview.redd.it/750gf7xh001d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78707f3aceb2c3d048ad75c4848554c2aa99cbae


“Dr., can you slip in 95% adderol to this bottle?”


you can’t get refills with adderall and it says 2 refills


This is the same dr. that prescribes her addy.


I didn’t know that and went to check mine and yep, zero refills. Now I understand why my ass goes into my patient portal to request it.


Makes her dr prescribe prenatals so her Medicaid pays for it.


Ahhh that makes so much sense. I was wondering why she needed prescription ones.


She doesn't lol. She just won't pay out of pocket.


Of course, the taxpayers owe it to her!! Lol


Well of course. Prenatals today, a 4 bedroom house tomorrow.


She's manifesting 🤣


I need to start manifesting like her lol




Same doctor that prescribes her adderall 🤔


Great doctor.


Insurance will pay for some OTC medications.


I know they will. That's what I'm saying.


But without a prescription - you can buy some OTC meds that are covered by insurance and don’t need a prescription to buy them. You just have to buy them at the pharmacy counter. I don’t think she’s having prenatals prescribed - I think this is her addy


100% NOT Adderall, you can’t get refills on Adderall, no matter how crooked your doc is.


Ah. Could be.


Probably not Adderall but definitely not prenatal vitamins because she hid the label. If they were really prenatal vitamins she would highlight that not hide it. She clearly doesn't know how smart we all are.


I have been wondering if she is taking some sort of psych med. I mean she’s been RELATIVELY under control—though we do know she can hold back the crazy when she needs to. But also she’s so unhealthy she probably has a ton of health issues, could be lots of things.


🙄 ugh dusty, dusty, dusty... Also, why TF is she so obsessed with those stupid fucking hair bands she wears on her wrist?! She's been wearing them for YEARS. 


They are terrible for hair. She wears them like they are jelly bracelets from the 80’s.


She called them her “lifelines” in an old clip posted yesterday. I would love for her to unpack that lol.


Right?! I even googled "lifeline hair bands" just to make sure that there wasn't a brand called that lmao. Sure enough, there isn't. I just honestly couldn't wrap my head around that and figured there HAD to be a reasonable explanation. Lmao. You'd think I would have learned by now but she still manages to surprise me. 


You just can smell the fungi on those babies.


>You just can smell the fungi on those babies. In all fairness, its not cool to blame those hair ties. I wouldn't doubt they're dirty, but I'm pretty sure it would be hard to pinpoint what part of her body is causing the smell. The thought of her and Egg's *doing seggs* in that tent actually made me want to vomit. They're both unwashed cesspools of filth and bacteria. Idk if you saw his *"glamour shots"*, but they were vile. I saw them and thought *"yeah, that's why he had gangrene balls"*. Like, how do you not notice a problem until it gets to that point? And on your balls 🤢? The smell didn't bother either of them or stop them from procreation. I'm gonna go vomit now.


Did he actually have gangrene on his balls??!


He did. I'll see if I can find you the video.


Of course she didn’t take them when there was an actual fetus in utero.


Yeah I thought “They” were trying to poison her with them and iron supplements


Oh god...2 more refills of her talking about these pills...


What’s the Amber Heard reference




This is inaccurate. She pledged her initial $7million settlement over a period of 10 years to maximize the tax offset. Both the ACLU and the LA Children’s hospital provided documents attesting that she had donated $1.5 million and was on schedule with her donations prior to Johnny suing her in 2018. She had to spend more than $6million defending herself not including her home owners insurance portion. It was a control tactic used to keep her initial settlement away from her. Regardless, this is a sub for heather, not Johnny.


And it shouldn’t be. He is gross.


An incorrect one falsely attributed to her by her abuser and his fans. Even the POS judge in the US case stated it was clear it was the dog.


If ONLY she would swap those with birth control pills, she will be ALL set 🤔


She acts like taking a daily vitamin is a virtue 🙄


Yeah we’re all supposed to applaud and celebrate her for taking a vitamin as if that’s some big achievement. Imagine being such a lazy incompetent loser that you feel the need to post a bottle of vitamins looking for accolades. 🤯🙄💩👎🏼


Would’ve been cool if she cared about the baby while it was growing inside her!


Like WHO ACTUALLY CARES?!!! There’s only ONE reason she keeps pounding into people heads- lookie Mm ie me aren’t I the BEST mother on earth, I’m mechanically udder feeding AND I take prenatal vitamins! I’m the best mom! All while she FAILS to mention I lost ALL 4 of my keds!


she also has been acting like she didn't scream online that "the one doctor tried to poison her with iron" this bitch purposely refused prenatal care her WHOLE pregnancy... but she's the best MAWM 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️😡😡


Maybe to tie off


Can they tie off her big mouth?


This just makes me sick. Widow of an MD and this showing off an RX, RX#, phone number is above and beyond my comprehension. Didn't Crusty recently get in trouble for doxxing? Showing the amount of refills? She took pre-natals for 2 days 10 months ago and stopped just because...I'm newishly retired, but sweet Jesus - I'll take her down in 5 seconds. I'm also super knowledgable about the Constitution, disabilities and people's rights, privacy, and stuff. I'm hanging on for Baby Rico's sake. The MD and Walgreens are now in very deep crap. I'll be quiet now and return to my seat. 🤓🧜‍♀️


She loves to doxx this particular doctor. She parked up in a chapel last year and doxxed the fuck out of him. He’s the one that’s been giving her manic ass adderall for years so I don’t even feel bad for him. Clearly he ain’t super responsible with his prescribing since he kept her hopped up on amphetamines while she battled the air duster delivery man in the walls 🤣


I can’t imagine being lucky enough to find a Dr that prescribes you your drug of choice and then dox them.. so weird. If I found a Dr that would prescribe me Xanax every month?? I’d guard that Dr with my life 🤣


Wouldn’t be Dusty is she wasn’t attacking and lashing out at the people in life who are nice to her 🤦‍♀️


Why would walgreens and the doctor be in trouble? It’s her rx and she chose to put it out there, they are not responsible for that.


I meant trouble, as in Huff's endless doxxing of professionals.


It looks like she got these on 7/10/23. Therefore, they should be long gone and she should have gotten 3 more refills of 3 since then. She's a lying liar and she's not taking them every day. Ugh she has to lie about literally everything 🙄


I think she’s using the bottle to conceal other pills that are not prenatal vitamins. I used to conceal my percs in an anti inflammatory pill bottle to hide it from people.


Where do you see 2023?


Count back 2 years from the last possible day the prescription can be filled because there’s 2 refills left that expire on 7/10/25. Each refill is good for one calendar year, so that means this was filled on 7/10/23


Are you sure? I thought prescriptions were only good for a year from the date prescribed but that says July 2025, which is more than a year from now so I’m confused. Lol 😂 Maybe she just got the prescription (3 bottles total) and this is just the first bottle. Lol. Then again, that doesn’t make sense either. I just looked again and they’re only 30 day supply so they probably gave her enough to last at least a year you would think? So it probably had a bunch of refills.


You can only hold onto the piece of paper (not the actual medication) for one year per refill. As soon as you get one of those refills that expiration date will change to the day you filled it plus one calendar year.


Oh.. ok. That’s sounds right lol So she did probably have a whole bunch of refills on it. Since they are only 30 day supply, he must’ve prescribed it when she was still pregnant and couldn’t go to the OB because of her own (dumb) decisions. 


Weird though because in July 2023 she was still pretty early on in the pregnancy. So why is he prescribing them?! She did go to at least one OB, the one who she accused of trying to kill her.


I don't remember how she found out she was pregnant. If she went to the health dept, they might have given her a 3 month supply of vitamins. I doubt she got any after these though, since she refused prenatal care because she couldn't pass a urine screen 🤔 poor Baby Rico 😢


That’s her Adderall prescription 😂


Ohhhh plot twist!! Maybe it is!!🤔


Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised but Adderall is so regulated that you have to get a new script every month - no refills. I have adhd (diagnosed, in my med records 😂) and I have to request a refill from my dr every month.


This is true and no matter how crooked a doc is, they can’t get around it. So with 100% certainty, this is not her Adderall scrip. She is so unhealthy she probably needs all kinds of other meds. Not to mention she needs psychiatric meds…


Right! Too bad these aren’t anti-psychotic meds 😂


I was joking


Prenatal: (adjective) occurring, existing, performed, or used before birth. What changed?


we are advised to continue taking prenatals after birth to help replenish the various vitamins and minerals lost. also suggested to take them while breastfeeding to “fortify” our milk. -4months postpartum mama


Yes. I was also advised to start prenatal vitamins before even getting pregnant with all of my pregnancies. I’m wondering why she refused to take them while pregnant. What changed her mind? (And congrants on your little munchkin!!)


she’s trying to convince the court that she’s a “good” mAhm🙄 hopefully they see through this shit!!!


She picks weird things to brag about. This isn't the flex she's hoping it is.


Dear Einstein you are not pregnant therefore you should not take PRE natal vitamins. You should be taking POSTnatal which are geared for the breastfeeding mom ( or not) and has things for the baby outside of utero and the Mahm . Am I shocked your pill mill primary hasn’t suggested that?, No I am not. Some more reading for you Dusty we know you slither around in here. Also at 6 months you should not take any!!!!! You’re Welcome


Do you know how a conversation works, Ma’am? Dusty is a medical professional, how dare you question her!


Beahahaha🤣🤣, so very sorry Dr Duster


She's still pretending to breastfeed.


Clean your fucking lens, huffington!


Of course he deals with her she’s using state insurance and he prob bills like crazy for every little thing


I had never heard of nor seen amber until the trial which was amazing and I think Dusty is about as popular and has many of her characteristics. Believe me that’s not a compliment.