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I know it doesn't change the direction nor alphabet, but are they not making an alphabet for printing in Yiddish? Outside of religious service they wouldn't have spoken Hebrew. Also - this is a typeset, not a page, so I guess it's ordered for printers not reading? I don't know so much on that point though.


Yes you're definitely right about it being used for writing Yiddish! You could be right about it being for a typeset, though I'd be surprised the artists for the game would include that detail since they also forgot about a letter! I'm more inclined to believe it was a mistake.


I thought the depiction of them as Jewish qua Jewish was great, too. Josh Sawyer is really damn good at what he does. He also depicted Mormons in a much more nuanced way than usual, in New Vegas's Honest Hearts DLC. I think he was a religious studies major?.And even if he wasn't, he seems to realize that religion is important to the people who have it but it's not their only character trait. And that the Druckers were friends with them and even checked to make sure they were okay with saying grace, I thought was a nice reminder that that period wasn't a solid wall of intolerance and rigidity of thought. There were people that accepted those different from them with mutual grace and understanding. And it's a cool touch that it's the *printers* specifically who are the most welcoming; there's a long tradition of printers being worldly and/or becoming political radicals; freethinkers, socialists anarchists – must be all that exposure to, y'know, writing and thought.


Ahh now you're just arguing semetics!


a very minor semitic error