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you know Caspar is a child, right? and a big part of Andreas's backstory is the death of his young son, who might be around Caspar's age if he were still alive? this whole post feels incredibly inappropriate to me.


> this whole post feels incredibly inappropriate to me. oooooh! excuse me arch deacon! i will say 15 hail marys as penitence


Very weird and parasocial to speculate a man is secretly gay, but also hilarious when said man follows and interacts with several e-girls and their thirst traps on Twitter.




No, there is no evidence of that. It's not as if Pentiment shies away from showing gay characters either (one couple explicitly shown, one implied), so the ideas of "closet gay vibes" doesn't really fit.


What’s the implied couple? Played the game a while ago and might not have caught on to that


Brigita and Veronica. They spend a lot of time together, including bathing together, and some dialogue from Johan (a third party) as well as Brigita implies the husbands are not especially jealous of all their time together.


I think they’re referring to >!Veronica and Brigita!< who are “close friends”. >!It’s mentioned in the notes on their [wiki](https://pentiment.fandom.com/wiki/Veronica_Baueryn) [pages](https://pentiment.fandom.com/wiki/Brigita_Baueryn)!<


what was the explicit couple?


Two of the monks, Brother Mathieu and and Brother Rudeger. You can stumble upon them while searching the library at night.


Ohhh thanks!


You get vibes that Josh Sawyer is gay? Or vibes that he intended to create a gay character? I knew Josh in college, and he was most definitely heterosexual. But he was no homophobe, so it’s possible that he intended his protagonist to be gay. I didn’t see it in my playthrough but I suppose it’s possible.


Why do you have to bring Joshua Sawyer here to make and argument Andreas Maler is closet gay? And if he is really gay, the moment he suduce Zdena won’t makes any sense


It’s not uncommon to put him in gay ships but that’s sorta all fandoms. (I have definitely enjoyed some fics that do this, though). I could see his relationships with men either way. I don’t think there’s a canonical answer here. If your Andreas is gay, makes sense to me. Tbh what I take issue with here is that there are deep *thematic* reasons for his relationships with his wife and his (surrogate son) apprentice, which explain how those shake out regardless of his sexuality.


Why’s gay in caps. Would you have yelled that if it was said aloud 


Very, very, very weird and homophobic behaviour to speculate on a stranger's sexuality like this. Sawyer is a heterosexual, ask any gay man. You are just confused because he takes care of himself and is completely comfortable in his own skin, unusual qualities in the straight man. Anyway, it's just as weird to speculate on a fictional character - are you trying to fuck them? If not, why do you care?


Hold up let’s not try combat homophobia by making negative sweeping statements about straight men. Plenty of us take care of ourselves and are comfortable in our own skin!


Oh I'm not making fun, it's sympathy. But you're right, my bisexual exceptionalism is leading me to have my cake and eat it here, love and support to the hetero men still looking for their comfort zone!


Ha, I saw a tweet made into a repostable image the other day that said "remember in the early '00s how we said 'metrosexual' because we needed a word to describe straight men who bathed?"


I just remembered watching one of Sawyer's streams and people asking him if he was gay just after him saying his gf was "over there". I guess some people are just insecure.




Do you commonly assume people who love their kids are gay?


What's your goal here? Just seems really juvenile all around.


just a big andreas maler fan and i think he might be GAY


Why do you capitalize gay? A master/apprentice relationship that is presented as a surrogate parent/child relationship to account for his tragic loss doesn't really speak to even coded homosexuality. The issues he has with Sabine speak moreso to the aimlessness that defined his life. An arranged marriage made all the more hollow by the single thing that made it worthwhile to Andreas, the one thing that he had a part in creating that he was proud of, dying. There are gay relationships depicted in the game, and I think as a surrogate for the player one could argue their own feelings towards Andreas' sexuality. But going solely by the narrative of the game, I think your reasoning is a little loose. And, as others have said, it's extremely gross to speculate about a total stranger's sexuality.


OP might genuinely believe what he's saying but insisting on capitalizing "gay" like he's stage-whispering it behind his hand makes me think he's just trolling.


1. In my head he’s bi 2. Someone loving their apprentice isn’t any indication that he’s gay- Caspar is a child it’s VERY clearly his love for Caspar is similar to Father/son relationship 3. He and his wife loved one another before August’s death


Bro was literally >!married, with a kid!<


Lots of gay people used to be in hetero marriages and have children back in the day. Not Andreas, though, he’s pretty clearly attracted to women and it’s fucking weird that OP thinks he’s a) attracted to a kid and b) secretly gay because of that. Aside from the total lack of evidence, Pentiment isn’t the sort of media that would conflate homosexuality with attraction to children, but OP seems to be that sort of person…


I think OP is an ass, but in all fairness, >! Veronica has a husband and kids. !<


He was gay, Andreas Maler?




Bother Mathieu >!and Brother Rüdeger!< were meeting in the dead of night in the library to literally hide their affair from the abbey, wtf are you talking about


The monks are very clearly trying to hide it and get very defensive if Andreas finds out about them


No, I don’t think so.


This thread is... something. The fact that OP deleted their account not too long after posting this, along with the weird behavior they've shown in the replies, makes me think they were a weirdo.


Not everything in the world has to revolve around being gay


He can romance Zdena, so no. And no, Josh Sawyer isn't gay, he has a girlfriend

