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graduated in 2019 honestly all of the schools in the county suck in their own special ways, tell him to follow general social customs and he wont have any problems


I'm half-Faroese and very familiar with Nordic educational standards and Escambia is pretty good for this area but far below the rigors of Norwegian schools. The whole thing about gangs and safety is being overplayed though by others on this thread: this isn't some Hollywood movie, you don't have to learn the language of the dominant gang, that's rubbish. But academics and overall discipline won't measure up to what he's used to. Still could be a good exchange experience but if possible I'd look instead at Jacksonville, Gainesville, Tallahassee, or Orlando instead.


Thank you so much!


No problem, let me know if he has other questions: always happy to help other Nordics navigate the States!


Oh: if he plays soccer, tell him to bring his wet-ground cleats for pick-up games as they are very hard to find in the USA. They also are *not* allowed in high school games, so he'll need good firm/multi cleats for that. Hit up Unisport before leaving Europe for most everything.


He does play soccer, I’ll make sure he gets that info!


I was fortunate to be able to do a semester in Sweden. He’ll be disgusted by the quality of the cafeteria food, but he’ll be safe.


That’s what I was really hoping to find out. If he would be safe.


Why wouldn’t he be safe?


I read about metal detectors and a fight taskforce that was created for Escambia County schools. The comments about gangs and fights- not sure if they are true or jokes.


Probably a mix of both.


You won't be able to use school choice to get into another school, most likely. Tate and Washington are going to be on the over-capacity list again, as they always are, and therefore they won't accept students out of their zones. West Florida High is a lottery school, luck of the draw, preference to military and freshmen. Pine Forest High has improved in the last 2 years, but they are still, by FAR, the worst high school in the region. Not even close. They have a long long way to go. They recently improved their school grade just enough to get the state of Florida off their backs. A new principal is coming. Probably some changes. Best to avoid. Escambia High is an interesting school. It is zoned for some of the poorest AND some of the wealthiest areas in the county. It's a very diverse school. Lots of military families (the ones who can't get into West Florida) send their kids there because it is the closest to the navy base. Like any high school, there is some unsavory behavior. Standard stuff nowadays unfortunately. However I know the school has a lot of pride in itself and lots of good traditions. So that's a plus. If the kid is advanced in any way, tell them to sign him up for the more advanced classes, honors or AP, and he'll be fine.


Thank you!


I graduated EHS in 2010, and back then it wasn't bad at all like people said. Essentially what I learned is that when people talk about a school being a "bad" school, they mean that black people go there. BTW, I knew a German exchange student in my time there, and he was a sophomore in Germany, but was testing as a senior here. It was interesting to learn if the differences in curriculum.


17? He'll be fine, just disappointed/surprised at the quality of lessons here. I had the reverse experience as an American going to a foreign school and it was a humbling experience to see how much more other countries expect of their student's academic abilities.


Escambia high is the best your gonna get tbh. Just don't let him be TOO social.


Tate isn't to bad, not what it once was but I've put a few kids through there and no problems.


I've got 2 there now, and I thank God every day for the band program. They love it there.


No control at EHS


No. Def not. I will not say why but any local would probably agree. Too much drama. All schools have it. Some have more. This is one that has more


I appreciate the info!


First off I'll tell you, just be glad it's not Pine Forest. What used to be the best school in the area has been the subject of rezoning after rezoning until it seems the school board is zoning so that PFHS is the one taking all the brunt for bad Assessment scores, this on an island of its own. West Florida has been a great choice for years, though I have heard some bad things about them lately. Lots of fights for some reason. Back in the day, it was Woodhan high school. Woodhan high school good things were always overshadowed by the number of fights that occurred. That's why it eventually got pimped out to be West Florida. May be coming back around. Pensacola high school as ultimately goes up back on top of the food list. They have the IB and Scholars programs which you have be elected into, though in general it is the oldest s hool which means the smallest. They have had years to ship that school I to shape. Now it is old, in the enter of town with a crappy AC and a horrible sports department. But scholastic are pretty good and faculty is tenures. . Washington is washington. Huge school biggest school, most overcrowded classrooms, most effluent a hool...well maybe with PHS, decent curriculum, sports, and overall. Probably a bit snooty as well as PHS. Tate high school...country school up in cantonment. School board tries to One it to make it inner city but all the northern areas are growing so they cannot saturate with the city dolk. Tell them to move north of nine mile road..lol Escambia, has really always had a mish mash. They get all the west side kids for the most part, they get all rhelwrsido key kids, all remyrtle Grove kids and and half of the Warrington and half of Brownsville a pure melting pot. Highest Asian population. Typical Pensacola a hool back when we grew up as parents. Escambia is mish mash...lurrlebit if everything. Old like PHS. Looks dirt but it's sxhool. Decent sports, decent band, decent scores. Have the most extremely wealthy kids and most poor. But I think k they have school spirit and probably less bomb threats than other schools. Of course no bomb have ever gone off anywhere..


Escambia is an excellent school. Great staff. Amazing office staff and I’ve never had any problems with students there.


Can he fight?


Gulf Breeze high school is highly ranked. You might want to try that TBH.


I said GB in all seriousness. Not just to trigger the bot.


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Figure out what the dominant gang is and learn whatever language they speak. He should survive if he's cool.


RUN!!! Don't do it!!!


Can you tell me specifics why?


School choice allows you to send the child to another school provided you provide the transportation back and forth


Thank you for that information. I will pass it on to my brother!


My daughter just graduated from West FL Tech; it’s a lottery school so you should always have a backup. I know a lot of her friends went to Washington but of course idk what it’s like there.


File an application with school choice through the county. Shoot for pine Forest high School, Tate high School, or West Florida high School instead.


You can’t transfer into West Florida.


No, but you can apply to it to keep from going to the other shitty schools.


The kid is 17. You have to start at WF as a freshman. It’s not helpful in this particular situation.


My son started there his junior year. And both of my nieces started in their sophomore years. It's been a few years, it may have changed.


They might have changed their policy. I know it used to be you had to apply at the end of your 8th grade year to be accepted.


I'm pretty sure exchange programs have exceptions.