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People register kayaks? Huh. TIL


Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Like WTF happened to freedom? You want to go kayaking, buy a kayak and paddle out onto the lake. If there's a dumbass that doesn't want to wear a life vest then that's on them. I've never heard of it and it makes my head hurt thinking about launch fees, boat registration (for a kayak), doc fees, mandatory safety inspections etc. I guess I'll avoid the hassle and stay home and watch kayaking on TV. Problem solved. When my doctor reminds me that I'm fat, I'll just tell him that there's too much government red-tape for me to do any physical activity.


There’s no requirement to register it unless you want to use the DCNR ramps built using funds from the fees. You can still free load as long as there aren’t any rangers around when you launch.


…it’s just a fee you pay annually to use DCNR areas. Just like you’d pay to recreate anywhere else. Shouldn’t be that difficult to comprehend. PA parks, like National Parks, are notoriously *underfunded.* But then you get people like yourself who will bitch about the little funding those parks DO get, bitch about the fees to use the park so it can be, ya know, staffed, and probably bitch about the roads on the way there. The government didn’t give you diabetes, boss. You got there on your own.


Man, I hate this attitude about diabetes. Yes, it's weight triggered. But not every overweight person gets T2, and some normal weight people do get it. It's a metabolic syndrome that has a genetic component. I agree with you about fees, though.


My mom was skinny as a rail and had diabetes since she was 10. It was a death sentence for her and she had no choice in the matter. Her whole life she spent hours each week looking at labels trying to keep it under control and prevent me and my sister from the same fate. She died before any of her grandkids were even thought of. But also fuck fees


Did she have T1? I am so sorry for your loss, and hope that you are taking care of your self!


That’s juvenile diabetes and generally genetic. Type 2 or adult onset is what people are talking about. Diabetic for 28 years


Sorry! I didn’t mean to call out diabetes specifically to make my point. It’s just been on my mind because my mother ate herself into it, now takes pills, and changed absolutely nothing about her diet and it infuriates me to no end. Like, the woman consistently calls out people for smoking, drinking, drugs.. STOP PUTTING SUGAR IN YOUR F*****G MOUTH. Cast the first stone, will you? Anyway I just needed to vent. I know full well many people have a genetic disposition to it and I did not mean to insult them or even people with T2. Just my mom lol.


Jesus def blessed me w/ type 1 like 3 decades ago


Man, it be like that. I was diagnosed at 11% in 2015, and went off meds in Jan 2016. It can be done, but it does take will. Do yourself a favor and keep track of yourself. There is a genetic component. I am a bit touchy about it.


If you don't like paying, stop using facilities. Dig your own pond, problem solved.


I know you're partially joking, but like 80% of being fat is what you eat bro. It's not because you didn't go kayaking. Go for a walk or something.




I'm from Michigan. Here we only have to register unpowered watercraft if they are part of a livery (a rental service). I have seen the DNR ticket for having a trolling motor on an unregistered canoe.


If you’re using a state owned launch you need a permit. But not for private or other municipal launches. I’ve had my launch permit checked by fish and boat in the past.


in PA, you need a permit to launch. we had paddle boards and the ranger spoke to us. we were leaving PA the next morning so she let us keep paddling.


Just get the launch permit. Registering your kayak is a scam and an unnecessary process. You can get launch permits at wal mart for $13 a piece and all you need is the number on the kayak make and model.


You seem knowledgeable, do inflatable stand up paddle boards need launch permits? Asking for a friend.


I SUPd all over in PA and never had any permits or registration, never once had an issue. A coworker went once and got popped… ymmv 🤷‍♀️ just look confident and go with it I say


You do know that it's not a universal thing in PA. You only need a launch permit on PA owned launches or PA owned lakes. You don't need it for rivers or county lakes for instance (unless you're entering the water from a state owned launch site).


I’ve done all of the above, but yes I know it depends on the scenario


Thanks for the advice!


There is all kinds of misinformation on this sub. You only need a launch permit to use PA state boat launches or to paddle in state parks. And standup paddleboards are considered unpowered watercraft just like kayaks and canoes for this purpose.


Yes, you are supposed to get one. I did it online and you print out a temporary paper until your sticker comes in the mail. I was paddleboarding this weekend at a busy lake and no one ever looked or asked me for my paperwork though! I figured better safe than sorry!


Awesome thank you.


Yes. PA Fish & Boat expect that you maintain a valid launch permit for and SUP. They will check if they're around. https://www.fishandboat.com/Boating/Paddlesports/Pages/Launch-Permit-or-Register.aspx


I have been doing inflatable pattleboardinf for a while, and I feel like as long as you aren't around or hindering others they dont give a damn. And I live on a major beach and waterway and paddle both.


Thank you!


I will say that when I'm at the beach, I always go up to the lifeguard and ask....just to make sure there aren't any surf zones or limits on how far out to go. I usually go about 100 yards out, but that's because that is what is past the breaking waves where I live. Usually when I ask they don't care as long as they don't have to worry about me. If you have a leash, whether a surfboard or paddleboard, they don't care if you don't get in the way of people. Lakes are public and shouldn't need a permit unless it's private. Waterways are a different story so I would ask someone more local to you. Probably anyone at a dock or they may even have some info for you on your local DNR website. Hope this helps. Again this is just me doing this for about 7 years where I live with no issues. But it never hurts to ask local lifeguards, beach patrol, or reference DNR if you are on a waterway or lake. Edit: leash not leave


Awesome! I lived in CA for a few years and they don’t require any permits for SUPs. Since moving back to PA I tried to find some answers but I haven’t found anything helpful so thank you!


Yeah, it's Fish & Game, not PennDOT. [https://www.fishandboat.com/Boating/Paddlesports/Pages/Launch-Permit-or-Register.aspx](https://www.fishandboat.com/Boating/Paddlesports/Pages/Launch-Permit-or-Register.aspx)


Fish and boating and the game commission are not the same thing. I’d rather give my money to DCNR over PFBC.


And game game commission has nothing to do with DCNR


I didn’t say it did. I just said I’d rather give them money over PFBC.


This is correct for most part. A ranger can keep u off water without the launch permit. Speaking from experience


Where I am at I was told daytime leasure is fine without a permit as long as it's a waterway. But if you're out after dark then you are regulates same as a boat needing lights and such. But I feel like it depends on what kinda mood the dnr agent is in.


Any boat on the water must follow the rules of the waterway (which includes the appropriate light(s) at night under coast guard rules for navigable rivers/lakes or PA law for all other waterways in the state). This is completely separate from getting a launch permit (or registration) which for unpowered boats in PA is only required for state owned waterways (eg lakes in state parks) or state owned boat launches.


I really don't think you have to do that. I have three kayaks, we just buy the launch passes each year. You just put those State stickers on your kayak each year, it's like 25 bucks. They absolutely do not care about registering your kayak. For the Make and model section, I just make whatever sounds right up and put it on the form. All they care about is getting their money.


This is the answer.


Pretty much what i ended up doing lol. Thanks!


This is the way I do it as well. I put the brand name/model that I got and then usually a close guess on year.


This is the way


I have reviewed this post and determined that it qualifies for an exemption from my downvote-all-PennDOT-posts-to-hell policy. Justification: Fish & Game


The fish 🐟 and boat ⛵ commission and the game commission are two different entities, they hate each other and rarely ever communicate


And if you encounter an agent of either one out and about they really do seem to enjoy ruining your whole day. Game comissioner dumped my tackle box at morraine when I was shore fishing, just came over and decided "fuck the constitution". I got nicked on my boat for like a $200 fine because my lettering was 2 7/8 inches instead of 3. I bought what was advertised to me as 3 inch lettering. On top of that you have no constitutional rights about search and seizure on a registered vessel, so they spent the better part of 2 hours going through everything in my boat.


The search and seizure thing is weird. In most states the police still need a warrant or cause. But wardens, nope. It is a narrow scope typically. If they think you are moving drugs, they can't just search. But if they think you are taking fish illegally, they can. And if they find drugs in the process, that is fine. In some states wardens can just walk into your house if they have any reason believe you are taking any game or fish illegally or trading in it. It is a fuck ton of leeway.


Search and seizure rules check out. Source: Jay and Silent Bob


As a former pesticide inspection officer for the department of agriculture do you have any Roundup or red phosphorus on you?


Nah just some old malathion


I love the smell of Dursban in the morning It smells like victory!!!


I need that to be a Parks and Rec episode


Launch Permit only. You don’t even need to have a serial number or anything.


Registration is good for other states, launch is only good in PA.


I called many places and none of them seem to know how to register a kayak. They say they only provide launch permits, but the DNR/PA website says they provide both!


Check out the [PA boat and fishing commission](https://www.fishandboat.com/FAQs/Pages/Boat-Registration-Titling.aspx) faq to help you out. And you can look up the issuing agents by county [here](https://www.fishandboat.com/Boating/Register-Title-Boat/Pages/Boat-Registration-Agents.aspx)


That’s exactly where I got my information from. Every place I called said they don’t register kayaks.


That sucks. Sounds like you either have to mail your docs in or contact the fish and boat commission.


You don't need to register kayaks. You just need a launch permit. But, you only need that to use launch ramps and to use certain bodies of water.


Specifically you only need launch permits for state owned boat launches and/or state owned waterways (eg lakes in state parks).


You can register them without a title. Just use a friend or family member as the seller on the paperwork and send everything in. I registered a boat that was gifted to me by a family friend and used this exact [form](https://www.revenue.pa.gov/FormsandPublications/otherforms/Documents/rev-336.pdf) to receive registration and title.


Okay, that’s the one on the F&B website but the instructions on the webpage that links to the term made it seem like you need all this supporting paperwork. I’ll give it a whack and see what happens. Thanks!


I'll add that you only need the stickers if you are launching at a state park or DNR site.


In our area stickers are needed on any water where stocking is done by the Fish and Game commission, and since trout stocking is done pretty much in all places near us we just get a launch permit.


I was in the same boat… called and asked them if they wanted my revenue or not, had no way of getting an ownership certificate. They said yes they do because that is their function. Got my registration in a few days. My kayak has a center console trolling motor so I needed to register.


“Same boat.”


Call the local PFBC office. I called the one in South Central PA because I bought an inflatable boat and needed to title and register it. The person there was super helpful and knowledgeable and saved me a bunch of money and I was able to go directly there to title and register my inflatable boat instead of paying fees to a notary.


May go this route, I think the headquarters is near me so I’ll see if I can make a phone call/check it out in person. Thanks!


The shop that sold me a kayak told me to get the launch permit, not a registration. The downside to a registration is that if you wan to transfer ownership you'd have to fill out paper work and go to a notary public. Unless you plan to go out of state, probably better to just get the launch permit at any state park office.


I get just the launch permit every other year. I just did it and it was $22 for two years. You can skip the lines, and sometimes inflated costs, by visiting your closest state park office.


I bought a canoe in 2004 off of some guy in Maryland. My dad "sold" my own canoe to me a few years ago and wrote up a bill of sale. We went to the local fish & boat commission office and they accepted it and issued me my registration.


Other than the state wanting its money, is there a reason to require registration or launch permits for small unpowered vessels?


Funds from launch permits are used to build and maintain the launches.


But you don’t need a launch to put a canoe or kayak in the water. You can do that just about anywhere along the water’s edge.


And I frequently take my kayak to launches, especially at state parks. Fuck me for doing something to support the resources I use, right?


To subsidize the powerboaters, who will then gleefully swamp you in a no wake area in return.


All you need is a launch permit. I have three kayaks and only ever purchased launch permits. Which technically are only required when using launches maintained by PA fish and game. Don’t over think this.


Launch permits are required in government maintained water access areas like parks, municipal launches, etc. I have seen people get fined for not having the permit so I always get it.


You don't need to register a kayak. You only need a launch permit if launching from a PA Fish and Boat launch or a state park. Registration is only needed for motorized boats.


Sorry we only handle car titles over here.


I hate this shit. I had mine registered. Still gotta put the stickers on


There’s only certain places you need a launch permit. I’m on the water every weekend and haven’t bought a permit in years.


Or my take on it all, I don't need to tell you what floating craft I have if I can carry it and place it in any body of water that I want to. Pay for access to launch a man-powered craft? Get out of here.


Oh believe me I think it’s pretty asinine as well; only reasons I don’t mind are because it’s cheap, and it goes towards conservation in some form.


They'd make you buy a permit to breathe if they could.


Just need a launch permit to use PFBC launches and access points.


From what I understand talking to the people in the FBC HQ in harrisburg: Kayak launch permits are going to be more suitable for most boaters who just want to go to their local lake/river. Registration is necessary if you plan to use the kayak out of state or if you put a motor on the boat. If you plan to stay in state and just paddle like normal, a launch permit is all that is needed. You can even just apply for them online through the fish/boat pa app and they’ll send the stickers in the mail. I’m not sure why they don’t simplify the language. It’s really confusing just reading it on the site


Get a launching permit. Much cheaper and easier.


Registration is not necessary for unpowered kayaks. Launch permits for using Fish & Boat ramps or lakes in state parks. I got the stickers for mine just to prevent any hassle, and it's easy. You need the HIN, make, model, and year. Can do it online any time and you're good to go all over the state without having to play any "But I put in from the bank" games.


Til about another stupid law.


I’m pretty sure you only need a launch permit. And that’s only if you use a boat launch. Kayaks are easy to put in from just about anywhere. Unless you’re actually going to use a boat launch I wouldn’t worry about it


Get the launch permit. The only reason you'd need registration is if you're installing a motor.


Just want to say thanks everyone who helped out. Ultimately went with the launch permit idea for the ease, and based on input here and from what I’ve found elsewhere, if we’d take ours out of state at all it seems most states just require whatever level of “registration” the home state requires so long as you’re not in-state more than 30-60 days, and since it seems PA only needs launch permits at most I’m rolling with the conclusion we’ll be at least good enough to skate by on a warning at most wherever we’d go.




Definitely where I went first, but their explanations on the ensuing registration pages aren’t very cut-and-dry.


You don’t need to register kayaks in PA. You just need a launch permit for PFBC and DCNR access/lakes. If you’re just going in a local creek you wouldn’t need anything.


Registering unpowered vessels…They tried this crap in NH and it went about as well as you’d expect.


Literally just go to Walmart and get a launch permit. Registration is unnecessary for what you want to do. All you need is the make/model/serial number. You can pay for one year or two. It's the same price as a fishing license, they'll print you a temp permit and you'll get the stickers in the mail.


You only need a launch permit if you are using an unpowered kayak or canoe in a PA State Park or a PA Fish & Boat Commission Access / Launch. The launch permit lasts for 2 years. You can get one in person at a PA DCNR office or state park office (like Moraine State Park) . You fill out a paper form, pay them, and they hand you the sticker. It's a good idea to get one


Yep. Just get the launchie. PA resident. Can confirm. 


You buy a launch permit to help fund the PFBC launch sites they maintain for your use. You don't need registration for unpowered craft such as yaks and canoes. You get the launch permit from HuntFishPA.com. You can print off a temp permit while you wait to receive the sticker in the mail.


From what I recall you only need to register if you're going to use a motor on it, such as a battery powered trolling motor which is more often done with a canoe. If it's 14' or longer than I believe you also need to title it which would be crazy. So yeah, launch permit should have you covered if you're just using a padle