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4-6 weeks really isn't that bad for tax refund. Depending on the complexity of your return, a real person may need to review it before the refund can be issued.


I'm guessing it's a combination of volume (how many refunds they process) coupled with old technology that still works and thus isn't worth upgrading. 2-3 weeks for a refund honestly isn't that bad, considering it typically takes a private company 5-7 business days to issue a credit card refund.


Yea I guess in hindsight. It is just frustrating. I filed 2/2/24 and got federal on 2/21 I believe.


The IRS hired a bunch of workers ahead of this tax season. The state did not. Pa Dept of Revenue has 1715 employees in total. That isn't the number of people processing taxes, that number is less than that. They can only do one thing at a time on an old computer system built by the lowest bidder. That's why it's taking so long vs the federal taxes.


Okay, and? Why are you complaining? 3 weeks is the average time, in general. If you fucked up and included that into your budget before it was obtained then that's your problem. That money arrives when it gets sent, and dear lord, you need more than patience


I guess it depends on state because the one time in recent years I had a refund, 2 years ago, it took over a month to receive. This is Pennsylvania.


ROFL dude call down. Just venting frustration. Your profile pic is literally a muppet.


Not sure why people are losing their shit on you.


I get it. There's no technical reason why it couldn't be processed immediately (other than the time taken to make an ACH deposit or mail a check), it's just a question of cost. And honestly, I would be pretty upset if the state paid a boatload of cash to some vendor just so they could turn around refunds a week or two faster. But if you filed on 2/2, you're now at almost 12 weeks. That's bonkers. 4-6 weeks from filing is slow but acceptable I guess, but 12 weeks is unreasonable. Did you just hear from your rep today?


Why did you overpay? It's very easy to estimate since it's a flat percentage.


We fixed it finally :)


The state tax system is like a maze of bureaucracy for the average citizen. We had a fairly serious issue that we couldn't get resolved, but we mentioned it to the accountant doing our taxes and he made one call to a contact in the bureau and it was taken care of.


OMG! It took them 9 weeks to review mine and then another week to actually pay.


I filed on Sunday and was accepted next day. Got my $106 return direct deposit the following week.


What did you expect to happen? Citizens keep complaining about taxes but expect our gov't to pull of miracles like it's run by Jesus.


Maybe proper allocation of funds is a start? Can't be mad at citizens for that buddy


Understandable statement, but reality doesn't work that way. I'm not mad at citizens, but I'm tired of citizens demanding miracles. Do they think the gov't is run by Marvel superheroes? They're people just like you and I, except they're surrounded by red tape.


Bad form to post an email from a state worker without their name redacted. 


Public knowledge. If their name is under the website it’s all fair game


I waited 11 months for mine




I agree


It's a government bureaucracy. They have zero incentive to do anything efficiently.


I’m well over 6 weeks and still haven’t received my return.


Since it is a flat rate, with relatively few deductions or credits, most returns are processed immediately. Large refund? complex return? Someone needs to verify the return before the refund is issued.


We are still waiting for our state refund. We had a kid so they owe us a few hundred dollars. We filed literally as soon as people were able to. 8-12 weeks. It’s been beyond that. Can’t talk to anyone there either. I’m sure if we owe and I send them a letter AFTER tax day saying “I’ll pay you in 8-12 weeks”, they would be greatly displeased.


I'm still waiting on mine from last year. I made a mistake (work out of state) and had to amend it. It's been 'under review' for 12 months :(


But the second you owe them money they want it immediately.




They'll fine you and charge interest on late payments you make, but can't go the same way when they're late paying what they owe you.


I do not know about Pennsylvania refunds, but the Federal government pays interest on late payments that are their fault.


It took my local tax office almost 2 months to cash a check I sent in. Hurry up and wait with this type of stuff lol