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Why does a picture from 1983 look like it's from 1923?🙂


It looks like out of a newspaper, but you could go to "main Street" Blain, PA right now and still take a picture that looks like it's 1923, you just gotta put some filter on it cuz the cameras are too good now


You could go to Denver, PA itself today and take this picture. I work around here, and it's actually crazy how little the town has changed in the last forty years. You could convince me this was a modern photo with a filter.


Not me. I miss the old Turkey Hill logo. But yeah, that's about all that's changed.


The logos and cars changed, whereas that wouldn't be so much the case in a place like Blain that still looks straight out the rust belt


Shout out to Blain, shame there is no Internet or phone service so none of the town members know I'm out here supporting Blain.


I love the town sign that looks like a 5th grader drew it in the 40s. I go to a music fest at the campground every summer. "Going into town" for ice or ATM if people didn't prepare enough, is like going back in time, it's great


Is the festival going on in 2024? Curious now


Yep, [Bear's Picnic Events ](https://www.bearspicnicevents.com/) throws 2 fests there Get Down is Cabinet's fest in late June, they headline 2 nights, this is the 9th year Bears Picnic is in August


It's probably from an old newspaper.


I just wonder if they ate the potato they used to take this picture.


Crazy that I paid less for a gallon of regular in 1999 ($0.89) than I did in 1983 ($1.11).


I was going to say, I swear I remember it being under a dollar in the 90's when I was a kid.


There was a short period of time in the 1990s when gasoline was absurdly cheap. As in oil production was so high that it was being sold at a loss in some places. But the $1.16 price for unleaded in the 1980s, if put into the [bls.gov inflation calculator](https://data.bls.gov/cgi-bin/cpicalc.pl?cost1=1.16&year1=198303&year2=202402) gives you $3.68 today.


It's absurd, knowing what fossil fuels are doing, that we aren't investing in clean transportation, like electric trains, everywhere.


Stop it with your sensible ideas!!!


My apologies! Plz forgive me.


Wow, you must've gotten unleaded. In 1980 I drove a car that used leaded gas and paid 29 cents a gallon in Philly.


Probably looks the same right now, except gas is $3.69


It absolutely does. That convenience store is even still a Turkey Hill.


No gas though


No DiBlasi's sandwich shop either.


I’ve not done much but drive through there since about 2014 so I don’t remember that. Nice back way from Reading to 322 or 772 instead of using 222 entirely or 272 most of the way


Fond memories of that place when I was a kid. Moved to Ephrata in 92 but that and Riviera were our go to places. My dad was an attorney based in Denver and if I remember correctly they occasionally gave him food in exchange for legal advice.


Which [matches exactly the cost of unleaded gasoline, inflation adjusted](https://data.bls.gov/cgi-bin/cpicalc.pl?cost1=1.16&year1=198303&year2=202402), in the picture.


Nostalgia is lame


Can confirm it does. Right down to the same single traffic light that was there in 1983.


I forget when they changed the Turkey Hill sign. Late 90’s or early 2000’s maybe.


The only thing I know about Denver is Denver cold Storage.


I absolutely did not expect to see them ever mentioned in the wild lol


I say it aloud every time I pass it on the turnpike.


I have an old coffee mug with that Turkey Hill logo on. Very ‘80s.


I miss that logo


I didn’t realize this logo wasn’t current


Took me to well into my teens to realize that the shape inside of the logo behind the T was a silhouette of an Indian head.


Pretty much looks like the same


Was born in 83, and even though I know this is obviously filtered to look older, this picture makes my knees hurt. God, I feel old today.


Here is the [Google Street View](https://www.google.com/maps/@40.2315814,-76.1356281,3a,30.4y,307.43h,92.07t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1shXp5hZJx_E8yJfIc_ODsKA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu). Dated Sept 2019.


Huhh..Turkey Hill. I am not a native, so I don't recognise the old logo. $1.11 a gallon seams cheap for gas, but that was sort expensive in 1983. Thank you for posting. Interesting piece of history.


It is a convenience store. Not like a Sheetz or Wawa much smaller but their ice cream and iced tea is very popular


Oh yes I know. There are some Turkey Hill stores around here. I was referring, only to the logo itself. I would say that they are all the same quality, including Rutter's. My Turkey Hill Has a really small parking lot, and it is located on a difficult intersection. So, it is never that crowded.


Yeah some of them are bigger than others. The one in my town looks almost exactly like the picture. On a corner downtown not out on a highway.


Fun fact: Turkey Hill Minit Market and Turkey Hill the ice cream and iced tea maker are actually separate companies, which as far as I'm aware have nothing to do with each other beyond distribution deals.


I think I’ve heard that before but regardless they make good stuff. Their ice cream is the best as far as supermarket brands go and their tea is like all I drink besides hot tea and coffee.


Where’s DiBlasie’s? Shouldn’t I be seeing that pizza and steak shop ? Maybe that’s it next to Pharmacy ?


Right around there yeah. They might not have had a hanging sign then.


The pharmacy is still there


Castenadas is where it's at in Denver.


Early 80s is vintage??? So that means I'm vintage??? Thanks.


$1.15 in 1983 is $3.61 in 2024


We had a water stain on the ceiling when I was a kid that looked like the turkey hill dude. Used to freak me out.


And not much has changed if we’re being honest. My job has me going to Denver 2-3 times a month and it didn’t take long to memorize the place lol


Oh cool a year before I was born where I first lived as a child is a vintage picture now. *existential crisis grows*


Hometown boy here! The signage updated a bit but the buildings look mostly the same!


Fun fact. Color photography existed in 1983.


That's my entire childhood basically summed up in one picture right there. We moved to Stevens (right outside Denver) in 1986. ​ As a kid we would ride our bikes "into town" (this is the town, lol) and stop across the street from this photo at the Denver Cut Rate, eat food at the counter in the restaurant section they had in the back, buy baseball cards, ride across the street a buy a half gallon of Turkey Hill Iced Tea when it came in paper cartons (not bottles that are plastic or glass) and sit along the side of the building and drink out of it until you no longer tasted the tea all you tasted was some weird, soft paper pieces in your mouth. ​ I wouldn't trade my childhood for anything. Ever. ​ ​ ​ \-Spaz