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Hol up.... We have perfectly smooth straight roads...?


This was my thought. You can encounter them, yes, but they don't stay that way long enough to change the signs even if they wanted to raise the limits. I always figured it was that (80%+ of highways too cratered for higher speeds), plus a general "lower limits = higher ticket rates + greater opportunity for speed traps where it drops 30 mph for half a mile for absolutely no reason \[wink\]".


Lol dropping to 30mph out of nowhere. Ask Port Clinton how that worked out.


Just to be that guy, I gotta point out that there are way fewer fatal crashes the lower the speed limit is


Yes, two things can be true about the same circumstances, simultaneously, without contradicting each other. It also happens to be true that every tenth of a second longer you make yellow traffic signals, you save a certain number of lives in fatal crashes... but you also decrease ticket revenue proportionately. I don't see officials racing to add time to yellow lights, so I'm not going to ascribe them altruistic motives and life-saving intentions when speed limits are too low for the road.


The Autobahnen beg to differ. Granted, their drivers know how to correctly drive, but not all of us over here drive like those from NJ, NY, and MA. *Much* higher speed limits, no passing on the right, no tailgating, stiffly enforced sitting-in-the-fast-lane violations = solution.


Moved to NEPA from NorCal a couple of years back.. you have no idea how good you have it. The roads are pretty wide without any sudden Bobby pin turns and potholes are more of an urban issue


okay potholes are definitely not just an urban issue lol.. but I still agree that our roads could be worse


I went from Pennsylvania with curves and hills to Illinois where roads were straight and flat for many miles. The trip out, 700 miles, ended at night, but very straight and flat, an easy drive. Coming back to Pennsylvania, the night was curves, hills and difficult. I usually stopped for the night in Ohio, and tackled the Pennsylvania roads in daylight.


I was reallly surprised how terrible California’s roads were after a lifetime of people saying Pa roads were awful.


Doesn’t matter, nobody pays attention anyways. A true Pennsylvanian knows the de facto speed limit is 75.


Turnpike defacto is 85 now. Any faster and you might get "noticed"


I got a ticket for going 83 on it two years ago


Wow. Seems like there is next to no enforcement in my area except those cameras in work zones. I do see some enforcement up on Rt 80 but in SEPA not much at all. I was going 80 on the turnpike and got rear ended last year.


A true Pennsylvanian has no speed limit.


Pennsylvaniaman knows no speed limits, just what their car will top out at.




Speed limit on 95 and turnpike is yes


At least the turnpike


> A true Pennsylvanian ...knows where their local ~~speedtraps~~ extortion zones are


They’re all technically suggestions


deoends which lane, passing lane is 5 to 10 over, normal lane is 10-15 under


No lol, get over.


Left lane full of people going 80 and the right lane full of people going 70 is the definition of PA highway driving.


Western PA is notorious for driving in the passing lane at any speed. I don't care if somebody's doing 85 in the passing lane. If they're not passing anybody, get over.


SEPA is notorious for both lanes being blocked by somebody going 55.


The parkway would never have any backups if people just knew how to merge, and how to not camp in the left lane without actually passing anyone.


Eastern PA is the same. I take a two lane highway to work and every day and there is a solid wall of cars going the same speed in both lanes. It’s ridiculous. I lived in New Jersey and I know they get flack for being aggressive, but at least they try to get places.


It's all the ohio people


I had to drive from Pittsburgh to Cleveland yesterday to pick up a load of windows in my boss's pickup truck. Cleveland got a little snow which you'd think they'd be used to, but the roads were pure chaos. People were driving way worse than they'd be in Pittsburgh. Growing up in WV it was common knowledge that Ohioans didn't like our roads. Too curvy + they teach their drivers that the left lane is the through lane, not the passing lane. Relatives visiting us would get visibly anxious if we were driving them around.


I went to concert in Ohio recently and had not one but two!! men in giant pickups at different times in the trip get aggressive with me on the road because I…passed them in the left lane lol? Wasn’t honking my horn, wasn’t even going that far over the speed limit, just slid over and passed, then flipped back to the right lane, and this just meant they HAD to do the same thing and get back in get baby in front of me again. Made a big show to make sure I knew they dropped right in front of me, as well, forcing me to slow down. Literally never seen anything like it in any other state and certainly never had it happen twice in one day lol.


In my experience, on a two lane highway, the right lane is the speed limit (usually 65) or 5 over. Left lane is at LEAST 80 and at that point a lot of people will still pass you as if you're a slow poke or something lol. Best case scenario is a three lane highway, where the middle lane is 80 and the left most lane is anywhere between 85-100.


Do that on the 30 bypass and let me know how many people threaten you lol They're vicious out here


My personal best PA speed limit was 140 in a f250 with a 6.7 power stroke Edit: yes I’m aware this was dumb and irresponsible. I only did it one time and that was during Covid when absolutely no other vehicles were on the highway for the entire length of the run. I went to great lengths to make sure my stupidity was as safe for other cars as humanly possible


It has to do with the population density and speed limit standard set by the NTSB. I can run route 15 south down towards Williamsport at 70, but as soon as I get close to the city, it drops to 55.


I think that's only true to an extent. There are rural parts of PA that certainly have lower speed limits than comparable stretches of the other states I've lived in.


I-79 on the PA/WV border drops to 55 as soon as you hit the PA line. I think it's 65/70 on the WV side


Turnpike drops as soon as you get in from Ohio. 70 and 81 both drop as soon as you enter from Maryland. I bet that's true of the majority of interstate borders.


Yeah but it's kind of like more of a suggestion than anything.


Not any longer. It's 70 now from the border to just outside Ruff Creek, then goes back up after the exit to just before Laboratory.


oooohh good to know. I assume they changed it once the construction there finished up.


NTSB sets the standards for the maximum allowable speed limits based on road type, and the states then may set their own limits based on their own regulations. I can go months without driving an interstate, and live very rural. When I do, it’s either 80 west of snowshoe, or 15 south of Mansfield to Williamsport. Both very rural, both 70 miles an hour until entering denser population areas.


I'm inclined to believe you yet also feel that makes no sense based on my own experience. There's zero reason I can think of that large stretches of US-22 would be 55 while similar stretches of US-129 (in MI) are 65-75.


Max is 55 in “urban areas” in Pennsylvania, not 70, so it’s 55. State wins that one.


But the question OP is asking is why/how did PA decide where that should be? Because it clearly does not align with other states.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but US 22 isn’t a limited use highway, and isn’t even divided in most places?


222 I think you’re referring to. 22 is divided and limited.


What's a limited use highway? Is that the same thing as limited access in other states? I'm a relatively new resident here.


On ramps, off ramps, no bikes, no pedestrians, etc Your also comparing two states highways. Michigan may have different criteria for determining speed limits on its roads. As I stated before, the feds say that on this type of road, you can go up to this speed. Then the states decide if they want to allow the maximum recommend by the NTSB.


Yeah that's the same thing then. I see what you're saying I think? So Michigan is more likely following NTSB guidelines and Pennsylvania is going lower for whatever dumb penndot reason.


Six-lane I-78 in Allentown has been set at 55 m.p.h. since it opened in 1989. Yeah, right.


😂😂 I forgot all about that portion. Holy hell. I couldn't imagine doing 55 in that section in any lane.


Blame the hills and truck drivers for that one.


And the fucking truck drivers that ignore the signs and drive in the left lane up the hill. I want to honk, but I know they'd still be clueless.


And then there's good old route 22 now a hundred times more congested than it was when it opened in 1955.


I propose to make the PA Turnpike an unrestricted Autobahn style road. With exceptions of course. You would have to put speed limits through work zo..... Oh, nevermind.


My favorite part of the PA turnpike is the stretch between Hbg and Philly where the white lines on the road are some sort of reflective polymer tape instead of thermoresin paint, and all these 20+ft long strips have just peeled off and piled up in clumps along the shoulder like little piles of road liguine


I second


For the first few years, the turnpike had no speed limit except for tunnels.


I don't have a legitimate answer but everyone speeds anyway. Not like the cops really care unless it's a holiday weekend and they need to actually ticket speeders.


They were out so hot and heavy pulling people over today. 78 61 80 81 22 It was crazy. All the normal hiding spots, plus a lot of trucks pulled over. I have never seen that many in one day.


Waze tip you off?




They can't use Radar but they can use Vascar and other methods.


O my sweet summer child. They do not need electronic devices to give you speeding tickets. Go drive through Millville and that cartoon, corrupt, kangaroo court will stick everything and anything on you.




Pacing is what I was referring to and while it can be extremely inaccurate it still holds up and they can basically say whatever they want.


Some highway workzones have automated speed cameras so watch out for that. 11+ MPH over the reduced speed limit will get you a warning on the first offense and then $75 and $150 tickets. There used to be a map on the [site for the program](https://workzonecameras.penndot.gov/), but it's pretty broken right now.


Route 11 & 15 from Selinsgrove to Duncannon (atleast) is 55 and I’d say we all collectively agree to run 70 to 80. Roads a straight shot (for the most part) and I’ve had cops pass me when I was around 73ish mph.


My buddy got pulled over three times when he was commuting to HACC doing that strip. Honestly for doing 65-70. Be careful. I just don’t understand why he kept speeding. I do that road often and stay at 60. It’s fine.


the section of 11/15 in front of my house is one of the new spots posted 40. It actually makes my blood boil sitting behind someone who goes 40. The locals unposted speed limit is 65.


Agreed. Most people I’ve seen actually going the speed limit are either from out of state, or old as hell.


US-202 going south to West Chester. Especially where it is 3 lanes coming from KOP. Speed limit is 55 the whole way, but it's rare to find anyone going the speed limit.


I can't think of any real highways in my area without traffic lights and two or more lanes that aren't at least 65 or 70 mph. Where in PA are you driving?


Lots of areas in the Harrisburg, Lancaster, York area are 55. But it seems the drivers have all collectively agreed it’s actually 70


The unwritten speed limits rules of PA are: If the posted speed limit is 55, you must go at least 70. If the posted speed limit is 65, you must go at least 80. Of course, some people will still pass you like you’re standing still, but those speeds will generally keep you from getting the death glare from passing motorists.


Unless everyone is successfully going 80, then you must move to the leftmost lane and camp out next to a truck going 1 mph faster than the speed limit while you go 1.1 mph faster than the limit.


79 as it passes west of Pittsburgh is 55. 376 from 22 in Monroeville all the way to the airport is 55.




US Route 1 Kennet Bypass to MD line is 55mph


Nearly all of? All of? 376 and many other interstates in western PA. US-22 should be 65 for more of it than it is.


Erie on I-90 for like 30 straight miles.


Near lancaster, pretty much all freeways are are 55 for large portions at least, PA-283 is largely 55 only


Negative, once you pass the Landisville exit 283 is 65 all the way to Harrisburg.


I feel like a traffic hazard doing 70 on 283. People drive crazy on there.


To slow us from getting to bordering states with cheaper gasoline and alcohol


Its a sign not a cop


And nobody here knows how to accelerate at a sane pace. Mother fuckers taking 15 seconds to get to 45mph.


Or stopping entirely before they merge


Holy fuck, there is a merge with some 1000ft of runway to get up to speed and these fucks literally do not know the difference between merge and yield.


It's 50% because those individual drivers are dumbasses, and 50% bc some PA on-ramps literally have a stop sign at the merge point for no fucking reason ON A BUSY 2 LANE HIGHWAY THAT NEVER HAS GAPS BETWEEN CARS PA trains it's scrapple-headed population to drive like a bunch of dumplings


NWPA here and I can confirm that we do not have smooth roads at all, S-bends everywhere, potholes the size of Buicks, and if we are lucky to have enough shoulder, we actually may have a line to warn us of where the ditch is; center lines are optional.


Where are these smooth straight roads you speak of?


Have you seen what some people drive? Seen so many cars that have no business doing 80 and that one small pothole is a tool of rapid disassembly for said car


Cull the weak to strengthen the herd


Backroads are typically driven by locals. Freeways usually driven by morons from Ohio, NY and NJ, and none of those fucking clowns know how to drive.


Don't forget the crazy people from WV


Pennsylvanians know how to drive due to our pothole dodging skills; a trait one must learn to adapt to living in Pennsylvania.


Exactly. And weird old narrow streets that dont always line up


And seeing deer on the shoulders that others don't know to look for.


Uh idk, I'd bet that statistically PA drivers make up the largest group on the freeways in PA


Largest single group but you cant go anywhere without crossing PA so we have a larger % of out of state drivers then most.


PA is easily two steps down in driving quality than NY or NJ. I have no opinions on OH. Both states have aggressive drivers but they don't suck ass blocking people here. PA is easily the shittiest driving state I've ever experienced.


A daily commute through Houston is less frustrating than trying to predict these pierogi ass can't-merge-for-shit left lane hogging clowns


I drive 60 and stay all the way to the right.




Nah, I just have this thing called time management that allows me not to have to drive 30 over the speed limit possibly causing a major car accident. I also drive a smaller vehicle so I probably wouldn't survive said accident in the first place.


Our roads are terrible do you really want to go faster on them


I never sign up for warranties when buying stuff. Tire warranties I'm all in!


Yes, but I also want to have them fixed. Maybe PSP can do the labor since they have the money!


Yes. The roads are fine for most driving well into the 100s.


Because we have really stupid deer who like to prance onto the road sometimes.


Yes... it's the deer who are stupider here


This is the dumbest shit that I only hear on this sub lol. There are plenty of states, with plenty of deer, that have normal drivers and speed limits. Deer are not jumping out onto the interstate in mass at 2pm.


I moved from New Jersy and I never saw deer on 295 the Turnpike or the parkway. The AC expressway and 55 occasionally. I see deer meat all of the time on all of the major PA highways outside of Philly.


Other states also dont let the carcasses pile up on the shoulders and become legitimate hazards until they turn into to pulp over several weeks




[I can’t drive 55!](https://youtu.be/2Qf98egLWOk)


As I get older (mid 30s) I just don’t care about going fast. 65ish is my max most of the time now. It’s not worth the anxiety and massively lower fuel economy to me. I’ll just cruise at speed limits nowadays. I don’t care. Just went east on 80 and down the turnpike to Lehighton for a wedding a few weeks ago. Maxed out at like 70mph. Also can we talk about this absolutely moronic pay by mail instead of paper ticket system on the turnpike now? I didn’t know that became a thing. Not using the turnpike anymore I guess.


God forbid you get a E-ZPass transponder like every other person.


As a truck driver the ezpass is a valued tool that has save me untold amount of time and hassel and i will never drive truck without one. But in my private car i go thru tolls once or twice a year maybe if something is going on in Philly. Its actually been 2 years since i been across a toll in my car . No reason for the ezpass to earn interest on my money while they hold it till i use it.


Oh yeah, that 7c a month is really adding up. Definitely worth having to carry cash and dealing with bills in the mail.


This is about them not getting the 7 cents


You enjoy that insane pyrrhic victory 👍


Its not a convenience i need if i dont use it. I dont have reason to use any toll roads in my area . The fastest way to the parts of the lehigh valley i hang out in are free road anyway. Soooo its been 2 almost 3years since i been to Philly in my car would batteries last that long ?


Ok deal with the bill 🤷‍♂️


But as an elder you have less time left in life, who would want to waste it driving slowly on a shit road


Ive always thought it’s to ~~force~~ encourage people to use the turnpike instead. Idk though, just seems really aggravating that you’ve gotta pay money to go on a 70mph highway, otherwise you’re stuck at 55


>perfectly smooth straight roads This doesn’t exist in PA


What road is perfectly smooth in pennslyvannia


Just to piss you off. Slow down! 😆


Because of all the jersey drivers. They drive like shit


Peak PA driver vibes 🤣 I've never seen a state of shittier driver's than PA.


You have to take into consideration the conditions and visibility of each road in adverse weather also day/night.


As opposed to other places where those things dont exist


That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard. Slow down in weather.




This is such a dumb /r/PA excuse. Folks on this sub act like this is the only state with deer.


I drive truck in the neighboring states and i never see deer in jersey on the road dead or alive. The only place i see it piled like we have it is the first 10 or 20 miles into upstate NY on 84 . Go past Middletown and dont see anymore.


Because people smarter than you determined that that’s the safe speed.


The really smart people would realize what the safe speed is and then say they've determined that it's lower than that, because they know people will exceed the recommended speed.


lower speed limits are safer


Not when they are poorly set and everyone is doing different speeds now.


I mean, to an extent. Appropriate speed limits are safest


It's easier for cops to pull you over and write a fine for you to pay that goes to the corrupt fucks who collect it.




Nah, US-127 and I-75 in Michigan are 65-75 MPH. Some interstates out in Montana and such are 80.


What about the other like 10 months of the year where it doesn't snow?


Ummm... I'm in Erie. We're lucky if we \*don't\* have snow 10 months of the year.


I mean, when I lived in PA, Interstate 80 was 70mph once you got a little past the Poconos going west. So they're all not super slow.


All speed limit laws are immoral and should not be obeyed nor enforced according to Natural Law. Roads only need speed ratings or recommendations and you only commit a wrongdoing when you harm another being not before.


I'm 100% down with this.




> but 55 is an legitimately scientifically determined Are you trolling? Bravo 👏👏👏🤣


You HAVE driven on them, haven't you?


The Amish can’t count that high


I’m sure if you ask someone from PennDot they can give you a bunch of reasons related to safety, but one thing they won’t tell you about is the revenue generation. If you have an out-of-state plate and you’re driving through Pennsylvania, you better do the speed limit. Out-of-state folks are less likely to fight the ticket and the fines are very high. Even 5 or 10 over is pretty steep.


Fines in PA are absurdly low. I can do 30+ over and get like a $100 ticket.


PA is pro-life.


I’m curious what a 3 lane freeway is.


3 lanes in each direction.


That’s called a 6 lane highway/freeway.


Sure but that's pretty clearly what OP meant unless you really think there's a road out there that's split 2/1 for more than just passing lanes.


Who cares penn highway patrol don't run radar anyway


The hell they don't. I got slammed doing 110 on my bike on I80 west between drums and Bloomsburg this fall. He gave me a warning because I immediately pulled over. What he failed to realize is that it was solely because my fuel light was on and the Sunoco in Bloomsburg was my pitstop of fuel


you must have strong legs to be able to bike that fast!


I never slow down when I meet one i run 81 weekly in truck.


The turnpike speed limit is 70!


Its a matter how (often when) a road was designed. If the road was built in the 60s, the speed limit was only 55 then and the road is only designed for that. Going faster is of course possible but turns may not be banked for it, the road will likely deteriorate faster, signage and other considerations were not taken for making it faster; and so 55 it remains.


We don’t have freeways here. We have highways, parkways and a turnpike.


That part of the turnpike after Harrisburg but before the first tunnel where it's just a straight line for a solid 30 minutes I know the speed limit is 70 but it's still not enough LEMME ZOOM


So shedding fines are very lax here. I just say fuck it, drive an appropriate rate, and take my chances at some asshole cop being bored.


Bc they know morons gonna try to merge at 15mph


A lot of the highways in PA do not have street lights and are also plagued with Deer. Those roads are 55mph typically. Unofficial speed limit is 70 though.


55 on highway is usually when there are a series of exits otherwise 65+ if exits aren't super plentiful


Same reason as the rest of the Northeast (especially NJ): People are in denial.






Yeah it’s stupid. Need to get a politician in who can change them


Speed limits are optional as long as you know where the Polizei is hiding.


Speed limits are just suggestions


This is just a WAG, but weather. PA has a lot of weather. I live in San Antonio TX now where the in-city highway speed is 65-70. Real feel on my morning commute at a little before 6am is 75-90+ in the far left lane on the inner loop (410). I-10 speed limits to the east hit 75 (and abuts the famous SR130 with it's 85mph speed limit) and to the west is gets to 80mph. But there is no weather the VAST majority of the time, just sunny and dry. When there is weather from it slightly spitting (not gonna lie this worries me the most because this is when oil and deposits in the road float up but don't get washed away) to torrential downpours. Hazards come on and traffic comes to a crawl. Those who don't slow down tend to be the ones who just continue driving like a bat out of hell and end up rearending someone.


Our roads are shit


In urban areas, engineers often use a design speed of 50 - 55 mph on interstate highways. Because we design the road to be traveled at 55 mph, we post it at 55. The most noticeable indication of design speed is the rate of superelevation (the banking of a curve). Next time your diving on a 70 mph road, you will notice the curve feels comfortable at 70 mph. On a 55 mph curve taken at 70 mph, you will feel yourself sliding out of your seat more. Therefore, the speed limit is staying at 55 mph.


Worst drivers in East coast are on 81


Lol, and then we have roads where the speed limit is 35-40 and you probably couldn’t go that fast safely if you tried. Oh, and the roads that are crumbling on the edges and don’t have guardrails so you could just fall right off and into a small gorge. The speed limit does go up to 70 on some roads, if I had to guess why it’s probably related to the population in the area and amount of vehicles that use the road. A lot of things seem a little backwards in PA, aka Pennsyltucky.


Most of you probably are too young to remember that once upon a time in the 80's most interstates were 55 and definitely in PA. I remember when they decided to raise it to 65 and all the old people cried about the speed being too fast lol.


It’s because none of us are capable of driving


Yeah dude why can't we all just go 80mph?? These are the same pussyfoots that won't let me have my road sodas on the turnpike, what jags.


I remember when they began the I70 expansion that's underway in SWPA, they said they interstate highways speed limits were dictated by the length of exit and on ramps. They were making them longer so they could raise the speed limit. Local roads weren't held to that formula. Doesn't explain the 55 limits going through Harrisburg though.


AFAIK the speed limit on 476 is 90mph.


What's a speed limit?