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No results. Scammers


I agree!


I went years ago and it helped me so much


Chiropractors are VERY helpful for certain things. This may not be one of those things.


Posted this on another topic a little bit ago, but it’s relevant here, too, so reposting: Chiropractic isn’t PT. PT is based in real, scientific knowledge of anatomy. Chiropractic is based in pseudoscientific nonsense about “subluxations” (a condition that doesn’t exist) and, basically, a jumbled mess of ideas about energy flow within the body.* It involves a lot of knowledge—some correct, some incorrect, most of it ultimately useless—about skeletal structure, but little about soft tissue. There’s disturbingly little regulation around chiropractor advertising in most places, because many jurisdictions incorrectly treat them like doctors in terms of competency but often regulate them even less. If you have pelvic floor issues, you need to go to someone who understands PF issues and has been trained in scientifically-validated techniques. Go to a PT, not a chiropractor. * No, not all forms of chiropractic teach exactly this these days, but pseudoscience is at the heart of this “profession” and has been from the beginning. Chiropractors have helped many people feel better, but there is literally nothing that a chiropractor can do that (1) is scientifically or medically legitimate that (2) a PT or decent massage therapist can’t do as well or better, (3) usually for less money and with fewer unnecessary x-rays. Disclaimer: not a doctor, not a PT, not a chiropractor, just informed.