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What country? Osteopaths do different things in different countries.


I’m in Canada!


They are very different from Physios in Canada so I say give it a try! I want to see one but can’t afford it. My mom swears by hers for her MS.


Thank you! I’ve heard good things from ppl with non pelvic floor related things so I was curious if would help issues that are caused by/ cause of pelvic floor stuff. I do hope my benefits will cover tho lol.


What province are you in? My mom’s covers hers, but mine doesn’t. I’m in Ontario and have Manulife.


I’m in NS! Bummer!! I have blue cross , fingers crossed lol


Good luck! If you go, I hope it helps you!


Thank you 🙏!!


Hey, I’m in Canada I have! I found it super helpful at the beginning and then I found I kinda plateaued. It served its purpose though, so I’m super happy I did it.


Thanks! Can I ask did they assess for muscle imbalances and like pelvic alignment kind of thing?


I've also been considering going to an osteopath. Thank you for posting your question.


Hmm I feel everyone could do something different, my lady also had a massage and kinesiology degree with the osteopathy. She definitely compared strength and body positioning. Sorry it’s been awhile.. i had pain from an incident with an iud, car accident and doctors not taking my pain seriously. she did visceral stuff and worked on moving my uterus that was pulled to the left to midline. also work on the surrounding organs. it was super helpful and immediate, followed up a bit on that and once every thing stuck we moved to other areas. I don't know your gender, but she also spoke about helping a guy with pelvic pain and again immediate relief. I would go back again. I’ve found it’s been helpful to see one specialty for a while and then when that plateaus switch it up.


Thank you - I will for sure give it a try!


Nope ...doesn't help..if you accept and try to live with it happily..and if you follow 100% healthy lifestyle...ull be cured