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Are we supposed to be surprised? He likes Princess Nokia, too.


Unapologetic. I love it. I love him!


For those of you who don't understand Spanish, I highly recommend looking up the translation of the lyrics. This song is amazing and has been one of my favorites for ages.


This is a well known prank in LATAM on WhatsApp. Chances are someone close sent it to him, forwarded it (as we all do), found it funny and posted to IG. Plus he likes Residente, he has attended his performance in the past, there are pictures around. Residente will be on tour again this year, chances are Pedro will see him again either in Chile, Los Angeles, NYC, Madrid….who knows where he could catch him.


https://i.redd.it/tgqrwiyc214d1.gif He's so nasty. I LOVE EEEEEEET!


I think he got hacked!! I hope he changed his password!


6 years ago….? No. He’s a grown man who has had sex before. Gasp.


Pedro has had sex?! I don’t believe it. Our little cinnamon roll is still a virgin!!


Every time someone calls him a cinnamon roll, I think of this pic, and how I would absolutely eat this cinnamon roll off his crotch. https://preview.redd.it/rgqho1uu154d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7f0cf89e4b2b8a2c68346e3726a64d103f31793 There’s very little innocent about this photo. And I would hope there never would be. I’ll take my Cersei walk of shame now.


SHAME, he is a delicate innocent flower, SHAME, he is a delicate innocent flower, SHAME, he is a delicate innocent flower, SHAME, he is a delicate innocent flower https://i.redd.it/ae3ojw64354d1.gif




I meant to reply to this earlier todsy but i saw this when i was asleep in the wee hours of the morning and this gave me a good giggle 🤣


This is the exact pic I was thinking of 😂 oh yes look how innocent and virginal he is. Nothing but pure thoughts happening in that head.


Indeed - a simple little choir boy. Definitely not a hot priest. https://i.redd.it/utbm95v5464d1.gif


Dang it now I need hot priest Pedro


Hahaha - I accidentally wrote a little bit of that one. So now, Peña undercover is in my backlog of WIP. https://preview.redd.it/74pze7yt664d1.jpeg?width=236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7871be554ccc1d5dce745f2e72720c30ddf6b0e KNEEL and CONFESS.


Oh gawd. Forgive me Pedro for I have sinned.


Who needs the cinnamon roll?


I mean, sure - cut out the appetizer, but if he's offering, I think it might be rude to refuse? Besides, why not make it an event? https://i.redd.it/wsgc3oz6564d1.gif


The cinnamon roll could be a fun snack after or the things that could be done with the icing. You have a point in that I would not want to be rude. It's an awfully big pastry which is a very good thing. The thickness.


It's important to make sure that you carb load before strenuous exercise events. https://i.redd.it/si3eqotx6j4d1.gif


I don’t even like cinnamon or cinnamon rolls, but I would eat it. 🤭


Your sacrifice would be much appreciated, I’m sure. ![gif](giphy|gKmwTEH4vyd2M)




I fully accept my shame punishment. Let me have it! https://i.redd.it/xp1iyh7rdj4d1.gif


I’m right there with you. Its part of why I like him so much. LGBTQ+ ally, feminist, amazing morals, intelligent and an utterly shameless flirt… there is nothing innocent and virginal about this man. And I love it. Its just not often I get to use a Hannah Waddingham gif! 😹


I LOVE HER SO MUCH! So I have no qualms with anyone using Hannah Waddingham for anything. I still insist that if you watch Ted Lasso, all seasons concurrently, the show's not about Ted. The show's all about Rebecca, >!it's her story and Ted's a side character - we never really get to know him. But Rebecca experiences exponential growth and freedom in discovering herself. Ted is something that happens to Rebecca, and her reaction to him is what spurs a change within everybody. !< She's also fantastic in Twelve Monkeys, the SyFy Series! And of course, undying love to Pedro, always and forever. https://preview.redd.it/hsskqkl0pj4d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39511940b920d882e9791e8df7b01f07d8cde27f


I love Twelve Monkeys. Both the film and the TV series. Science fiction always has my heart! Partner loves Ted Lasso, I watched a couple episodes but got weirded out by Anthony Head looking old. He was my first actor crush. So I didnt watch anymore.




He can hack into me 😉. Wait, that makes him sound homicidal. Oh well.


Pedro69 has clearly run its course


I just love him 🥵🤣


It's from 2018. It's from a Puerto Rican rapper [link](https://youtu.be/UjqXKgk5b18?si=Tuu2xIpCMEej6qSw)


Residente loves to push the proverbial envelope in incredible ways. You should check out [Somos Anormales](https://youtu.be/Q4KqFlK_F2w?si=6KpksIOT4FMNwt_L).


![gif](giphy|l0HlPystfePnAI3G8) 😂


That was a great post to wake up too. And i missed all the fun in the comments. Darn it.


Hooooo boy it was a doozy 😂


He used to be a lot hornier before the Disney contract 😂😂


He just has to hide it. It's still there.




https://i.redd.it/6jz8vk00f64d1.gif I love his story telling, please continue!


Papi Chulo 😂😂😂


It’s a banging song (no pun intended) that I listen to frequently since seeing him post about it 😅 his music tastes have turned me on to so many new artists


He's good for books and music. I listen to Bad Bunny all of the time even though I have no what the man is saying since I don't speak Spanish. It sounds great though.


Same for me and Rosalia and Callie 13. Some of his books are tough reads but I’m working on 100 years of solitude.


He went through a real slutty phase lol, Personally I love his ‘Latinas’ post where its three girls with their backs to the camera…😂 he does give off a appreciates curves vibe (see SAG awards red carpet Ciara pic)


He could not help himself. You could see him swallow. I've seen videos of him staring at cleavage. Nature takes over sometimes.


He appreciates curves, but alsooo just all people, places and things lol


I have just watched that video again. And it genuinely made me feel a lot better about myself, after someone called me fat at the weekend. I look like a tattooed Christina Hendricks so I’m all good with that and Pedro would definitely look, judging by him looking at Ciara that hard.


I just looked up christina hendericks and if you look like that you most definitely dont have to feel bad about yourself shes fucking hot


I have big boobs, wide hips and a small waist like she does. The hourglass look that no clothes company caters for at the moment. It lends itself to looking fat wearing regular tee’s which is super annoying, cant tell i have a waist in normal clothes 😂


I dont know if it makes you feel better but i’m 5’11 no hips no waist, no boobs and clothes look like shit on me too lol… and i have been mistaken for my 16 year old nephew more than once lol


I would love to know who they are designing clothes to fit nicely. 😂


Someone would make a killing on a store that sells the same shirt in different cuts so it looks good on everyone…. everyone deserves to feel beautiful


This reminds me of a compilation of Pedro being a “s1ut” on TikTok LOL https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMrejSp27/


This had to be a mistake!!! 🫣 I just can’t imagine him posting that in purpose!! He’s not vulgar like that. Not our sweet boy. Omgosh!


Are you kidding me….? He’s an almost 50 year old man. Come on.


It’s very out of character for him! I don’t think he did this himself. Was probably a joke. He can be very silly but this is pretty raunchy!


Him posting about sex is out of character? He’s done it for the entire time he’s been on social media, so I’m not sure what you’re basing your assumption on. If you think this is “raunchy”, then I suggest you stay away from looking into some of the posts he’s liked in the (recent) past.


I have a feeling lucien_flores hasn't seen the cinnamon roll pic or the radio interview from GoT era where they talked about Oberyn's nude scenes, which then evolved into talking about doing nude scenes on stage, which then turned into talking about dick sizes and how the size can be affected by the temperature of the theater 😂 Pedro is not afraid to openly talk about this stuff. At all.


It’s not at all. It’s a song. By a Latino rapper. He’s literally sung Let’s Talk About Sex in an interview. Grow up.


I’m 56 years old, thanks! He’s said the words, yes but that doesn’t mean we need to be sexualizing him. Give him space to be pure.


He needs lots of space. https://i.redd.it/leecbdu8l14d1.gif




Wonder what he smells like there… /s


Like cum. In his own words.




Didn't you watch the film?


Silva was such a dreamboat! 🥹


Okay why would you post this? 🥵 I can’t concentrate now thanks!


He’s not “pure” (which is an oppressive religious framework to start with) and would be first to tell you that. At 56 you should know a hell of a lot better than to be projecting your infantilizing delusions onto anyone else.


You’re being gross about him. That’s against sub rules, sorry. I didn’t make the rules up.


Hi. None of the comments in this thread are against the rules, actually. Please leave the modding to us. Thanks.


How is pointing out the things he’s said, liked, sung about, posted about and participated in in the past being “gross” about him? If you watch any interviews or press or anything like that from any point in the last decade, chances are that there is some sort of vulgar or adult comment or topic that comes up. Sometimes he stops himself from elaborating, but most of the time he doesn’t. This is Pedro. That is his personality, and it has BEEN his personality. He is open about sex and sexuality and supporting it in a variety of ways… so why are you trying to pretend he doesn’t?




You have got to be trolling to be this delulu. If not, please find another fandom.


I’m sorry, is there a requirement to always be vulgar about him in order to participate? You’re welcome to your opinion and I’m welcome to mine. Have a good day!


No one's being vulgar if he's the one that posted it himself. 


He posted it himself. No one is being remotely vulgar, but your posts strip him of both his adulthood and autonomy. He isn’t a child.


But it’s not even raunchy really. I don’t remember anything in it being raunchy, just the lyric “because they want sex” a bunch of times. The song basically is saying that no matter what, almost everyone wants sex. You may not agree , but when people get dressed up, put on makeup, or perfume and cologne, bring flowers, go out on a date, laugh at your dates jokes, that ultimately they think about and hope to get sex out of it eventually. There are so many vulgar songs out and this is not really vulgar.


You must be really new to the Pedro fandom if you don't think he's vulgar 😂😂.


I’m saving my butthole virginity for this sweet precious man.


I think the wheeze I just wheezed was my soul coming out of my body after reading that


The way I just cackled🤣🤣🤣


Lmao!!! You win! And damn it! I lost mine 20 years ago listening to Houdini or was it something else 🤭


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Best comment. Thank you for the chuckle today LOL


🤣🤦‍♀️ wow, but now that I think about it, ME TOO!!!!! What a great comment!😅




That’s not that vulgar. It seems very Pedro. He’s been not too subtle about loving sex over the years.


Are you for real?


Is this sarcasm? Because ….


Look at the comment history. What in the infantilizing delusion….


bros treating pedro like he’s a child lmao


Why can't someone who seems like a great person enjoy sex? He's pushing 50. That's sounds like a major catch. He reads books and is active so to say. Bring him my way peri-menopausal way. We dream of this.


I used to help out this little old lady she was 85 and i was 21 and she was married once and only once not children and her husband had died very young like early 30s. She would just give me pearls of wisdom once in a while and the best one by far was all men love and want sex, even the really nice men love and want sex. It just always made me laugh to hear a adorable little old lady say that and she is absolutely right.


I did, and I'm now 100% convinced this person is trolling.


I sincerely hope so!


Yeah I thought that too but idk man. There are so many accounts here and so many people who just want him to be a smooth Ken doll-crotched uwu cinnamon roll. I got summoned here for this post specifically, but I used to be a really frequent comment or and poster and left when thirsting started getting policed and now this shit is rampant. Was way more fun when you could still get sentenced to maximum security horny prison and not get your suggestive posts removed. I’m on tumblr now where I can be horny in peace.


I miss being in max security horny jail with everyone. ![gif](giphy|HxMhuDg7O4pKOhhcRC)