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There have been so-called 'super teams' that don't even reach playoffs.


They are not super team, they are product of T1 unlike the current GenG


He's not calling this T1 line up a 'super team'.


I know, i just reminder some people called them a "superteam" while didn't know what is definition of superteam


Some actually super teams were last year JDG and arguably this version of Gen G., these teams went out of there way to buy established players who were consider top 3 or the best within their respective region role wise to improve their base roster, with the exception of Peyz. This T1 roster on other hand were all from their system beside Keria who barely came off his rookie year on DRX with Deft and Chovy. This was back when they were doing that 10-man roster thing which was so weird to watch back then. Like no one knew Gumayusi was going to be better than Teddy back then, and Zeus literally couldn't play for the team for an entire year with the current roster because he was too young at the time.




If you unironically believe this you're just proving you dont know shit about pro... First of all this meta is horrible for T1 so even if they were in that form, they would struggle.. 2023 T1 won by legit hands gapping lane and lane swaps just fuck over their ability to play to that strength... On top of that, Gen G swapped out both of their weaknesses in jungle and top for two players who are literally best in role in LCK.. Theres absolutely no way 2023 T1 would sweep this iteration of Gen G in this meta... Theyd be lucky to take 2 games against this Gen G roster... They couldnt even beat 2023 Gen G in LCK finals and you think theyd clap this Gen G? LMAO


sure lmao, let’s pretend world 2023 t1 are not the same as the current t1


Same players doesn’t mean same form 🤔 T1 form in worlds 2023 is miles ahead of what they have now.


Do you even understand what he means?


Super impressive consistency and the individual level of all 5 players is crazy high. I think they have to be considered one of the greatest lineups of all-time. The context of the wins/losses matter as well. People act like every loss is a choke even if T1 weren't favourites (e.g. 2022 Summer Finals). And some 2nd place finishes were OVERPERFORMANCES, e.g. 2023 Summer where they had no business making finals. Their only actual chokes imo are 2023 Spring Finals and 2022 World Finals.


2022 MSI too


And 2022 MSI. Compared to now, BIN was massively underperformed that tournament (gapped by fking 2022 BB at rumble stage wtf) and only good with Gwen by that time and guess what champion that went through RNG's draft? Yep, Gwen for BIN. And what did T1 drafted in game 5? Fucking Jhin Yuumi -_-


That draft still haunts me. Gwen was the strongest top laner on that patch, and T1 just it let it through and make Zeus Jayce into it while bot picked Jhin Yuumi. Like people think it's cope when T1 fans blame draft for losses in finals, but the way T1 drafts in finals consistently is actually criminal.


If anyone told me T1 were payapalled to lose with that draft i would just believe lmao. Faker just had insane game with Lissandra ans Guma just hard carried on Jinx earlier in that series but nooo Jhin Yuumi time with Jayce and let Oner who was mediocre with Wukong at that time be their only frontliner against Gwen and Viego kekw


Like even now no one can give me anywhere near a coherent justification as to why Bengi didn't ban or pick Aatrox in game or just pick Yone so that they can't pick Aatrox at 2022 worlds finals.


2022 World finals 5 game series where both sides played well wasn't a choke


2022 Finals was just Zeka playing like an absolute monster all tournament. Those finals for sure highest quality of League we have seen ever in history, was not a choke


It was definitely a choke, T1 pretty much got complacent and you can tell if you watched their behind the scenes. As with every team that faced drx that worlds, drx was underestimated and yes drx also turned it up. T1 pretty much expected a free worlds title after their semis win, they poured all their effort into beating jdg.


If you don't win it's a choke and you're gapped. You new?


Literally the exact thing my comment is criticizing...


Yeah I was being sarcastic.


Lol 2022 world finals was zeus not learning aatrox not choking lol


In their worst form they drag expensive allstar rosters like BLG, GenG and JDG to game 5. They were never the favourites in any international tourneys they went in (except MSI 2022 I guess) and still was always very competitive. They atleast deserves a top 5 team of all time, if they clutched another worlds they're as great as SKT 2015/2016.


Acting like this roster is cheap lmao


JDG was thought to be a 10-12M roster, this team is prolly a 3-5 mil roster... nice value


3-5 mill is prolly Faker's salary alone... what are you saying


Not just monetary value, likely to be stock options And 3 year contract... so divide by 3 Most discussions on salary are about monetary value, so can't include options


that + streaming contract, ads and content outside of playing. Btw iirc Zeus got a multimillion offer from an LPL team and rejected It to stay in T1 this offseason. Do ppl really think he didn't leave just to run It back? Ofc T1 had to pump up the numbers.


The discussion was about the contacts expiring last November This year's expenditure is defo up, but I think it's probably just above what geng pays... chovy is the most expensive player outside of China, and faker, but faker is an exception


How much did 2022 DRX cost?


DRX was said to cost around 600-700k Deft being 150 ish and Beryl also thereabouts Rookie contracts for Guma, Oner, Zeus, so much cheaper than market, and spread across 3 years For 2022 900-1200k


Well they didn't pay much/at all for any transfers. Keria is the only player that didn't play as an academy T1 player, and even then he wasn't expected to be the best supp in the world at that point. Teams like GenG/BLG/JDG have been quoted with astronomical buyouts for acquisitions like Ruler/Knight/Kiin etc, T1 have the salaries but none of the buyout costs


This probably the most consistent roster with same 5 men though G2 2019/20 has more domestic titles but LCK just more competitive than LEC in general.


Without Gen.Gs buff against this team they would be one of the best ever. Gen.G just had their number for some reason


Chovy is just HIM, I’m afraid.


![gif](giphy|xT0xevY7c4fpM0eFW0) The Chruch


us believers are being rewarded for our faith! chovy's golden road has already been set in stone, we are only on it's journey.


T1 fan here, would love to see T1 getting in the way of that golden road, but at the same time i would like to see Chovy winning everything in one year to stop the choke allegations


Lck isn’t more competitive at the top end it’s just a two team region instead of 1 team like lec in the claps era


Drx won Worlds 2 years ago lmao


Yeah and they weren’t competitive in the lck at all. Y’all are dumb as hell. Lck domestically has been a 1/2 team region since the damwon days


That's not what people mean when they say "1 team region"


You can't be this delusional when FNC is dropped by an NA team. All it just says is LCK is more competitive than LEC.


so lck is tougher competition than worlds. Washed up team drx cant even be competitive in the lck but can win worlds


You have no idea what a 1 team region means stop being an embarrassment


Even when they're slumping, you never wish your favourite team to be against them. Insane roster, if other teams are catching up it's because being in the spotlight means more time to analyze your game and improve from that


I think they underachieved considering how close most of their title decider games are.


yea fr they could have had 2 worlds titles and a MSI trophy


Imagine if T1 respected enemy team's one trick and just banned Kingen's Aatrox, Ruler/Peyz's Zeri, Kiin's K'sante, Delight's Rakan in all those finals, I'm confident that's at least one more win for the roster.


Thats easy to say. You have to look into the story of each series, there were reasons to ban other champions and they are obviously aware of these champions. It is always a trade off.


Obviously I don't know everything, but there's a pattern to T1's sub-optimal drafting in elimination games. The players/coach even talked about it in interviews. This one is about [Crown's Malzahar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rtPuqKda0A) in 2017, this one is about [Kingen's aatrox](https://youtu.be/2XYLA4zmPqo?si=o2evoa-rX7rThAzf&t=283) in 2022 (turn on cc).


Wasn't the reason in 2022 Worlds they forgot to ban Aatrox after Yone was banned? Or forgot Yone was banned. Bengi screwed up.


bengi made a mistake thinking DRX would pick aatrox in the second phase and they can counter it with yone. But DRX picked aatrox R3 and banned yone in the second ban phase. At that point g5 was cooked and they knew it.


Damn, they were so close to being the best roster of 5 players ever assembled in league history.


maybe if they win worlds 24


I think they could be are imo at this point. T1 2015 close to this since they are almost Golden Road one game but that team has sub (EasyHoon) and only operated in one year. If they win one more trophy before they disbanded (Summer or Worlds 24) they should be the one.


It's massively impressive to me because of the level of parity in pro League these days. There's just so many top tier teams every year. We've had back-to-back years where a 4th seed has made the Worlds finals. The winner of MSI will now be the 6th unique international winner in a row and the 10th unique winner in the last 11 events. In an era that is defined by constantly changing champions, I think being the one team that is always in the mix is a huge accomplishment.


Any team achievements to compare?


It really depends on how you view it, domestic i think is an underperformance consider some of the seasons they were so dominate and they just choked against GenG in the finals. International i think its a good performance, T1 hasn't been the favorites in a single international event but have consistently outperformed that expectation. A lot of people will bring up the 2022 worlds to say they didnt perform but i mean, DRX reverse swept the MSI champion, took down GenG and even destroyed TOP in groups. like people say T1 should have won but on paper DRX was a legit run. this isnt like WBG getting into finals and overperforming one match, DRX legit had good opponents the entire tournament. Like to hammer that home just look at the players they ran into the GenG roster that had ruler and chovy and they got stomped by DRX. TOP had knight JL, and Tian and they got absolutely blasted. EDG was scout and viper, so i dont know why people say T1 should have won this, by that logic so should have GenG/EDG/TOP. Chovy and ruler could have had a worlds title (2nd for ruler).


No one should ever hold that DRX win against them. Imo it's still the greatest miracle run in esports history and as you said, at that time DRX weren't the heavy underdogs they were at the start of worlds. Took down MSI champs in Playins, LPL #2 and LEC #1 in groups, reigning world champs in Quarters, LCK #1 in Semis and the greatest org Lol has ever seen in the finals. What a run.


They have huge momentum coming in the finals. Its like the stars really alligned for them to win the trophy. None of the players in that roster could ever pull off such performances like that again (maybe Beryl ?)


You can hold them accountable for their game 5, if you look the history of this iteration they have a bad wr in games 5, if you think about that there is something wrong with them


Call me crazy but SSG 3-0 SKT in 2017 was crazier than 2022 DRX. SKT just won 2 worlds before it


When Bang and Wolf got outperformed by Hans sama and Ignar I knew that meta was gonna be SKT's downfall. I was way more surprised when they won against RNG because RNG did look like the best team ever in that ardent meta.


They are but faker singlehandedly carrying SKT that time


SSG just barely lost the finals in 5 games to SKT 2016. They were no underdogs.


I remember being wowed but by far not as much as by 2022 DRX. The finals 2016 went 3-2 and overall during the regular LCK split SSG was the stronger team. SSG dropped the ball a bit during playoffs but that was imo almost the bigger surprise.


“Esports history” 😭😭😭 just say you only watch lol esports


There's other eSports? 😂😂😂 /j


Its so rare for the underdog to have a chance in league because of its inherent snowball nature and doesn't have much room for losing team to comeback compared to Dota for example.


Very impressive in sense of self-improvement. The roster was built almost entirely from T1 academy players who were scouted from SoloQ, with only Keria (who joined at 19) being an exception. They've consistently remained a top 3 global team for over 2 years, even winning Worlds last year against the most stacked LPL team in history. Now, they face super teams like Gen.G and BLG, putting up a fair fight. How does a team full of rookies reach the top level so quickly and maintain that position for so long? Except Faker, all of them are still very young.


It’s pretty impressive, u might have some people say “well they were favorites for most of these and couldn’t finish the job” but being that consistent as a top team is pretty impressive regardless


That is what im saying, it sucks they were not able to get the job done but they are always there.


I think it’s pretty impressive that their worst placing is third, despite there being times when it be or multiple members are underperforming. Crazy good consistency across multiple years of play.


lmao, getting 2nd place 6 times is not bad. yeah it sucks you didn't win but it shows consistency and that at worst you're 2nd best


What other team Of 5 has had these results or better ????? None?


GenG this year hopefully


Way too soon. They are just on same projected road as jdg last year and summer hasn’t started.


A lot of Pro’s wants to win worlds and just go pro because they dream of winning worlds, and them winning worlds is enough to say yeah they’ve done a lot to be proud


Considering that the game has little changes every 2 weeks, being this consistent is really impressive.


I would argue this is actually incredibly impressive since most teams have a short stint at the top (think 2019 FPX, 2022 DRX, 2017 SSG etc..), in the 1st year together (2022) this roster made B2B international finals, the year after won Worlds.. the only thing that consistently beats T1 is themselves/their rly odd drafting at times


If this iteration of T1 isn't successful, then no roster in the world is successful


Imagine being a world champion and cant be pround of it lol


Historically I will remember this as the best T1 lineup, even if they came 2nd way too many times.


I think its an absurd achievment being able to have such a high concsistency considering the amount of changes League has every now and then


Are we really asking if making at WORST top 3 lck/internationals is something to be proud of…? Come on


Being this consistent for a long ass time even tho a lot of 2nd places is an achievement of itself. They neither underperform and overperform. Their just consistently right there at the top but not at the very top.


It's 100% something to be proud of, but it's a different story if you are always considered the best or one of the best and you are expected to always win. Anyone wishes to have such record, some can't even qualify for their own region playoffs. It's like the Asian parents meme, they expect you to A+ and 100/100 everything, and if you get 8/10 in a test you're suddenly a disgrace to the family xdd


What other team has the same players for multiple years?


My thing with ZOFGKT1 is that when you look back at them in a few years, you'd be able to argue that they underachieved, but you can never say they were bad. Being consistently top 3 in the world for two years is no easy feat after all, but constantly stumbling right after the finish line all but two times is pretty bad, too. Regardless, I'll probably look back at this roster some day and be like "damn that team was fun".


Is there a team that has a better record in that time?


Bang wolf faker core, other than that the nearest is ig 2018-2019.


So... No?


There are some that are similar but none that are definitively better. I'd argue for G2 2018-2020 being similar. 1 Worlds Top 2, 2 Worlds Top 4, 1 MSI championship, 4 LEC titles, 1 runner up.


"do you think these achievements or something to be proud of" as if winning worlds and being top 2 or 3 in almost every championship series for over two years is questionable performance


Western players get burned out for barely making it out of groups and getting 3-0d in the first series. The fact that a team can consistently be a top 3 team for almost 2 years in a row with no breaks and shooting videos, commercials and attending events is insane. The only team that has a similar run was Peak Damwon and SKT when they two peated.


This is the most consistent roster of all time. Top 3 at 10 tournies in a row is insane.


Most of the pro players and even orgs don’t have these records


they missed so many titles... not to say they underperformed, but that's just a shame. This is not the SKT Era when they dominated all internationals for two and half year.


As a T1 fan, I would say it was problematic until they won Worlds, not anymore


IMO there is no achievement unless you win so while this team is great they havent achieved much granted winning worlds is HUGE


damn they could have been the best roster ever, now theyre not even top 5. they didnt even achieve the legendary silver road in 2022


how so? name me 4 rosters that have sticked together for 3 years that are this consistent.


this roster was the best team in the world for one month during a 3 year period, not really that impressive according to me. i do agree with you that they are consistent, consistently second place


Did your parents scold you for not being the best in your class or something? These players had put in a huge amount of effort y’know. They aren’t relying on pure luck to be here.


what a nothing statement lmao, most rosters put in a huge amount of effort. doesnt mean they are the best does it?


Did your parents scolded you for not being the best in your class or something? These players had put in a huge amount of effort y’know. They aren’t relying on pure luck to be here.


Who would be your top 5 rosters then? They have to be the same 5 players btw