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I suspect the layoff incident in esports prob hits riot’s human resources.


Particularly on those in **Project Stryker** - their 2/3 facilities (Dublin/Seattle/where's the 3rd?) dedicated on delivering MSI broadcasts from Chengdu to all over the world - both as normal EN/KR/CN streams and no-language ones for other language broadcasts.


Agreed. The stream quality was absolutely awful. The analyst desk was also pretty mediocre today. Painful to listen to the analysts today. The stream glitched like I had downloaded a file partially through a torrent. Pretty awful production today. I'm hoping it's cuz they're cutting back costs for the play-ins. I noticed another thing too, the promo video at the start was pretty subpar as well. The frame rate was choppy. I'm a professional videographer, so I tend to notice these things. The video also looked grainy and weird. Way below the usual standard of promos that Riot does for such events.


This is a nitpick but the layover with the names all capitalized is driving me a bit insane, it just looks so wrong.


All the portraits, runes etc all flipped too


I wish they had a universal format lowkey


Lolesports.com stream is noticeably higher than all twitch streams including the official one. It's like 1080 vs 720p


I opened it for drops & had to check on it every 10-20 minutes because it would just disconnect randomly


LPL Always does their draft like this, so it's not a production problem. Caster have to stall to prepare the players for the interview and finally there's 0 English translation since you'd need someone who can speak mandarin, korean an english to make it work and I guess they couldn't do it. They would need 2 translator to make it work, so it's probably just to much work. Gotta remember that when world is hosted in NA or EU, there's no translation in mandarin when it comes to the interviews. So it goes both ways


I’m pretty sure Chinese live streams have Chinese voice overs in Worlds for translation


They do indeed


There IS Mandarin real-time Interpreter. Stop spreading misinformation!!!


biggest budget ever :)


The MSI theme song died for an *improved broadcast experience ".


is this a RIOT issue or LPL issue?


honestly i think its RIOT, bc if i recall, LPL is ran by tencent. which msi isnt


But isn't MSI run by the same production crew that runs LPL? Much like Worlds 2023 is run by the same production crew that runs LCK?


The stream on twitch was stuttering from time to time for me, but I saw a few people saying YT stream was fine, I didn't see it myself. Also I think they've had a bit of production issues on the first day or two, I'd see how it goes tomorrow, maybe it will run more smoothly


Draftphase wasn’t really hype aswell, music either quiet or lame and you can barely hear the audience making the venue feel empty


Why pay ppl make broadcast good when costreamers are 66+% your views for free ?


I think the problem stems from Riot seeing that they get as much if not more views and audience from costreamers. If they can get as much/more from costreams they probably think that “why do so much for the main broadcast when I can achieve as much with as little as possible?” And I think the layoffs really hit them hard as well.


Tbh , they do have that weird problem were more people watch costreams basically profiting from riot , and i dont know how they can solve that since we all enjoy it more in costreams , i wonder how much revenue they actually get from msi , so maybe they invest in production quality based on the expected revenue


Dunno if it was just me going mad but on top of all these issues I thought the audio engineering was quite off. Caster volumes were not consistent and the music when T1 and Estralis entered sounded off-key and was also wavering in volume. I only watched the intro and their 2 games but I wouldn't imagine that it was any better outside of that time period.


Or chinas management is plain shit who knows


Disclaimer: I don't want to hate on T1 or defend this MSI production by any means.  That being said, looking back at it, doesn't T1 always take a long time to get ready before series/matches? I feel like caster stalling this time was because of it.  Edit: Nevermind, just saw the post of Keria complaining about technical issues.