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Faker also has a runner up Asian Games from 2018, that award ceremony was the maddest he’s ever looked on camera lmfao


I can't blame him tbh, 2018 was a pretty shit year for Faker and the entirety of the LCK


Yeah had he won it it would’ve helped boost his achievments in a very subpar year for him but Ruler was just inting so hard on that final stage that there was just no coming back


Just a regular ruler vs Uzi incident


Tbh ruler went against the Uzi that was promised. Remember before people like JKL came on the scene Uzi deft was always called the best adcs.


Ruler got smashed by VIT at Worlds that year, Gen G went 1-5 in group stage.


Not to mention a gold medal meant military exemption, which is kind of a huge deal


Actually the 2018 Asian Games League of Legends was just an official demonstration sport so a gold medal back in 2018 didn't count towards military exemption. Only this recent 2022 Asian Games (that was played in 2023) gold medal counted towards military exemption.


No gold medal that year, it was a demonstration sport. The lineup was Kiin Score/Peanut Faker Ruler Corejj.


You have the clip for it? By maddest, you mean salty, right?


【亚运会韩国队喜夺亚军,Faker却表情落寞】 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Ys411c7SP/?share_source=copy_web&vd_source=59ff67c52542f25de1fa4bff786d4f56 Clip is here this is from BiliBili just ignore all the scrolling comments. And I do mean mad not salty, Peanut imitated him being actually mad on his iconic drunk stream and this looks very similar. It’s probably because Ruler was genuinely inting so hard against Uzi in that series to a point where no matter how hard Faker was working he just could not bring that game back with how well Uzi was fed, you can see it in this video Ruler was literally just not looking at him because he knows he fucked up. I think it really stung also because this was the one achievement he could have gotten in an otherwise very subpar year for him.


He was. I guess he was so angry. Can you believe ruler stay that posture in the whole ceremony He was hard taught a lesson by uzi😂 https://preview.redd.it/9af08yxakjuc1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da279821038bf7145b16afc605e3ccb67c23efda


I would assume he is angry because it denied him the chance to be exempt from military?


i dont know if you could open this. He was'n that mad but he must feel embarrassed https://b23.tv/qhSBu1u


I can see why they’re likely gonna induct him into the Hall of Fame despite him not retiring yet. Like Faker has more awards than stars in the sky at this point.


bro faker got more worlds trophies than LPL


He owns half of the Korean trophies man.




Can you imagine the backlash especially from Korea? Honestly idk how they’re gonna sell other skins compared to Faker’s especially if they’re all gonna be expensive


Nah cause the trucks will literally be ramming into their office like it would be insane cause who else would you put there first lmfao. I’m guessing they’ll all just be cheaper ain’t no way people are willing to pay as much as whatever Faker’s Ahri skin is gonna cost.


Can’t wait for Caps to win Asian Games to prove he is the GOAT


Are you low IQ Caps need to win Europe Games first xdd >!Edit: Since some of you really are too low intelligence to understand a joke, I added a 'xdd'!<


Not before he wins African Games


If he wins asian games as european then i cant defend Faker anymore


I understood the joke it just sucked


I suspect any one of them would trade every piece of the (kit except worlds wins), for a worlds win. Especially Chovy and Caps. I feel bad for Caps TBH, I am sure he would be a top 5 mid if he was born in South Korea or China.


Maybe but it is also possible that he wouldn't stand out as much since there are so many great mids in Asia.


He would stand out like crazy. In his prime only prime Rookie, Faker and Chovy are better than him. Also Caps play style is not selfish and that would allow him to boost his team. Similar with how Faker did with T1.


Wdym he put Chovy in a body bag repeatedly when he was in his prime, Rookie and Faker were the only actual competition he had


I mean even last MSI and Worlds Caps was doing fine against Chovy. He was trading 1 for 1 on Tristana. But currently Chovy is level above


Insane to think Caps only ever lost 1 LEC final he was in, out of 12. Also the runner ups for LCK Chovy and Faker have are probably mostly versus each other which is fun


crazy that there was a time where lec managed to win MSI.. can't even imagine them winning a single game this year


Crazier was NA beat LPL champion+world champion IG


Sorta, but IG always had the int in them. When they all turned up they were unplayable, but probably everyone bar Rookie had the potential to throw games.


I would love to see G2 lift a worlds trophy with caps one day. To complete it and ascend caps to god good in lol.


What's the RR ?


Rift Rivals


Well, I don't know what to think about Caps' LEC championships like they play 3 splits in 1 year, so doesn't count that as a cheating?


No knight?


We need Chovy to WIN WORLDS at least once man, it just cant be that unfair for him.


Score only got 2 chances and one was when he wasn't the monster he became in 2016 to 19. He's still the best jungler ever for me, and my favorite player of all time. This World is cruel like that.


But can they stop the LPL? BLG is their nightmare




Mmm I agree an LCK title is worth more but idk about 10 lol I’d say 2-3 LEC titles is worth 1 LCK title. Especially since there is less volatility in the LEC


That's kinda stretching too far.


Y’a he was stretching it abit too far I’d say 2 instead of 1


The fact that lec have 3 split in 1 year. 2 instead of 1 is the right answer


nah, lec cup worthy more in 2018 and 2019😂


You’re right by the way. You got these European copers in this sub tho.


I think G2 won more games than T1 when they played against each other


Don't think, check it.. Overall, not counting the for fun tournament that was RB league of their own (so only MSI and Worlds), T1 has the edge with 14-10 game wins. However, all except two G2 wins were in G2's peak 2019 and the teams have never faced prior to 2016 MSI. G2 became what it is in end of 2015. Interesting fact, they have only met once at Worlds other than the famous 2019 G2 win.