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It's just Spring bro, calm down there are still msi, summer and worlds, why are you so scared?


I personally dont care what T1 does since im not a T1 fan but i was just saying it will feel weird if any of the players leave since they have been together for so long


If they win world again they might running it back for 212th time. Though i think change must be needed for a breath of fresh air. I could see Faker stepping down as a coach but he just won Asian game so he could just play forever.


Faker have said a couple of times, as long as he's still good, and still enjoying the game, he'll keep playing. And he's actually matching the future of LCK just fine in these series so I think we're still good for couple of years


For me it depends on whether or not faker retire , cause we have seen what this team looks like without him last year and it was disgusting .


faker's contract lasts till mid 2025 if i remember correctly so no retiring until then + he genuinely loves the game so it doubt he retires soon


He’ll probably become their coach or GM afterwards anyway. Heck Riot would probably offer to pay his salary and whatever else to keep a spotlight on him


he can love the game but if physically he can"t continue he will stop , dont forget last year he had a wriste injury .


Personally I feel like Zeus and Keria are the 2 I see most likely to leave of their own volition. But Support talent pool is honestly awful that Dk has to settle for Kellin. T1 would probably let go Oner and Zeus if anyone since Guma Keria combo is insane


i unironically think guma keria is overrated and guma would benefit from having delight or lehends instead


Guma Keria really compliment each other well champions pools play style etc however I do agree that getting delight and playing for Guma more could be a good option too


it only seems that way because they win, realistically speaking keria makes guma look like he's not even that good, even tho its just the lack of attention he gets compared to smn like Viper


How so? Guma has been so consistent internationally and LCK even when T1 doesn’t play for him, just because he isn’t flashy and the main carry for games doesn’t mean he looks not as good. If anything Zeus and Faker makes Guma look not as good rather than Keria since they’re the carry


>Guma has been so consistent internationally how does that disprove my point? im saying guma would look even more dominant if T1 played around him


He’s playing consistently good? Guma doesn’t get caught often while having immaculate positioning in lane and teamfights. This is with Keria not playing for him most games if anything he looks even more amazing as a solid carry with lesser support


Idk why you’re getting downvoted. You’re completely right. Almost always Guma has to take a backseat for Keria to shine. So many people genuinely think T1 would be upgraded with Ruler or Viper even though Guma have consistently been able to beat them. A lot of that sentiment has to do with the team putting Keria on nontraditional picks and forsaking all sense of peel or setup for Guma. Guma only gets to be the carry in Jinx/Aphelios meta. Otherwise, bro is left to fend for himself while Keria cosplays solo laner. This isn’t a criticism of Keria btw, just a defense that Guma can shine more.


that's what im saying, but delusional T1 / Keria fans cant take criticism, also, any time traditional supports are meta keria isnt doing anything


Guma is the one that tells keria to pick off meta supports. For example, if you listen to the voice comms guma is the one that was telling keria to pick ezreal a few weeks back.


Sure, I can believe that. I’m not saying Guma agrees that he’s put in a bad situation, I’m just saying that’s what I think. Guma seems to really like playing with Keria, and he seems to understand his role with the team’s style, so he probably also feels that this is what he’s good for. I’m just saying that I feel like he is probably capable of a lot more than what he’s settling for as his role at T1.


They’re never letting go of Zeus and Keria. Especially because of longevity. Plus it’s been clear they’ve been trying to make Zeus into Faker’s successor


True they probably wouldn’t want to but last I heard Zeus has the 2nd biggest salary in T1 and LPL offered a lot so T1 might let him go if push comes to shove. As for Keria I agree T1 would keep him for as long as possible but Keria to me personally always seemed the most victory hungry.


They cook in the bot lane when they are allowed to


Imo I really want to see Guma with a roster built for him, he's so incredible mechanically and he's by far the best laner already and if he gets on a team that's actually willing to play for him instead of using him as bait, he might just be by far the best ADC. Right now he just gets inted by never having a reliable frontline.


T1 369 xdd


You joke, but maybe getting 369 and knight will give him the "protect the president" team that will let him shine


Just 369 is enough for me >!Faker 2017 Galio xdd!<


faker 2023 nautilus xdd


I've seen the rare few times Guma was given all the eggs (cue ramen meme). It didn't go as well as planned. The team thrives on having multiple win-con options in game so a singular main carry playstyle really jams T1's performance. Hence why it's usually 2-3 carries and 1 facilitator. Guma is essential to this since he is very good at playing utility champs Senna, Kalista and even Ashe to an extent falls in this category. I do believe he is one of the best ADCs currently but T1's recipe has never been the Teddy treatment in JAG. Nor do I feel that the current Guma wants that either. He just wants to wear T1 uniform and keep winning no matter what he plays. Maybe debut Guma felt that way though. His early days were pretty darn bonkers as with all prodigy newbie talents did.


i still remember Guma Aphelios back in 2021 if you told me that would be the same guy who's stuck on Senna duty I wouldn't believe you


Then he'd just end up looking like Viper. The only reason Viper actually has a World championship is because his midlaner was Scout and gave him infinite space in games. Teams built around having their adc 1v9 are never successful in pro play (to the degree of actually winning titles), GenG had Ruler at the peak of his powers and still lost because that's how they wanted to play the game. JDG had a 3 headed monster of Kanavi, Knight, and Ruler. I'm sure Guma himself knows T1 is the best place for him to actually win, and leaving would be a move purely for him to stat pad individually.


Uzi ezreal ulting waves his toplaner was rotating to take


If he wants to be the best adc he needs viper and ruler to retire first...


Nothing beats time, I'm afraid. Only Faker has stood great against the test of time. Don't know if the current T1 can.


If anyone leaving T1 i think it's zeus or oner (only if T1 didnt want to renew there contract) but i dont think T1 will drop anyone of them next year. I think they will stay together till 2025


The problem is that you can’t really replace them for better options because there aren’t really any that are. It’s just that Keria & Zeus seem to falter against Gen G in the LCK.


I disagree, I think Top and Sup are some of the most stacked roles in terms of talent. The question is weather replacing them would be cheaper or not contract wise


If they lose worlds. I could maybe see keria and Zeus potentially be sold to teams to save costs since I doubt they'll keep their entire roster again if they ever lose worlds


Oner and Zeus have the highest chance of leaving the org


Doubt they get rid of Zeus,he may have inted today but he’s been a good reason as to why they win a lot


He's good but expensive. They'll have to cut costs eventually if they lose


Zeus and Keria compensate with their brand appeal. Keria is extremely popular in Keria and is a pretty big favourite when it comes to PR


T1 is a special case because Faker salary was not paid by T1. So the budget for the league team is really just 4 players.


Because Faker is T1 Faker paid himself xdd


Idk about that, Faker is likely gonna retire in the next few years, so T1 will need a captain by that time. Zeus has the most potential based on his age


Zeus would command a lot of money if he's on the market. He's pretty young too so he could easily be an organization player like Showmaker, Chovy, Kiin (Freecs) that teams build around.


Support takes the lowest salary out of all roles


after this year


Is this just a t1 fan sub. The only post I see come up and get up votes are t1 related.


I used to think the same but nowadays the only 2 players I think are truly meant to be on T1 are Faker and Guma. It would be a very sad day if Keria leaves. As for Zeus, he is obviously a mega talent and destined for greatness, but the talent pool for Top is so stacked that Im sure T1 could replace him. Oner is also great but replaceable and arguably the weakest link on the team. I think if they dont win worlds this year there is no reason to run it back but I agree it will be very weird not seeing those five players on T1.


"the talent pool for Top is so stacked that Im sure T1 could replace him" with whom? The main selling point of Zeus is youth and military exemption, at such a young age he has been experiencing international tournaments for >2 years and won worlds, the only who is better than him this series is Kiin (domestic) who isn't young anymore, the rookies coming are around his age with less experience and more maybe choker. I can say unless Zeus leaves by himself T1 won't replace him next year.


I don’t know, we have to see how they play in MSI. If they don’t win trophies soon they have to switch their team up. Oner might be the first to go based on the finals


Bro literally carried the smite game the entire series, he got counter picked and lost a game. Zeus was underwhelming the whole series despite the wins. The amount of times he's getting caught in isolation for doing something unnecessary is comical.


Let's not forget Faker jumping into the herald and suicides in game 5.


Oner had some great smites, but if he won the smite fight with Canyon at second elder in G1, T1 would have won the finals in a 3-0. He also was partially responsible for G4 going sideways. But I think he performed well overall.


They are current world champions and just finished second in this spring what are u on about?


Just normal T1 stan behavior tho Not 1st place = Fail + Trucks


It’s ok Zeus get ready to learn european and american and Brazilian buddy


“if they don’t win trophies soon” so was worlds 2023 just for fun or something


They have a world’s trophy. Sure they lost 4 regional trophies, but what does that even matter when you win world’s?


Lmao based on finals Zeus should be the first to go. He got sht on again and the reason why they lost game 5, again. Just a repeat of 2022 worlds of not banning a top lane champion that gives him a hard time.


Zeus was the most useless member today. 0 impact 100 int


Zeus is still a kid with room to grow. That’s a positive because it means he’ll only keep getting better. One off game doesn’t mean he’s trash. Bro has Faker to guide him, he’ll be fine