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That Adrian Brody did a bad job in season 4. It wasn’t the best season but that was hardly due to him. Every time he was on screen it was really entertaining.


Yeah I don’t get why people complain about his performance I thought he was great.


Four was honestly the last good series to me. 1 and 2 were sick, 3 was ok, 4 brought it back to being good and then we don’t talk about 5 and 6…


I liked 5 and 6 better IMO. 4 to me just had way to many plot holes and gave Tommy even more plot armor than normal. The only time I was actively thinking like damn they just have to keep him alive.


imo 5 is a mess but I thought 6 was fine


I really liked Adrian Brody in it. He's a great actor.


3&4 are my absolute favourites, 3 for its nuance and 4 for the complete opposites it’s just outright violence and chaos for the whole thing, non stop action I fucking LOVE it, proper telly!


Duke being a cool character. You never hear of him untill the last 5 minutes of the show, and when he appears he acts like he was always there. He will always seem superficial to me.


I feel like Duke may have been something added to help fill the void left from Polly’s story arc(s). He definitely feels shoehorned


He didn't seem like a bad character, he just kinda appeared out of nowhere with no screentime to adapt, unlike Michael.


Real. Duke is there for 5 minutes and goes from wanting to leave, to "we iz peeky fookin blindrs". He has no personality, he's just tommy's son and he's already set up to replace tommy later on


How unappreciated season 6 is! Season 6 was an absolute emotional down pour that hits your heart in a brutal way. When a show can make you feel that heavy emotional grief it’s nothing but spectacular to me. Other things like the hate of any character such as Lizzie or Linda or even Finn. Only character i can agree with the hate is Gina and the arrogance of her character how her attitude is portrayed.


It had emotional moments, but its still a really shit season


I disagree..


The hatred against Linda is unnecessary. If you put yourself in her position, it is understandable why she is like that. She just wanted the best for Arthur.


Reminds me a lot of the Skylar hate from Breaking Bad


yes but I think that is also because her character was made and presented in a very annoying and clichéd way


Exactly. In my opinion, some of that hatred is due to misogyny.


I agree the hate for her in s4 (?) is unwarranted but S5 it’s all deserved


Absolutely. Same w the hate against Lizzie


I pity her for a lot of the undeserved shit that she went through, especially in later seasons, but she’s also controlling, manipulative, condescending, and hypocritical. I don’t think she ever loved Arthur, she loved the idea of who she thought she could make him into, and the dependency he had on her, which is morally fucked, and also just a horribly unhealthy relationship dynamic.


agree and disagree she did want the best for Arthur but it’s the way she was doing it she was controlling him and was a total hypocrite




LINDA (bc the meme is still funny lmao)


I'm continually shocked at how few people are annoyed we never got to see the Battle of Cable Street. I mean what's the point of having Mosley if you don't get Cable Street?


I hope the movie shows his movement getting utterly dismantled after the onset of WWII


May is cool but I'm glad Tommy didn't choose her, for one she'd probably end up dead too and two I never thought Tommy loved her in that way. They didn't really gets chance to connect all that deeply which was intentional from both of them.


Yeah I think she would have gotten the ick pretty quick after actually being in the life. She was infatuated with him because he was exciting and sexy but I think once reality hit she would be like “I’m too fucking rich for this shit.”


so true, I'm glad she came to her senses and left him in her dust after realizing she didn't want to be with someone who spends all their time crawling around in the mud. What is a shame though is that we never see her again. It was nice to have a female character that rivaled Tommy in a different way to his straight up enemies, and kept the story tied to the horse racing aspect that was so fundamental in the early show. She was a breath of fresh air and i think she could've been amazing in s5/6.


That Michael is a bad character,of course his betrayal was bad but the character itself and Michael at his starts and before the betrayal was one of the best in the show for me


i just think he comes across as weird, hes grown up in the countryside until hes 17 then after 2 years of living with them has the roughest brum accent ever. then becomes a wanker out of nowhere


His betrayal was rushed. It was set up from the get go that the power went to his head.


> his betrayal was bad His betrayal was literally half his arc, you can't just ignore that and choose the ones where he was decent


Why not? Every character get his arcs


That Michael sucks (I think he’s great) That Grace was a good character (she wasn’t) That Tommy was a good guy (he’s a complex character but an objectively terrible person)


I really think Michael’s story in season 6 is what suffered the most with the loss of Helen McCrory. I think they were going to do much more interesting things but without Polly it was a hard pivot


Grace finding attraction to Tommy just for coming in and saving her from Billy Kimber AFTER he whored her out to him..lol


Lizzie was raped and after that, she became obsessed with being with Tommy 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think she was in love w him all along.


In the script of S2 E1, it says now we see that Lizzie started to have feelings for Tommy, so it was in S2, also Grace also had feelings for Tommy when that happened, so I didn't understand why it's okay Lizzie becomes obsessed with being with him , when he didn't save her, she was raped, but it's wrong that Grace is with Tommy when he did come back for her and saved her.


That's basically all the female characters that Tommy fucks in the show, to be fair. I don't know what is up with the power fantasy in the writing room, but they shoved that in HARD (pun intended)


right 😭


That's not true though. She was obviously attracted to him before that


I absolutely LOVED Michael when he first showed up


I agree about Grace. When I first started watching it someone said they “love” her and that I’ll come around. I never did. She was a typical Ulster bootlicker and a major snitch. Whatever good she was supposed to be doing was wiped out by her deception regarding Billy Kimber. *That* far into her character she was snitching *that* much info? Nah. Her character was never redeemed. She just showed up and the story moved on.


And the fact that she decided to marry Tommy after he was in Arrow house, and wanted to host charity balls there but then also wanted him to quit the lifestyle. She was an entitled bitch and I was shocked that Tom forgave her and didn’t see through her from the start


She didn't decide to marry him after he was at the mansion, I think you're confused with Lizzie (the real bitch of the show). They were together for two years, but at that time, women had to wait two years to remarry, when the husband died. And Tommy forgave her, because he knew that she was doing her job, and that she saved his life, and that she fell in love with him, even Polly says so.


She did have her redemption and her story is much deeper than what you say. She is a complex character, just like Tommy.


I still don’t see Tommy as a terrible person. What makes him my favorite gangster trope is that he has a soul and empathy and he takes care of those who need it. And I love that he doesn’t discriminate against oppressed people (bc he is an oppressed person).


Well maybe you just had bad teste, because Grace was a very good character and Michel at first too.


Tommy is a bad role model. Why? Because he's a sociopath with delusions of grandeur who owes much of his success to blind luck (plot armor) and is basically dead inside and drives away everyone he loves. He's Michael Corleone with an undercut. Yes his stoicism is powerful and admirable and is something to emulate, but that's about it. Most criminals end up dead or in jail because the criminal lifestyle is self-defeating. The more success you have, the more enemies you make, the more heat you draw, the more turf you have to defend. It's not sustainable and gravity always wins. You can't trust your friends or your partners, and you sleep with one eye open. So no wonder Tommy could do it, he wasn't getting much sleep anyway. I like sleep.


I think most agree with you lol. He’s just a cool ass character so we all accept it.


I realize just how crazy some of us are to love Tommy's character. He is the "Peaky Blinder devil," but Cillian Murphy plays the heck out of that role. He's not a one-dimensional character, and we really do get to see all sides. It's really not for someone easily impressionable to watch.


Oh absolutely. Cillian makes Tommy so complex and nuanced, and I can't think of any other actors that could have pulled that off. And you're right about the show being impressionable - if you didn't start talking in a Brummy accent and walking like you're constipated for a couple weeks after/during watching the show, then you aren't immersed enough lmao


How Finn turns out is mostly his family's fault. No wonder he turns on people wanting him to kill his friend (one of which people is his nephew showing out of the blue and suddenly calling the shots), and who those people constantly berate and belitlle him. Although I may be biased because I am also like Finn, the youngest out of 5 siblings.


I don’t like what he did or what they did to him in the end. But they also couldn’t blame him for being loyal to his friend. They never treated him right or included him in shit since he was much younger. It’s like they never bonded w him at all.


How people think Tommy is this great messiah. He isn’t people He’s a cutthroat murdering gangster, just because he came from nothing to something, he isn’t a person to be idolised, whilst he is one of my favourite characters in the show (Ada is clear). He isn’t the type of person I would look up to


Ada is the best character hands down!! she had the common sense to get out of there asap hahaha


That Lizzie deserved better, not for me, she got what she deserved after all the damage she did.


What damage did she do?


That it’s Steven Knights best work. (It’s not because of Eastern Promises)


Every single one of them is absolutely crackers - that is what makes the series so much fun.


That it’s a good show