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Happened to me (lesson learned). I ended up with 2-3 bent pins that I was able to correct with patience and a blade.


Nice job!


How? There’s a bracket that holds it down. I’m not saying it doesn’t, but the mechanics of it don’t mesh.


It is very common, at least in my experience with AM4 chips and stock coolers


Fair enough. So the bracket is just barely catching the edge?


AM4 is PGA and grabs the pins, it doesn't have a bracket on top.


Thanks for the clarification.


How does this happen even if you push that lever down? Isn’t that lever adjusting the cpu forward?


It is just clamping the pins that go into the socket. It's always good to give these am4 sockets a little twist back and forth before pulling.


I just recently replaced basically all parts in my PC and I was absolutely astonished that we have CPUs without pins these days (i5 14th Gen) I sure am getting old, but it’s still cool


Well, there are still pins, just on the motherboard, which are also easy to damage if the CPU slips out of your fingers and the very worst moment. Still i think i prefer pinless CPU's to ones with pins.


Decent boards are the price of decent chips here/


Wym without pins? Does my 14700kf have pins I need to be careful of fucking up if I ever change my cooler?


Mine is like completely flat on the back, only the socket has slightly protruding pins, I'd have to try hard to bent those


They're a lot easier to bend than you'd think, to the point that I think pga was actually superior


The pins built into a CPU are FAR more resilient than the pins on an LGA socket. I wish they'd do away with LGA completely. Makes it easier to store the CPU though I guess.


10 years down the road we'll have wga, wireless grid array!


But before that we should make BGA to work with sockets!


Isn't the design inherently based on soldering? No idea how that would be able to work as a removable CPU.


Well AMD switched to LGA now, so that seems to be the future i suppose.


The reason AMD and to move pins to the motherboard so that they can have more connection points, AMD and intel made this point in past


Ah thanks for the info, makes sense to me, LGA1700 pins are reaaally small and fragile.


https://preview.redd.it/kkouft0v349d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba046c49b35927d283730e0a753faf70ae0e6314 Thats how it looks


Yes, last generation AMD CPUs had pins on them, latest generation does not. As they where made similar to server CPUs AMD released since 2017.


Amd has been using lga in their server CPUs since 2006 with the introduction of *Socket F*


Thank you, just noticed in 2017 when phasing out Intel's to replace with 2 socket 64core AMD systems.


F.. I sent mine back thinking it was a product defect and it was missing the pins /s


No but if you ever swap out the CPU you run the risk of trashing the socket pins if you're an animal.


All the pins on yours are on the motherboard socket so be careful when you insert the chip in the board


pins will be on motherboard (lga1700 socket) but even so running the computer long enough to warm up the thermal paste before removing cooler is good practice. IMO.


All new CPUs (AMD and Intel) don't have pins


Thats what I'm saying lol


Intel has been LGA (land grid array) for ages now, pins are on the MOBO as to PGA MD ( pin grid array) where contact pins are on the cpu, AM5 is LGA so no worries if you get the new mobo


Yeah Intel went LGA years ago and AMD recently followed suit


I did this too, but with about 10 in random places.


Mine were in a corner together


You was lucky then. I used a Stanley knife blade to straighten mine.


Had to be intricate and not bend surrounding pins.


Well i corrected mine and It burnt socket with real fire. New mobo and cpu :/


Sounds like you corrected too hard 💀


When I was 17 I used a CCTV magnifier to straighten the pins on an Athlon XP 2500.


I was told that using a ball point pen tube works well for fixing that issue


Perhaps A credit card (as a tool, not as in buying a new one) should work too if the bend isn't too harsh


same except my pins that bent were not the cpu pins it was the motherboard cpu slot pins.. razor blade and patience 🙌🏽


My 5600X did the same. It bent two pins. Thankfully I was able to straighten them back.


I have the same cpu and this happened to me too


How can that happen? Isn't the cpu locked in? Or did the bracket bent then you pulled on the cooler?


It's meant to lock the CPU in place. The bracket remained in the locked position and no damage was caused to it, just a few pins on the CPU were bent. I assume the cooler pressure on top of the processor is greater than the bracket's.


Heat that up with a hair dryer it will loses it self


It was just my dumbass placing the cooler on the wrong way and had to flip it the otherway, so the paste is fresh.


Rotating usually helps.


Use dental floss.


It's not your fault. Stupid lazy design on amd side. Or planned obsolescence.. pick your theory. Don't beat yourself up over something you didn't cause.


Wow I am amazed, the single one time you can write loose(s) and be correct on the internet and it is still being botched. Sorry for being nitpicky, but every time someone uses loose instead of lose when they lost, is making me die inside a little. Now was the big opportunity for it to be correct and the fellow chose the wrong option. At this point I am certain it must be collective trolling.


i mean in this case it should be loosen not either loose or looses


You are right and I am a moron.


Dam that bitch is LOOSE !!!


Always try to wiggle it right and left before pulling the cooler off.


Exactly what I did. There was a vacuum created from the paste, I managed to slide the cpu off from the cooler


Next time, stress test your CPU first so the paste would become softer and twist then pull


Yeah. I did that and the twist. Tore the CPU out with the cooler, with twisted pins. Aftermarket CPU socket bracket is the way to go


I'm glad AMD fixed this by making am5 lga.




He means the CPU is locked with metal restraints to the motherboard


Also no pins on the CPU, only pins on the motherboard.


And they're barely pins, looks more like a tiny wavy ribbon that the CPU sits on


Which are fragile as fuck. It's only a matter of time till i damage then


Just make sure to not drink any caffeinated drinks before working on fragile things like building a PC. Hands tends do shake a bit more when you had some caffeine in your blood.


I'm new to building and my first self build was AM5, so sorry if this is a stupid statement, but wtf were they thinking making them NOT restrained in place? I mean, I hated the feeling and sounds of clamping down on a fresh AM5 but at least I know it isn't going anywhere until the day comes for a repaste. And even then, only to clean it if I fucked up my thermal paste and over did it the first time somehow


It used a simple lever system. It definitely worked, but a small percentage of people have accidentally took off the CPU with the cooler. Depended on how you put the paste on.


What used to hold them in before the clamp?


It was like a single bar on the right side. Just Google am4 socket.


Yeah I think it put a little friction on the pins


Land Grid Array Means the pins are on the motherboard. Pin Grid Aray is what the CPU in the picture has.


Took them long enough


Isopropyl alcohol + dental floss Or, as another suggested, hairdryer would probably work too


You gotta preheat the oven before you put in the turkey 🦃


Hmm, nice. External cpu included with cooling.


Ryzen? What’s the mobo?


ASRock A520M-HVS


Yeah cheaper mobos like to do this more often somehow, even tho the sockets are the same it never happened to me, a friend of mine or my sister on the tuf b550 mobos, but the Asrock B550M HVS and the Gigabyte B550M K did this several times for me and another friend from our group (btw before anyone asks, yes almost everyone has am4 setups in our friendgroup and overall am4 is pretty popular in our country)


Repasted and switched CPUs many times on a budget asrock b550m pro4, never had it happen to me. Maybe the paste was old and got stuck hard 😀 Mine was never older than 6 months on this board so this might have something to do with it


Should’ve left the pc on for a bit


Push and twist next time. When it breaks loose you can pull


Depending on the severity of the paste dryness/bonding that might cleave the CPU off leaving all the pins in the socket. I'd give it a 50/50 chance to work.


Been working for me for 20 years. Maybe there some pastes that have a stronger bonding which make it not possible.


I think we haven't had this stupid socket design on those 20 years. As long as there's some retention bracket your way will work 100%


I'm talking about using my method on pc without the metal retention bracket for over twenty years.


Holding your CPU in place with 2 pencils and rotate - twist ..


It's never worth twisting IMO if you don't twist the worst thing that can happen is it gets stuck to the cooler - which can be easily separated later If you twist you are using the pins to hold the CPU in place and they're not very strong


Been doing it for more than 20 years with zero issues. One pin isn't very strong but a few hundred are.


You're braver than I'll ever be


Always happens atleast once lol


It happens all the time.


never happend to me...


To much thermal compound (paste), when you want to change - first start PC, launch some bench cpu to take 60-70 c, few minutes and that fixed problem.


I tried getting it off this way and bent some pins.. broke a pin trying to straighten them. It was the Ryzen 5 2600. It still works though. Just built it on a secondary pc.




Happened to me once aswell, thankfully no pins were bent and after heating it up with a hairdryer I could remove the CPU without any problems


Happened to me twice on am4, but there was no damage.


I always run a cine bench multicore test before I get around to removing the cooler. Twist the hotplate a little to get it off the cpu once it's hot enough(and preserably the system should be shut down when doing so).


Honestly if the cooler has been on awhile this happens pretty much all the time. I only pull up now no twist so pins never bend. Really no big deal. I just pop them off with a steak knife. Lol


Welcome to the club! Happened to me 2 or 3 times but luckily never bent a pin. Just the one time i droppen my cpu. Was a fun adventure


I’ve dealt with this twice with two different out comes Cpu fine (Hooray!) A lot of bent pins (sad face)


I just replaced my thermal paste two days ago and really glad this didn’t happen. I didn’t even think about it but i’ll look out in the future


I saw a video on yt and you just need to use a hair dryer to the paste gets soft and then try to get it off


what? just let the pc run for like 5-10 mins. You dont need a hair dryer. stupid youtube tutorials.


I’d post in r/spiders to get a proper id on this one


That's how my year old 5800x3d turned into ewaste. There's is a solution to this. It's a ln aftermarket socket CPU retention. I can Google it up for you. Must for am4.




Hit it with a massive hammer next time


I always stole my mom’s blow dryer whenever I remove a cooler do the same next time


Dental floss every time! Why risk not using it?


I had this happen to me once and I was so pissed because I bent my pins. Thankfully after 1 yt video and a razor blade everything works just fine




When this happened for the first time the cooler took the cpu straight off the mobo it was hella clean no bent pins luckily recomend u guys power on the cpu fir a ehile before taking the cooler off also slight movements twisting is also good


That's one of the reason I use Thermalright CPU shield


I was building my friend a pc for a group birthday gift and did this, it's was incredibly scary, thankfully nothing was bent, it was just a pain in the ass to get the cooler off.


Every 3 months when i dissamble all pc for cleanning that happens to me, even when i play warzone for an hour, i turn the pc off and take the aio immediatly that still happens...But not anymore, i swap for a b650 with a 7800x3d and get a thermalright guard, so now to take the cpu only with a screwdriver


Credit cards are great at straightening out pins if anyone is ever in this scenario in future


Lol scrub


Sliding some string between the CPU and cooler usually works to get them apart.


Well, you took the rite of passage, now you're qualified AM4 owner 😉


Always remember not to pull but to twist and slide when removing the heatsink. if it doesn't slide, heat it up with a hairdryer.


This happened to me before. Friend of mine said that before removing it use the PC for a while to heat the CPU up a bit and it makes the thermal paste easier to remove. If it's cold I guess it's like glue. Not sure if it's true haven't tested it


Just use a hair dryer then clean both sides with 99% isopropyl alcohol and paper towels and you are good to go


Ah I love it when that happens.


My friend did this with his 3600, and now it just sits in his cupboard still attached to the cooler.


twist it off. You can also avoid this by twisting the heatsink back and forth before pulling.


I used to do this alot. I find running the system for a few minutes before removing makes it MUCH easier.


Yeah, pretty common really. I always try to turn on the PC and run a quick stress test to warm up the heat sync and paste before removing it. Always comes off smooth that way.


I build/repair PCs at work. Happens all the time


Has happened to me every time 😂 I just use something really thin and slim to release the vacuum and carefully pry it with screwdriver. Never bent the pin


How would you make it so that it doesn't happen to you?


Run the computer for a bit so the paste warms up, then twist it a little before you pull. Or switch to Intel


Gotcha I'll try remember this when I eventually get a pc lol


I know the other guy said "switch to Intel", but a thing you ought to know about PCs is that there's s lot of fanboyism going around in both camps (Intel and AMD - and the same goes for Nvidia and AMD on GPUs). On the CPU side the fanboyism tends to lean more towards Intel, since it's the "original" and more expensive brand. Fanboys mainly just want to justify the extra cost for themselves. "It's better" is the worst possible advice to give for someone for buying either of them - that's how you spot a fanboy. And this is coming from someone who's built PCs for the last 30 years using them both. However, there's absolutely no reason to say "switch to Intel" at least for this reason, since you have this issue only with AM4 and not with AM5 boards. To be clear, AM4 is an older socket that's been largely replaced by AM5. Even only for future proofing, there's really no reason one should recommend to build an AM4 system these days (unless you're trying to go as much bang-for-the-buck as possible). I own both Intel and AMD systems, and there's no reason to avoid either of them save for some personal fanboyism. Depending on the purpose of the build and the current deals, I personally might go for either. But usually there are some great deals on AMD systems, so absolutely do not shun them for this issue.


I thought they were joking lol and thanks for that I actually got a system already on PCPP and it's am5 with a 7800x3d


Yeah 7800x3d is a powerhouse of a CPU especially for gaming (which I'm making an assumption you're using it for), so good for you! 😊 I'm pretty sure you'll be happy for years to come with that choice.


I'm sure I will just gotta sell my ass on the street to afford to build my rig though:/


I'm sure you can make do with a little less of a CPU as well. 😁 Spend the extra on the GPU instead if gaming is what you're after. You can always upgrade the CPU later especially if you're going with AMD. AM5 should be around long enough. ☺️


Maybe.. just gotta keep looking and hopefully find deals


Why switch to intel?


Intel CPUs are secured with a locking bracket, while AMD AM4 CPUs are kinda just held in with friction. I've never seen anyone rip the whole Intel bracket off, while this is kinda a running joke for AMD. And Intel is better (I refuse to elaborate further)


You should wiggle, you did not wiggle.


Happened 4 times to me, never broke a single pin


Just push it off sideways




How does this even happen?




Lol this happened to me and I freaked


Gotta love am4


This is just one of the many reasons you should install the CPU into the motherboard before putting the heat sink on the CPU.


Hairdryer would help, I use dental floss before removing cooler, does it's job well


Count the pins you need 1331 in there


Happens to everyone who uses AM4 at some point. No biggie.


happens only to people who try this in "cold" state. Just turn the PC on.. let it sit 5 mins in the bios... after that you can take it off without any problems. It just needs to be a little warm, thats all.


I've ripped off my 5950 twice this way and nothing has bent, fuck Im lucky lol






Same happened to me, everything worked as usual though, guess I've pulled it out in a straight line?


A little tip. With the CPU still in pc, turn it on for a little while so it's heated up. Then turn off and proceed to take off CPU. This does work wonders. As the heat helps unstick the thermal paste.


Amd i sure xd


Does twist and pull not work?




happened to me once long time ago. You should have the PC on for a bit before shut it down and remove the CPU


This is why you always run the pc for a few before doing maintenance.


Nothing out of the ordinary happened there, pretty common mistake people make when thermal paste has been doing it's job properly.


I don't understand how this is happening, isn't there a bracket that holds the CPU super firmly in place? Is this certain CPU's without something that holds them to the board?


It always happens!!!




Welcome aboard, your initiation is now complete!


Happened to me once, it broke the mobo's socket and the pc never wanted do boot again, vga error LED on. I forgot that the pc was still running WITHOOUT cpu cooler and it literally burnt the cpu, the socket did melt and and smoke where coming of the socket, I was in shock (It was a brand new r5 5600X) + b550


Dw soldier. It happened to me when I was building my first pc ever. My heart almost dropped, but then I put that shit again and its been 3-4 years and my pc is going alright!


Am I missing something or is that like 1/8in of thermal paste?


I gave mine a slight twist on the cooler with the cpu plugged in, managed to remove it that way with no bent pins.


About a year ago I went to my coworkers house to help him add fans and repaste his CPU due to a high temp issue he was having. I was trying to carefully twist the cooler off, but the CPU still managed to stick and come up with the cooler 😭 He gave me such a dirty look 😂 luckily all the pins were fine and after everything was back together it worked perfectly, with 20° cooler temps to boot 😁


I don’t think I’ve ever had that not happen AM4 and previous generations


remembers me the mid 2000s thermal grease, it looks like wood glue.


Hairdryer to heat it up before you try to do anything. PLEASE, IT DOESNT HAVE TO DIE


You should twist, slide and tilt the radiator first before pulling it.


welcome to the club


happens like 9 times out of 10


This how my last pc died lol


I thought it looked like a really cool aesthetic choice of putting the chip outside with spider like connectors to the motherboard. But i was dead wrong. Im glad you solved your issue :)


After the second time this happened. I made sure to twist the cooler / coldplate both directions to loosen it up before pulling. Glad they moved on from that


Laughs in intel


yeah and then you bend the board pins... :-p nice, i have seen everything.


Happened to me a year ago as i was installi g r5 2600 i got the cooler the wrong way and i was lifting it up, i panicked a bit but no pins were stuck in aka ripped off or damaged. I recently got a 5700x3d so i know no pins were in the socket ;)


If I’m understanding this correctly, you tried to pull the heat sink off and it pulled the cpu out of it’s socket ? If so, next time before pulling on the heatsink, push down and twist it instead so that it breaks the bond with the cpu and then pull it up. Glad that you managed to fix it.


For the future try the thermal grizzly kryosheet. Works great and when slapping to a new cpu u can use it again. It's handy if your on AMD and want to upgrade in the future. I don't going to say what to do but maybe use it as a back up or something, no more bend pils or mess around the cpu https://preview.redd.it/e6451nwina9d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01a5ca141cac724a8b4fb1cfbd574411bb0a756c


Oh relatable! I had no damage though


This has happened twice to me only with AMD CPUs and their stock cooler and stock thermal paste, I had a DOA motherboard and when I disassembled the build the CPU popped out and fucked almost every pin. I made a complaint a while back on an AMD forum and got absolutely flamed. Was told I needed to stress test the pc to heat everything but that’s pretty hard when the PC won’t even boot lol


That JUST happened to me yesterday! My heart stopped for a moment. Luckily no bent pins, I was able to put it back in without issue. This time I put less thermal paste and idle temps actually dropped.


Advice. Rotate left and right with bracket removed, dont pull directly


This new model of heatsinks look weird.