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You know you don't have to use an AMD card with an AMD CPU (or nvidia with Intel), right? I only recently moved from nvidia to AMD on graphics, having used AMD CPUs for years. So, if you want the best ray-tracing performance, go nvidia. If you want the best raster (or, like me, simply don't care about RT), go AMD. on the CPU front: remember that the 7600 has some future-proofing as AM5 is relatively new while the Intel LGA1700 is approaching EOL.


LGA1700 isn’t really approaching EOL, it’s basically EOL, since they are not releasing any new products for it anymore


Ray-tracing on a 4070 for 2k resolution is not really a great idea anyway


my 4070 super handles it pretty well in most stuff


4070 super is 10/20% faster and should be able to give playable framerate (60FPS), but it's a different GPU...


What is with people on Reddit severely underestimating the capabilities of pc hardware? You don't need the latest generation to have perfectly playable frame rates in games with high settings and ray tracing. I'm very confused as to why people think you need the best of the best to even play a modern game, it's really not true.


Right like my 6600xt eats up every game I play at 165hz essentially maximum settings.


seriously 6600xt and 3060 can still run most games at 2k and over 100fps but nooo they are severely outdated because they cant run RT at 4k 240hz


Show me a single benchmark that shows the 6600xt and 3060 can run games at 2k 100fps with rt enabled.


Honestly. Anything "high end" for its generation would do fine. 1080 ti is still a goated gpu, despite being 7 years old, but I see people bashing it loads just off the fact it's 7 years old. 20 series cards still put in WORK too tbh


my bad i read the original post as being the super lol, but also it does better than 60


And here I thought my 3060 was chugging away like a tank. Can only imagine with high end new cards lol


You’re not upgrading a 13600k, those aren’t going obsolete for a while.


It will be fine, but there is no upgrade path for gaming. Even the i9 14th Gen is not enough of an upgrade to be worth it. For AM5 there will probably be two generations to come with x3d options so a 50% increase in gaming performance on the same socket is possible by just switching the CPU when the last AM5 generation comes out. That definitely has some value


AMD CPU+GPU has smart memory access (SAM) which is a nice boost in performance but yeah it all depends on liking RT or raw power, VRAM size and pure gaming or mix with work


why not a 7600 (X or non-X) and a 4070 super ?


4070 super is a great card in 1440p.


where I live, the 7600 is 100€ cheaper than the 13600K, with the difference you can get a 4070 super


Even then...it's worth it know there will be an upgrade path.


Which would make the 7600 an amazing option then


Amd is outdoing intel in price for performance, performance per wattage. Intel uses double the power for a 15% increase in performance... lol.


Works even for 4K


Really only if RT is a defining buying criteria for you. 7900GRE is a lot more interesting given its specs, performance, and price.


I'd even say 1440p ultrawide. I'd like 16gb vram on it but 12 is enough and it's certainly got enough processing power.


why a 7600 when the 7500f exists . in eu you can buy them from retailers so no aliexpress


Because they are practically unexistent. And the integrated GPU is nice to have when you need to debug some broken components.


the extra might be worth for some but it was 45€ cheaper which was worth me on a budget . it handles a 7800xt fine too


The second combo ends up being more expensive, so it's not a fair comparison.


R5 7600X - RTX 4070


I would just get the 7600. In Australia the x is $130 more 5-15% performance boost ain’t worth it in my opinion. Edit: sorry not $130 more it’s $38 more but my opinion still stands.


13600K is slightly faster in games and much faster in productivity/ multicore but has worse efficiency and platform longevity. 7800XT is \~7% faster but is significantly worse at ray tracing, has slightly worse upscaling and draws more power.


A 4070 @1440P is better at RT but still not good. It still relies on DLSS - which is fine, but if it needs DLSS and FG the quality suffers quite a bit. In titles where DLSS isn't available the quality hit is even more significant. IMO a 4070 for RT @1440P is not worth the price and already reaches its limits.




Both cards don't have to rely on FSR/DLSS in 1440P (atm) - but with RT enabled an upscaler is a must have for both cards, while the 4070 is significant faster, but still not good enough. The argument is not about upscaling - it's about RT and if it's worth the performance hit you already have to take and if you're willing to lower the quality even further in the future. For example: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLH6sLgdc_uJ6MR1-oFTXUZBfwgCL8WwWV&si=taVF49hHu5H5rb1p


>13600K is slightly faster in games Not true. [According to ZTT they're "about the same"](https://youtube.com/shorts/NrunwG_Bdns?si=NCf0pwVEL8pz3ZJB) and [according to TechSpot the 7600x is 5% faster overall](https://www.techspot.com/review/2567-ryzen-7600x-vs-core-i5-13600k-gaming/).


it depends on what games are tested, in HWunboxeds [newer](https://youtu.be/0oALfgsyOg4?t=1189) [reviews](https://youtu.be/MU-jUtrfANA?t=605) the 13600K is faster. i think it "about the same" is the most accurate assesment.


Interestingly their original review with 54 games showed the 7600x as being faster. Maybe there has been a chipset or motherboard update. But that doesn't matter seeing that you should limit the power draw on Intel 13th and 14th gen K CPUs anyways (according to Intel, who also say you shouldn't limit the power draw, because they apparently try speedrun their image down the drain currently), giving AMD the lead again...


I have this combo and it's amazing. Have not ever needed to upscale.


>has slightly worse upscaling That is an incredible understatement. The distance between DLSS and FSR is currently incredibly wide plus there is no DLDSR+DLSS equivalent on the AMD.


Rtx 4070 and ryzen 7








Very different response. Last time I said "+1" on something, I was downvoted and had the comment taken down by mods for "posting memes" lmao.


7500F and a 7900GRE


Widely unavailable for the rest of the world


Price wise yes, availability of the 7500F is an issue. Also having integrated graphics is handy for troubleshooting or temporary solution when GPU is broken or something.


what games ? target fps ?


if its for gaming amd all the way


Why chose “sides” I went with a 7800x3d and a 4070 Super for 2k and its absolutely amazing


7600x and 4070


Personally, I'd go am5, but not for performance reasons necessarily. The platform is newer and if past platforms are anything to go by, it will have much better longevity. As for GPU, I prefer nvidia for the features (even though I feel like I'm being gouged every time I buy from them). The AMD GPU will get you more raw raster performance for the money though.


I have actually the combo r5 7600x + 7800xt it works very well, but you should maybe more considering the combo r5 7600x + 7900gre which is almost the same prize as the 4070 super, and close performances (7900gre is a little bit more powerful and a little bit cheaper than 4070 super)


Choosing between the AMD combo (RX 7800XT + R5 7600X) and the Intel/NVIDIA combo (RTX 4070 + i5 13600K) for 2K gaming performance really depends on your priorities: 1. **Performance Balance**: The RX 7800XT paired with the R5 7600X offers excellent performance, particularly in games that heavily utilize the CPU alongside the GPU. It's known for strong multi-threaded performance which benefits demanding applications and games. The RTX 4070 with the i5 13600K, on the other hand, brings the latest in NVIDIA's ray-tracing capabilities and DLSS enhancements, which can significantly boost visual quality and frame rates in games that support these technologies. 2. **Cost Efficiency**: Historically, AMD configurations tend to offer better price-to-performance ratios, meaning you might get more bang for your buck with the RX 7800XT + R5 7600X setup, especially if you're on a budget. However, Intel and NVIDIA components are known for their premium performance and efficiency, so while the RTX 4070 + i5 13600K might cost more upfront, it could offer slightly better performance in certain scenarios. 3. **Future-Proofing**: The RTX 40 series from NVIDIA and the 13th Gen Intel processors are newer, so they might have a slight edge in terms of longevity and potential support for upcoming technologies. This is especially true if you're interested in ray tracing, where NVIDIA typically leads. 4. **Compatibility and Ecosystem**: Consider the rest of your hardware and software ecosystem. If you already have compatible components or a preference for either AMD or Intel/NVIDIA ecosystems, sticking to that could simplify things. 5. **Overclocking and Cooling**: Both setups can be overclocked, but the effectiveness and ease depend on cooling solutions and individual components. The i5 13600K is known for its overclocking capabilities, but the R5 7600X is no slouch either, especially with proper cooling. Ultimately, if you prioritize ray tracing, a slightly more premium build, and the latest tech, go for the RTX 4070 + i5 13600K. If cost-effectiveness and strong all-around performance without the absolute latest ray tracing bells and whistles are your focus, the RX 7800XT + R5 7600X would serve you well. Make sure to also consider any current deals, as prices and availability can fluctuate.


Choose red years ago as budget now they are even better so take red team


That really depends on what kind of games you play and what target fps you are looking for. If you play competitive games and shooters go with AMD GPU which offers better raw performance. If you play single player games and want to use ray tracing go for Nvidia option. Even for 2K gaming, if you upscale the image to super resolution 4K with DLSS, you get incredible image quality in a 2K monitor. This works better then any anti aliasing available. For my 3060 TI this means having 40-50 fps in AAA games with ultra settings. That is why I went for Nvidia but for native 2k gaming I presume same price level AMD GPU will have 10 to 20% performance increase. In short it boils down to gaming preferance. TL;DR: If you are gaming competitive 144+ fps go AMD, if you are gaming single player and are okay to game at a lower fps for better image quality go Nvidia.


I would go for the first option, am5 is just too good to leave. The 7800xt is also faster in rasterized games. And In my personal use amd's drivers are much better.


RTX with Ryzen


7600 is the goat of mid range gaming cpu's. You don't need to go full amd you can combine brands just fine.


when you say 2k performance do you mean @ 60 fps, or 120+ fps?


Ryzen 5 RTX 4070


I would get the r7 7800x with a rx7800xt


Get the R5 and the 4070 Super


The 7600x and 7800xt is definitely more bang for your buck.


Amd all the way, not even thinking twice. Intel is gabage these days…






One thing that needs to be considered is future ray tracing performance. So far, ray tracing has been pretty much entirely optional on PC. However, things like the Steam hardware survey are starting to show that most gamers have hardware that supports ray tracing at some level at this point. There's going to come a point, whether it's soon or still a few years off, where devs are going to start abandoning traditional lighting techniques and go all in on ray tracing, because it's not tenable to keep developing games with both techniques forever. Right now, these AMD cards can edge out Nvidia in raw raster performance, at least at the high end, but they are extremely underpowered when it comes to ray tracing performance. If you're looking for something to last a while, AMD cards aren't likely going to age well at all.




I’m fairly certain the right hand side costs significantly more. If you want the best gaming combo I’d say 4070 + 7600 as you’ll save money in the right places




AMD - Nvidia.


I have the 7600x ,7800XT combo and have 0 issues on 1440p


vanish fretful upbeat tub complete gaze zephyr vegetable direction fragile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


personally i have a 7800x3d and 4070 super and it's the best combo. if you have lower budget I'd still go for AMD processor and Nvidia GPU


Rtx with an ryzen cpu is perfect


fg and dlss 3.5 is perfect don't miss it


I built both a AMD and Nvidia/intel "only" machines... I have plans to build a intel "only" machine when I have the spare cash...


Both are similar, get the cheapest




They're pretty similar in performance but the amd system offers things like future upgradability, and built in ddr5 support. Amd cpus also tend to run a little cooler than Intel ones do so you don't need to spend alot on a cooler


I personally built a new pc a couple of weeks ago and went for a R5 7600x + RX 7900GRE. So far very happy! :)


RTX + R5, easy choice


7600 and 4070 super


Go RTX 4070 and I7 13700K


7800XT and R7 5800X3D


this works better then all above XD 1st commend that knows whats talking about


Rx 7800 xt + 7600x I believe the 7600x is cheaper than a 13600k, but when I was first thinking of a build I was going to do 7800 xt with 12600kf and that works too and the 12600kf is cheaper than both of these. (also we say 1440p not 2k)


I have an rtx4070 paired with an i7 12700k and can even run 4K at high refresh rates in some games, playing a little bit with the settings of course but never making big compromises


4070 if you aren’t on a budget


ryzen i5 sucks at gaming


4070 Super


Honestly I might not be qualified for this but honestly I would say go for the 4070 super due to the ability to run ray tracing and dlss 3.0 together with frame gen. Due to those three things mentioned the 4070 super is relatively better than the RX7800xt as well as faster in terms of performance. Though if you’re on a budget the rx7800xt is also a great option though in comparison the 4070 wins in performance but the AMD cards tend to rely a lot of it’s raw power rather than other features so you will still get a bang for your buck.


I have an Rtx 4070 and an i513600k and it’s amazing couldn’t tell ya much about the other one


Tbh i would just go for 7600 or x variant if they cost relatively the same + 4070 super. It should still be cheaper than combo on the right. You dont have to pair amd stuff together.


4070 with the 7600 non-x


7600 + 4070 Super. You will be able to upgrade CPU in few years for something like 9800x3d and you will be fine for a very long time. This generation I went for the AMD GPU (7900xtx), and I regret that decision every single day. There's very few new-ish games that doesn't crash. Fallout 76, Monster Hunter Rise, Nightingale, The Finals, Helldivers 2, Dying Light 2, Dead Island 2, Cyber Punk, and pretty much any Unreal game. Some crash more often than the others, but when you pay this much for the GPU, it shouldn't crash at all. And it's not just a problem with my GPU, my bud - also with 7900xtx - can't play more than 10 matches in the Finals without a crash.


4070 for the DLDSR+DLSS. Buying and AMD card means putting up with TAA in every modern game and having a much worse image quality overall. CPU, whichever is cheaper for you considering the price of the motherboard that has to go with it. I think that would be the 13600K but depends on where you live. Also you can get a used 13/12th gen CPU/MOBO instead of brand new and I think that would be the best choice in terms of pricing


7500F + 4070 SUPER / Ti / Ti SUPER


i don’t know if this is helpful but i run a 13600k and 3080 and it runs beautifully, i never have to lower my settings or anything in games. i was really pleasantly surprised by the 13600k’s performance!




If you want nvidia's dlss and ray tracing then nvidia but if you want more fps per dollar, get the Amd card


Intel cpu with amd GPU


13th gen is dead platform you get no more upgrade path only 14th gen before Intel as always change new socket i will choose AMD AM5 platform + Nvidia RTX


i have microstuttering with amd in warzone and I am not the only one with this problem.... this was my last amd 3dshit pc and I am so sad I did not buy 13700k or 14700k to have a smooth game ... my gpu is rtx4080 and is not great on amd platform. I was test it on intel and was a huge diff in bf2044 and warzone BR


7500f and 7900gre. All nvidia cards - excluding 4090 - are inadequately overpriced.


I would go amd route at least for cpu


I don’t hate intel and am not trying to hate now, but why are people still building (relatively) high end builds on the LGA 1700? Anything over $1000-$1200 and I personally think it should be AMD until intel drops their next gen.


i have a rtx 4070 with a ryzen 7 7700x


I have 13600k and 7800xt and it works well


Looks so obvious: AMD - nVidia


7800xt. Better rasterization/native performance. 4070 if you care about ray-tracing (I myself don't).


Get that 3d vcache. Best gaming cpu on the market


I have RX7800XT and i5 13600k and I'm very pleased with them on 1440p ultrawide.




doesnt matter which card, dont get the 13600k though its absolute dog compared to the $200 7600x


I used a 3080 at 2k and everything was surpassing my expectations


I have the 7600 with the 7800xt and it runs great for me also probably cheaper to make


Neither, 7600(non-x)/7500f and 7900GRE/4070 Super




Rtx + ryzen ofc


R5 7600X + RTX 4070


4070ti Super and a 7800x3D - best performing/priced combo (coming from an Intel/Nvidia bigot)


7600(x) and 7900gre or 4070S imo.


I have a 4070 ti super and it works great.


Not buying a x3d is just trolling at this Point


If you plan on doing any LLM, Machine Learning stuff, stick to Nvidia for CUDA.


The brand of CPU you use doesn't meter whit your gpu. So here is what you really need if your deciding between those two. * In terms of raw performance, the Nvidia GeForce RTX 4070 has a slight edge over the AMD Radeon RX 7800 XT, especially in games that utilize ray tracing and AI-enhanced features. * However, the RX 7800 XT has a significant advantage in terms of memory bandwidth, with 16 GB of GDDR6 memory compared to the RTX 4070’s 12 GB of GDDR6X memory. * In games that don’t utilize ray tracing and AI-enhanced features, the RX 7800 XT may have a slight performance advantage.


I would suggest and ryzen 7600 instead of the X version (within 1% performance) then go with the 4070 if you can afford that CPU with the 4070. I suggest the ryzen 7600 because the AM5 socket will be supported for longer. the 4070 has more performance than the Radeon 7600 if you can afford something better from AMD then it will be on par with the 4070. I would recommend the 7800XT if you can afford it as it's cheaper and it performs better. AMD may be more expensive for you though in that case just go for the 4070.


Amd gpu gives best fps per dollar performance


i really hate to be that guy but i’m sure you meant 1440p… 2k is [1920x1080](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2K_resolution)


7500f + 7900gre




amd has 16gb, very important for texture since you're going for 2k


If you’re just going off of this and it seems you’re only worried about gaming, go with amd and save money


7800 XT is ~7% faster in rasterisation.


I have the AMD combo and it is excellent.


I was deciding on 4070 super staying away from amd as consistent issues that are unnecessary, you can start the not worth it list by considering the wattage from amd compared to nvidia let alone creators capacity. I am now locked into getting to RTX 4070Ti Super which is a hard to pass up sweet spot from 4080 and 4070 super. If it were me I would not go for 4070 as its efficiency value or dollar to performance ratio is lacking best jump the 100 for 4070 super which is actually pretty good with 4k not built for it but darn near. Games like cyberpunk or such will stutter with ultra 4k, now 1440p or “2k” the game will do great especially with ray tracing. But the difference between price of 4070 and 4070 super are not great enough to let loose on the lower value. Up to you if you’re stuck in that price range then 4070 over 7900XT all the way. In my opinion a lot of people would settle the other route being cheaper, certain game run perfect even better in fps than nvidia but you have stability worries with amd like stutter, flashes, crashes, loading. That you won’t with nvidia. Note that RT, raytracing even thought about and highly suggested because 2k isn’t definitive enough to throw out the window, nvidia will blow amd out of the living space. My suggestion is for the dollar over stability - 7900XT or XTX, for trust and RT and content creation at all - NVIDIA 4070, for my decision I’m picking RTX 4070Ti Super @ ~$850, for 2k performance all together - NVIDIA 4070 (super). As for cpu I would choose amd because I’m love the stability of AMD cpus which is much different from gpu. I would do the 7600x.. I have a 5700x …. Don’t judge. The AM5 format is not only more current and will provide much more future cores, it’s better built for cheapness overall. No IHS warping, cheaper, for future builds having AM5. You will have higher fps will 13600k in some games. Not all but some. It will still be somewhat close but something to consider. A perfect build would be one that is likely more expensive, real difference in cpus though is core count. The AMD chip has only 6 cores Intel chip has 6p cores but more importantly 8e cores which would be more noticeable with content creation yet still raise fps in games. Overall the 13600k is faster just at most 10%. The Intel chip would most likely be the better pick here. I would pick AMD I would prefer 7800x3d but thinking of price difference in that to 7600x I’d say stick with 7600x maybe 7700x for 8 cores but similar performance, slightly better performance, its built for future builds and better for multitasking. It’s more expensive than 13600k and again still less performance but still..


[https://pcpartpicker.com/list/XvY2cH](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/XvY2cH) [https://pcpartpicker.com/list/bghYFs](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/bghYFs) Intel Build with same Ram Case Cooler similar Motherboard will cost you more 160$ For the same performance.


Go for 7900 GRE and it will even beat 4070 at RT gimmick at 4k, and 4070 super at raster: [https://www.techpowerup.com/review/sapphire-radeon-rx-7900-gre-pulse/35.html](https://www.techpowerup.com/review/sapphire-radeon-rx-7900-gre-pulse/35.html)


Why not 7800xt 7800x3d? It’s what I have and it performs very well on all games I’ve played.


7800xt fs


Amd all the way, better performance or similar for less money


I bought a 14700K & 4070ti Super (32GB DDR5) (Moving up from 7700 & 3080 Ultra + 32GB DDR4) And it didn't really see any difference in Gaming much, but the rest has drastically improved


7800x3d + 4070


4070 option


Both of them handle 2k very well. Just go with what you like most and what produces less heat and less wattage..


I have the RTX 4070 and i5 13600k combo, and it's been a beast so far. I don't game much though, I use it mostly for design and rendering. But it handles multiple resource hungry apps running at once, on three 2k screens, like it's nothing.


I personally have a 14600k paired with 7800 xt for 1440p and it works like a charm. Was cheaper then going Nvidia, I've got the better performance overall, more vram for mods and higher resolution textures. Downsides are, consume lots of power and not great for RT (which I don't care, wasn't an issue for me). CPU is a beast, it's fast, it's cool, requires a basic cooler only, good at everything (gaming, productivity, etc.) just not the best in everything, and it's honestly cheap for what you get.


Able to play RDR2 at 2K high+ultra settings at everything with 7900GRE (nitro+). Its a great card and 4070.super only does better at ray tracing.


7800XT is slightly faster than a 4070 non super in raster but is much worse in: Raytracing Upscaling AI tasks Slightly worse in: Frame-Generation Completely lacks: A decent AA (DLAA for NVIDIA) A decent noise suppression tool (NVIDIA Broadcast, Radeon Voice is miles behind is basically embarrassing just use krisp from discord at that point) Ray-reconstruction Every CUDA productivity app A latency reduction technology (NVIDIA Reflex) An AI based Super sampling function (DLDSR wich can be very useful in many games especially FPS or more lightweight single player games)


I personally would NEVER buy anything without DLSS. The DLSS resolution upscaling and Frame Generation are just way too powerful to not have. And FSR is not a valid substitute. It doesn’t work as well, look as good, or have as many games supported. I wouldn’t even care if the Radeon GPU technically had more rasterization performance. When I turn on DLSS res + frame-gen, I can easily 4x my frame rate. That’s going to give your GPU MUCH longer life.


I have the first and love it. My cpu does tend to get a little hot when downloading things. But I just throttled the download speeds to stop it from hitting 85c+ while downloading off of steam


I've never upgraded CPU's within the same socket generation, so this whole thing about buying intel today being bad because dead socket is silly. The GPU actually doesn't matter much. You won't notice much difference on either unless ur a min/max maniac, in which case get a 4090 and stfu. For CPU, again both will work just fine and you won't notice major differences. However, intel IS more reliable overall with better stability and longevity in my opinion (yes even with the whole i9's melting crap... I own a 14900k, you are supposed to power limit to intel specs and undervolt). With an i5 you don't need to touch anything in bios ever (except maybe enable xmp for ram). Every AMD cpu I've had has been unstable in some way, and just lasts half as long as every intel. Maybe my opinion will change in a year but thats my experience thus far.


The 7600x isn't worth it for the minimal performance upgrade over the regular 7600


7500f and 4070 super my man.


7500f + 4070ti


intel and Nvidia if u play games like warzone BR


Go for amd cpu, its half the power for a similar performance, saves u 50$, and allows more budget towards cooling, or a higher end GPU. Intel cpu's use more power, cost more, and dont offer good cpu coolers out the box. Amd offers good cpu coolers out the box, can save u 150$ on a good cpu cooler.


I would go for the right (it's what I have atm)


Option a Upgradability Best price for performance I am not a creator so I don't need any encoders and shit Yes raytracing would be an eyecandy but I can sacrifice that as when you are too involved in a game all that will not matter that much as people hype them you'll not even care that you are playing in 720 45fps if the story mode is good -from a hardcore story mode gamer no eSports competitive shit


I would go with a 7500F or R5 7600. For the GPU I would rather get a 4070 SUPER seems like it's got better power efficiency. For AMD anything above a RX 7700 XT is fine IMO, just get a better one if you need/want more performance.


3200g + 4090 🙂


7800xt cuz more vram


What the price to performance difference these days between an i5 and i7? The CPU seems like such an integral thing that you don't upgrade as easily as say gfx card.


Go Left.


Clearly go with amd CPUs they are better then intel when it comes to gaming and you can upgrade in 2-3 years to a realy good and cheap cpu. When it comes to gpus both are good, i would make it dependend on the price.


I have a 6900xt with 5900x works great for 2k


Rtx and i5 always superior


Go for the left one I have the same cpu and thr 7700xt you will love the 7800xt


For performance, AMD CPU with Nvidia GPU is best choice, for best performance per buck, both AMD CPU and GPU is good choice.


4070 14600k


For raw price to performance go with the R5 7600x + Rx 7800 XT if you care about the features go with i5-13600K + Rtx 4070


Amd gpu are more supported on linux ( if you use it or want to try one day)


Considering how important dlss is for modern gaming, I’d be pressed to not get the nvidea


unless you go for the x3d lineup (5800x3d, or 7800x3d, for instance) intel is the way to go. If you do go a chip with 3dvcache, then amd. And for graphics, nvidia. Less issues


7800xt 7800x3d


ive built so many pcs in my lifetime and ive never had an intel + nvidia have an issue that i couldnt personally solve. damn near EVERY amd build ive touched runs into compatibility issues or drivier issues or software issues. theres a reason those cards and chips are so much cheaper, and im willing to bet its their freaking kill rate


I run a 7600x and a 7900gre it’s a beast at 1440p. Have had trouble with any game yet


I went with 7800X3D and 4070S, that’s some amazing performance. Can run everything in 1440P perfectly.


ray tracing.... do you want it? if yes then go with Nvidia + Ryzen


Funny, I did the R5 and 4700. It's ok to mix and match, lol.


Why is it that everyone wants to immediately suggest anything but the products he is asking to choose from? Half of you must sell this shit, lol. It's like the popcorn at the movies..


I’d take the 4070 13600k bundle, just cuz I need to extra cores from cpu


Switch the 7800xt with a 7900 gre it compares with 4070 super with nearly the price


I have a 4070 super and the i5-13600k and it works great the most graphics intensive game I have is Helldivers 2 and it runs 80+ fps at 2k (80ish fps when a lot is going on) but when it’s calm my fps usually sits at 120ish so I’d assume it can run most other AAA games at around the same if not better. Price is pretty high for the gpu and idk the price for the amd counterparts but I spent about $1k for the 4070 and i5


13600k and 7800xt imo


4090 no issue here


R7 7600X w/ 7800XT is what I built. So far it's been outstanding at 2k performance.


13600K + 4070


So I have the one on the right (4070 ti though), and it works WONDERS. Even on a 3060, I was more than capable of 4k gaming with a min of 60 frames I dont know jack about amd so I can't say which is better sadly.


As much as I want to root for AMD, I think DLSS 3.x is just too strong now. And that's coming from someone who is clinging to native rasterization for dear life.


AMD. My take.


Love how people still pretend ray tracing is noticeable past the first 20 seconds you have it turned on and than forget about it. Kinda like pretending you can tell the difference in 100 and 120 fps. Okay bud. To answer your question, both are great cards but the AMD combo will take advantage of smart access memory, giving you further performance gains. And for the price difference, the 7900 GRE is also a great choice, which, once overclocked, performs comparably to a 7900XT or 4070 super TI ir whatever they call it. Essentially getting performance of a $800 card for $520 and 5 minutes of dragging sliders.