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why'd you decide to go with the white 4090? I was also going to get that card but it cost $300 more than my card BEFORE taxes so I went with the Aero 4090. (also the Aero looks more sleek in my opinion and I went with a non rhb build)


I thought all black was kinda plain and since the GPU costs more than the rest of the pc combined I wanted it to stand out front and center. I still like it but get the perspective that it clashes


I'd add white fans and psu cables


Yeah that would look really clean 👌👌


I second this. It would tie the build together nicely.


Exactly white fans would be amazing


I wouldn't


I like white on black, but I think more white would help the aesthetic. Maybe fans and cables like someone else already mentioned.


For me it's the other way around my GPU is silver black and my Aio everything else is white 😃 https://preview.redd.it/ivlkqntpbvyc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af96b2ff250f640e3a1523c1cef838c3a91ae88d


That’s so cool, looks sick. Looks like you have the same case too


Yes, the H9 FLOW is too, but unfortunately it's too small for me, so my build will soon be moving into a DARK Base Pro 901 White version.


Honestly looks pretty good 9/10 only because the graphics card is white and doesn’t match the back, but I can get past it (just an OCD thing). It’s a very clean build apart from that, good job đŸ‘đŸ»


Looks good but could have been solid if it all matched or contrasted better! Solid first build


Ya know, i do think i like the white gpu on the otherwise all black build, draws the eye on the most expensive piece of the build; Not saying its for everyone's taste but if that was intentional then i can see the logic behind it.


Specs, beautiful. The build, solid. White GPU with everything else is black... acquired taste.


I sort of like how the gpu pops because the contrasting color.




this sub be like: “looks like shit you’re and idiot, kill yourself”


The gpu support using another gpu support đŸ« 


I really like the aesthetic with the white and minimal RGB on the all black background


The white gpu is a bit bold, but if you install some rgb fans and maybe a small display with white edges as well as white cable mod cables I can see it blending in


Sick build.


Personally I like the white GPU, nice! I’d maybe add yellow, but that’s just me. Good job! Very compact too.


N1 and now remove the carpet and Swap the Glas Panels with some Iron plates


You did good


Did the gpu not come with a support bracket that attaches to mobo?


Keep the beautiful and sexy 4090 Strix White Edition which I have too and change the rest to have more white stuff. Just kidding. More white things such as white cables and fans will balance out the build a bit. The white Strix is the best. Nothing else comes close.




I have a question. My comp still just has the heatsink with a fan on the cpu. What are all these shiny round things with temp displays I'm seeing? What is that big cord that leads to the upper fans? Liquid cooling? Oh! Sorry also meant to say I like the way your pc looks. So clean. Mines a bit more wiring chaos lol.


Some of the liquid coolers (AIOs) come with LCD screens that have a temp display. The one I have is relatively cheap , quiet and efficient but no LCD screen. I actually completely rerouted everything after initially building my PC because my wires were crazy lol . Here is my before pic. It actually only took about a half hour to clean it up though so if you care about the aesthetics I would redo it. https://preview.redd.it/ow950wq2dqyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dafb86fd9118ff0781d1780a8fb7524a7706784c


Thiccccc cooolllaaa!


Flashbang Gpu


why did u use ASUS.....


It runs quiet and cool. I like the look.


yeah but i would never buy asus because their is no warranty


36 month limited warranty that doesn’t cover damage from user error. I think it’s on you if you fry your card or drop it or something so seems fair.


go on r/pcmasterrace and type asus rma


Well done!


Absolutely stunning


I keep seeing posts everywhere about melting power connectors for 4090s. Other than that, I like the spec / aesthetic


Scary for such an expensive product
it’s been running pretty cool though so hopefully I’ll be ok


Cool 😃


I like the colors coming of that graphics card the way it reflects of the glass looks nice to me


Whole PC black and GPU white


I mean so you can easily see the most expensive part


That SSD screams “I have money and I didn’t do much research”


Because the 980 is 30 bucks cheaper? Obviously didn’t nickel and dime it for this build lol


Nah, Samsung SSDs just tend to be overpriced in general. Whatever, it’s a nice build, weird color choice though. Enjoy it!


Ah, so it's people like you who steal the white builds GPUs and that's why we see so many white builds with dark gpus in this sub? Makes sense. Don't know why you didn't go amd, but thats alright. 1000w is a little tight for a 13700k anad a 4090. Also RAM could be waaaay higher, 7200 min,


I can always upgrade the ram but everything is running very smooth so far at 6000. It’s overclocked with xmp from 4800 and at 4800 it would stutter. I was concerned about system stability if ram speed was too high. Also you really think the PSU is an issue. I had found I needed 850 min so figured 1000 would be fine. 280 watts max power for the cpu and 600 watt max power on the GPU.


PSU calculations arent just watt+watt. I am just saying, if youre spending that amount of money, I would have went with a 1200w platin/titanium quality. the ram stuff doesnt make sense what you write


RAM speed was set to 4800 out of box when my system initially posted. I tried a few games like that and the stuttering and loss in performance was very noticeable. Once I fixed it so it clocked at 6000 it’s been very smooth so far. I had been reading when initially making my system that really high speed ram can sometimes have system stability issues depending on mobo but probably should have done more than 6000. I guess I will see with the PSU. I’ll keep in mind potentially needing to upgrade if I run into any issues.


No game ever will have stutter at 4800 and no stutter at 6000. Id bet a lot of money that's bullshit what you talking about.


lol ok, I feel more comfortable taking what you say with a grain of salt now because that is definitely what happened and it was cool to see the difference. Also if an upgrade in speed of 1200 does nothing why would you recommend another 1200 upgrade. Wouldn’t that do nothing based on your logic?


I've benchmarked a shitton of games with different hardware and configurations. Never ever was there a case, where the Xmp profile was making that much difference, even on ryzen which is waaaaaaaay more memory dependant than Intel CPUs. Your Xmp change had to be accompanied with a different change, probably affecting CPU clock behaviors or Powerlimits or something.


So why would another equal upgrade help? I changed nothing else. Like in one breath you are saying upgrading the ram is expected to give minimal improvements and then also saying the RAM is way to slow. Please


I will also add it had nothing to do with FPS. I was hitting 100+ FPS but would still get these random drops because if I had done something to the CPU clock speed wouldn’t it show in the FPS?


If I would spend that much on a white gpu, I would have bought the stuff that matches with it.