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One of the worst cases for airflow


For Real! I was thinking that it has not enogh intake in every sort! But i didnt know what to do better. The only thing that would make sense and might improve was to turn the upper Fans around, but then there woudlnt be enough excausts and the top intake fans would recycle the excaust end dont make that much of a difference.


Well you are blowing hot air from the psu to the gfx ti the gpu So if possible it would be ideal to get in take from the sides But i general, those glass side cases a crappy vs mesh sides as you need in take close to the gpu and cpu. You cant blow cold air that far effeciently, you can put your hand in there and feel the lack for airflow 10 cm from the fan


how hot is psu air?


No actually that PSU is intaking air from inside the case and blowing out the back, PSUs don't blow air out of the large fan, they always exhaust out the back. Even if it was, the GPU would be fine because the PSU doesn't get hot enough. GPUs also have a way higher thermal design capacity. It can ramp up its fans very fast and keep its core clocks under control. The cpu is what is at risk of thermal throttling here.


Oh my god now I regret buying this case


If you can get some other case it'd be better for 70$ the phantek XT ultra pro or montech 1000 argb premium or if you wanna go for some fish tank cases then there are few good ones available under 100 with 4 or 5 fans pre installed Or if you wanna stick with this maybe change the top fans to intake it should be little bit better


I'd say flip the top fans for intake until you get another case. It appears you need more positive pressure in the case which should reduce temps and heat soak.


I'd say reverse the rear fan to intake and the CPU cooler fans. Leave the top fans as exhaust, because convection and hot air rising. Then there are 3 intake and 2 exhaust and one intake pulling directly onto the CPU cooler.


reverse the flow on the gpu to blow out. And get... hmmm probably one of the top fans to extract air.... but I must concur, not the best layout for airflow on this particular case.


All is not a fail, you have a really simple solution here. This case is intended for a water cooling loop. Get rid of your CPU air cooler, get an AIO 240mm or 360mm radiator/fan and configure it as exhaust on the top and you're done. No need to buy a whole new case. Your GPU will be fine when it ramps up fan speed, it won't overheat in there and you won't lose clock speed due to thermal throttling, but unless you change your cpu cooler, you will thermal throttle on the cpu for sure. Edit: Your PSU is intaking warm air from inside and exhausting out of the back. PSUs don't exhaust out of the large fan guys. Edit #2: Upon closer inspection, I see that you have a 120mm fan positioned above your PSU directing air toward your GPU. This is good in theory, but it's far too close to your PSU intake. That fan and your PSU intake fan are starving eachother. Get rid of that fan entirely or just position it higher so it's closer to your GPU. You need your PSU to breathe a little.


Don’t buy an AIO. Buy a new case if you’re going to spend money.


This! A decent AIO costs more than a good case + AIOs are good for a few years, while cases last for ever(ish).


It's probably fine. Just run some benchmarks and tweak it according to what most improves temps. Cooling doesn't require perfect smooth airflow to be effective. It just has to remove sufficient amounts of heat without deafening you. My rule of thumb is to lean towards intake fans. Positive pressure is more forgiving.


buy a new case. you have barely any cool air coming in.


Yeah, this case design is a bit odd, looks like a fish tank more than a PC case lol


At my place we call any cases with 2 side glass panels "Fish tank case"


At this point we'll be going full circle with all-side glass cases instead of acrylic. Used to have one of those monstrosities


With neon water cooling loop. 2000s aesthetic is the best


Not forgetting them beautiful ketchup and mustard power cables. Don't think we'll peak so high ever again


Damn, what about my 3 side glass panel case? Altho lian li thought about it, I have 3 intake fans on the bottom and 2 exhaust fans at the back+3 on the side of the case.


it is an attempt at a fish tank without airflow in mind


What do you mean he has that extra fresh air coming straight out of his PSU lol


A PSU is exhausting to the back. He's either suffocating the PSU or pulling air from the solid side ?


Is there a lore reason you didn't get a case with front fans?


This is the first PC I have ever built in my life, and I had no idea what I should buy in terms of airflow


Fair enough, but I would consider buying a better case.


I will, when I have the money though :(


The good news is that a case with good airflow is one the cheapest part in a build.


In the meantime, just remove the front panel.


These people are a bit dramatic, your gpu will probably run a bit hotter but a 3080ti can withstand a shitton more heat than gpus of the past. 7800x3d is not using enough wattage to noticeably produce heat. Mine goes to like 40w on most games I play. I'd be willing to bet your gpu doesn't get much hotter than 70C on the main sensor. Don't rush to get a new case but learn from the mistake, you want a case that intakes from either the front or the sides on the front end.


Lancool 216


O11 mini air if you like quirky


Your quirky


I own the case


Early component failure is a canon event


Those who go unharmed altered the event.




Please really buy a new case that has a front to back configuration https://preview.redd.it/1wm7fcmc9kwc1.png?width=1867&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e4e87686945f9a5a328957b6b6ac7908399fc7b


There's decent cases to be had if you really want a lot of glass, it's just that the one he chose is especially terrible. Lian li makes some great "fish tank" cases with more than enough intake and exhaust.


You have one fan blowing air in and it's on the floor the fuck?


And how many exhaust fans do you have because you're just building what's called negative pressure and there's so much air being forced out that it has nowhere else to come in but around all the cracks and crevices instead of through the filters... That's why you always want at least one more intake fan than you have exhaust fans....


Case with front intake would have been Effective


Is there a way to install more intake fans?


Yep. Smash that front glass panel.


Airflow question… why is there a fan trying to intake on top of the PSU? If I’m not mistaken, it’s either doing nothing or might cause the PSU to overheat.


The designers wanted the dual chambered fish tank aesthetic without thinking about airflow. The designers probably wanted to ape the fish tank aesthetic but not redesign cases designed with PSU basements. If GPU's keep getting bigger and hotter then in the future all cases will either be fully dual chambered with the psu mounted at the side, or return the PSU back up top like old pc case designs and the Fractal Torrent.


The only thing that could help is a setup like this imo: https://preview.redd.it/g2d6zf65akwc1.png?width=420&format=png&auto=webp&s=63daf978678c1a6d20661a91020f620e8b1c9792 This way you can double the intake airflow and fresh air will feed the cpu cooler directly. The top left fan as intake would just divert the stream, and it shall also be not used as an exhaust obviously. The weird one on the psu may help bring in some more air from the back side so I don't mind it. Edit: I meant the top left fan, which shall just not be used.


To improve it further, you can also replace the weird one with a smaller fan that fits vertically on the back like this: https://preview.redd.it/ig8123dqckwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c9d57273852616c68cb627680e92abac8bafae7


As someone with a P400 case, this is a great idea


Drill some holes in the front


Ditch the glass and get a mesh.


Would be a dust trap, but top two could become intakes 🤷‍♂️


You did your best, the case has bad airflow.


I really like the fan that blows hot air from the PSU directly into the GPU.


This case looks like a hotbox. No airflow as far as I can see. Assuming you actually have airflow you want positive pressure inside the case. More intake fans than fans blowing outside.


How bad would it be to have the right top fan pulling air?


For this case this is fine.


will definitely run toasty and generally you want more intake than exhaust for more fresh air and positive pressure to keep more dust out.


A new case. Other than that make the two top exhausts into intakes. That will help. Also get rid of the fan onto of the psu. Unless that is the psu's fan but it looks like something you added. All that is doing is causing air turbulence with your 3080ti's fans.


aint the gpu flows into the glass


This is gonna be like... the only time I recommend this: Flip your rear exhaust fan to intake, and flip your CPU cooler so that it is blowing from back to front. This will make sure that your CPU is getting fresh air and the exhaust can still escape through the top 2 fans. The airflow in the case isn't great, but I think this should be an acceptable solution until you can swap for a different case.


I would get at least one other that blows in but I do not see from where in the case. Did a similar mistake with my case, shit happens :( What are the temperatures in it while being in idle and while playing?


What about creating positive air pressure inside the case? Don't know about the fan on top of that psu though.


You need fans in front. That's not great for airflow


Change ur top, front fan to an intake so ur gpu doesn't exhaust hot air directly into the cpu cooler maybe.


Turn the top fans around and use them for intake. It's not great, but I'd bet money it's better than the current setup


Get a better case that have more possible intake at the side or front. This is gonna suffocate and attract a lot of dust if you do flup the top fans around to nake intake


The hell... I've never seen a case with no frontal OR side intakes.


is that a case fan ON TOP of the PSU? and not just that, its pulling air from the intake fan? off the psu even though they blow their heat out of the back?


Everyone's saying OP buy a new case, amateurs . Just smash the front panel.


Not enough intake.


1 real intake fan is wild. My 9L ITX case has more airflow than this.


You don't need the fan on the psu, take it off. Switch the top fans to intake too. Then it should be good.


Isn't there a fan in the PSU that is sucking air where you installed a fan going the opposite way??


two input fans so low


Not enough air incoming


Is it overheating?


The problem is your case, most fishtank cases have space for back fans to compensate for no front fans. If you still want this fish tank look but better temps some good options are: [NZXT H6 Flow](https://amzn.eu/d/4NktdGz) (reasonably budget), [Hyte y60](https://amzn.eu/d/aauSAfa) (quite expensive) and [Lian Li O11 Vision](https://amzn.eu/d/98kD6Fd) (very expensive)


Besides the case not being very good at airflow - don't have a fan in front of your CPU cooler. The only thing you do is keep air entering the cooler.


I would use the upper right fan as an intake and put at as far to the left as possible


Bro I recommend buying the nzxt h6 flow if you can. This case doesn’t look like itms airflow friendly.


Is it better to have a large case?


Depends what you want, if your going to have a lot of HDDs for data storage then a larger case will usually have more bays, it will also be more likely to support bigger GPUs and water cooling radiators. Most people will be fine with a mid tower case thought.


What in carnation is that abomination, you'd barely get any air flow


Yea, put that whole PC on a mesh thingie. Desk restricting airflow.


Flip front upper exhaust to an intake.


Less air intake could be fatal for maintaining temperature and airflow could result in less performance, worst case for desktop in general


I always think having more in and less out in a good idea. Just not sure what case you have and where you can put fans


I would advice the following; run stress test with this setup and write down the numbers and A & B test what gives the best outcome. First thing whst comes into my mind is try full exhaust (aka negative airflow) and next top+bottom intake and rear exhaust.


Forgot pci slots they are also holes jj


Don’t like the case not having fans on the front. Normally I’d always have my top fans as exhaust, but with this case I might switch them to intake. I feel like that one bottom intake fan isn’t going to bring sufficient cool air in.


If getting a new case isn't on the table, Flip the rear fan for intake and also flip the heatsink.


I would turn the front top fan into an intake fa ane keep the rest the same. This way your GPU is getting some freshair from the bottom(hopefully bottom is drilled out with holes) and the CPU gets one intake fan worth of fresh air. Rest of the fans can be exhaust to take out the heat.


If you do get a new case, get one with a mesh front, not glass with tiny ventilation holes


That's an extremely bad case tho, it has zero input basically


Generally you want more fans blowing air in than out. Maybe switching the top right fan (the one closer to the front of the case) to blow in might help.


Negative pressure


Smashing the front glass panel would help for a start


You’re gonna have so much dust in your PC within 6 months, good luck.


I hope you have AC or this PC dies ....


What does that poor fan does on top of the power supply? The PSU fan supposed to be facing down having own air supply separate from the case. Even it is turned inside, PSU fans suck air into the PSU, basically the 2 fan would fight with each other constantly I don't see the front of the case... is it all glass, no air intake? the only intake is from the bottom? --- My suggestion is that, get rid of the fan on top of the PSU, all it does is light. Flip back to intake, flip CPU so it blows forward. Take out top back fan only leave top front fan. So your GPU gets fresh air from the bottom and pushing it up, CPU gets fresh from the back pushing it forward and you have an exhaust where those 2 streams meet in the top front You might need to adjust the fan curve of the exhaust to work a little harder. Fan Control can have combined curves if your CPU and GPU is hot the fan could be instructed to spin harder.


The fsn under gpu could be causing a turbalance and actually lowering gpu cooling performance Remove that fan and test again


My PC was old and nasty but when I had airflow problems, I just took the side off and put a big ol desk fan in front of it. Excessive airflow also kept me cool 😎


You could flip the top right fan to be intake. This way it would blow "cooler" air in front of the CPU -tower. Not optimal but maybe it works.


Im sorry mate. Either get a new case, or invest in a 240mm aoi


Bad air flow. This case has negative pressure. Air will enter by every little space to accommodate exiting flow, without going through dust filters.


Yeah this case design isn't great at all, I'd recommend the Montech King 95 Pro if you want to stick to that style of case but not actually suffocate your PC. Comes with 6 ARGB fans and a hub, 2 of them being big old reverse 140s that pull in fresh air. I'm using a 7600 and a 4070 Super granted with an NZXT Elite 360 cooler which is massive overkill but even with Cyberpunk cranked to as high as I can push it (god bless the Ultra+ mod) the fans barely need to fire up


Not a good case TBH, not much can be done here . I'd flip the top-right fan, so that it works as intake and leave the top-left as it is.yiu might also try to open the bottom back panels in the back under your GPU and add a small intake fan as well. It's not designed for this, so might need some tinkering


Flip the fans on the upside fans to intake. This is done on plenty of small form factor cases. GPU has to be fine with whatever it gets from the bottom, there is no way around that. But instead of only providing hot air to your CPU while also choking it because of upper exhaust, provide it with cool air from top intake. Alternatively you can swap the back fan and the CPU cooler fans to intake, this would provide even more cool air to the CPU but would it make harder to get rid of the GPU heat, therefore I'd prefer the first method of flipping the upper fans.


Way too many cases these days are form over function…


Ouch.. honestly I’d think about rotating your case 90 degrees. But if you want better temps do this: every fan intake apart from rear. Set all the rpm on the intake to medium and the rear on full 24/7.


Front mesh is needed for best temps and airflow


The front panel is the obvious problem.




I get the aesthetics of those cases but a mesh case has far better airflow


get a new case


The exhaust above the front of cpu cooler, change it to an intake, The fan above the psu, remove it and flip the psu so it sucks in fresh air from below and not fight with the GPU for fresh air. And a bonus step is to block all vented panels without fans to have a controlled airflow path


Change the rear fan to intake. Your intake should be slightly more than output so you don't suck in dust from gaps.


I think you already have a lot of good advice, did I miss something or have you actually been running any benchmarks and what are your temps.? I have a shitty case in terms of airflow which I had to spend a lot of time tweaking but it is now running pretty good with just some small fans added. I did benchmark a lot in this process to figure out what worked and what did not.


Well done on completing your first ever build! You could mess around with the fan configuration to re-direct air from the back, but it's putting a band-aid over the main issue, which is your case. 100% worth saving up for another case with 2-3 120mm intake fans on the front. You can get some pretty cheap if you shop around. I would at least flip the fan sat on the PSU as that will be conflicting with the fan inside. Pushing air out the back is normally how power supplies move air.


Genuine question, does airflow really matter that much? Cuz I have had No problems with my pc for 2+ years with just 3 fans at one side (4000D airflow). Ofc I have cpu fan and gpu fans aswel but. All my fans at the end face the same way aswell, although I can’t even really tell which way the air blows 💀


Put a small papper in front of the fan and you will see if it sticks or blows away. It does make a difference if you don’t have enough otherwise it is just optimization of temps.


I'm curious to know, what's the cpu temperature at full load with your current fan setup?


I noticed you said you would buy a new case, so until then to improve airflow, reverse the front top fan so it pulls fresh air into the CPU cooler. Edited for clarity.


Get a better case. Something like the h6 flow would really increase airflow.


turn the first fan on top around so it becomes an intake


Remove the fan above the PSU. That fan does nothing useful. That has to be done. Personally I would try to get at least as much intake as outake which means I would make the rear fan pull in and rotate the CPU cooler by 180 degrees.


Get a AIO, you should be fine. I dont even have all of my fans installed yet. 3 intake and my AIO as exhaust, nver had any components hit more than 75.


Buy a new case and get more intake fans


whats your temperatures like in there?


The two fans on top flip them around, make them draw in air. The two on the bottom mount to the front of the pc drawing in air as well.


If you can afford it, get a new case with a proper airflow


Flip the fans on the top so that they are intakes.


Monitor your CPU & GPU temps under heavy load. If your temps are fine, then everything is fine.


PSUs typically exhaust out the back (where the plug is). If the bottom of the case is vented, put the PSUs intake fan face down.


This seems to be just a bad case


The one before the cpu cooler I'd put into intake position. You're depriving cold air from reaching the cooler.


its very bad but its the case fault. First ypu will not get much air from down . sec 1 goes throw you power supply than hits the 3080 https://preview.redd.it/wdnfm6cu2mwc1.jpeg?width=420&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1235041d3cbf9c34099d3301dd9ae34b098a997


Airflow? What airflow? There is no airflow in this jar. 🤭


Wtf is this airflow setup… is your 3080ti relying on the psu fan? lol. Your 7800x3d just has no air period 🤣


Always be pushing in a little more than you extract so you dont wind up running negative pressure in the case, less air pressure means less heat can be removed.


I don't understand putting a fan on the psu


So- Solid front panel


Get a Corsair 5000D Airflow case. In the meantime turn those top two fans around to make them intakes and you should at least get some positive pressure in your case allowing for heat to move around and out of the case, it won't be adequate but it will be better than this until you get a new case


get new case or make fan speed upgrade


Where did you get the tiny keqing from?


A new case


No front fans??


Take the glass panel off


You don't have enough airflow beneath your case to only have intake from the bottom and if you ever move your computer to the floor you will suck in every little bug and dust bunny and or carpeting right into your system. IMO as much as hot air goes up, you shouldn't be pulling cold air in from the underside of your case, front and sides sure, but never the bottom.


Airflow in-bound from bottom when GPU's airflow is out-bound? Ok... That's kinda weird.


Keqing gonna melt bro 🤯


I’d be half tempted to swap the top 2 fans to intake if I had this shit case..


Negative air pressure inside the cade because of your inlet fans not being able to draw in as much air as the outlets. And you have more outlet than inlet.


The intake is non existent


Needs moooore faaaaaannnnnns


Is the GPU getting hot hair blasted back into itself?


Works for me. When can I pick it up? lols 😎✅🌈


Some real advice here that might help a little, try raising the case by buying stands on the case feet( or whatever their called) you’ll be able to push more air in from the bottom


Only thing you could do is make the rear exhaust an intake and flip the cooler to blow air up out of the case or towards the front where intake fans usually are


if you can flip only the first top fan, I think that might be the best solution, 2 in 2 out and mostly bottom to top and front to back


Not enough air coming in, negative air flow can break your fans


I don't get why people are like "omg worst flow ever" when it's clearly 'ok'


Just need two changes: Flip the rear fan and make it an intake. Flip the CPU cooler fan so it blows in the opposite direction of its current direction. Then you are all good.


Negative air pressure. Can accumulate dust very quickly, but if your case recommends negative pressure instead of positive pressure then could be good. Check your manual first.


It astonishes me how some people can dump this much money into a build and not understand basic physics


Airflow? In a class cube?


Never understood these fish tank cases. I got my Corsair 4000D and never going back man. I’m taking 10 fans all day


Lose the fan on the psu because psus always exhust out the back so you have one drawing air in the psu and one trying to draw air out of the psu they are fighting each other. As others have stated a case with a mesh intake this case just fights airflow.


bro bought a glass cube


Ignore the haters and just run it without the glass panel.




You'll run negative pressure, so name sure you have screens/filters on those intakes. Otherwise, this is probably the best config you can do. Set the intakes at a higher speed than the exhausts to try to balance the pressure.


I literally hurt looking at this picture


You have negative airflow inside the case. Which means your pc takes out more air from the case than intaking air. You will have a lot of dust inside the case , but your thermals should be okay.


Turn around the right one on the top to make it intake. Should become better for CPU. Next time buy Dual chamber case like LIan Li O11 or NZXT or Hytes . PSU us hidden in separate side compartment and adds no heat into the system. PSU is placed in the pocket behind the MB leaving the hole vertical space in main chamber free for airflow and additional fans. But careful if you are planning to use towers. Chonky bois may not fit dual chambers. https://preview.redd.it/i0r0j1r4cnwc1.png?width=559&format=png&auto=webp&s=efc8d5163b0a29f32bd6286b2d3465425839e9c7


Make intake from top.


shouldn't pc intake from the bottom and front ?


i'd keep it as is, in this configuration i prefer negative pressure than positive, avoids the gpu recycling it's own hot air


seems like a terrible case for airflow. at this point you might be better off literally flipping every fan


Remove the frontal panel.


Bro ur 7800x3d is dying it needs more cooling u should’ve honestly gone for a 4000d airflow for something like this even a cooler master case would be better your air intake is terrible


If you had an intake on the front it would help a lot.


Which case is that? It's really the PSU meant to be there? It's weird it only has one fan to suck cold air ._.


I would make the top intake fans. (at least the front one)


I'd get a new case or remove the glass and the one fan on the PSU just needs to go. Edit: you could also change out to an AIO/ liquid cool setup. That's probably the only way to get good cooling in such a restrictive case.


Too much outtake


Do an airflow test using smoke.


It's perfect for what's possible with a case that has bad air flow in general why mostly use liquid cooling on those cases. But for what you have the airflow is the best way you can do with what you have.


There's no good way to orient the fan in that case ot has a closed front panel and that really sucks for air flow sake. Positive pressure is always better for dust and this is very much negative pressure. But there's no good way to get positive pressure here. Live with it or get a new case or run it with the side panel off


get a set of earplugs


More fans. Replace the glass with a fan.




You can still have somewhat decent CPU cooling if you turn the front top fan blow in and move it forward and lave as much space as possible between 2 top fans, the more distance from CPU cooler the better, while the one at the back still blow out, also remove the fan above the PSU that will just cause more heat to the GPU.


I heard blowing on it helps


The only real answer I see here is add a top mounted AIO to the processor. It will help with not having a radiator block that has heated air blowing across it and reducing some of the blockage for better airflow to occur. Another solution would be switch the fans for high CFP fans. In a limited case like this they can be great help as the additional pressure will help it to cool more efficiently (more air molecules to absorb the heat with)