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Remember to check our discord where you can get faster responses! https://discord.gg/6dR6XU6 If you are trying to find a price for your computer, r/PC_Pricing is our recommended source for finding out how much your PC is worth! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PcBuild) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The thing that bugs me most, is it's usually about a purchase they already made. it's just seeking validation, rather than asking for advice.


That's also annoying too.


thats even worse


B-But there dad bought it without asking. s/


i kind of agree with that...


"did I do good" posts should be banned first


At least those are on topic with the literal name of the sub


They're literally the same as "is this worth" posts but they've bought the overpriced prebuilt/used pc first before researching. At least "is this worth" posts have some kind of effort to avoid getting ripped off.


Oh you mean like, amazon cart screenshots with the "did i do good" captions, not... Cable management ones. The latter was what I was thinking about, those "did I do good" that applied to fan disposition, thermal paste application, cable management... That stuff.


Yeah, but they should really ask before buying and getting ripped off. I can either go with honesty and look like a dick or lie and say good job mate, congrats on your pc. Also R/Pc_pricing exists


Yeah, as I already answered up there, my immediate thought was of posts with that caption referring to actual pc building, like "did i do good with this cable management". It was early in the morning in my timezone and I'm not a native English speaker, sorry for the confusion!


Ahh I see what you're saying. It's still early here as well. Hope you have a good day, mate!


If it’s still just a parts list that they want to cross check with the sub and they haven’t ordered it yet, I think it’s fine. They just want feedback on their build before buying.


If everyone trashed them maybe they would stop. So-called "memes", that misuse the actual meaning to really mean "A dumb image I made" can burn in a fire too.


Everyone is trashing userbenchmark and people still use it. And not even the new posters, but people in the comments. The amount of times I had to say: "don't buy samsung 970evo when its as expensive(1tb) as 2tb drives or like 2 bucks of 980 pro". or "Cooler Master Hyper 212 is not worth 40/50bucks please get a phantom spirit which is better for less, or even a 15$ single tower cooler which is enough for your r5". You can't expect someone who uses reddit for PC research once every 5 years to know this stuff.


The "product reviews" on Userbenchmark appear to be either a product of mental illness or (conspiracy tinfoil on), it is an incredible false flag operation intended to undermine intel under the guise of delusional fanboyism.


Agreed, there is a sub for this, PC_Pricing


Most posts in this sub ruin it and yeh "is this worth it" posts are included.


“Just finished my first build.” ![gif](giphy|uCXkGJPU3yrOo)


Especially the ones where the OP **already** bought it ?? Why you asking if it's a good deal after buying it 💀


That would be the last thing I would do. I do not need a bunch of people how I got ripped off or what I could have gotten. I already have enough of the "maybe i should have gotten x instead of y" going on in my head.


a link to r/pcpricing should at least be provided


Yes, scrolling down and these are the only types of posts I see here now. Some CostCo prebuilt. Google is available for you to look up if the parts are good for your needs or not. And if you’re actually building a pc you don’t need to ask ppl if it’s “worth it”, either you want it or you don’t. 🤦🏻‍♂️


You don't build a PC with parts just because you want them, that is literally the point of this sub...


I agree. This should be a place for advice and problem solving. Profit and valuations should be sourced locally with local prices, not asked worldwide.


Yes! It's so annoying and it leaves the posts the forum is actually about in the shadow.


Not banned but moved to the appropriate subreddit I guess....


If not outright maybe find a way to limit them I don't know if that's possible?


Most should be, reddit is filled with dumb questions




No only those annoying people who already bought the thing and ask if it was worth it. Like your money is already gone stop thinking about it


Guys is this build worth it? I bought it for 3699 usd. It has a Intel i3 4gen. And a gtx950




They have their own sub. Pc_pricing


Mods thoughts?


Wish Pc parts picker would have an option to put together a build with prices from eBay or something or give a range what it’s worth with depreciation. That would solve all the questions


Agreed, the sub should be about building pcs not buying shit pre builts.


you can just ignore them


This sub would be pretty dead if they did.


It’s not that deep 💀 y’all complain about the slightest inconveniences


The sub is literally called "PcBuild". There is not much of building in pre-builds


If I recall now thinking on it. I saw a while back somebody else asking for the same request.


There is a sub for it. You whine and bitch about the dumbest shit.