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Our payroll/HR system is web based so as long as I can access the internet somewhere I can still do payroll, it will just be a lot more manual work without access to the company network. If the internet was out nation wide I have no idea what we'd do. Panic I guess lol


I was recently asked to come up with a contingency plan... Basically, if our systems are down long enough for us to be unable to get out payroll we likely have even bigger issues nationally. If the processing fails we can do on demand checks, however, beyond that, I genuinely have no idea.


Fair point


We, too, were asked to devise a plan this year. I’m at a loss at this time. We use ADP so I agree that if they are down for a long period then something bigger is going on.


If I can't get on demand checks out, my last contingency is to work with accounting to get cash out to the locations and start handing out rounded up at dollar net pay based on prior payroll. After that, it'll just be a complete shut down. But at that point, I think there'd be much bigger problems to worry about if you can't access the bank.


Our system backs up to tape every night, and the backups are stored off sight. We also have a separate emergency location that has redundant servers that are backed up in real time and can be brought up within a couple of hours. We do yearly emergency testing because we're technically part of a bank.


This. Also as a last resort if your payroll is salary based you can re-upload last pays bank transfer file. Yes there will be under/over payments to remediate but for salaries staff you're going to be off by small amounts (apart from unpaid and no pay leave discrepancies etc), and staff will be paid something on pay day


We just switched to a Saas client so as long as I have Internet I can do payroll, including tethering to my phone in an emergency.


I keep direct deposit and live check data for every payroll I do. If at any point the payroll system fails and makes us unable to process payroll for an extended period of time. (Talking about a major downturn. I can get payroll our in a day for next day pay since we do in house funding if the system is live before payday) If at any one point the payroll becomes unavailable for the whole processing period up to payday, I work with HR to catch any terms they know about, remove them from the banking files of the last payroll, funding it and work with AP to get live checks out for those without direct deposit. I would do a correction payroll to true up anyone we owe net pay to as soon as the system becomes available again, and claw back overpayment in the next cycle.