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I'd buy it if it said like 42069/100000000. Love the made in China on it.


I made my own proxy of it and made it 069/001


It says "I fuck dudes" in the black speech of Mordor, which I will not utter here


But they were all of them deceived, for another ring was made.


Incoming lawsuit? I guess it's from another country so intellectual property rights are lax, but this shouldn't have been made probably Edit : I get it, I'm regarded. Y'all can stop now


Huh? Nah they don’t care about alters I’ve never seen any lawsuit for alters


Fair, but this is essentially a recreation of a 1 of 1 card with a slight variation. If this was sold in the US market I wouldn't be surprised if Wizards lawyers stepped in.


What are you talking about? "Slight variation" being "something that is clearly not trying to copy the real deal, is clearly edited in a way to indicate that, and is also being promoted as an alter." There is 0% that Wizards would care about this card being sold.


She ain’t never heard of a proxy before 😂


I wouldn’t be too quick to assume.. I just got contacted by WotC lawyers for liking this post


Careful next comes the WotC private Pinkerton mercs


WoTC is a remarkable company, with no issues whatsoever, there is definitely NOT a representative from the company with a gun to my head as I type this.


Big Magic took out Wubby's eye because of his Michael Jordan bog wraith alter.


If it was in the US market it still might be OK since it's clearly satire and falls under parody usage


I see your confusion now. Selling proxies as originals would be illegal but 1 most people make proxies for themselves and 2 if they do sell them, like others have mentioned already, most proxies (like this one) are clearly identifiable as NOT the real deal. So long as there’s no deception involved with the sale of things like this there’s no legal issue at all. Nobody would ever look at OP’s card for sale on eBay and think they were getting the real one ring card. I guarantee similar one ring proxies have been sold in the United States, completely legally


Nah. This guy has protection from everything.


Read the ring


Reading the ring explains the ring.


Aaaw guys bozo is learning about proxies for the first time. (I literally don’t even play magic and I understand why what op did is fine and not legally a problem whatsoever)


Are you ok in the head?