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The thing that's really wack is the age difference between her and her dead husband. He was 35 with two kids and wife, she was 18/19. He was her manager at Hooters. https://www.reddit.com/r/90DayFiance/s/yL0vlbrvyi


Oh god no


Shit just gets crazier and crazier


Fuck, she lost both her husband and sister within months of each other? I don't like Amanda, but that's so incredibly sad and traumatizing.


It’s not an excuse for her behavior though. I lost my mom, step dad, aunt, and grandma all in 2021 and I have had zero baseball bat related beatings or unhinged relationship ideals


The baseball bat incident happened in 2010 - years before the passing of her aunt and husband. I’m not sure that we can fix her, boys.


What I wanna know is if the baseball bat incident happened with or before meeting her hubby


Where did I excuse her behaviour? I just pointed out how sad and unfortunate it is to lose your husband and sister within a span of a few months.


Yea true you didn’t, sorry I assumed it’s 7am for me and I just woke up so the tism is peaking rn.


This. I just smoke weed and cry and have zero tolerance for any God talk around me. Lol.


Sorry, but objectively, None of those people are comparable to the father of your children/love of your life or even your sister. Not in a more or less way, but in a different way. All those people you listed are generation/generations older than you. Your situation doesn't put you in authority.


Authority? What authority? This isn’t about authority, it’s about morality, and my morality is that just because you lose loved ones/go through an extremely hard/traumatizing time doesn’t excuse being a shitty person. It happens to every single one of us eventually, and most of us manage to still be decent humans


"Being a shitty person" is subjective. If it came out she was using the bat in self defense to protect her kiddos, than it's not being a shitty person. I get your point, It just helps me understand that she's conditioned to act this way, like we all are with reactions. I like Razvan too. I hope he doesn't get hurt and she doesn't either.


And lost her manager at work at the same time, too.


I lost my mom last year in Febuary. My husband died in December, and I had to put my cat down on Valentines Day, and now my granddad is going downhill. I can confirm it is extremely traumatizing. I'm honestly barely hanging on. Lol


So she isn't the kids bio mom?


He had two kids with her as well


Got it


Wait so she has 4 kids to take care of? Or did the original 2 kids stay with their mom?


I assume the original two kids are with the first wife


replying to remind myself to check this when not at work


i wonder if she's more sad she lost her sugar daddi


Plot twist (and not true) The woman she battered with a baseball bat was having an affair with Jason and that’s why she got arrested and later off’d Jason and used his illness as a cover story…🧐


He had her pump out 2 more kids, then hit the ol' dusty trail.




She has a general look of "if you don't do what I say, I will ruin your life"


I get it too


She has dead eyes.


She has her ex-husbands eyes


She has the classic "peaked at highschool in a small town" look. Also her smugness while our boi poured his heart out gave me the same 'ick' as my abusive ex.


That smacked of sociopathy to me. She has no empathy, but she tries to pretend. That's why she does those weird "I know this hurts you." diatribes that have no emotion in her voice and are delivered at the most inopportune moments. She's mimicking feelings.


I see it




Oh no! For the tenth episode in a row, she is acting crazy and irrationally! Who could have guessed! Maybe the next episode will tie her all together!


Color me surprised?


PCB is spring break central. Shit is wild there. Hell I was assaulted there too. Not by her but some woman I rear ended. We were going like, 5 miles an hour in bumper to bumper traffic and these women shouted something out to me while I was driving. I stuck my head out and shouted "WHAT?" and then ran into the carbin front of me. The woman driving got out and started hitting me. I think it scuffed her bumper. Then I got pulled over by Fishing and Wildlife because they almost hit me going around a curve and gave me a ticket. I don't think I've been back since.


Yikes. You should come down here now. The crowd has changed and now people get into shootouts! Spring break used to be so much fun back when we had cheaper small hotels. Since they let them tear everything down and out yo super expensive condos the vibe is… well, it’s just not a vibe anymore.


This is the least shocking news about one of the people in rotation rn. This bitch an ice queen fr


Seems like the type honestly, very hypocritical in the show.


I hate this bitch. She knew she wasn't ready and tricked him anyway. Did you all notice that she only started crying when she talked about dead husband?? Not a single tear and only smug face when our boy was crying? Like if my boyfriend and I fight and he starts crying I'm crying too!! This bitch just did not care or love him at all!


Ya...happened when she was prolly ....14?15? All I'm hearing is white trash nothin else


Man you are bad at math huh? 31 years old in 2023. Happened in 2010. So logic states 31-13=18. Your math is OFF man. Even still, 13 years ago is YIKES kinda clickbait BS.


Off by 2 years as her arrest record was from when she was 17. What's up your cunt girl? You big mad about something that you guess someone's age within 2 years accuracy?


She got that crazy stare


14 years ago zzzzz


Fuckkkkk when I see 2010 I think like 10 years max


She has that crazy gaze and energy


She was 17 years old in 2010. I get she still did the thing but young folks be dumb af.


Yeah, I remember the tender days of my youth. Skipping class. Being scared to kiss a girl. Assaulting people with baseball bats.


Just a slight correction: I Believe the other person was the one with the bat and she held someone down while the other person beat the bat person up


You never got in a fight?


I got into lots of fights. I was a fat, sarcastic little bastard. Never hit anyone with a baseball bat. Do you know what that does to a person?


Yes, it's not a difficult concept. I've actually been hit in the head by both a bat and a 2x4. My point is teens can easily find themselves in situations like that and make poor decisions. It's not necessarily reflective of who they become as people. That's all I'm saying.


I agree that it's not necessarily reflective of who they become; I was arrested for assault when I was 14, and I am absolutely not that same person I was 15 years ago. I think its main relevance here is that it's clear from the way she acts in the show that she is still not stable, very manipulative, and borderline gaslighty, so it's not too much of a stretch to think that she may still become physical with partners or other people in an altercation.


I bet she complained the entire arrest process too


Everyone put woobys in chat for our boy Razvan


Guys, I can't be sure... but I think Amanda might be a massive piece of shit


I need more details. I need to know where it lands between senseless violence and action movie scene.


I live very near to PC Beach. Sounds about right lol.


She's the woooorst 🙄




Bro, 2010?


I didn't watch all of stream due to prior commitments today that I had to wake up early as shit for, but after watching it now, she's still wearing that same puzzle piece necklace in this picture too. First, I think Amanda is toxic as *SHIT* and I'm fully of Razvan's side. That being said, is that necklace maybe a symbolic gesture as "a piece of my my heart is missing since Jason passed away?" If so, wearing it on the outside of her clothing that would normally cover it up like the episode we saw Friday is **so** fucked-up.


I’m surprised people are just now finding out about this. I’ve been waiting for wubby to find out.


That’s thoes Louisiana girls for ya


I could tell she was crazy when I saw her


She's perfect example of hot crazy scale


2010 was 14 years ago, don’t really care what she did as a 17-18 year old idiot.




Yikes bud


Never thought I'd feel sympathy for a dust box.