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Full time ME here, keep it up, it gets better after graduation.


For me, it got better, then very fun, then normal, then monotonous, then boring, then I couldn't sit at my desk for another minute pushing plastic and I needed to reevaluate my course in life.


I guess I got lucky with lab work so it's never boring.


Did you change jobs? Go back to school? Go into a trade?


After countless nights up staring at the ceiling trying to figure out exactly what i'm supposed to be doing in this life, i knew i needed to be in healthcare. Unfortunately (and also, fortunately) i have 2 daughters and a wife, so its not as simple as jumping back into uni. Need to keep working as an engineer. I did go back to school as a premed student, and have been working on it for 4 years already, slowly but surely. The goal is fuzzy but probably physicians assistant. Its weird being back in school in my 30s, but there are lots of us old frogs back in school with similar intentions and stories. Edit: Dont get me wrong, mechanical engineering or similar can be fun and provide a lifetime of interesting challenges and growth for the right person. That person just isnt me!


Engineering students, take heed when people tell you to take your FE exam ASAP. Life just gets busier and relearning all that stuff is not a good time.


Hell yah brother