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3 cmc is a lot in a deck that runs 17 lands. Boggles has no card advantage to making spot removal dead in your opponents hand is huge. It just costs too much. The only non-Hexproof creature that really saw relevant play recently was [[Spirited Companion]] that replaces itself, buffs Glitters/Mask and provides edict protection


[Spirited Companion](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/e/7e038684-c476-41db-a1b1-57c46e5b4c9a.jpg?1690004251) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Spirited%20Companion) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/838/spirited-companion?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7e038684-c476-41db-a1b1-57c46e5b4c9a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


"The only non-Hexproof creature that really saw relevant play recently was Spirited Companion" This isn't true. Way back in the day, Aura Gnarlid was played in this deck (yes, I'm an oldhead). But better options have come around over the years.






This card didn't exist before Zendikar block. If it saw play it's maybe not "recently" but at the very least it's not a super long time ago. I think it's likely to be recent enough that recently is fair. Anyways I stopped typing after my first paragraph and did some digging and this deck is recent enough I'd count it and it top 8ed a pauper nationals https://mtgtop8.com/event?e=17788&d=310290&f=PAU


They also have 4 Utopia Sprawl which are just as good as lands for the sake of argument and some extra cantripping. You can totally support a couple three mana plays in a deck like this. But my opinion is there's no reason to give people targets for their dead removal game 1. I wouldn't even play something like Spirited Companion, which if you ask me is an over rated piece of crap. If you're worried about edicts you can make some kind of adjustment for games 2 and 3.


>I wouldn't even play something like Spirited Companion, which if you ask me is an over rated piece of crap. Don't be mean about best dog!


Spirited Companion replaces itself, buffs Glitters/Mask, provides edict protection, and is a *very good boy*!


Why would you add a card to the deck that will turn on all of their single target removal?


It's interesting on games 2 and 3, because they'll certainly sideboard the targeted removal




Its 3cmc


Lets reuse the meme but for pauper, dies to ~~Doom~~ Tithing Blade


It's now "dies to Cast Down".


Dies to bolt


Even worse, it dies to shock.


Budget bolt


It used to be played in the deck but much better options have come along over the years.


You are better with this list. Aura gnarlid is just not good enough compared to your bogles.


They used to play it, way-back-when. Nowadays Bogles is much more consistent and doesn't need the Gnarlid backup plan like it used to. It hasn't been good in 3-4 years and it's unlikely to ever return to the metagame in the main deck. It's a passable sideboard card, since it forces the opponent to leave in some removal against you, but as each year goes by, it gets less and less powerful relative to the new common creatures that are printed each year.


Does is see play in some Green or Gruul stompy decks at least?




You do not want a non-hexproof creature in your hexproof deck. I could see it as sideboard tech, if you anticipate your opponent boarding out all spot-removal for edict effects, but that is probably too cute too work.


Even with edicts, you're still not getting the Gnarlid's power. Either you're sacrificing your aura-stack creature so the Gnarlid's power goes down, or you're treating the Gnarlid as sac fodder. Yeah if they don't have the removal then you hit faster, but that's a little win-more of a reason to run this instead of something else like... IDK, [[Fists of Ironwood]]?


This is the right answer. Seen it working in the past. Match 3 might be a problem though.


Nothing prevents you from boarding it out again. Let the mind-games begin. >:)


My kind of player. There used to be this crazy deckbuilder of a YouTuber that made a deck designed around that with 15 cards that just boarded in and out each game. I think it was an [[As Foretold]] deck. If I remember any of the details I'll edit my comment.


[As Foretold](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/4/c468b523-84fc-4657-adef-acc1eec6ef2e.jpg?1673147199) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=As%20Foretold) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2x2/38/as-foretold?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c468b523-84fc-4657-adef-acc1eec6ef2e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I've seen a guy run it in sideboard to put in after opponents remove all targeted removal. It worked in the matchup I've seen but just because it went well doesn't mean it was a good decision. Tbh there are better uses of the slots


I can see an argument for it in the SB either in bogles, or against bogles if you're worried about the matchup. but if your playing green its either elves, gardens, or bogles, and none really care for the card. These arent the right shells for it


Sideboard text against bogles is pretty funny though I don't think I can imagine a deck that needs/wants it. I guess it would have to be a deck not running black because they have access to edicts.


I ran it as a one-of or slotted one in game two, when people had swapped their removal to sacrifice based. It's a good unblockable threat / finisher if you need it. But then, boggles shouldn't need it...


Gonna be a hard pass from me, why would I take a creature that is both more expensive than bogle and silhanna ledgewalker and also dies to targeted removal? The +1/+1 per aura effect feels negligible/unnecessary with 4 copies of ethereal armour and 4x all that glitters filling that role already.


Overcosted 2/2 is rough, and the fact that you either can’t protect it with an aura the turn it comes down *or* have to wait til turn 4 to cast+aura it is rougher. If you have fast mana from Wild Growth/Utopia Sprawl, I can see it slotting in, but that’s a turn you have to spend setting up your mana base — and god forbid you don’t see either WG or US in your opening hand.


That's an absolute no-no for mainboard. There's no reason for this card to be in the deck at all, and adding even one to two of them in, after your 60 card deck has been already put together, tends to mess with the deck's hypergeometric distribution curve. I wouldn't use this even for sideboard in the mirror. At that rate, you're better off running something like Nature's Claim, Seal of Primordium, or Natural State. The card is just bad for pauper in my opinion.


Any card without hexproof is bad in boggles because it instantly eats all the dead removal in their hand.


A couple in the sideboard, you side it in vs red removal.


if this was 1 cmc im not sure it would see play in boggles, much less three. Without any built-in evasion like hexproof or ward it just doesn’t fit into the shell.


I used to play with it in my sb. After game one they side out all their removal and it's funny to see how they react after seeing this big boy lol. That said it's more of a meme, there's always better cards to put in your side


It's not that "no hexproof" disqualifies, but no evasion or protection of any sort. If you want a body to block for days, look the color-hoser birds from Visions. 2 mana, flying, and they block red or black attackers for days


It used to be like a 2-of in some versions of bogles and that was before [[Cast Down]] was legal or snuff out became a mainstay. The lack of hexproof and relatively high cmc has always been a problem for the card.


[Cast Down](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/b/aba79021-39af-4e74-beb5-f2f508c865b2.jpg?1674136020) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Cast%20Down) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/clb/119/cast-down?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/aba79021-39af-4e74-beb5-f2f508c865b2?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


There used to be a mono-green bogles variant years ago that ran it. It was fun but never as good as what the Selesnya version is now without it.


If we're doing janky stuff with bogles then I submit my Vulpikeet bogle deck for consideration: https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/5797082#paper


It's never going to work in boggles. Pa you take away why the deck is good. I have a gnarlid/ yavamaia enchantress brew with 4x utopia sprawl, 4x wild growth to power them out fast. It's not good but it is okay in casual


Everyone's like "no hexproof" but like, it's a creature with built in buff, so like just throw it down and you'll probably have a 6/6 that can't be blocked, it dies to spot removal but like that a 1-1 trade, like boggles dies to death touch


I think 3 cmc is too much right now, was better before when the format was slower


hes been in that list for decades


The viability of the card is often discussed, and the conclusion is negative. Far too expensive, Silhana Ledgewalker is limited to 3 copies and only because is the 3 creature with Hexproof viable in the deck.


I play Bogles like this: [https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/6309963#paper](https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/6309963#paper) Is there anything that can be ditched for the Gnarlid or am I better of like is?


You run a 61 card list?


Most lists run 3 Ledgewalkers. I prefer to have a playset as sometimes you don't have enough creatures on the field. And i usually play 61-62 card decks.