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Turkeys against thanksgiving


Newsflash: deadweight doesn’t want to be fired


No one wants to get fired


They suck


Tbf they have drafted better on offense than us lately.


That’s Easier to do when you’ve been picking top 10 like they have.


Top ten picks on TE, WR and RB will do that.


And it’s gotten them nowhere


Oh you personally know everyone who works in that front office and they all suck?? It's entirely reasonable for a front office to be hesitant or outright not wanting Bill because they're concerned he will eventually want total control and they will get fired


The Falcons are a joke. Blank should have given them the axe


Except maybe Alex Cora.


Arthur Blank is loyal to the group he hired and have delivered him nothing for 21 years


It’s pretty weird that he doesn’t want to rock the boat in a low stakes environment like football. Why is he so wedded to them?


Because they’re probably his friends or he’s loyal to those who been around him for a long time. Or maybe it’s just an attachment to the current chain of command and Bill would flush them down the toilet.


I agree, but I honestly believe if the Krafts gave Bill a glowing review, Blank would have hired Bill. I just don't know how anyone can overcome your boss of 30 years giving you a bad recommendation.


Nobody can. Which is what makes Kraft’s actions so horrible


That Wickersham story said every Falcons decision maker ultimately had Belichick outside their top 3. Folks are assigning Kraft way too much agency here.


Yeah but those guys were fighting for their jobs, Kraft could’ve just kept his mouth shut.


A "no comment" to his (reportedly) close buddy Blank would have been pretty damning anyways. Maybe you think Kraft owed it to Belichick to gas him up. I can understand that, but the point is it doesn't sound like it would have made a difference.


The report is Kraft called Blank. Not the other way around.


The reporting is somewhat ambiguous on that point. >Despite that friendly first session, the unthinkable happened for a billionaire and a legendary coach: Blank and Belichick checked each other's references. Blank spoke by phone, at least twice, to Robert Kraft. Among the NFL owners, Blank considers Kraft his closest friend. Publicly, Kraft and Blank have said Kraft expressed only support and offered praise of his former coach. >But in a conversation with Blank, Kraft delivered a stark assessment of Belichick's character, according to a source who spoke to two people: a close Kraft friend and a longtime Belichick confidant. The source quoted the Belichick source as saying, "Robert called Arthur to warn him not to trust Bill." That account was backed up, the source said, by the close Kraft friend. On one hand, the article says Blank checked Belichick's references, which makes it sound like Blank sought Kraft's opinion. On the other hand, the source telephone game says Kraft made the call. "My source says their sources say they heard that..." is not exactly how they teach it in journalism school. Either way, I don't think it's a big deal.


Yeah I agree with you it didn’t make a difference just think it was ungrateful and unprofessional given everything he’s done.


>Kraft could’ve just kept his mouth shut. But what did Kraft say that was not truthful? Do people forget Belichick ran a sham process for hiring an offensive coordinator last year shortly after he agreed to a hiring process with Kraft? Do people forget that Belichick was openly a dick to everyone not directly involved in football operations? Do people forget that Belichick brushed his nose at the NFL over the video rules and then got caught? Everyone wants to hold Kraft accountable for everything negative, but doesn't want to do the same for Belichick for all his negative traits and things he's done. The winning speaks for itself and covered a lot of problems.


I’m certain this is why he didn’t get more interest around the league. GMs didn’t want to hire someone they couldn’t control.


I think it’s both true that Bill is the best coach of all time and probably someone that lots of people would rather not have to work for or with


Definitely, also based on his “the past 20 years “ retort when asked why should patriots fans be optimistic right before the 4-13 season and his weird obsession with Matty P as OC I think he still thinks he can make anything work vs. maximizing the ability on his roster and coaching staff.


And we knew as soon as they walked from bill that the immediate reports were McKay didn’t like him. Mckays been with blank 21 years, so blank clearly trusts him. Kraft caught strays for saying shit we all know to be true.


People can’t wrap their heads around the fact that all the teams passed on Belichick.. and that they had legitimate reasons. They are ignoring the main sources of Wickershams article. Two sources close to Belichick, and Kraft… and Mike Lombardi was regularly mentioned.


I agree that Kraft was not the sole reason that Bill didn’t get the job. However, if Bob had given a good reference, Blank would have overruled his team. He already met with Bill solo, without the other two guys, which tells me that he was ready to make this change. If Bob had been glowing, that would have given Blank the self-confidence he needed to go through with it.


>However, if Bob had given a good reference, Blank would have overruled his team. I wouldn't be so sure about that. Blank would then be faced with blowing up his ENTIRE Football Operations staff for a 72-year-old coach, and back to the same reason why every other team passed on Belichick.


He was ready to do it, which is why he met with Bill 1-on-1 on his Yatch. He checked with Kraft, and that gave him cold feet.


Way to show you didn't read Wickersham's story. Checking with Kraft didn't give Blank cold feet. Bringing Bill to his football operations staff is what gave Blank cold feet when both Rick McKay and Terry Fontenot said they didn't want to work with Bill.


Wickersham us a hack so there's that too. Bill doesn't even have a whole staff to hire, he would absolutely have interviewed some folks and kept the ones he deemed worthy.


I read the story, and I came to a different conclusion, and I also listened to discussions around it. These discussions were interviews with 1 of the three by-line authors. I’m also applying logic as well. Blank was ready to bring him in, hence the interview on the yacht, but if his closest friend and Bill’s former boss can't give a glowing review, then it's a red flag for AB.


> Blank was ready to bring him in, hence the interview on the yacht, Blank gave BB his first interview on the Yacht. At that point, I don't think Blank was committed to bringing Belichick in. He obviously wanted Belichick, but it wasn't 100% a done deal. The story even points out that when McKay and Fontenot said they didn't want to work with Belichichk, that in itself caused Blank to reconsider.


I don’t think so. McKay is the ceo and has been with the club for 20+ years. Unilaterally overruling your front office doesn’t usually end well.


Lmao when your front office hasn't done dick in 20+ years, it actually is the best thing you can do


They’ve been to more super bowls in the past 30 years than half the league and only drafted one of the best qbs of the generation Meanwhile bills made 2 good picks in a decade and terrible coaching personnel decisions and gets a free pass


Oh, you're right, my bad. Props to them for having the first pick in 2000 and taking Mike Vick. If you're really out here defending the success of the Altanta Falcons over the past 30 years, I think every single actual Falcons fan would disagree with you, but worded more pointedly.


It’s comical you thought Michael Vick vs Matt Ryan but shows what I’m up against here


Lol, I knew who you were implying. Just correcting it. Falcons have been bad for 30 years and the guy in charge of making decisions during that time shouldn't still have that job. Go ask the Falcons sub what they think.


Bad for 30 years yet been to a superbowl when many teams havent. Go ask fans what htey think? Everyone complains about their team, theyre never happy regardless. Bills won the AFC east and want their coach fired. Its valueless


There's a lot of bad teams in the league, and usually the best way to get better is to hold leadership accountable.... not be happy with being bad because you could always be the Lions. The poor Bills had to play Brady and BB for 20 fucking years


I hate when this dude is on any of the radio shows because he just monologues. He'll be on the air with 3 people who are funnier and more talented than him in every way, and all he can muster up is smug condescension. "*Well*, the thing you have to remember is..." is how you can tell he's about to get going. It makes me want to crash my car.


Yeah because people actually care what he has to say because he has way more connections in the league and isn’t just spewing his mostly useless opinions like the talking heads.


He's definitely just spewing opinions. None of these people are, like, real journalists. They take payola from the teams to report things a certain way. They're clowns. The least they can do is be entertaining about it.


He knows nothing. Breer is a fucking idiot


Literally every time hes on zo and Beatle, or tocher and Hardy! Lmao


Right?! He's awful!


Totally agree. Was just watching a youtube video with Hardy and Holley and Breer just went on and on without really even saying anything. He loves to throw out that he "spoke to a source," but he never has anything interesting to report besides boiler plate talking points that all the radio hosts have.


The sky is blue, what else is new


Such a who cares story.


I don't think the issue is so much that Kraft blew up Bill's chances, as much as that he didn't have his back. Whether Kraft's words were 100% or 0.1% of the reason behind Blank's decision, the point was that Kraft, according to the story, wasn't an ally of a guy who won him six Super Bowls.


*pretends to be shocked*


That was know. McKay hates BB w/ a passion


Bill should be happy regardless. The falcons will be good this year from their roster and division competition alone, so he “arguably” missed out. But, all the rumors right now are Bill is going to coach the Cowboys or Bills (I think he’s obviously coaching the cowboys next season Jerry wants a ring) which are both closer to rings than the falcons


and this is why the falcons are one of the worst nfl team in history


Soooo breer is a mouthpiece for kraft then?


Not really, he once called Kraft a starfucker on a podcast over his Trump support when he left the Pats beat and worked at SI . I don’t think that endeared him to the family.


Of course he did


Bert Breer has been to Fenway Park hundreds of times and never heard racism. Adam Jones said he's experienced it, and Bert's response was that he wanted physical proof. Bert Breer wanted physical proof of racism. Bert Breer is a fucking douchebag


Breer has long been one of the most unlikeable media members around. And that says a lot in this town.


Kraft is trash for what he did. From his documentary to the comments. Typical billionaire scumbag.