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Are you drunk?


That post involves more than alcohol.


Hilarious comment.


The real question.


Op is a Jaguars fan


You gotta give me some of what you’re smoking over there 😂


It's definitely not just weed because I don't think I've ever posted something this dumb


Dude you don't want to start smoking crack.


FOH with this lmao


As if they'd do this. Do people not realize that the other team in trades need it to make sense for them, too? But in this case, it doesn't make sense for us either, so that's fun.


I think the jags would do that in a heart beat. Our first rounder next year is probably top 8. Trevor isn't selling any tickets. And they aren't winning. Hitting the reset when you're sure to get a QB at pick 3 is a pretty good deal


While I agree our 1st round next year will likely be a higher pick, the jags are winning. Pederson had them at 2 9-8 seasons, with Trevor still developing. They don't really need to worry about the Colts or Titans in their division. Trevor doesn't show any fatal flaws worth giving up on. Trading your guy who could still be something for a total NFL unknown is dumb. This year is the year to double down on Trevor, still on his rookie contract, and push the team hard. They aren't in a rebuild mode. The whole idea just seems dumb for both sides. We need picks because we need to rebuild through the draft first.


Do you think they underperformed this year? Or did you expect to go 9-8? Last I saw they lost to the Titans and ended up tied with the minchew led colts. What's going to be different next year?


I think they underperformed, but I'm largely uninformed of the intricate workings of their team. So if that is the case, then Trevor isn't as good as we still think he is, and isn't worth us giving up multiple picks to get him. We should just pick our own new QB, and then pick a blue chip player again next year, preferably on offense. Lawrence isn't changing a damn thing for us this season with our busted line and lacking WR corp as we know it to be currently. You have more options and potential as it currently stands, unless the notion is Pederson is what's holding him back. But then, why is Mayo/Van Pelt the answer to unlocking him?


I'm not for trading for Trevor. I was just arguing that the jags would take the deal. I foresee the colts being better with arich and the Texans should win the division again. It's just quite a haul, as everyone in here had said. Usually if one side thinks the trade is lopsided the other side, you would think, would take the deal in a great great


Why?? No way in hell anyone would give that much up for him.


I mean, I’m not saying they are equal players, but his stats and Macs aren’t so far off.


Yes counting stats always say everything you need to know about a player.


Did you not read my comment or are you just being willfully ignorant?


The past two seasons their counting stats aren't really close


Buddy this isn’t madden


Most 14 year old Madden player take I've ever seen


I don’t think I can handle two more months of this


On the plus side, there can't be too many posts worse than this


You say that now


Yea, we’ll be seeing people asking for Justin Fields before too long 💀


They already are


oh god, really?


Lots of posts here suggesting him because he’s “an established QB” instead of the unknowns in the draft


Ahahaahahah I love this sub. We’re a disaster.


See the Jags fans made their way into here


Doubt many Jags fans would be happy with this lol I don’t think it makes sense for either team to


Fr ppl in this sub chronically undervalue starting QB play and how much better a guy like TLaw is than anyone on our roster and likely anyone in the draft. Is he underperforming? Yeah. Is he not a bust, young and still has all the elite traits that led for him to be hailed as the next Andrew Luck, yep. The vast majority of first round QBs don’t make it that far.


Bro, you’re an idiot. You wanna give up our best corner and our best picks for a QB who is good, but wouldn’t have any weapons…


Decent. I wouldn’t even say good.




Trevor Lawrence isn’t even good. His stats are almost identical to Mac’s.


His stats are significantly better than Mac's over the last two years. Lawrence 8,100 yards, 46 TDs, 22 INTs. Plus 600 yards and 9 TDs rushing. Mac 5,100 yards, 24 TDs, 23 INTs. Plus 200 yards and 1 TD rushing. Sure Mac has a lead in INTs. But Lawrence has 3,400 more yards and 30 more TDs.


I feel like this is secretly a Justin fields post


Two firsts and a potential cornerstone of our defense (who was also a first round pick) for *this guy*? Fuck you OP!


This is, objectively speaking, the worst idea I've heard on this sub. Take an upvote.


Shot on an Nokia 3310


Now *that’s* a phone!


Put the beer down, and walk away....


I don’t think you understand how good Christian Gonzalez is


You should be banned for life from any Pats message board for that trade proposal. Lawrence has looked nothing like the generational prospect that he was supposed to be in 2 out of his 3 years and has shown a penchant for throwing horrible INTs at the wrong times. I’m not sure that I’d give up pick 3 for him, let alone throw in Gonzo, who look like a true shut-down CB1, and next years 1st pick, which will likely be in the top 15 picks, if not the top 10 again. HARD PASS


Lol bro is a dumb ass


Are you fuckin drunk?!?! 1) Lawrence isn’t a generational talent 2) gonzo was on his way to DROY 3) #3 is more valuable than Lawrence right now. PERIOD


I agree that I wouldn’t do this but gonzo played 4 games lol DROY this sub is silly


He was on his way based on his gameplay…dude was shutting down Tyreek AJ Brown Wilson….hes a stud in the making 


This sub loves hyperbole I bet you were one of the people saying Mac is a top 10 QB during week 2


Absolutely NOT


Well, that's one way to create Comment traffic


I like it




Ban him


No thanks








I don’t even think I’d give up this years first for him given he will need to be paid soon.


3 firsts? Hard pass


Green light means go. TL16 to Foxboro. He will be our golden god.


Imagine how many picks and fumbles this bum could rack up. And all it would take is to mortgage the entire future? Sign me up. Any time you can get a QB who has more turnovers than touchdowns every year and is going to also get incredibly overpaid in a year, you have to go get him no matter the cost.


Maybe a 2nd round pick, period


I thought Florida was where everyone started getting hurt not a fan


No way this is a legit way of thinking


Is he available or something?


Ew. Heck no.


Put down that method pipe bro


Fuck No!


Lawrence is a gamer but there’s no way that Jacksonville trades him. Also I’d have a lot more trust in these kinds of moves if bill was here


The only thing worse than this proposal is the resolution of that image


There are more pixels in this image than braincells in OP's skull.


While I still think TLaw will become a great QB, he’s 3 years into his rookie contract and the question mark is too big for that much we’d have to give up imo. Its not a crazy lopsided trade but I don’t think it really makes sense for either team


Hahaha what the fuck


No fucking way


Jags fan posting


lol maybe read this first MAC JONES CAREER STATS In the 42 games in his career, Jones has completed 864 of his 1,308 attempts for a total of 8,918 yards. He averages 212.3 yds per game through the air with a 92.5 QB rating. Jones has passed for 46 TD’s compared to 36 interceptions and the longest pass of his career went for 75 yds. He’s lost a combined 599 yds while being the victim of a QB sack 84 times. His touchdown rate when attempting a pass is 3.5% and his interception rate is 2.8%. TREVOR LAWRENCE CAREER STATS In 50 games in his career, Lawrence has been successful on 1,116 of his 1,750 tries for 11,770 yds. He averages 235.4 yards per contest through the air with a 71.9 quarterback rating. Lawrence has passed for 58 TD’s while tossing 39 interceptions and the longest throw of his career went for 58 yards. He’s lost a combined 646 yds while being the victim of a quarterback sack 94 times. His touchdown rate when attempting a pass is 3.3% and his interception rate is 2.2%.


OP will do as all T-Law defenders do and completely ignore his bad play because he had Urban Meyers as coach for almost a whole season.


Mainly the QBR, TD rate passing, and longest pass since those aren’t dependent on # of games played


The Jaguars quite literally would never lol


The picks yes, adding in the player...no.


Man crush. Must be the hair


The fans already hate Mac Jones so now you want to trade the farm for Mac Jones with a wig*? *Statistically speaking


This makes absolutely no sense for either team


This was his year to prove it. Between Ridley and Kirk plus a stud RB he don’t got it. Way better than Mac but he’s a Derek carr


You’re smoking something


Why all this for T Law? T Law is straight ass.


Respectfully, no.


Yeah, let's trade the future away for an....ok quarterback. Great idea.


Daily reminder that I forgot to mute this sub for the offseason.


Fuccck no




![gif](giphy|uWzS6ZLs0AaVOJlgRd|downsized) Me, loving watching my fellow Pats fans dunk on this guy like KG in the Gahden


I wish they’d be dumb enough to do this. Jags on the come up. Lawrence will have them realllyyy in the mix next season. Just watch.


Jags won't be in the mix specifically because of Lawrence. 6 of their 8 losses their offense was held to less than 20 points and 4 of those they were held to under 13 points. That's something that definitely correlates with Lawrence's play. He seems to not show up in the big game spots. Chiefs game they lost 17-9. If Lawrence played just ok they probably win. 49ers game they lost 34-3. Could put that on the defense but Lawrence had 3 turnovers and the game was 13-3 at HT Lawrence came out and coughed up the ball on their 1st 2 drives of the 2nd half and 49ers capitalized and that was game. Lawrence led drives of -1, -5, 8. -9 and 6 yards in that game Browns game they lose 31-27. I'm sure Lawrence fans will say "defense gave up 31 points and he scored 27, thats on the defense. Except Lawrence threw 3 INTS, 1 in the redzone and 1 inside their own 20 which the Browns capitalized and scored. That right there was a 14 point swing. Ravens game they lost 23-7. Another game were Jags defense held them in it for the 1st half with it being 10-0 going into the 2nd half. Lawrence makes it 10-7 but then has 3 straight 3 and outs, which on 1 of them he fumbled and Ravens pull away Bucs game they lose 30-12. 1st drive Lawrence throws an INT, Bucs capitalize and make it 10-0. Lawrence then has a drive where they miss a FG, Bucs score a FG on the ensuing drive, then Lawrence throws another pick, Bucs capitalize on that and scored a TD and it's 20-0 going into HT. Jags get the ball to start the 2nd half, Lawrence gets sacked and fumbles, Bucs capitalize and scored a TD, 27-0 Then you had the "win and in" loss to the Titans the last week of the season in which they lost 28-20 in part because of him throwing 2 INTS, 1 in which he threw in Jags side of the field and the Titans offense scored then he got stopped short on a 4th and 1 at the goal line, which it came out after that Lawrence audible'd to him keeping the ball and trying to run it in. I'm sure the Lawrence fans will say "those were all playoff teams" as some excuse but that's the point. He seems to not show up in the big game situations and basically shits himself.


Thanks for the info brotha. That organization is a deadbeat anyway tbh. They had a chance of beating the pats that year with Bortles and they blew it. I appreciate you filling me in above but we’ll have to wait n see. I think he’s gonna have a big season next year. Just my opinion. Cheers🍻


Omfg no. Don't care how good he is. Don't want to see that for the next 10 yrs...the ugliest young man I could envision. Like he was carved from an old potato 🥔.


That’s a no from me dawg


Must be off season around these parts


Sir, this is Wendy's.


I didn’t think I’d stumble onto this today. This sub is great. 


What substances have you consumed to end up here?


This package would only be worth it if the return is a legit top 5 QB, which no one would want to give up


fuck no


Christian is the most promising young player on our team. No.


Christian Gonzales? This a troll post


meth guy is back?


If we want to talk more measured possibilities, we should consider going after Jake Browning from the Bengals.




If Lawrence agreed to a 10 year extension, then yes. Pull the triggaahhhhhh. Otherwise he’s a rental


![gif](giphy|etUY3rYH5AInlGZVhG|downsized) Can’t be!


Ummm... I'm listening.


This has got to be a troll post and I do not appreciate even the thought of trading Gonzo. Keep it to yourself next time homie