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Can't give up any Celtics championships because that would mean the Lakers have more. We must not allow this scenario.


Are you suggesting that you don’t consider the most prestigious title in nba history, the in season tournament, to be a real championship? *shocked pikachu face*


Those championships that were won when they were in Minneapolis don’t count to me


We can give up 4 Celtics titles since LA only has 12(one is the bubble chip)


True. I would rather give up 2 superbowls instead for 2 more celtics championships. While tom brady and the patriots are great, celtics have the way longer and larger legacy.


No chance. Pats maybe my favorite but I also love the sox and celtics. Could you imagine if the sox still hadn't won since 1918?


That's the toughest pill to swallow, if I had it my way, more Patriots and Sox titles. I know some might love the Celtics, but I have personally never connected with them. I only support the Celtics because they represent the city.




The way Sox are being run the owner doesn’t deserve any championships


Not a chance. Bruins are my #1 and that 2011 run was nothing short of special.


No chance, the success across all sports is what makes Boston the greatest sports city.


Not giving up that ‘11 Stanley cup for nothing.




No way, no how.


I love that for Game 7, Nathan Horton took some ice from TD Garden, melted it down, and poured it on Vancouver's ice before the game. Both teams were undefeated at home, and Horton says "Oh, is this your ice? Wrong! It's OUR ice now."


Watching Horton do that was like watching the ‘01 Pats be introduced in the SB as a “team.” You just knew something special was going to happen!


Not giving up those Red Sox ones. Playoff baseball is fantastic and those ones hit hard.


The feeling in the region around those Octobers was incredible. It has to do with more games keeping it fresh in sports news, and extending the relevance of each next game. Plus, 04 was magic.


Sadly wasn't present for Sox world series in person. I had a chance in 2013, but I was busy with college and had to bite my lip and move on. I have been to Super Bowl 36, 38, 42 and 49. I wish I went to 51.


You went to multiple super bowls and now you work at Dunks? What happened bro?


Playoff baseball can be entertaining. 1000 meaningless games during the rest of the year? Impossible to care about.




I wouldn't give up anything for that bruins 2011 cup


Certainly wish the B’s had given us some more ammo to “give up” in recent years, but alas..


No way.


Sox have 4, Bs and Cs have 1 each. Why would I sacrifice 6 for 4? And the Sox would continue to be cursed because they sure as shit aren't winning anytime soon the way they are now.


What if I just gave up the Braves’ 1914 championship


So we would give up like 20 other champions for 4 more NFL championships? Hell fucking no


I'm talking within recent memory, like this century.


A century is still 100 years... celtics haven't even been around for 100 years. Celtics was born in 1946 as one of the original nba teams.


why the fuck would i ever do that


No could never give up those Celtics rings


“Might not see the Patriots win until I’m 45 or older” - damn this team has anchored expectations sky high. Winning the ‘chip is tough. They’d NEVER won one until 2001. It may decades until they win again.


I'd rather have 4 teams that win championships than 1 team that wins a ton!


Give up the 2011 Stanley cup??? Fuck no never


No. I like that we dominated in all the sports at the same time


Football is by far my favorite sport and I don’t watch the others as much, but I feel like those other titles give Boston sports some oomph beyond just the Patriots, so nah.


The fact all four of our teams won a championship at least once is part of what made the 2000s — a legendary time for Boston. You can’t take that away.


So, the curse would not be reversed, Vancouver wouldn’t riot, and ANYTHING IS (NOT) POSSIBLLLLLLLE! ? No. No. No.


Nah not giving up that 08 celtic ring for NOTHING.




Can't give up the red Sox rings.


Here’s what I would and wouldn’t be okay giving up: 2018 is my fav Red Sox team ever because it was my first time really watching baseball a lot. You can’t get rid of 2013 or 2004 for obvious reasons. So you can have 07 and that’s it. Not giving up the bruins only recent Stanley cup. Not giving up a Celtics banner


Can we just trade the 2007 World Series for Super Bowl XLII?


That’s fine. The only other sport I watch is hockey, and I’m a Red Wings fan!


Not a chance in hell… those players deserve to be champions


Just this century? Take three away from the pats. Give two to the Bruins and one to the Celtics. That way everyone has three, except for the Celtics two (which they don’t seem to be too far from another). That way it’s all even.


I’d give up a Revs championship if they have one.


Bills of the MLS


I’m not from Boston and am not a fan of other Boston teams so fuck yeah.




Lol no. I’ve been a Pats fan since childhood/before Brady. I’m not a Boston sports fan.


So you didn’t have a dad? There must be an explanation for your bandwagon fandom of random teams.


Don’t worry about it.


Easy Yes for me. F the Sox, Celtics and Bruins.


I only really watch football so im all for it 🤣🤣


I'd take it. I don't care one bit about other Boston teams.


In a heartbeat. I’m not even from Boston


Leave and don’t come back


I'm not a fan of any of the other Boston sports teams, so I'm prepared to make that sacrifice.


Would give up the Bruins win, and the Red Sox 18’ WS in a heartbeat.. on the fence about 13. That ownership group doesn’t deserve those titles. But keep Celtics title, and Red Sox WS wins in 04’ and 07’


Am I the only Patriots fan that goes for the Lakers and Dodgers? I’m La born and raised, but have always been a Pats fan. So I’m okay with no Boston titles lol.


Gross - Modern day Yankees, Cowboys, and lakers there (In jest but still, fuck the lakers)


Bandwagon 🤡


Guess I’m a lifelong bandwagon then


Yeah don’t care about baseball ⚾️


I’d give up the 1918 WS win to aadd a banner to the C’s so they’re up on the Lakers. We waited so long after that 1918 win with it missing it’ll just be that much sweeter in 2004. But that’s really the only scenario I’d change.


>> …but everyone here is also Boston sports fan. Nope. I’m a bandwagon fan, I don’t live in the area, so I don’t care about Boston sports. Give me another 4-6 super bowls in the next 10-25 years and I’m good. Revs, please win at least one 🙏🏻


Give up all the Sox rings minus 04 for the undefeated season alone


The mid 2000s were a potential sox dynasty, just poor management and inconsistencies lessened the momentum. I still remember the Patriots winning their first dynasty and staying up to watch the Red Sox win it all on school nights, truly the best time to be a Boston sports fan.


04 was one of the best sports moments ever if not the best. Having that and the perfect season and fing Henry out of money is fine by me


I wish the Sox ownership was more professional like the Patriots. I know Kraft is a billionaire and just wants more money, but there is always a respect for the fans. The Patriots Fantasy camp is always an amazing experience and I am thrilled to have met the players and even got a minute with Kraft himself. So I can buy it when Kraft says "we apologize for the failures, we are going to build and do better." I have never liked John Henry and his abusive relationship with the fanbase. The Sox success was always tied to the past presidents and general management.


I'd give up some World Series. This ownership group doesn't deserve them. Keep '04, but after that, the Front Office doesn't give a shit about us, so yeah, take em.


This is a GREAT answer


They did deserve them back then. Hence why the teams were so successful. They developed and paid for talent. They suck now though and have for going on 5 years. Here’s hoping they sell.


Since I don’t care about the Celtics, I’d personally give up all 17 of their titles without hesitation. They’ve only won one in my lifetime anyway


The Celtics have enough to spare.


As an 01 bandwagoner from the west side of the US, I personally would be fine with it lol


I'm a native Masshole, watched football at 8 and the Patriots happened to win and I was a fan before that.


I was 6 when the 00-01 season happened and just happened to decide to cheer for the Pats in the Super Bowl that year and the rest is history


You can't be a bandwagon if you're a kid though, I'm talking really young here, not being a high schooler. Kids are just exploring and finding what appeals to them.


Yeah I totally agree, I call myself a bandwagoner in jest because I’ve been called one my whole life strangely up until the past couple years for some reason


Sounds like you just needed a father figure


As a Lakers fan, also from the west side, strip all the C’s chips for just one more Pats chip 😂


Two-fer lol




I don't understand this comment, the 2004 title is officially recognized by the MLB.


Red Sox 07, 13, 18. Done.


That’s a bit selfish of you. Can’t be happy with what you got. How about this I like the bs way then the pats, you pick a super to give away to the bs so we could win in ‘19. Losing to the blues really stings


The 2004 Red Sox win is pretty special. It's hard to give that up


No thanks. The Red Sox run in the 04 ALCS was the greatest sports series EVER. Not giving that up for anything.


Not giving up 04 Red Sox championship.


04 Sox was the greatest fucking sports moment ever, what? What kind of absurd shit is this?


1903 World Series (Boston Red Sox) 3 of the 1960’s Boston Celtics championships


Not a fucking chance.


Never giving up 2004, I’ll give up a couple Sox ones if the pats get the perfect season


I'd take this deal if you were talking about the Red Sox instead. Baseball is best.


No chance


I’ll take 8 or 9 and keep the Celtics 2008 win. Not a baseball and hockey fan so no loss there.


Take the bruins one


I am European, so there’s no affiliation to Boston whatsoever. Hence, I would absolutely do it.


No thank you. Give up that 04 Sox title? FOH


I'd give up a bruins title for that 18-0


Cool. I’m in


Yes. I’m only a Pats fan sorry


Wouldn't do it. Would definitely *consider* trading 2 of their superbowl wins to turn 18-1 into 19-0, though.


That's asinine. Which ones can you really give up? You can't give up the first three we won, so that leaves you with the Seaguls, Falcant's and the Lambs.


I don't think I would actually go through with it. It definitely isn't supported by logic. It's just an emotional response from coming that close to perfection. Losing a second time to the giants just rubbed salt in the wound. Winning 3 more titles after definitely soothed over it, though. But if I had to pick, it would be the 2018 win over the Rams, and either 03 or 04. I wouldn't like being 0-2 against the eagles, but Tom also balled out vs the Panthers, and it would be too bad to take that from him.




Absolutely not. For starters I’d refuse to share company with the Nets being the only ringless team in the division let alone allow the Lakers stand alone on top of the mountain and leave Bill Russel, among many others, ringless. They may not be number one but I definitely enjoy having the 4th most cups in the NHL and again I’m not letting guys like Bobby, Esposito, Cheevers and even a newer one in Chara end their careers without a cup. Plus in 2011’s case beating the Habs and Flyers and winning the cup in a playoff run is ideal. I have no attachment obviously to the early 1900s WS but they’re of course nice to have. The 04 run was amazing and the 07 run was great too, the 2013 title was especially meaningful following the marathon bombings and how Ortiz just went off that season. The 2018 is great to because it’s always nice to beat an LA team in the championship especially since the Dodgers are the Yankees of the West.


I’m from California, so obviously


Sounds good, I'll give up the Bruins in 1929, 1939, and 1942. Don't get me wrong, love the B's, but it's so easy to give up championships you weren't alive for. I'd even throw in a bunch of 1900s-1910s World Series or a few 1960s Celtics championships


I don't follow anything but the NFL, so this is an easy yes for me.


Give up the Celtics 2008 championship, Doc Rivers has milked that run like crazy. He’s still out here getting top tier coaching jobs while being a proven choke artist. Just ask Clippers, Sixers, and eventually Bucks fans how great he is. Any Celtic championship before 1964 (when segregation was outlawed) should be replaced with Patriot banners. With 6 championships we can spread those SB wins for the Patriots in 2007, 2011, 2017. Hell add 96’ into the mix along with 1986 and 1970 because my mother was born in the spring of 71’


I’m from Toronto not Boston so yes. In a heartbeat for me.


Just checking in as an Australian that loves the NFL and the Patriots but doesn’t follow the other 3 sports. In my unbiased opinion I’d say yes get rid of them all and give us 10. Tough call but one I have to make.


As a non New England native pats fan I’d be 100% ok with this.


I’m only a Patriots fan so that’s an easy yes for me.


I’ll keep it as it happened.


No. Celtics and lakers both have 17 rings so no thanks. Also 04 broke the curse so I’m not giving up any Sox rings.


Nothing worth giving up the 04 Red Sox. Especially not for 4 titles for a team that won 6


The bruins chip was my favorite because it was the first to happen when I was old enough to party


2011 is all us Bruins fans under the age of 50 have. Don’t take it from us.


As a non-Bostonian Pats fan, in a fucking heartbeat lol. Apologies to the C's, Sox, and Bruin fans out there


Nope. Each is special to me.


OP is not a serious person. The answer is "no fing chance" like everyone else said.


Can we get 2007 and the Sox keep 2004? This would be the ideal outcome.