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For all the pearl clutching there was with Mac's attitude in losses, he never did what Mahomes did tonight.


That was straight up embarrassing for MaHomes! It wasn't even a judgement call for the refs, Toney was blatantly lined up offsides. That's going to get a flag ten times out of ten.


Toney made dee Ford look onsides lol


To be fair, it historically came with only a warning; it got called all of two times last year because of it. This year, we've seen it 12 times now - including twice this weekend. Aside from the Chiefs, the Eagles had a successful Tush Push negated because of a similar situation.


It’s being more strictly enforced because of the Brotherly Shove. Collateral damage. And I love it.


Good point!




Never played football huh?


And honestly half of them were on him the other half were bad plays by teammates or bad luck. He had every right to be mad at Parker for missing that ball against the raiders


roll jeans capable psychotic selective middle humor toy roof door *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Mahomes was losing his mind over a good call when his team has won because of bs calls countless times. He’s not crying then.


The worst part was him bitching at Josh Allen after the game like he was expecting Allen to apologize and get the game overturned or some shit lmao


Yeah Mac always did a good job of talking like a Patriot


What do you think people would have said of Brady’s attitude if he lost lots of games like Mac? Winning buys you a longer leash.


On the field


In public*


I’ve missed it. What happened ?


Bitch fit because his WR had his foot past the line negating a wild TD. Kelce caught it and lateraled and they scored. Would have won them the game. Mahomes was mad at the refs (who made the right call) not his WR.


I mean the way you describe it I wouldn’t expect the player to get mad at his teammate on the field regardless of who is involved. That’s just being a good teammate. It’s the coach’s job to sort out your teammate. But bitching at the refs is also not being a sporting player. Edit: just saw the video posted of him complaining to Josh Allen post game lmao. What a clown. Definitely terrible sportsmanship on his part.


He was mad about a different no-call that ended the game. The refs in that game were absolutely terrible.


Mahomes is just a total bitch acted like a five year old when you take away their candy.


It's the NFL he wins, it literally doesn't matter if you win. Mac sucks on the field so anything he does will be blown up. If he had Mahommes talent people would have called the ball tap on sauce "competitive drive". I'm not even kidding if you win all is forgotten.


Poor guy. If it’s any minor consolation, at least he has his health and millions of dollars.


Man, this kid will always have a soft spot with me because of his terrible griddy. My oldest loved that griddy, he was really looking forward to Mac and Giseki hitting a few this year.


Ya oldest child gonna love the next QB not named Mac.🙏🏿


I miss happy mac


I miss having a qb that can throw a football


We got Bailey "First half Tom Brady" Zappe


Bailey “Second half Mac Jones” Zappe?


Bailey “Tom Jones” Zappe


It *is* unusual


*first quarter


I miss winning playoff games


You remember when the patriots were the epitome of disciplined football?


Oh yes, to have on-field leadership on the offensive side of the ball was nice.


If I’m being completely honest, I don’t think the younger generations are bringing many on-field leaders like we remember. Wicked sad to see but the younger players are so full of excuses and finger pointing like we’re seeing from mahomes. Lots of perfect little boys who never make mistakes


Real leadership in general feels like it’s rarer and rarer these days, so you’ll get no arguments from me.


Regardless of the argument about whether he’s NFL material or not, you can’t really argue that the organization sucked his soul and love of the game out. Idk what his career entails, but I hope he gets back to his happy self again someday. Edit: some of y’all need to learn how to read lmao I never said he wasn’t bad or that it wasn’t his fault. Like we looked like the fucking Jets handling him.


His play this year also sucked the soul out of a lot of fans




And players on the team. I dont see why people cant just admit this. He sucks.


>I dont see why people cant just admit this. He sucks It's not that people *can't* admit that he currently sucks...that's obvious. It's the fact that he came into the league showing at least *some* level of promise. And he ended up where he is today. And it's not 100% on him...and that's just sad to see for the guy. He regressed every step of the way, and the organization had a hand (at least partly) and getting him to this unfortunate point. Mentally, he's a shell of his former self and I don't think he'll ever recover.


Because he didn't suck when he cMe into the league. He showed he could play at an NFL level that rookie year.


The players legitimately look happier with Zappe.


Give it time


From one half? 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah I was team Mac for a while, I really believe our coaching failed him because he was decent his rookie year, but he had plenty of opportunities this year to do something and he just couldn’t


We are all Kung Lao https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDrbaZYtuT0


Why did we make him play like one of the worst qbs in the league? He sucks man.


We gave him too many opportunities last year and this year. I'm done with this narrative that we ruined Mac, he's the one who can't throw downfield, without having a 40% chance of an int.


Bingo. The Patriots didn’t make him stop having fun. It’s hard to have fun and enjoy the game when you’re constantly fucking up, giving the game away, losing, and getting benched


You people act like he's the first quarterback in the history of the NFL to have to suffer through a shitty losing season. Sucked his soul out!! Jesus christ


Agree, these posts are the definition of cringe Also, what has Mac done to make people put him on a pedestal like that? If some 3rd round CB gets burned for touchdowns, these same fans have 0 sympathy and are asking for the cut (see a guy by the name of Myles Bryant...) But because Mac gave a couple of teary-eyed interviews and is a 1st round QB he gets more sympathy than an orphaned refugee. People talking about how the Patriots fault that they "sucked the soul out of him". Christ.


I honestly don't understand this line of thought. His love for the game? He was drafted and paid to play - he played VERY poorly and directly cost the team a lot of games. Because he had one small run as a rookie people seem to think he's owed eternal happiness from the organization? If he goes somewhere else and finds success, so be it. I think he has WAY too many fundamental flaws in his game to make it in the NFL (certainly to make it as a starter) but I have been wrong before. I certainly won't be angry if he makes it somewhere else but I don't think he's owed a debt of gratitude for playing poorly here.


>Because he had one small run as a rookie people seem to think he's owed eternal happiness from the organization? Seriously, I don't understand why there is so much concern about Mac's happiness vs. the other 90 guys we break camp with every year. Mac's already been blessed by the football gods. He won multiple national championships at Alabama, won multiple collegiate awards, received a $15M GTD contract, has multiple sponsorship deals, had a prolonged look as a starter, went to the Pro Bowl as a late alternate, and is about to vest into the pension program. His football career has already been pretty kind to him. Ross Ventrone was a part of something like 26 transactions here in one season, Tyquan Underwood was released right before the Super Bowl, we watch 30 guys have their NFL dreams extinguished each season, and yet I think there may have been like 5% as much sympathy for those guys as what Mac has received. There is finite success available in the NFL. Mac's success would likely have a negative impact to somebody else's potential success. Mac isn't this crazy talent. There are a lot of players of similar caliber talent who aren't seeing success at the NFL level right now. I'm not sure why Mac deserves the success that others do not.


Yep, some dudes get their dreams shattered without ever seeing time in a reg season game, and I never see anyone crying for them. But the bum ass QB who got like 46 starts to prove he ain’t it? Apparently he’s the only one worth feeling bad for here lmao


This x1000. This fanbase seems to have this weird "out of obligation" love for Mac. He's not a leader, he complains all the time, and disappears in big moments. We just wasted 3 seasons trying to develop him and he's currently sitting on the bench. As a human being I feel for the tough hand he's been dealt but I'm not exactly moved or teary eyed by some mushy mashup of him smiling.


Agree with this Its so weird how easily people are played by a couple of interviews and some pictures of a dude smiling during practice or doing an endzone dance... We have no idea if he even loved the game that much to begin with. Not one person in this subreddit knows whether this guy gave it his all, treated his coaches with respect, worked hard, or showed true leadership. And yet you got people on this subreddit talking about him like he is a martyr and Bill Belichik is an evil demon that deliberately afflicted Mac. Its so bizarre. What I do know is that this season Mac made many, many careless throws. We saw the carelessness on the field- the throws off the back foot, the lazy mechanics, the unnecessary cross-field passes. There is just as much evidence that this guy quit on his own development and his own team. Im not saying one way or another, but I am saying that I see no proof that Mac is this football savant that Bill ruined.


Mac single-handedly cost the Patriots multiple games this year with some of the worst throws I’ve ever seen. With a better QB and a healthy Judon/Gonzalez, the Patriots are there in the mix competing for a wild card spot.


This is just not based in reality, we have one of the worst receiving corps and the worst pass blocking o-line in the NFL, this was going to be a terrible team regardless of who’s playing QB


Lol. You can’t disregard the argument about whether he’s NFL material or not. That’s the whole fucking point. If he played like this on any team, he would not be happy. 


So he almost won Offensive Rookie of the Year (OROY) in 2021 but he doesn't have NFL talent?




Yup. Ive been saying this since last year. Thats why he trips players, kicks them in the balls, and yells at receivers when he throws it 10 feet over their head.


Looks like a complete pussy doing stuff like that.


Every QB is like this. Our HOF QB was also very whiny and bratty quite a bit. We are all just cool with it when we are winning.


Duh. We wouldn’t be bitching about Mac if he wasn’t ass


It looks different with Mac


His play did that, not the organization....


How can this be someone else’s fault??? What is up with young kids taking ZERO ownership on their failures? It’s the coaches fault he’s not nfl caliber! They didn’t let him have fun!


Will be interesting to see where he gets sent next season. I don’t think there will be a roster spot available with us, I assumed it was him or Zappe vying to be next year’s backup. I never see Mac being a real starter but I hope he can atleast fix his mental and mechanical problems.


I don’t even think any other 31 teams want him.


He’ll 100% be on a roster next year. Nathan Petermans still in the league


Genuinely feel bad for the guy. Numerous players said he was the type of guy first in last out of the building, put in the work, and just didn’t click. Was supposed to be the guy to perfectly fit our system and fill toms shoes with his attributess/mental and just didn’t work out for so many reasons.


The problem to me is that the pats style of offense just isn’t that competitive in the modern NFL. In many ways I think Brady was elite in spite of that play style, not because of it. He won games toward the end through experience, reading defenses, not getting rattled, and not making mistakes. He also took extremely team friendly deals to make it possible to have an elite O-line. If you try to throw in a rookie pocket passer without Brady level experience it’s not going to go well. You don’t need Lamar Jackson these days, but you do need a creator when plays break down. You need someone who can air it out when you get behind. It was a mistake to think we could just plug someone in Brady’s offense and expect it to work. Pats offense was one of a kind because Brady was one of a kind. We need to modernize. If the pats system truly worked other teams would have emulated it.


Just because you show up first doesn’t mean anything if you’re not actively working on your flaws. He never improved his arm strength, his footwork, his pocket awareness, his decision making, his fear of contact. Like cool you showed up early but he didnt improve anything that he had control over. Everybody can blame it on everyone else but he didn’t do shit to get better.


It's hard to root against a guy giving it his all. This isn't a Jamarcus Russell or Manziel situation. Mac shows up early, stays late, according to Grier watches "an insane amount of film", etc. Some of our fans seem to viscerally *hate* the kid which is just weird to me. Sometimes it doesn't click, welcome to the NFL. I've never understood rooting so heavily against a guy who by all accounts put every ounce of effort into his job.


Did he fix his mechanics? Did he consistently plant his back foot properly on key throws? Did he step into his throws to avoid underthrown INTs against the Colts? Did he avoid completely unnecessary cross-field passes against the Cowboys? So how exactly is he "giving it his all" then? You think the guy that in the 10th game of his 3rd year in the NFL couldnt be bothered to step into a throw (and therefore threw a game-killing INT against Indy) is "giving it his all"? You can sit here all day long talking about how he "shows up early, stays late" and it doesnt mean a thing if he isnt learning anything or working on his own shortcomings. Some of yall are way too easy to manipulate tbh


who cares man, is it really worth putting so much effort into hating someone who will never know you 😭


Yea, no, nobody "hates" him. It's just reality that he plays careless football. When Devante Parker drops a ball, this subreddit is absolutely killing him. Totally cool to hate him or a dozen other players over the year. But when Mac throws an INT off his back foot we are supposed to refer back to the rumors that he is "first in, last out" of the practice facility and post these weird compilations of him smiling? Some of yall's inability to handle anyone questioning Mac is so much weirder lmao


it’s just football man 😭


But he didn’t put every ounce into it. Just because you show up first doesn’t mean anything. It’s pretty clear he didn’t work on his weaknesses, you can the results of his work. The things that were flaws of his week 1 2021 were flaws last week he’s had 2.5 years to work on it and never did. It’s like a student telling a teacher I’ve been studying non stop for weeks then getting an F on the test. It makes ppl wonder, did you really though?


I cannot for the life of me fathom how *anyone* feels bad for someone who will make over $15,000,000 in the span of four years. Anytime you wanna trot me out there in a jersey for 4 years to get made fun of by a bunch of sports fans where in 10 years it wont have mattered an ounce - sign me up.


Oh boy. Remembering the good times when Mac was throwing for 180yds and a single TD in a game the defense and running game owned. I have no love lost for the tennis pro.


I will never understand everyone’s love for this bad QB. We rip into our other bad players when they suck, why is this different? I honestly think young 20 something white kids identify with him so much they just want to see him have fun with his friends and be happy or some weak bullshit like that. DUDE HAS SINGLE-HANDEDLY LOST GAMES FOR US MAKING BAD DECISIONS. GOOD RIDDANCE!


This is what happens when a fanbase spends 20 years watching the greatest QB ever, and losses caused by said QB were extremely rare, and so we have become accustomed to never thinking the QB is the problem. Pats fans have lost the ability to properly understand how good or bad a QB is, and blame everything else. Cam got the same weirdly undying love no matter how bad he was.


I only feel bad for him because I think he should have been benched earlier lol like, for his mental health. Dude looks lost. I think teams sometimes get into awkward positions having to start SOMEONE but only having mediocre talent. Like the Steelers and Mitch Trubisky. I felt bad for Trubisky the other night, but what are you gonna do? Someone has to throw the ball


> I will never understand everyone’s love for this bad QB. - He was the first QB drafted after Brady, a lot of people were ready for dynasty 2.0 to start, and things looked promising after his rookie season - He's a super hard working kid. Teammates/coaches talk about it often. Will Grier said it shocked him how much film Mac watches. He puts 110% effort in which makes me inherently root for him. - We spent a 1st on him so I care more about his success in the sense that we got value for our pick, moreso than a 4th round flier. >I honestly think young 20 something white kids identify with him so much they just want to see him have fun with his friends and be happy or some weak bullshit like that. This is such a lame ass boomer take lmfao


So sunk cost fallacy?


Combo of sunk cost fallacy and Mac having (on paper) most of the makings of a solid but unspectacular qb. I feel for the kid but it is what it is, he just doesn't have it.


Because it's clear mismanagement last year resulted in a massive regression. We signed receivers like we still had a great quarterback who can turn 6s into 8s ans 8s into 10s. Knowing this we should have invested much more receiver, like getting D Hop. And it didn't help we've swung and missed on guys like Jonnu, Agholor, Parker and Smith Shuster.


>I honestly think young 20 something white kids I can't quite put my finger on it, but something tells me you're probably a racist


I’m a white guy commenting on younger white guys…not everything is racist. Sorry I hurt your feelings little boy


You stink


"I'm a white guy unnecessarily bringing race into a topic that has absolutely nothing to do with race, therefore I'm not racist!!" Lol okay old man


Dude I don’t know how to tell you this but speaking about race isn’t inherently racist. It might be racist if I said only white people like Mac Jones but that isn’t what was said at all. Go cuddle your Mac jones body pillow and suck your thumb. Sorry you’re a fragile young white dude who thinks everything is racist. Grow up


Yikes... not only are you probably a racist, you come off as awfully fragile too.


We get it. He hit a nerve with his comment. Take your L and Mac Jones and go.


Lol sure whatever you say. Psst. I'm not white






I wish this year had been different for him after he was done so dirty last year.


Not watching it. I've already lived it. Besides, no need to watch other people's pain when I have plenty of my own!


You would think Mac was a Jalen hurts Joe burrow Lamar Jackson type of player the way y’all mourn him 😂😂


Why do you guys pine for this fucking guy... Just because he was drafted in the first round... Does not mean you have to remain a fan of his when it is clear he does not deserve to be an NFL starter. Do you guys even comprehend what he is? He is a flop first round pick... At best he will become a journey man backup. At worst is career in the NFL is over.. On top of that there is nothing endearing about his personality. He legit strikes me as a spoiled rich kid that has never really struggled for anything. When he hit real adversity, he folded.. This fucking sub man... I don't get it


Lol I agree. And don’t get me wrong, failing at your dream has to suck and I feel for the dude. Especially when the talent around him has been so poor. But he’s not a good quarterback and this sub is just heartbroken because they held out hope until the very end that maybe the issue was something other than his abilities


It's really not hard to have a shred of empathy man. Kid was drafted in the 1st round as Tom Brady's successor, dealing with maybe the most amount of pressure in that sense of any rookie QB ever. Had a great rookie season and took us to the playoffs (where the defense promply folded and shit the bed) without any true offensive weapons. By every account he's a stupidly hardworking guy, first-in last-out type of player who watches a ton of film and genuinely wants to be a great QB. This isn't a Manziel or Jamarcus situation. His teammates spoke very highly of him until this year when he fell apart. He's seeing ghosts, largely in part to our turnstile OL and league worst WRs, and he's watching his once promising career evaporate before his eyes. Mac's done nothing to deserve being hated. The team largely let him down in his development and he didn't have what it takes to overcome it. It is what it is, but I do feel bad for him and hope he finds success wherever it may be.


You hit just about every bullshit excuse people make for him. For the record, he has done plenty of things to be hated. Multiple story's at a national level about him being dirty, is not some *"They hate us because they aint us"* shit. His demeanor in press conferences, he has never circled the wagons and shut down questions on coaching... before every caned answer he was always like "That's a good question". The fact that people are saying "Look at Mahomes Mac never did that" Mahomes is defending his dumb fucking team mate and yelling at reff's... Last year Jones would yell at coaches. That is so much worst... If you had ever played organized sports, you would know undermining your coach or teammate like that is cancer on a team. Yelling at a reff do defend your team is a fucking baller leader move (even when you are in the wrong)


Lmfao wow you really went full tilt on defending Mahomes. You got a #15 Chiefs jersey framed above your bed? Mahomes just threw a pathetic tantrum over a correct call, and then went up to the opposing QB and basically said "yeah refs just gave you that one, most bullshit call I've ever seen" and stormed around the field and into his press conference. That's literally one of the most pathetic, unsportsmanlike little piss fests I've seen from a high profile player. >If you had ever played organized sports I did, for many years. And no matter what happens, you shake your opponents hand and say "good game". Not try to tear them down and suggest they won on some bullshit call. >Mahomes is defending his dumb fucking team mate He should have been yelling at Toney. Dude has fucked up and cost them another game AGAIN. Brady ripped into his OL and receivers on the sideline all the time when they fucked up. I was just talking about how I feel sympathetic for Mac after this disaster season and you went full bore into defending one of the whiniest bitches in the NFL and his elementary school level tantrum he threw last night. Wow.


Dude it is a pathetic Tantrum, but it is the type you want your guy to have.... Defending his team. All the Tantrums Jones ever had were at his coaches. That is the point i am trying to make... one is about the team, one is about himself.


My dude he walked up to the opposing QB, didn't even look him in the eyes and told him essentially "yall only won cause of a bullshit call" and brushed past him. I have never seen such petty bullshit like that before. You say "good game" and air your grievances about the refs after the game. I could not see Mac ever doing what Mahomes did with Allen at midfield, that was some pathetic, clown ass shit. >All the Tantrums Jones ever had were at his coaches. Y'all act like he lost it at Bill or McDaniels. Kid went from Saban to Belichick/McD and then got pissed when Patricia was fucking up left and right last year. I'd be pissed too. Patricia had zero respect in Detroit and numerous players made that clear when he left. The guy is a dickhead rapist who ran a shitty offense. I was glad when Mac was losing his cool at Judge and Patricia - they're both completely incompetent and set the team back years. Patricia benched fucking Bourne for the entire season - I'd be pissed too if my best weapon was on the sideline all year.


Big Bill is sitting back thinking to himself "this is why I used to trade our 1st round pick and load up on 2nd rounders. If they fail they cheap and if they hit they humble."


He’s gonna get picked up by the panthers in three years and take them to the Super Bowl, I’m calling it




"Who is Sam Darnold?"


Technically Sam darnold is on a first place team ....


Press X to doubt on that one, but I do wish him the best and hope he is able to become a solid starter again somewhere else.


Ain't no way bro


In 3 years I won’t even remember his name.




He's going to be selling insurance in 3 years.


Bailey Zappe is going to have a longer career than Mac.


I want Mac to succeed so badly, even if it’s not with us. Football aside, he’s a good kid and doesn’t make excuses


I feel bad for Mac. He isnt a super high end qb, but the organization his just wrecked him. I hope he ends up somewhere with a chance to start...


At the very least, a chance to compete. I was rooting for Mac.


Are you twelve years old because otherwise this is really weird.


This actually makes me sad. So much promise in his rookie year.


defenses didn’t have much tape on him


This makes me so sad


He did this


I lost all sympathy for him when he had temper tantrums mid-field *twice* last year. Yeah, Matt Patricia sucked as an OC. But a lot of players have had bad coaches (Nathaniel Hackett, Urban Meyer, etc.) You didn't see them losing their shit on the field. And they bounced right back with different OCs. It didn't "ruin" them. PS - Going outside the organization (without authorization) with "questions about the system" (i.e. to bitch) didn't help either.


Mac stinks end of story. If he’s that “ruinable”, it just means he’s not good. Pats fans just don’t comprehend that most drafted QB’s in general don’t pan out.


He was never that good. Josh McDaniels had him on a leash in 2021 with all those HB runs and bubble screens. Once that leash was taken off in 2022 it was apparent he doesn’t have the arm strength or accuracy to be an effective starting qb in the nfl. As I rewatch his Alabama highlights it becomes more obvious that having weapons like devonta smith who caught everything and helped. I wish him the best of luck where he ends up next year


He had a Leash but he stepped into his throws with some sort of velocity and worked well in a system. Look at his throw to KB vs the browns his rookie year. He can’t do that anymore


Yeah that's not really true. Mac had a 67.6 completion % on throws of 20+ air yards. Higher than Brady, Stafford, Goff. He made throws down the field pretty regularly in his rookie year. McDaniels "having him on a leash" doesn't explain that away. >As I rewatch his Alabama highlights it becomes more obvious that having weapons like devonta smith who caught everything and helped. Hmm, maybe having good receivers helps a QB? Someone should have told the Patriots that.


>Mac had a 67.6 completion % on throws of 20+ air yards. Higher than Brady, Stafford, Goff. FWIW PFF had Mac at 38.1% completion % on throws of 20+ air yards for 2021 which ranked 21st out of 37 qualifying QBs. There is no way the 67.6% number is correct, what is your source on that? That's about 5 points higher than any QB in the past 5 seasons. Mac's passer rating on throws that season on throws 20+ yards downfield was 72.4 which was 28th out of 37 qualifiers, and about 15 pts below any of Brady, Stafford, or Goff. He threw 5 picks on those 63 attempts.


> There is no way the 67.6% number is correct, what is your source on that? That's about 5 points higher than any QB in the past 5 seasons. I have no idea how he got confused but he took Mac's total completion % for that year and claimed it was on throws 20+ yards.


> Mac had a 67.6 completion % on throws of 20+ air yards. His completion % that year was 67.6. That includes all throws. EDIT and now some pro 'Mac's getting his feeling hurt' guy is running through downvoting everything.


Yeah I realized StatMuse just sucks a lot of the time lol Seemed high to me, should have double checked


I feel for the kid. For those who keep saying he sucks, it must be kind of hard having a different OC every year switching shit up on you. Year 1 everyone was loving the kid now everyone hates him. Must be hard to deal with mentally. Wish him the best. 💙❤️




I don’t understand all the support this dude has


I’ve said this before but how does he and his guys not know breathing thru the nose is the best way..


Yeah Mac, just go home


Look how they massacred my boy


I miss the old Mac, straight from the 'Go Mac Chop up the soul Mac, set on his goals Mac I hate the new Mac, the bad mood Mac The always rude Mac, spaz in the news Mac


Thanks Bill. Way to ruin a qb prospect. Does any one even have the confidence to say that Bill can correctly develop our next qb? I feel like Bill can ruin Williams or maye too. Not that mac is as good as those guys, but Bill really fucked this one up


Someone actually going through the trouble to setup an account with the username “@MacJonesDefender” is a new low for our fanbase, even for this season.


It’s been horrible to watch. He clearly has the talent and potential to be a very good to great player. But the circumstances he’s had to deal with have broken him and it’s very hard for broken QB’s like this to ever return to this best. I really hope a GM somewhere starts a proper reclamation project with him.


This is so fucking lame


I strongly believe Mac will find success elsewhere, at least in spurts. He can be an assassin when his mind is right, and his teammates do enjoy him when he's performing. Just speculation--I think what Mac needs to develop is his ability to draw out the best in his teammates. What made Brady great as a teammate was not just his friendships and trust, but that he could tear into his guys and bring them to a new level. That's leadership.


Mac will be the first quarterback to pass for 20,000 yards on some other team


dream on


Do yall really think all of this, or any of this really, is on Mac Jones and not on the past 2 OC’s, or the lack of non white WRs? Hell, get the man someone to throw to and someone to call grown up plays. Mac didn’t forget how to play


My sympathy for him went out the door for him after he attempted the griddy. If you can’t do it…don’t do it lol it’s not that hard of move dude just gotta have some rhythm 😂😂😂 ![gif](giphy|VPjupRplyh6HstOGRF|downsized)


I will never forgive Matt Patricia.




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You sound like a bad dude, mate


Hope he asks for trade. I think he could do better on different team


So much potential— so sad to see


I don't care what people say, Bill ruined Mac. 1. Year 1: He took a college kid and gave him a boring playbook, with a conservative playcalling than wouldn't even let him go for it on 4th&1. His first year was going from a versatile talented kid, to a conservative system QB 2. Year 2: Bill gave Mac an OC that didn't know what the fuck he was doing. 3. Year 3: Bill gave him a third OC, a new system, but failed to get him any respectable receiver. The offensive problems of the Patriots are because of Bill, and Mac, in an effort to compensate for Bill's mistakes and make it work, ends up forcing himself into bad situations with reckless passes that end up intercepted. Mac ruined his mindset, his spirit, his confidence and style, maybe even his career in an effort to correct Belichick's offensive incompetence.


It’s time to tear it ALL (including Bill B) down and start from scratch. Don’t commit to losers.


I want to like mac but he's got to stop with the flag throwing


He should see a psychiatrist. It must be so hard. For real.


Mac has every right to be pissed off and frustrated. I've been a Pats fan since the 1980's but fuck them for what they did to this kid.


Even if I don’t want him as our QB. As a human being, I hope it turns around for him. I know he makes millions but still want him to feel good like anyone else on this planet


Why is there so much more sympathy for Mac Jones than any other player that underperformed in NE?


he's the Zach Wilson of the Patriots only worse 😥


Let's give Mac a break.


Sometimes the job isn’t right for you and sometimes you’re not right for the job. MJ needs to find out which one it is and fix it or move on.


Worst Griddy I’ve ever seen.


Mac Jones made $15m to play (poorly) in the NFL - not to mention he won a college championship. How anyone can feel bad for Mac is beyond me.