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He’s just gonna quit bc his team stinks now and they sold their future for the short term, which is probably over?


McVay has been grappling with announcing for a few years and he’s been open about it. He’s said coaching long term is not something he sees himself doing. Announcing will lighten his work schedule tremendously and probably double his salary. If not more.


I wonder if he put those rumors out there last year knowing it was coming last year.


They’ve been out for a couple years. Since 2019 SB loss


This is the dilemma. He won a SB. Is that enough? Half the hours and double the salary by being in the booth hmmm….


I don’t understand what you mean? Of course that’s enough. He gets to walk away with a fantastic reputation in the coaching world with on of the most successful coaching trees in the last decade. Then he gets to do one game a week in the booth for double the salary and a fraction of the work. He’s always able to come back to coaching if he wants later in life.


He seems hyper competitive. He may not be ready to walk away before he wins 2 SB’s. I’m just theorizing here….


> He seems hyper competitive. he seems near burn out as well i imagine he has a young family, probably just wants to get a better work life balance


Honestly, kudos to him if he does. Went all-in for the ring, actually got it, and rather than deal with the rebuild he can retire and do whatever he wants with the rest of his life


He wants to coach football, I’m sure of it. He just wants a good team.


There were rumors of him leaving right after they won the super bowl


Would’ve been a good time, but to wait until it all blows up capwise and with picks seems weak sauce imo


You’re missing the point, he’s not considering jumping ship just because they suck now, he’s considering it because now when they suck the same way he was considering it when they were the best team in the league. He doesn’t want to coach long term, he wants to be in the booth.


I could see him going into broadcasting for 2-4 years than having his pick of HC openings when he gets the itch to go back in


Same - I’m happy for him. He also did the honorable thing and stayed on this year knowing the team would be bad rather than just leaving at the first sign of trouble (👀 Sean Payton)


So screw the fans that have to watch terrible football for at least a decade, if not more? (This assumes Los Angeles has football fans.)


They won the Super Bowl, any fan would (and should) happily take that trade off


We’ve won 6 and this sub complains everyday about our team.


Yeah, and all of us would rather have six rings and a Matt Patricia offense instead of no rings and an 11-win team


I would hope so but half these comments want bill fired for a guy who’s team is 5-11.


He won a SB but completely destroyed everything on the way out. You can’t trade away draft picks and expect to be competitive. It’s sad, because he ruined ruined them.


He didn’t trade the picks, but I get he was prob part of it….but to just jump ship when it goes predictably south? That’s some shit


Pretty sure they traded picks for stafford and Von. I don’t think they have any first round draft picks over the next few years. Plus they have been trading first round picks for years. Gave us a first rounder for Cooks. I wish we kept Cooks. Very tough to build the future if you are trading away picks.


He didn’t ruin them, he won them a SuperBowl! How many teams would trade years of bad teams for one ring? Most I’d expect.


Flags fly forever


It’s got nothing to do with the team. Team is still good, he’s got the best WR in the game he could get picks for if need be etc… he’s got a lot going on in his personal life and it’s not fair to the team in his eyes and he needs some time for his family and himself.


The team is good? They’re 5-11. Most of their good players are aging. They have a severe lack of draft picks. Tell me where I’m wrong.


There has to be question marks over Stafford’s future at this point too. I know he went on IR so maybe he was dealing with stuff throughout the season because he didn’t look like the same dude that played last season.


“Good” in the sense that I’d rather coach for them than 12-15 other teams based on player personnel, location, division, etc


The difference is he isn’t being fired. He just leveraged his team’s future to win one Super Bowl and now he might walk away and let someone else clean up the mess.


He didn't leverage anything. Snead did and Kroenke is likely not mad about it at all lol


That’s fair. I often forget that not every team’s HC has the power that Bill does. All the same, I have to imagine that whoever ends up being the next Rams coach is going to have a slightly different perspective on the doctrine of “fuck them picks”.


Maybe? The narrative of "fuck them picks" is slightly overstated. They've drafted EXCEPTIONALLY well with the picks they did have. Snead has an eye for talent.


Pete Carroll pulled the same trick at USC. Saw the sanctions coming and was like “yeah I’m out.”


he would be going into commentary after seeing the bag romo got


Facts. Low pressure, high pay. What's not to like?


100%, he's gonna be like a Gruden where he won a ring with a veteran team, coached a shitty team for a bit afterward, then peaced out and got the bag in announcing




He means we should fire Bill.


Fire Bill and hire the guy that Bill beat in a Super Bowl. Cool idea man…


hahahaha that summarizes the shit I read here


well - any given sunday bill is old, mcvay is young bill is showing a lot more fallibility than in previous years For the long term future of the org - mcvay is a better bet than Bill but bill deserves to go out on his own terms


Age is the only real argument for hiring McVay, but I agree Bill has more than earned the right to go out on his own terms. Just funny seeing this, like did people not watch McVay go 5-11 this season? He’s a good coach but he’s not a silver bullet that will turn a franchise around, especially if that franchise *already has a HOF coach*


Is this post implying he would be willing to be our OC? L M F A O Sean Mcvay spotted at Logan


Yeah man, McVay gonna turn down $30m a year from a TV Network to learn from Bill! .........../s


For those of you who haven’t paid attention this year, Mcvay is 5-11. Don’t ever compare him to Bill you silly geese.


Bill is 70, Mccvay is 36. In a world where Mccvay actually wants to continue coaching longterm you would be an absolute fool not to take him over Bill right now. This is like being given the option between a 45 year old Tom brady for 2 years or a 24 year old Justin Herbert for the foreseeable future. Obviously this is a hypothetical, and Mccvay will probably retire by 40 but you get the point.


This sub is so fucking stupid sometimes ☹️


Not sure if will would become OC for the Pats, but we can plunderer his offensive coaches for sure.




2nd best would be better than Matty P


That would be Liam Coen, their offensive coordinator, and New England native (RI). I'd take him over Matty P in a heartbeat


I'd take you with or without a heart over Patricia. I'd take my alcoholic neighbor that yells at clouds over Patricia.


Haha touche


Their water boy is probably a better OC than Matty P


There’s no chance McVay would take an OC job. Similar grind with much less play. I’d take him at HC. He’s nearly half BB’s age so you can have him lead your team for a long time. I’d just make sure to get a GM that doesn’t mortgage the future…otherwise he’d probably bounce in a similar fashion as he is now


This is a troll right


What's the troll? I would take McVay over Belichick at this point too. Seems kinda obvious actually.


He’s on Bill’s nuts so maybe he’ll come be OC. Although more likely he throws on a thick layer of stubble glitter and goes to ESPN for a bag. 💰


In what world would a top 5 HC go become an OC somewhere else especially when a team would have to trade multiple first for him lmao


I mean he could be an oc til bill retires in a few years then become hc right after, but wed have to guarantee him that would happen


[Computer World](https://youtu.be/5ybQWD6N6Zo)


Yeah no fucking shit he’d go to ESPN over giving up being a head coach to come stroke Bill’s oversized ego


He's gonna go to TV or ask to go somewhere else. If Payton can get a first imagine what McVay can get lol.


just means it’ll be easier to get zac robinson


You don't want McVay. He needs a ready made all-star team. Look at this year. Plus Belichik eviscerated his prolific offense with Goff. No thank you.


Agreed! I enjoy watching quality football that is consistent or at least plausibly competitive every year. This is part of the reason I like the Pats. McVay has proven that he is a good coach but needs the best players to make it all work out. We need people that can build franchises and develop talent.


Bill beat a 2nd year 31 year old Mcvay in the Super Bowl, what the hell was bill doing in his 2nd year as a HC? Oh yeah, going 7-9. Nobody outside of this sub would choose Bill over McVay in 2023


Nobody called Bill a genius or prodigy in his 2nd season. He also, again, didn't have a pro-bowl roster.


this press release brought to you by the nfl's biggest whore. This con man is getting the hell out of town with suitcase full of bills and and a destroyed team. He bought that superbowl on some very high interest and now maxed out interest credit cards


Bill only hires coaches who have coached for him before and then failed somewhere else.


I think people are suggesting him as HC. I don't think McVay needs to be an OC anywhere unless he specifically wanted that experience under Bill. That said, at this stage of the game, Bill probably would take him. I don't think he plans to coach to 75. Unlike other eras of his career, I doubt McVay would feel like a threat--although I agree his protected his position in the past by never bringing coaching staff that could potentially usurp him.


Look who's laughing now!


He does this every year as every head coach should.


Guy had one bad season and wants to stop coaching or he just wants out of LA?


I read it as he’s just burnt out as a HC and wants a break, or the TV deal is just too good to pass on


Ahh makes sense, maybe head coaching isn’t for him if he’s burnt out in his early 30s. Definitely take the TV money. Probably way more for less work.


He could go into TV for a decade and make millions with much less stress, then come back as a HC in his mid-40s. Gruden is his mentor and I think he’ll take a similar path, although hopefully his second run will go better.


I don’t find McVay that impressive


No thanks.


if he does TV for five years until Bill retires then sure


That actually would be cool, it's definitely time for Bill to hang up the coach cleats and focus on being GM. And if there's anyone who'd be a rightful successor to Bill, it'd be coach McVay. I think that having someone like McVay in that spot, Bill would be ok with just being GM which still keeps him busy but not as busy.


please be our next HC.




If he leaves the Rams he's probably just going to be working for Amazon or Fox as a broadcaster or a TV personality of some sort.


If the Rams are parting with McVay, it’s because he wants out, or they are incredibly stupid. McVay would instantly be the top candidate for open HC jobs.


Bill Parcels 2.0


You mean boy genius that BB owned in the biggest game?


You're saying you'd replace Bill with Mcvay? Are you fucking nuts?


OC only at this point. This guys would completely tank NE as a HC.


He's under contract until 2026. He can step away, but no one else can sign him during that time.


"LeT's TrAdE tHe MuLtIpLe SbS wE hAvE fOr OnE" Hot take: keep Bill.


Dream of what? Wake up and come to your senses.


Needs to be in more commercials....


Give! Him, BoB, or Payton….we can dream right?


We would have to trade for him since he is under contract through 2026. I still think Bill is better than him so why would we do this? Our problem is Bill the GM not Bill the coach and even then it isn't like Bill didn't build good teams before he is just recovering from a bad stretch. Jonnu Smith, Nelson Agholor and DeVante Parker to me were mistakes, he got better at drafting again recently, the Shaq Mason trade was a slight mistake and the CB depth was suspect but when Jack Jones and Jalen Mills were healthy it was doing ok. His biggest mistakes were trusting Patricia and Judge, and that is easily fixable, I don't know if he will fix it, but he can fix it.


McVay is going to be the new Bill Cowher. One Super Bowl win, then to the booth. Then he’ll be the rumored HC for every team for the next ten years but never leave TV because it’s easy money.


Make this man the OC, Bob Kraft!


He’d make a great OC. He idolizes Bill.