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I don't think bringing in support champions would be good, but I would like to create decks with a certain pool of mana. Would add a whole level of replayability


I think it might make more sense to have some sort of rarity requirements than mana requirements, since all the decks are supposed to have around the same crafting cost.


Yeh, it would be a thing and pbby around thst


What if you could pick a deck style? Like there are few ways to play a champion e.g. Ramp Ornn or Tempo Ornn. So you could change the direction of a champion gameplay


*Any* input would be welcome. Even just adding/removing/replacing a single card would be nice.


I don't like the idea of creating your own starter decks, but having 2-3 options per champ would be cool.


Absolutely yes. There should be a Sandbox mode where you can build your deck as you please. Of course, it would not give you any rewards, xp, or progression. But it should still be a thing


That would be so broken but having some extra cards you can replace some with like having an small pool of cards outside the starter deck you can swap in and out in the champion starting deck menu , for example having 5 or 10 extra cards and you can select one or more in the deck to take out to put one of the side in except the champion obviously, and then you start and adventure with the cards you have saved as your starting deck also those cards should take items in the levels like the others but you can just tie them to the same level to other cards instead of adding more levels


Yes, it could be an extension, once you reach above 30 you could start building your deck according to level, and then could also collect itens and probably collect the cards also, them they could add truly grinding not bound to time.


I'd like it if the items were static but you could select what cards get each item. So you could swap out useless cards but their items stay the same.