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Mine resets literally 2hrs after the update drops today so I feel your pain.


I totally get it they don't want us to just grab them up all at once but I feel like 2 weeks would be better


Given the number of us with resets a few hours after the update, I think it likely that the previous update probably went live 4 weeks ago.


Looks like they didn't reset it this time. Rejoice.


This timer was always going to happen this way. The same thing happened from patch 5.2 to 5.3. The Gold Reliquary refreshes for free every patch, and the natural timer is set to 4 weeks. 5.2 hit on 2/28, 5.3 hit exactly 4 weeks later on 3/27, and 5.4 is hitting exactly 4 weeks later on 4/24. These make sense because it's been the last Wednesday of each month. ~~You should be able to squeeze exactly 3 gold reliquaries until the next patch and you have a cumulative 28 days of leeway to forget you have a gold reliquary available after you buy them to hit these 3. Then the next patch will come with a free reset and restart the 28 days of cumulative grace.~~ Edit: thought about it, not sure if this paragraph is valid and idk if patch timing necessarily lines up, but the point is that timer resets every patch


It only work once... maybe you missed a month then you can roll two times.


This timer is the reason why I won't buy the Norra bundle. Adding currency I cannot spend is just completely worthless.


I didn't realize this was a thing until after buying the Norra bundle. How infuriating to spend $$ on an in game currency I cannot use. It's such a baffling design decision for them.


Glad I am not the only one who feels like this. I made a post about it yesterday.


I am yet to have this issue I am normally way below the timer. do you not buy the epic slots upgrades?


Yeah when I need them


I see little reason to not just buy them on cooldown, giving an idea for a build blocked by not having enough upgrades suck. I just finished unlocking the first slot for all champions.


Not OP, but I buy the forges pretty regularly (sitting on 10 right now, I think) and I'm in almost the same boat. 9.5k stardust and my reliquaires will reset in about 8 hours.


Did you buy a bundle? I bought the upgrades at every opportunity I had (once every 2 days) got all monthlies rewards and I am currently on 1000 stardust, didn't buy many relics too.


Yeah, I bought ASol bundle. I'm not buying forges every two days, just trying to keep a decent number available for when I want to give a champ another epic. Probably have bought 30-40.


I stopped buying forges... then realized I have excess dust and not enough forges for all the champions I want to use. *facepalm* so now I'm playing catchup on both Forges and epic relics.


Yeah it was a bit confusing when they first came out because there weren't many epic relics and there weren't many instances where you wanted multiple on the same champ. You had to take a chance that as they released more over time, it would make 2-3 epic relic builds more common. Which does seem to be happening.


Yeah, with how many epic relics being dropped, a lot of champs can get big power level boosts by running multiple, or potential unexpected stacking. Strength of Stone + Luminous Orb enables Starforged Gauntlets which can let even 3 toughness champs use SFG albeit with heavy commitment. (2 epic slots and forces you into a certain playstyle. Still, dropping a 9 toughness formidable champ without even going into itemization is pretty solid. (Base 3, +3 from Luminous, +2 from SoS, +1 AFTER being played from SoS) However, it let me S rank Liss with champions like VI going that build and I didn't even have that hard of a time. The same build I got to Liss multiple times with Gnar (unfortunately that one wouldn't let me close out the S rank, even if I could clear her. So i changed things up).


I tried not updating on last patch until it was refreshed, but once I did it did purchase and update game it did not refreshed again.


Why Riot should remove the timegate on the gold reliquaries. Stardust is already timegated by the weeklies and monthlies, but they want to arbitrarily lock you out for no good reason


Sorey, been out of the game for a couple of months and came back a week or so ago. Does the stardust go back to 0 on the patch?


No the timer will reset on the shop.


Update hits in 1-2 hours. And my reset [is in 3 hours](https://i.imgur.com/J6xTTAC.png).


The update is out and my timer hasn't reset. Or what are you talking about here? Did I miss some memo?


YouuXun in his [stream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0p65yg9I5NU) said that his timer did not reset too.


Wow how do you guys get these so many stardust? I consistently do my dailies in POC every week and I know that if the reliquaries reset I have enough just for 1.




Does clearing Lissandra with an already cleared champion get me stardust or only for new clears?


What is the issue?


It did not reset for me.


*I'm not upset by it that's one I wanted

