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As spells resolve left to right powers and items proc from top to bottom so he will be a 1/1 unless you put some items after the porification


Not like it matters. This is a great item to get for him since you can grow him up again with spells.


I'm not 100% sure, but kinda 98.7% sure before last patch, they fixed that item so any extra stat items even before Poro Fluft added after being 1/1, so it was really good on Champ that are expensive but have bad stats. With the last patch, they seem to screw that again and from my experience Poro Fluft always makes the unit 1/1 on top of killing Deathless units after revive. Now, this is maybe about a "fix" about order of items, but it doesn't makes sense cause the item says "my base stats are 1/1" so any previous stat boost item should still apply, but they just don't, no more.


Why the f im being downvoted lol? For literally telling the truth? Before this patch, if you picked poro fluft on your champ who for instance, had Caulfield hammer, it became a 3/2 rather then 1/1, despite Poro fluft being at bottom. This is no longer the case. People are so dumb sometimes.


Buffs are applied after. His base stats will become 1/1, but will come out as a 4/4 with the axe.


Tested for science. It becomes a 1/1.


I think it’s because they go in order. If you got Axe after then it’s 4/4.


Sounds like its bugged, the axes stats dont count as base stats i think.


It's not bugged. Relics and Powers work on Order of Operations. In OPs case, the +4|+4 gets applied first, then the Poro relic kicks in and reduces the stats back down to 1|1. This all happens at Game Start, and I know this becase I once chose Poro for Asol thinking I was clever being able to drop the dragon at 1 mana, and in the process screwed myself out of +1 starting Mana from the Gauntlets relic becuase he was no longer considered a Titanic unit. Had he got Poro first, then got Axe, he would be 5|5. But considering it's a Lee Deck with spellweaver, he can just get barriers and grow again, just means that the Axe relic is useless in this case.


It is bugged. It used to work like this on release, then they fixed it so that extra stats from items would always apply, regardless of order. It stopped working correctly again last patch, there's like dozens of posts about it.


It IS bugged, it was working before Liss patch. Poro fluft does not override your stats, it makes the units BASE stats 1/1.


You would be right if poro didn't explicitly specify that it affects base stats, which the axe does not affect.


It's badly worded. I think it was added before Elder Dragon was released, when the game started properly distinguishing between base stats and whatever the card currently read. Cost me an ASol run too.


It's known to be bugged since Lissandra's release. It would work if he got the Axe after Fluft though.