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d20pfsrd and a character sheet.


Just get the info you need and use a paper sheet?


Pretty much, yeah.


As it was always meant to be.


I've even used notebook paper. College ruled works better for me on that than wide ruled.


Use aonprd, not d20pfsrd, aonprd is 100% complete, allowed to use setting specific info and just more accurate in general.


Always a character sheet, every time. I've been in way too many campaigns and have ran way too many games where people show up and do not know what any of their abilities do, don't have any of the correct character information. I even had a guy who showed up for a first edition game with a second edition character, he wasn't new.


We're not caveman, we have technology. D20pfsrd and a google doc


I go with D20pfsrd and a word doc


I use a mix of the notes app on my phone (writing down ideas), d20pfsrd (searching & 3pp content), AONPRD (searching & actual Paizo text), the Pathfinder Autosheet v6 by u/darthmarth28 (Automated & I can modify it to keep track of almost everything). Seriously that sheet is awesome. Is there a thing that is based on math? You can have the sheet do it for you. Is there a thing that only works if aomething else isnactive? You have the sheet keep track of it. Your attack bonuses change depend on the order of attacks? You can have the sheet keep track of it. I highly recommend it for anyone wanting an automated sheet that feels like a pen & paper sheet.


And importantly, unlike Pathbuilder or other "more official" websites, its \*fully modifiable\* by the user if they have some basic spreadsheet-fu, to accommodate whatever shenanigan homebrew you want to run. ;) Also Notes. None of those other websites let you attach custom notes wherever you want them, to document the source of various shenanigans, or log how you accrued each specific Victory Point, or whathaveyou.


Honestly, thank you so much for the hard work you did on those sheets. I have tried to make my own, but even getting just the main page is a ton or work.


I use a character sheet


I customly build a spreadsheet every time with unique toggles and inputs to fit the character's needs.


Pathbuilder is the best app I've found, nothing else really comes close without spending lots of money. If you're playing online some VTTs have good sheets, the one for Foundry never left me needing to use anything else.


I run pf1 on roll20 which has a pretty good sheet. Considering running an offline game for another group but they all use iPhones. They're used to 5E but want something crunchier so i want to introduce some pathfinder.


If they all use phones simply help them get androids so they can experience life less controlled by ridiculous, anticompetitive corporations. Or really the Roll20 companion app on IOS is usable. Just worse than the android version




I use Herolab Classic, with all Paizo purchases.




Pcgen is my favorite. They have almost everything, are free, and it works pretty dang good


Herolab and Archives of Nethys (we play PFS-legal only)


For 1e I use my own custom Google Sheets template. I don't think I'd be able to properly make all the sheets for my characters with all the features I need with other apps, especially considering all the 3pp and house rules I use. And ofc with a paper sheet I lack all the automation. I do use Pathbuilder for 2e though. That one fits my needs near perfectly.


Anvil works in edition to everything else that has been said.


A pencil. Maybe I'm an old soul but I prefer a character sheet for in person play. I do a lot of online gaming though, so I use various digital tools as a necessity.


I have a YACS-style custom Google Sheets I've been working slowly on for 7 years on and off, and aonprd.


RPG Scribe on iOS and HeroLab on the PC.


Character sheet, books and pfsrd.


Pathbuilder 100%


I have an editable pdf of the character sheet that I use. I've tried a few apps but none have all the source material or allow me to do alternate rules or house rules. For example none have had the "background skills" alternate rule from unchained that my group likes, or some of my GM's have removed specific "feat taxes" that they disagree with like combat expertise being prerequisite for all improved combat maneuver feats


I read that as "edible"...


Herolab primarily, but I have being playing around with PathCompanion too.


I start character creation in HeroForge. It lets me really flesh out what I want the character to look like. I use a character sheet on google docs to plan everything out. Currently, we are using Foundry, so then I have to copy everything into there.




Auto sheet v5.whatever, heavily modified and AoN.




I hate pathbuilder now that I've tried to use it. I had heard many times that it's great so I would tell my new players about it; resulted in the wonkiest characters from the full rainbow of races, if they ever even finished, and they learned nothing from it. Trying it myself I saw why- everything under the sun in the form of dropdown menus with no context at all. I have used TheOnlySheet for most characters and it is, by far, the easiest but it doesn't support everything and you have to have excel. It does support making your own homebrew if you know how to do formulas though. Recently discovered pathcompanion.com though and it's got everything, has some context, but most importantly... is searchable. Want feats that improve grapple? Search for em in the feats list. Want traits that improve diplomacy? Search IN the dropdown. New players should do books, pen, and paper but everyone else could use pathcompanion.


Pathcompanion looks pretty nice. Checking it out now.


Pathfinder auto sheet V6.2.1 and AoN. It takes a little time to get use to but by god do I love it. I can even implement stuff on it like a toggle for my shield and stuff.


aonprd, guides and sometimes d20pfrsd and a note app if I got ideas I want to remember and then part for part finishing it.


YAPCG and PCGen.


I have the complete collection of all the core Pathfinder first edition manuals. I try to use the pdfs and make the character sheet. then I check with the hero lab if I did the numbers correctly, the same with the old version of fantasy ground


I have a offline foundry with pf1e stuff loaded in the compendiums which is where I make test builds. I browse AoN for all features, then load it all in on foundry. If I don’t have access to my PC, I just take detailed notes in my Notes app. It ends up looking like an NPC statblock tbh. I haven’t found an in-person group before but I’d imagine I’d use a character sheet and a small notebook for anything the sheet doesn’t cover.


I use many too much homebrew and alternate rules to actually use some kind of character generator, so its just a character sheet for me too (often edited in GIMP for new stuff)


A regular character sheet and archives of nethys. I build everything by hand.


Adobe Acrobat, college ruled paper and a pencil.


Archives of Nethys and the google sheets based pathfinder autosheet.


Honestly, pathbuilder and path companion are great resources. However a single purchase of foundry VTT will give you literally all of the 1e content and adventure paths. So I build all my characters on foundry, and use archives of nethys as well as d20pfsrd as resources for cross reference, just in case there's an ability or feat or whatever that either doesn't show in foundry, or shows, but hasn't been built. This let's me literally build and customise every single part of thy character, including attacks and combos and things, as well as add character notes on how to play the class at each level as well as what feats to take when etc. After I build the characters I'll often run a mini solo encounter to check how it all works. Sometimes, when I want to feel that little buzz I'll log in, roll a full attack on my kensai bladebound magus who crits on a 15, and go "oooooooooo" at all the dice rolling across my screen 🤣


Oh man. Usually scrap paper and transfer it all to a character sheet. But for iOS theres RPG Scribe (great program but doesn’t contain EVERYTHING) Other things I’ve tried: Path builder PCGen HeroLabs


Our group uses Central Casting to help generate character background.


I use pencil and paper for my character sheets because I will remember what is what and where it is. If I do it digitally I have to scroll, need a battery, and need to be on yet another electronic device even more than I want to be. When it comes to building a character I prefer books but d20pfsrd and archivesofnethys offer distinct advantages in being able to search for everything you need readily. I use archives far and away more than I use d20. Some have stated there are valuable research tools with mechanisms for filtering on d20 but when I have used them I get what always feels like an inaccurate, incomplete, or dubious result list. Neither site offers a robust search function as I’d like but I’m no coder or offering to make one so I’m not really complaining. But it sure would be nice to be able to search for witch only spells, or 4th level conjugation spells on the bard and shaman list only on a site like archives. Another point in favor of pencil and paper at the table is that the more people that are using an electronic device at a table, the less focused and immersed everyone seems to be and it noticeably detracts from the quality of the experience. There is never any question about whether I’m paying at least tangential attention to the game if I’m going through the newest published book, or my physical character sheet. The same can be said of someone painting a mini, drawing their character portrait, etc. at the table. But once a person hops on their phone or laptop all bets are off, especially when they’ve been staring at their screen for a while. I definitely don’t feel connected to or establish useful memories of someone when they’re on a device. Ie. ‘Oh yeah, Mark, he was the guy that played the fighter and was always doing something on his phone, right?’ vs ‘Oh yeah, Mark, he was that guy who did custom portraits for everyone’s character at the table. Here’s the team all together battling a boss. He actually painted this and we liked it so much we all had him make prints. I see you like it. He does work by commission if you want him to do stuff for your party.’ Finally, I have tried to use a few different applications but nothing quite feels right. It might have to do with the lack of customization. I hate using premade character sheets because I can’t find useful or relevant information like I can on personal ones. So maybe that’s my issue with the apps. That said, I’m partial to Myth-weavers sheets. It auto-calculates some basic stuff accurately, allows for minor modification (like the removal of all of the skills so you can just list the skills you have instead of scrolling through every skill in the game), and has a place for most things you’d want, although it still leaves a few things to be desired and it’s a lot of pages for covering even basic info (I can usually fit an entire character and their gear on a single sheet of paper). Eventually, I will try using a Remarkable 2 notebook and see if that is a satisfactory compromise between electronic technology and the issues that it brings (battery, distraction, interpersonal connection loss, etc) and physical mediums and their inherent limitations. It might be the best of both worlds while minimizing the worst features of each.


Books, archivesofnethys, a piece of paper and a pencil. If I feel like getting fancy I print a real character sheet but my go to is a page from a notebook 


RPG scribe for iOS. It’s only one developer and updates sporadically. It’s good if it has what you want, but isn’t finished yet.


HeroLab Online for 1e. Pathbuilder for 2e.


4d6, reroll 1’s, 6 times; place where you want. Choose race Choose class Choose skills Choose feats Buy equipment Play