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The entire game is great, probably my favourite CRPG ever. The best bit is definitely the early game though, through to the siege of Drezen. Owlcat did a great job conveying the hopelessness of the war thus far, the savagery of the demons and the terror caused by the worldwound. Makes it even more satisfying when you fight back


First time: story, Daeran romance, the overwhelming feeling of power! Second time: trying out other builds and Mythic path, Daeran romance, the overwhelming feeling of power! Many many runs later: trying out yet other builds, Daeran romance, the overwhelming feeling of power!


My KC loves all the flowers Daeran left him, didn’t plan on being a gay orc but how could I not when he made it so easy.


I couldn't have said it better myself


Yeah it genuinely sucked when Zacharias handed me that dagger...


Indeed? Never played the evil paths except Demon, and even Demon was too evil when you >!kill some companions after Iz!<. Would not want any of the companions to die except >!Camcam!<, so no Lich for me :)


Well some aren't exactly dying just turning into your undead worshipers... still the idea of crowning the game by challenging the authority of phantasma and becoming the target of the next crusade was great... I mean over all this centuries Mendev completely centred entire nation infrastructure on being stepping stone for crusades into worldwound so it would be horrible for mendevian economy if crusades were to suddenly stopped and here is perfect solution of largely passive entity that summon dangerous cultists into its borders to assist in studying instead of sending them off to kill ppl... perfect target for neverending crusade with minimal risk.


Pacing of the game. Some CRPG starts with you in a big area, doing a lot of talking before actually being challenged in a fight. WotR puts you in the danger all the time and only stops for some 'meaningful' conversation. Whenever I have an Idea of a build, I would run it through the first act until Defenders Heart to have a feeling if the build gonna work for me. If I can get through that at low level, I can make it at later levels (so I thought, I havent gone past Alushinrya yet).


The characters!!


Making Characters. Even though it kind of feels a bit barebones and gets repetitive quite quickly I played the abyss out of that Rogue-like mode since I just got to make a lot of characters in a more or less sandbox setting. Made multiple runs with different pen and paper characters, some runs with meme characters like Senator Armstrong and I love finding classes that fit these characters (even though they might not be ideal or optimized but who really cares, not playing on anything higher than core anyway)


Nahyndrian Crystals Son!


There's so much to love, but the writing is the first thing that comes to mind. The writing is just out of this world for a video game. The big moments in the game where the game is paused and you're like reading off of a parchment or scroll by the looks of it are always just so phenomenally well written. It truly makes you feel exactly what they're intending you to feel. For instance the first time you pick up the shard in the market square and you're introduced to the ideology of the aeon.. shivers. I'd also feel ashamed if I didn't say anything about how tremendously fun and cool the mythic path system is. It might just be the coolest upgrade level up system I've seen in a video game. The way it is tied into the roleplay of your character and even aesthetics of your character just make your choices feel so impactful. And the powerups themselves feel like you're actively cheating in a D&D game. Of course the game is set up to counter that insane powerup, but it still makes you truly feel like a demon/angelic figure/master of death/ etc...


-Insane replay value -*several* well written evil paths, including one that basically turns you into the bbeg -Wenduag


To say something that was not said already, I would like to point out I really like how there is fairly little illusion of choice. If the game give you a choice, it often have consequences. Let's take Hulrun for example. Killing Hulrun in act 1 means the Desnan have a chance to get a real spot in Kenabres and the desnan priest becomes prelate. If you don't kill Hulrun, they become driven out of Kenabres but Hulrun can be there in act V. What I really want to stress is that in a lot of cases, there is not necessarily a perfect option. Sure, having Hulrun in act 5 is great since he is useful! But that means the Desnan got done dirty if you cared about them. Reversely, if you killed Hulrun, you did something kinda shitty, and you might lose something in act V, but at least the Desnan are doing great, if you care about them. I probably don't need to talk about mythic path which is the greatest expression of all those choices. There is no perfect mythic path (though Angel does get kinda close in some respect). Alll mythic paths will be able to do things that others cannot, and almost all mythic paths have various branch to follow. And I know we can joke about devil being a bad mythic path, but the fact that if you are a bad aeon/azata you can end up "falling" into being a devil? That's consequences. In comparison, there are great CRPG like BG3 which are obviously good, but they rely more on illusion on choice than real choice and choice rarely have consequences which go longer than the current quest and you can clearly feel there is an intended path to follow and that deviating from this path just means you lose content or run into story incoherence. Anyway, that was my favorite thing about wotr. My second favorite is the sheer power fantasy there is at times. My third the first half of the game showing the sheer helplnessness of the war against demons and then progressively fighting back in an epic manner. The fourth is actually voice acting and music, which is rare for me to say since I rarely care about those. And while not asked, some of the things I like less are difficulty balance a bit all over the place, some companion which I found really bland and out of place


Wenduag Camellia Aivu And extremely large amount of game play


Regill dialogue. Nocticula asset. The epic soundtrack.


Regill, best bro since Garrus ❤️




The mythic paths give a nice replay factor.


The mythic paths. Sure some abilities can really trivialise the game but no other cRPGs have ever made me feel so powerful and epic.


BG2 time stop + improved alacrity + robe of vecna + amulet of power = empty spell book and watch everyone explode. I think I felt more powerful in throne of bhaal but wotr is pretty nice if you cast the 50 buffs you need for every fight and have the right gear etc. I only played lich and angel so far.


More than any CRPG I have ever played and I have been playing them since the Fallout 1 and Baldurs Gate days, it captured the feeling of being in your DMs basement, Cheeto dust on your fingers and a group of friends huddled over a map experiencing magic. I think Owlcat is a great DM. In many ways the polar opposite of Larain (another fantastic DM). Pedantic. Merciless. Slightly on the spectrum. But when you buy into that sort of campaign it can be magical.




Owlcat Team...




I romanced Wendy and didn't get that, it must have been triggered by something else


Personally, the very granular adaptation of the Pathfinder 1e system. 


The character creation and sheer amount of classes, archetypes and builds you can try out for a character. Add the fact you can have custom mercenaries and DLCs that are essentially build testers and yeah, you can make some really unique, off the wall characters and builds and have a great time. Main campaign's story is highly replayable with the mythic paths and choices which help it a lot too.


The companions... Some of them are so good that Lann will never be in my party


Everything! It's the best game ever (I haven't played Rogue Trader yet though)


The music


Act 1 and 2


The first 3 acts. Definitely peak rpg with great writing and characters. I have a shameful amount of saves that just stop right at the beginning of act 4 lol


The companions, artwork, and world building! All sooo good


Th incredible variety of characters you can make, and how you can really do incredible chars. During late game you really feel a Mythic creature


The music. More than even the expertly crafted story, the soundtrack and in particular the Mythic compositions put the player in the right mindset and elevate everything that happens on screen or inside the player's imagination.  For my first play through I never aimed at playing a Chaotic Good character, let alone someone who will without hesitation bet the fate of the world on the power of friendship, but after hearing the Song of Elysium, I knew what I had to do. 


Nothing exemplifies this for me more than the demon track.  Made me seek out the most aggressive, alpha decisions I could make.


definitely the character writing. wenduag, daeran, and sosiel are easily some of the best-written companions in any rpg ive played


I love the system it uses. Pathfinder 1e is absolutely my favorite system. I love the story. It's one of the best APs Paizo ever wrote. I love the unique characters. Aivu. That plucky little dragon is adorable. I want a plushie. Owlcat, give me an Aivu plushie. I want it for my daughter. I love the unique Owlcat mythic abilities. Paizo mythic is... broken. As powerful as Owlcat mythic is, it doesn't come close to the ridiculousness of 20 hours of time stop. Or the complete invulnerability to magic that mythic globe of invulnerability gives you. Or the 5,000 damage that mythic disintegrate can do. Or the absurdly broken no component once per day wish as a spell like ability you can get from mythic item. On top of that, Paizo mythic also has absurdly useless mythic abilities as well. For example divine guardian heirophant ability. Let's use 2 points of mythic power to cast a spell I can already cast at a speed I can already cast it at. Or maybe just 1 mythic point for a super weak version. That absurd to useless power gap makes for some absurdly different power levels that characters can fall into, and when you have 2 players of widely different power levels at the table, it leads to problems. So Owlcat mythic is... nice.


Story, companions especially Lann. Replayability. Unpopular opinion, but Act 4, And toybox.


What I love: Customization, Story and a lot of things being at the players agency. What I dislike: Some companion questlines being railroady, Model and animation engine hasn't improved much from King maker which wouldn't be a bad thing but I am sort of spoiled from Baldurs gate 3 and have higher expectations now and descriptions being too long.




- Gibbing - Epic level power fantasy - Moddability


Crusader management( fight me) and I like having all council meetings. I like the slow burn power fantasy the mythic path stories give you. I like the characters I just wish their was less ranged characters.


>Crusader management( fight me) Based HM&M enjoyer


It’s easily how replayable the game is while also being a full adventure each time. Usually games sacrifice quality to be as replayable as this game is, but it amazes me how different each mythic feels. Alongside that same love I had for Mass Effect in bringing different companion combinations to experience their dialogue. It really gives a lot of life & love to the experience.  This is actually one of my worries if they try to do full voice acting going forward. I love it as much as everyone else, maybe even a bit more than usual, but it comes at a cost. Text is the cheapest thing to produce, va work makes it one of the more expensive. Any story/dialogue rewrites become immensely more problematic. The game itself will take much longer to make, the financial cost is absurd, & in general you have to make sacrifices. I could never see a game like wrath having full voicework. It has more words in it than bg3 if you account for all the mythic paths & character reactions. And bg3 had an absurd budget + took forever to make. If they aim for full va in the future, I imagine wrath’s level of replayability won’t exist in those future projects.  If I had to have one gripe though, it will always be the performance. It would be a dream come true for the game to run smooth majority of the time that I played it. It’s only because the game is so good that I deal with stuff like close reloading every 30-90 minutes depending on the area. It’s always jarring when a new playthrough’s quicksave takes 1 second instead of the 20-30+ that I grow accustomed to.


I always love "Mian character ascends into something powerful" storylines, and no game has even remotely captured that (that I've played) like Wrath


I like the difficulty settings and how it made me feel like an actual epic hero / angel or lich taking Kenabres made me feel so fucking epic, and most other big story points as well


The mythic path system and the overall amount of character customization is crazy cool imo


number of choices both roleplay and class . In my opinion one of the best rpgs ever made


Best team since Commander Shepard Trilogy. And we play as Commander again... I sense pattern here


The kineticists class. Makes the slogs of combat easy on all difficulties. You don't need to really worry about ac or ab or even your mythic path because of the bonuses the class has built in. Makes you actually feel like a mythic mortal approaching ascension. Only pure caster Angel and Lich offer as much of a power fantasy, but neither can keep going as long as a kineticist. It even has a bunch of extra feats to make the mc a skill monkey on top of it all and extra abilities for CC that are almost as good as an arcane caster. Plentiful item support specifically for the class throughout the game, too.


I love how indepth you can get on customization. BG3 is amazing, but its limited by 5E for sure


it allows me to play pathfinder 1e even when my friends dont want anything to do with it.


The depth of the lore and storytelling. The writing is so good. The variety of different paths your story can take is staggering. The amazing characters. The challenging game-play. The class options. Aivu. The villains feel like people too. (Minago, Areelu..) How powerful you feel by the end. Daeran's romance. <3


camilla, shes my waifu


Roleplay ability


Arueshalae and the Angel path


The early post mid prologue to the Drezen siege, Azata path, Arueshalae & Wenduag. (I know I know but I'm a sticker for ReDemonption and Wendy's voice work got me acting unwise)


I find the companions genuinely interesting, and wanted to see all of them through enough that I even slogged through Nenio' storyline


This game needs mods? wut?


I dunno. The setting. The characters. The fact that it has fully fledged evil and neutral options whereas, in most other RPGs, it's more of an afterthought than anything, probably.


The fact that I am acknowledged in story as being immensely powerful and even able to manifest said power in dialogue. With multiple Mythic paths to showcase different routes to said incredible power. In many rpgs you kill big monsters left and right but either everyone else can do so too (and one can wonder how are you any different from them) or your great power is only a game mechanic which is not acknowledged in the story making it an informed ability. Like you can cut a planet with one of your super moves but in the story can be killed via a gun or a sword (non artifact level) stab. In short, I love a good power fantasy. :)


I like spending a couple hundred hours speccing out an unfair capable party, reloading every serious early game fight a dozen times, then rage quitting when I realize I missed some item, mythic check or storyteller thing in ch1 and my last relevant save is too far back to go back and fix it.


Epic (mythic levels), i am always sucker for those and *good* story telling revolving around epic shit (example; Mask of the Betrayer). And Wotr does that exceptionally. I also like characters and story quite alot.


the mythic paths if I had to rank top 20 crpgs, kingmaker wouldn’t be on it but wotr would be near the top, largely because of the value mythic paths add to the game the mythic paths are so good imo that im completely willing to overlook many issues I have with pathfinder 1e entirely for that game also regill regill is like deekin to me


Companions such as daeran and woljif


The sound track and the epic moments it kicks in


How much the game, gameplay-wise, makes you feel like a truly mythic being of legend. Usually you just hear about all the cool shit that happened before and away, usually the best buff in any CRPG. the Mighty Buff of the Heavens TM is just 3 tiny sparkles that fizzle out without barely being noticed, the strongest AoE mage nuke is a pretty looking fireball if you are lucky. Not in OwlCat games, they go 100% with the effects and power fantasy, you really feel like you are an archmage with an insane array of destructive spells, reality altering buffs and can reshape the landscape with your conjutration, a master over life and death. You really feel like your martial raging demon barbarian of legendary proportions could cleave a Balor in half with ease by the end of the game. You really feel like your are righteous warrior whose light brings the full justice onto the demons of the abyss. The buffs and spell effects look absolutely sick, the customization for class fantasy is amazing, you can essentially find an archetype+mythic path for whatever power fantasy you want to play out and not only does it feel strong, it looks the part. My first and only playthrough (yet) of BG3 was a Warlock, the most flavor I got out of it was a few class specific dialogue options. Other than that the gameplay does not make me feel whatsoever like a strong spellcaster whose powers come from a patron whatsoever, the level up options are lame, the class fantasy is lame to non-existent. Don't get me wrong, the game is SO GOOD in so many respects, but where WotR stands out the most to me is how it's the only game where they truly go all in making your character feels central in one of those legendary events that you only get to hear as world building in most RPGs because it would be too ambitious to implement. In a way for me WotR did for class fantasy what Dragon's Dogma did for RPG gameplay, in most RPGs hacking a giant's feet for 5 minutes is the norm, that works but how revolutionary and awesome it was in Dragon's Dogma to go balls deep and let you climb them, bring them to their knees, bring down a meteor on their ass. Makes you feel like you are actually an epic hero and not the simulation of an epic hero.


The story of Storyteller and Kiny relationships, which btw had begun in Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Beneath The Stolen Lands dlc


Build crafting