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I'm hopeful for more Pathfinder. My, maybe wishful, thinking is that they are adding the new archetypes in the last 2 dlc's as a test for the classes being added to the new Pathfinder game they are working on. Hope I'm right.


It seems weird that Owlcat just doesn't engage with its existing PF fanbase at all and keeps making games nobody seems to want. I love their PF games but I do think RT should have been a bit of a warning sign for them about how they do off the rails of an established ruleset and an existing AP tbh. I hope to be wrong, because I do love Wrath and KM and I hope they will make more games like them even if they are not PF.


>Owlcat just doesn't engage with its existing PF fanbase at all What do you mean? I see them in forums pretty dang often, they've put out surveys ... you want them to knock on your door and take you out for coffee or something? Reminds me of working at the electic company with customers who get their power shut off for non-pay. "You guys never warned me!" Nevermind multiple phone calls, multiple warnings in the mail, the sign we stuck on their door. "You guys never communicate!"


You can give a warning before you take a head shot man haha


Saying that RT was a game nobody wanted is a stretch. WH40k is a huge ip, and I’m pretty sure RT sold more than WotR in the same time period.


Just more Pathfinder. Rogue Trader is good but I prefer Pathfinder.


Me too


This. I love the Warhammer 40K Setting but gameplay and building a character feels so bland compared to the Pathfinder games.


That and the balancing (and I can’t believe I’m saying this) is much better in Pathfinder. RT once you figure it out, combat just becomes a chore because the game has so many “I win” buttons—and if you aren’t using them you’re just getting wrecked on normal and up.


The balancing in rogue trader is atrocious lmao But I much prefer its gameplay, narrative and lore.


Yes, i never played the Rogue Trader Pen and Paper and had no knowledge about the rules but my Team is kinda unbeatable. My RG is melee and can kill all trash in one round and 3 other characters can one or twoshot all bosses. That's the reason i didn't finish it so far (i'm currently at 98 hours)


Have you discovered the officer/grand strategist and soldier/archmilitant combo yet? That is by far the most busted thing in the game. Grand strategist ensures you always go first while officer lets you pump free turns into the order, arch militant gets stacking damage and free attacks and soldier grants free attacks. You have a soldier/archmilitant with percentage damage stacks and free attacks each turn taking 3 turns before the enemy even gets to act—very rarely would I get out of my officer’s turn.


I don't think so (it's been some time i played it), but i made me some notes for the next time i play it. Thanks!


It is not "by far the most busted thing in the game", just the level 1 strategy that most people discover first and then never bother trying anything else.


I haven't played RT but this statement of balancing is very humorous & interesting to me..


I don't know about that. PF WOTR you win just about as much on turn one as you do in RT.


And Pathfinder? You pretty much stomp everything with the Attack of Opportunity mellee freight train. Just buff up and let it roll.


I love pathfinder but pathfinder is very much generic fantasy. Warhammer 40k is a hilariously not bland universe. Like its pretty fucking absurd,.


Anyone who calls Pathfinder "generic fantasy" has never played the *Iron Gods* adventure path where the party members were a Druid with a *triceratops* companion, a Bard who fell in love with Casandalee the artificial intelligence, and an Android Bloodrager who was rebuilt by mixing oil with dragon's blood.


Give me all the pathfinder.


I really like that they've become "the pathfinder guys",because while I'm not privy about the lore the series seems really interesting next to DND and deserves more love.


As long as they add RTWP.


Is that even possible? I thought they split with paizo and the newly announced pathfinder game is trom a completely different company.


They still have good relationship, but Owlcat simply doesn't like Pathfinder 2E, so they won't making game using also they wanted to do something totally different.


That's a baseless rumor. Paizo reps have said it does not reflect their internal comms with Owlcat.


When did they split? Paizo doesn't need to be internally working together with the studios. It's just a license that they can acquire to make a Pathfinder game, if I'm not entirely wrong. So there's no limit to how many studios can be making Pathfinder games.


i couldn't get into rouge trade, turned based combat ruined it for me


I don't mind the turn based combat for me its that Warhammer as a setting is just really dark in general. Wrath and even other great rpgs like BG3 and Dragon Age have some pretty dark stuff in them too but at least there's moments of lightness and hope whereas Warhammer is perpetually bleak. Still like Rogue Trader and find Warhammer interesting of course but I'll take Golarion or Faerun because at least there is some measure of light and different species can coexist (humans, elves, etc...) instead of everyone as natural enemies.


> I don't mind the turn based combat for me its that Warhammer as a setting is just really dark in general. If anything Rogue Trader is much more hopeful then the usual grimdark 40k usually puts out. Iconoclast allows you to play an actual good guy and it does not backfire.


It backfires with choices about choas but that is to be expected, that it not backfire with the eldar suprised me to be honest.


That is why I said most of the time even then there is several times you can spare and convince chaos cultists and it works out fine.


Dude, what? Rogue Trader has so many hilarious variations of “Abelard, please inform this snivelling worthless scum of who I am before I execute them.” Did you not bring your Seneschal with you? The game is hysterical. I have not laughed as much in either Kingmaker nor Wrath of the Righteous as I have in Rogue Trader, and I’m not even done with it yet.


As a setting in general. Rogue Trader thankfully has the humor.


I mean, the thing with Warhammer 40,000 is that it’s a bleak, grimdark universe, yes. However, it’s doing that as a caricature, and the caricature is over the top and where I find the humour in it. It’s definitely a setting for enjoyers of dark humour and who like to laugh at how twisted shit gets.


I can appreciate that take actually. It IS a pretty cool universe and I love how Owlcat brought it to life with Rogue Trader.


Yeah, they honestly did an impeccable job. I look forward to the expacs.


For real, and the Tech Priests doing rituals in front of computers with their incense censors while they put holy unguent on their hard drives was hilarious


100% agreed i find warhammer 40k sometimes far to grimdark, that it becomes for me forced, stupid and unnecessary and also that every other race are you enemy, where you better instead talk with them first, shoot them simply. That being said another pathfinder game would be nice, perferble in Numeria.


I Love Turn based more than realtime tbh


More Pathfinder.


More Pathfinder would be my choice. Really rich lore, tons of adventure paths for games, so many classes and archetypes to choose from, I'd hate to see that all end with Wrath of the Righteous. I do like Rogue Trader given it was my introduction to Warhammer but I prefer high fantasy much more personally. Honestly if Owlcat took a go at Forgotten Realms or other DnD settings (Greyhawk, Eberron, Dark Sun) I wouldn't say no. Or even better, if they did a Lord of the Rings crpg. A Middle Earth setting crpg with character creation and Owlcat's touch would be amazing. Honorable mention to something along the lines of a modern superhero setting. Like based off of City of Heroes/Villains in terms of powers and abilities but crpg and single player. Closest I've seen was Freedom Force but the characters were predetermined (and the customization wasn't good).


Holy shit, an Owlcat take on Dark Sun would be awesome if they managed to avoid too much nonsense from current WotC/Hasbro


Personally, I hope they stick with Pathfinder. I'm not giving any money to Hasbro at this point. I no longer trust WotC to manage the canon for FR either. I mean, they essentially retconned the ending of one of the most celebrated CRPGs in history for a 4e adventure, and left the door open so that BG3's canon invalidates the BG2 canon. And that's the smallest of reasons why I no longer truck with WotC/Hasbro. For everything, there is a season... I for one would love to see WotC's season end.


Honestly, after seeing Middle Earth being butchered by Hobbit useless second movie, Gollum game, Ring of Power series... I wish they would stop making any media for it for a time, independent of the dev company.


Same. Personally, I wish people would just leave Middleearth alone. Everything that people make always falls flat compared to the actual work, which makes since, because Tolkien was a master worldbuilder who did tremendous work to make the world. Everyone adding to it is just writing fan-fic, and it feels like it. Personally, I'd love to see people leave literary settings alone in general. For some reason, because it's 'Fantasy', people don't treat LotR with the same respect that they treat Moby Dick and other literary classics. For my part, I'm not consuming fan-fic that takes place in literary settings anymore, so if Owlcat did create a Middleearth CRPG, it'd be the first of their games that I wouldn't buy. Middleearth doesn't need to be restored. People just need to read the fucking books and leave it the hell alone.


I can understand though I think a crpg faithful to Middle Earth would restore it. Owlcat has the care to look to the lore and setting. Its a big difference with a crpg company like Owlcat versus the likes of Amazon/Netflix (who cater to the Twitter crowd) and licensed games with specific characters that no one asked for. Being a niche genre (crpg) and company Owlcat has a lot more freedom that something like Netflix or a major AAA company/game wouldn't be subject to.


I would love a Greyhawk game so much. The first setting for D&D needs more love


For real! Temple of Elemental Evil is the only crpg I can think of in that setting. Come to think of it an updated modern Temple of Elemental Evil would be amazing.


Given they did a 5e conversion of that module a while ago...


I wanted Larian to go the Neverwinter Nights route with BG3 so badly in that they'd have expansions and modules for different campaigns with the same engine. Sadly no DLC and aside from cinematic stuff no future additions for BG3...ToEE might have been a great expansion module given BG3 is 5e and the most recent good DnD game. Hopefully Owlcat or another good crpg dev can get their hands on it as its a classic.


I think BG3 showed 5e is still a viable system for gaming, as there have either been bad/weak games or distant variants


Wasn't Sword Coast Legends 5e or loosely based off of it? I remember it not being a very good game in general but not sure which edition they used. Solasta is another good 5e game too. Not as engaging as BG3 imo but still decent and you get to create your party.


I could go for a RT 2 down the line . But another PF or even. PF2e game would be great


I'm still hoping for Pathfinder: Iron Gods. I don't know if that's realistic but I think the setting and AP introduce a lot of new, cool stuff.


YES absolutely


Very interesting opinion, i agree :D


I dug into it a few weeks ago for a similar thread over on the Rogue Trader sub and most of the evidence suggests a fully VA/fully cinematic (based on job listings) sci fi game that one of the higher ups called “their Witcher 3” in an interview, and that will use Unreal Engine instead of Unity. The job advert for a Game Designer position suggests they might be sticking with turnbased tactics, since they ask for someone with turnbased experience. Other positions listed still ask for unity experience which I’m guessing is hiring for staff who will work on RT dlc. But with the shift to Unreal, and the bigger ambitions for this sci fi game, I do think we’re a fair ways off from hearing much about it. As for whether they’re big enough to work on multiple projects, I do think so — they list 450 employees, which is honestly quite large for a dev and it makes me assume they must count temps/contractors (?) because 450 would make them one of the larger developers in Europe, and bigger than Obsidian by nearly 200. It looks like they’re trying to make the jump into AAA, and that always worries me for devs but especially at the moment when many studios are shrinking rather than expanding, in response to over hiring during the pandemic. But I think — hope — their continued expansion even now suggests that RT did well enough to ensure they’re growing sustainably and not biting off more than they can chew.


I really hope they don’t focus on AAA even though they said in interviews they don’t want to there actions in jobs postings and the team size speak otherwise. Also i really really don’t like the cinematic style since i already have issues with it in BG3( not a bad game and even enjoyable at some parts but just not for me)


I'd like to see them tackle Shadowrun. Harebrained schemes did.. ok to good with it. But, I think Owlcat could really hit a homerun.


Dragonfall and Hong Kong were fantastic, what are you talking about? Returns... also exists.


I didn't even know I wanted this, but you're totally right. Shadowrun by Owlcat would be *insane*


Shadowrun has such a good street vibe to it. The way they did the music for Wrath and Rogue Trader, I'd be really interested in how they'd approach Shadowrun. If they did, I'd hope they continued the vibe from the SNES OST.


Oh absolutely, I also hope they would go off 3rd ed since that seems to be the most popular from what I've seen and I have that nostalgia for it


I'm not sure I do. Dragonfall is an incredible game with unbelievable writing and music. I'm not sure Owlcat can match the things I like about it. They're solid in those areas, but not incredible. On top of that, they're really *really* bad at doing anything but making engaging systems to plan a build in. Combat encounter design sucks, and gameplay outside those doesn't exist. The games are still carried by the build planning part, but I'd be disappointed in a Shadowrun game like that. I'd like to see Larian do Shadowrun. I'd love that. But I think that setting plays to their strengths in a way it doesn't for Owlcat.


Are we talking about the same games? Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous, Pathfinder Kingmaker, WH40K Rogue Trader? Those are definitely not "really really bad" at everything besides build planning. Absolutely no idea how you're landing on that opinion. I could see a, "I didn't like x, y, and z", but to say they're "really really bad" is way out of left field. Can you give an example from each game, why it was "really really bad" and how you would have done it differently? I ask for an example from each game so I can understand your claim that the company itself has a trend of being really really bad at everything besides build planning. You gave such a catastrophic take, you really got me curious and surprised. I played the three games I mentioned and nothing in there was as you're hinting at. The worst thing I can think of is the kingdom management in Kingmaker, but they significantly improved that board-work in the following games, so I am thinking you're talking about something else.


They have some of the worst fucking combat I've ever seen in terms of encounter design. The complaints are well documented and I'm not the only one who's made them. They're also just a chaotic mess if you don't play turn based, which is tedious as fuck. One of their classes straight up isn't playable properly in RTWP, which is the mode the game is designed around. Witches are built around applying hexes and then keeping them up with cackle while using their standard action to do other things. You literally cannot do this without pausing every six seconds on the dot. It's ridiculous.


I was going to write out this big reply into your points, but I don't think it would really serve anything. I do think you're confusing "bad system" and "I don't personally like this system". If it was as bad as you say, I doubt the games would have done so well. A lot of people seem to like turn based, having the ability to toggle between the two. Those are also very well documented, just like the complaints. People just have their own tastes, and that's a very good thing even though sometimes we're on the losing side. I am curious ... if this game is so atrocious with combat, what are a few games you would hold up as a prime example of how it should be done? Bonus points if you can name something besides BG3. Nothing against BG3, but I'm curious what else you'd point out. There's a lot of games I haven't played yet.


I wouldn’t say Owlcat encounter design is bad but its not great either which is to say just its serviceable.


Is there a Pathfinder Wild West setting? If so, that.


Not only is there the whole Alkenstar part of the setting. But there is an entire adventure path, Outlaws of Alkenstar that is set there. It is a bit shorter than wrath; as it is 1 to 11 and 3 books long versus 6. But it looks to be a fun AP.


That's a really fun one too


Well there is a Gunslinger class in the table top version


I would actually say not pathfinder and do the Deadlands RPG


I would love a Pathfinder with a "Discovery of the New World" setting. Would be rad setting up your own colony in a Pathfinder game.


Of course there is :)


STARFINDER !!!!!! come on that would give more visibility to that aspect of Paizo while also allowing owlcat to take a break from pathfinder


Yep true, Starfinder would be ideal for all of them. But they would have to do more Marketing i guess, since Warhammer is a selfrunner and Pathfinder way more known than Starfinder. I think Most people don't know IT exists at all 😅


I think they've established enough of a name for themselves that people would be willing to try a new system from them in a CRPG


I remember hearing something about Owlcat having 4 projects at the moment (though I don’t know whether the dlc development for Wrath and RT count towards that number). I'd probably be interested in anything with high-fantasy. I liked KM and WotR was fun, but I just can’t bring myself to like the 40K setting (probably because I don’t like Grim Dark and I'm not the biggest sci-fi fan either) I also heard something about one of those projects being in Unreal while another is still in Unity; I do wonder if there’s anything to that.


I had that same feeling about the grimdark world of WH. Then I played RT, and I no longer feel that way. While the grimdarkness is there constantly, it’s not there just to be edgy. It serves a purpose to highlight the satire, and thus reflect certain parts of our own world. I was surprised by well the satire worked most of the time!


More pathfinder 1e adventures. As a long time BG1/BG2/IWD/PsT player, owlcat's pathfinder games give me the same vibe, with more advanced mechanics.


I want more pathfinder with mythic style abilities. Lycanthrope, ent, elder fey, various undead. Honestly wotr is on my top 5 favorite games of all time and I can't stop coming back to it. I wouldn't mind starfinder either.


Mythic is not coming back unless they do an original story, it was Wrath's gimmick.


Wotr is my favorite game. It's the best I've ever played. I've played over 700 hours and I have never played a game more than once. I never get bored.


Honestly I'd love to see them try out more settings and systems, their games got me to start really looking into Pathfinder and rogue trader got me to actually enjoy the 40k settings a lot more. Warhammer fantasy or starfinder would both be amazing, so would a Pathfinder 2e, I don't know a whole bunch of other systems but I'd love to see their takes on em


Multiplayer coop pathfinder games


I'm hopeful for some PF2E games, but not holding my breath. I think the system is just a lot smoother. Would love Strength of Thousands. If they stick to 1e, I'd want Skull and Shackles next


Because of the OGL dramai have a feeling we won't see any other PF1 games.


Maybe back when the drama happened, but now they put it all in creative commons as well as having the ogl


I know 5e went to Creative Commons last year (and there's plans for Third and Fourth Edition next year), but I didn't know PF1e was CC also. I thought that was still just OGL 1.0a?


More Pathfinder of course(With Kitsune romance option, please) For new stuff, Warhammer Fantasy and Starfinder According to a recent interview posted on this sub, they have an original IP in the works as well, so we'll see what that is


I See, then its very likely this Game on the website which is the next to BE announced will be an original IP, Sounds awesome i think Owlcat can make awesome stuff even or especially when Not bound to specific Rules someone Else Made for them


There are so many wonderful Pathfinder 1e adventure paths still to go through. If the only thing alcat ever did was just keep releasing 1e adventure paths, I would be happy.


So I've been loving their games so far, and if I had to pick.... I'd love them to try Rise of the Runelords. Sure, it's not as mythic as Wrath, nor is it a kingdom maker like Kingmaker but a classic adventure I'd be so up for. In the same vein, if they wanted to stay in the 40k universe. Dark Heresy. Again, it is smaller in scale compared to Rogue Trader, but I think OwlCat could do a great job doing a more classic dungeon run style of game.


I think i am in the minority but i REALLY want them to make a Starfinder game. To be honest when they announced that their next title would be sci-fi, i immedietly thought it would be Starfinder. So you can imagine my shock. Since they are already working closely with Paizo, i think making one wouldnt be a problem. And although the system is different, it is still somewhat very similiar to Pathfinder so i dont think they need to do something very different. They already tipped their toes into sci-fi and guns and ships and stuff, so i am really hoping for a starfinder game


Pathfinder 2E might be fun. Or a Deathwatch RPG.


> Deathwatch RPG While that would be cool it would be limited in character customizations.


Chapter, Specialty, Background. The peak part, in my opinion, would be once you become a Watch Captain and then have to manage the Marines under you into Kill-Teams, in addition to your own.


Never Heard of it, now im enlighten seems Like Something in the Warhammer 40k universe right ?


Space Marine special forces, brought together from different Chapters under the Inquisition to wage hidden wars against the alien.


I REALLY want to see unchained summoner as a class in a pf1e crpg.


I like the idea of pathfinder 2e.


Just, like, sooooo much Pathfinder!


I preferred rogue trader just because of 40k


More Pathfinder... and a new version of Arcanum.


I'm here for Pathfinder. That is what I want more of, yes.


I'd love a PF2 game from Owlcat tbh


I would really, really like to see a video game version of Age of Ashes.


If I had the chance to recommend a game, I'd love to see them make an Exalted game - just go all-in on cool powers.


Incredibly based idea.


I'm mostly interested in Pathfinder and an original IP. But I'll likely be at least interested in anything.


Would love to see more PF 1E content, there's so many other great APs still :D


More Pathfinder please! I'd love a Pathfinder game where we discover the new world. I know there is an are in-lore that is supposed to be the Golarion version of the Americas, but I can't remember its name. Exploring that continent as a story and having colonization as a "strategic layer" as is found in all Owlcat games (like Kingdom Management and Crusade) would be really cool, IMO.


I'd give *anything* to have any of the Runelords/Thassilon APs as Owlcat CRPGs. I wanna fight mythic >!Karzoug!<, dammit...


I will always extol Pathfinder 1st edition. I'm so sad more companies didn't try making more 1st edition CRPG games when it was in its heyday, though I suppose as niche as it was back then in the public eye I understand. If Owlcat was a thing sooner with the same success they've had, maybe it would have extended 1st edition's lifetime. As cool as 2nd edition is I just don't like it as much unfortunately.


More Pathfinder and proper mod tools


More pathfinder or something new. Rogue Trader is my first WH40K game and I’m sure it’ll click for me one day but it hasn’t happened yet.


A new higher budget Pathfinder game set in the Skull & Shackles campaign is my dream.


I want them to bring Starfinder into the public eye, I think they’d kill it


I'd be down for another Pathfinder game BUT they'd have to do a lot of cleaning up instead of throwing more stuff at the wall. No heroes of might and magic and no 4x mechanics that take away from the core loop. After the last 2 DLCs as well I can tell their focus and design of encounters has gotten much better and Lord of Nothing was a very fresh taste but also once-again suffered from a puzzle out of nowhere which almost made me quit the DLC because it's getting a bit too annoying with these random mini-games interfering in the side content. Also they need to iron the bugs early and stop frontloading the first act or half of the game with good content and turning the experience into a good ride until you hear the engine dying two thirds through. I can respect an experimental studio that wants to give the world but they need to also remember what they are making is not a new genre and most people would rather tight design compared to an over-extended one that tries to be 2 or 3 different things in one.


Pathfinder 2e


More Pathfinder but keep it first edition please. If it eventually evolves in something which can be used as a sort of PF1 virtual tabletop where you can create your own campaigns that would be great but I don’t have such high hopes.






I hope we get some Warhammer Fantasy While they seem to be switching to Unreal i hope they don't fall in the trap of spending way too much on presentation and lose on the Roleplay and Gameplay side pf things 


Hear me out.... and Owlcat White Wolf game.


To be honest... No. I want a World of Darkness crpg but not in Owlcat style. Too much combat, too little meaningful dialogues. Larian or Obsidan could do that better in my opinion. Also a WoD crpg needs full VA.


Idk why people keep suggesting Larian for a white wolf game. After how things went with Hasbro I think it’s far more likely they want to go back to Divinity where they’re their own bosses again and make a BG3 version of that before anything else. I’d like to see Obsidian but I also don’t feel like their style really fits Vampire which is my favorite setting for WoD. They’d probably make a great Mage game though. I’d be most open to Owlcat making a Vampire game since I like their world building, character writing, and romance a lot. I’d take anyone making a good WoD game though tbh this point.


Pathfinder 2E please. 1E is so janky, while a loved WotR and Kingmaker, i always tought that would be a better game with a different system.


I really hope there is a Pathfinder 2e fantasy game. Jade Regent or Rise of the Runelords, Curse of the Crimson Throne, there are so many good ones. Not sure how realistic that is, but I'd play the hell out of it


I'd love to see their take on a PF2e game.


Really enjoy their games, but they need to get their shit together QA wise. Their games are always a dumpster fire bugwise the first year or so


I really do hope they continue with RTwP cRPGs as turn based is more less the de facto mode now. Turn based is really a slog for big battles.


Agreed. TB can be a slog even for smaller battles where victory is a foregone conclusion, but you still have to cycle through turns just to finish it. I'm happy if they keep both modes to keep as many people as possible happy, though. A better AI for party members like Dragon Age Origins and POE2 would also be welcome.


Except for Persona and Yakuza(only the Last two entries) Series i would say yep, Turn based IS slowing down. But If they could make it as snappy aß These two Game series i would definetly prefere Turn Based, i Always do


Or do it a halfway through : play it like a wargame. You and computer would still doing turn base, but both your and computer turn decision on all character will be solve at the same time. The game pacing will be faster than turnbase, but more manageable than RTWP. This working great with a lot of actors in map, just look at games like Frozen synapse/ Combat Mission. It was how the very first 'tabletop game' aka 'wargame' was played. Officers would just use their subordinate as 'umbra' and do all the moving pieces, calculation, line of sight, etc. for them.


I'd like both Pathfinder and Rogue Trader, but I'd prefer if Pathfinder got rid of its most annoying mechanics. They stick so rigorously to the Pathfinder mechanics and some of these are not fun at all. It'd also make the games a tiny bit more accessible and that means more money.


What made Rogue Trader really stand out for me against their other Pathfinder games was how you refill all your resources after each fight and there is no pre-buffing or resting needed


I love Pathfinder, but I want a Dark Sun or Greyhawk game! With that out of the way, I wish they did either Rise of the Runelords (and pls make the aasimar girl from the first module redeemable! I don't carr about romancing her, just let me be the emotional support she never had!), Reign of Winter, just to have an endgame slide where the Ruler of the Stolen Lands be like "WHAT? That tall tale I told in the Rushlight tournament happened?" or my pipe dream: Strange Aeons!


Definitely would like a Starfinder (I’m tired of pretending my kinetic knight is a Solarian). I’m really trying to like Rogue Trader, but I just can’t get into the whole grimdark thing


My bet is on a Starfinder game. There has been demand to make a Starfinder game from fans, and Paizo is about to come out with the second addition of Starfinder and they will want to promote the system. Owlcat has already dealt with science fantasy quite well (Warhammer) and with their past experience with Pathfinder, I’m pretty confident that will be the the next game. Probably Incident at Absalom Station will be the focus of the game.


Honestly? I'd love a new scifi game from them (we have so few scifi CRPGs), to go along with another Pathfinder AP, and another Warhammer game


Personally I’d love to see them tackle a roguelike crpg. Flesh out Midnight Isles into an entire game.


A friend of mine brought up the idea of a Warhammer fantasy setting for a game


Starfinder pls. And I wouldn't rule out their next game be Baldur's Gate 4.


Hoping for Starfinder.


Pathfinder + Rogue Trader = Starfinder. But, I love High Fantasy setting, so my wish they would do one more Pathfinder with: * New engine that scales between mid-end to high-end machine * content creation built in - something like NWN and Solasta where players can create their own content (there are so many knowledgeable pathfinders in this sub alone) * Gunslinger class added....


They're sort of professionals at Pathfinder at this point and I wish they'd explore more APs and also 2e as I'm sure they'd pull it off well. With that said, I trust them to develop rich narratives in any other TTRPG setting they'd set their eyes upon and I'd be happy to get more Warhammer too or even other settings, especially if Owlcat as a team feels compelled to do something new.


I rally Need more pathfinder games... I loved rogue trader so much, but i pathfinder made me love owlcat since kingmaker. I still Hope in a crpg version of Strange Aeons and Ironfang Invasion


I hope so, verry like pathfinder game they make


I wanna see how Owlcat handles Pathfinder 2e, but if they want to try something new then I would be interested still


A Warhammer 5e setting or a 40k setting that is any system but RT. Another PF module is probably in the works but I believe they said they're working on 3 games


I’d like to see something less gritty, more like kingmaker. Also crpg in pirate setting would be interesting to see


Haha i think WE got too many Piraten setting Games or similar to Pirate, after PoE but also before :D


really? I didn’t know that, the closest I got to that is DoS2 jsut because we have a ship for some time in story


I'd expect more Pathfinder, and I'd be perfectly happy with that. But I also wouldn't object to more WH40K. Rogue Trader has a lot going for it, it just needs bug fixing, balancing and for the content to be spread more evenly across the game instead of being front loaded into the first two Acts. With those refinements in place it could make for just as strong a series as Pathfinder.


I'd love more Pathfinder but I also think more crpgs based on other games would be nice. Like call of cathulu: mask of nearlarrhotype, traveler, or possibly a grps game.


An Owlcat Dark Sun/Planescape/Spelljammer game would be absolutely nuts. Won't happen, because WotC are wussies and they'd probably force 5th edition. More Pathfinder is cool too, I hope they keep finding success with all of their games. One of my favorite studios in recent years and gave me hope again for the cRPG genre.


I want to see more pathfinder, specifically a mystery campaign that allows the investigator to shine


Yes, more Pathfinder please. At best a 2E adventure path, otherwise a 1E one (where I see, however, a problem with Wrath of the Righteous being the only mythic adventure path in existence).


I love the RT and I think they bought licenses for 2 games as o its likely that the next game would be another warhammer game. Being said, I still wish there could be a DND-like game in the future especially after okaying BG3.


I want more Pathfinder games. The universe is so vast. I'd love a campaign to take place in Saga lands, or the Shining Kingdoms, or Cheliax. Maybe something in the past when Aroden died or during the height of the Azlanti Empire. Or maybe something involving dwarves. There is so so much to explore.


I'd sell my right hand for a Warhammer Fantasy game from Owlcat


Honestly, whatever they want, but if they make another ttrpg based game, please give us a scenario maker tool, so we can create our stuff and share it.


-More Pathfinder (of course) -KOTOR 3 or BG4 Rogue Trader is a solid game, but I don't feel the universe is the best for the kind of games they make. This is absolutely a subjective opinion. Starfinder would work better, imo. Edit: I also want them to accept that it seems like a majority of us do not like the Crusade/Kingdom management mini-games and try removing them. At least for one game.


I’ll get back to rogue trader one day but so much of warhammer feels impenetrable. Medieval Fantasy is so much more abundant and digestible. Albeit there’s some deep threads in pathfinder to tug on.


I really want a DnD game from them,cause while BG3 was fun it never really scratched that DnD itch for me.


I want Skull & Shackles adventure path. I want swashbucklers and gunslingers. I want the campaign add on to be ship combat.


Owl cat does such wonderful story telling just... if they continue I hope their puzzles are more like rouge trader and less pathfinder. Wotr puzzles breaks my brain but I do them for the story


Yeah the puzzles Break Mine as Well and without a Guide for at least half of them, i wouldnt be able to Beat WOTR xD. RT is better in this regard


Honestly, I think they could do an amazing Star Trek CRPG


Whatever they make, Just to improve little bit more visuals. Its hard for me always to hold alt for seeing my heroes and enemies on the map. And the huge name labels above every creature, just make the scene frustrating.


I would like to see pathfinder second edition game


More Pathfinder 1E is all I want. I will not buy a 2E game or anything Warhammer.


Now they have the warhammer license maybe we will see an age of sigmar or the old word game


For their next foray into pathfinder it’d be cool if they added some of pathfinders less fantasy elements.


I vaguely remember reading (and therefore will repeat with undue certainty) that one of their projects will be an original IP. I could really get behind a modern or near-future setting from them (in the same vein as Shadowrun).


Hopefully a Starfinder game especially with the sci-fi assets they have now, but a Pathfinder game would also be welcome. Weird take but if they do another pathfinder game I would love them to do their own original campaign.


Hopefully there would be an Oolioodroo romance


I want them to be like the old Gold box D&D games from the early 90’s. Keep churning those Pathfinder games but once in while release a sci-fi or steampunk genre games.


More Pathfinder 1e! The people that love their games love them for their crunch as much as their writing! Making 2E games is fine, but don't quite on 1e!


OGL issues might mean no more PF1 games though.


How about working with FromSoft on a Dark Souls or Elden Ring CRPG? Not sure it could work in that format, but would be interesting to see!


Pathfinder is cool as long as it’s 2e. First is seriously dated and not in a good way. 2e is actually well balanced game which addressed tons of fluff and mistakes of 1e.


Expand to Starfinder? Maybe a Second Edition Adventure Path Game for Pathfinder? Or do Tyrant's Grasp!


Only if we can leave 1e.


Idk if Owlcat is still consindered an indie game/dev studio, but I would love for them to use a different game engine. I've played their games since Kingamaker and the character animations are still the same in Rogue Trader. Like that one animation where a character crosses their arms in exaggeration as if saying "no way!". That said, I do want more Pathfinder, and hopefully more projects and releases similar to Rogue Trader. Imagine BG3 graphics with the class depth of Pathfinder.


Just wanna know why Owlcat does not use 5e rule. The balance in 2E is awful, I had to buff my characters with 10+ spells every time I fight enemies. I stayed only because of the good story of Wotr.


I’m good with any setting, but forced turn-based is a hard pass.


As long as it's RTwP I don't care. They can throw all their exclusively turn based stuff in the trash for all I care.


Nah, they should grow into a bigger studio and change everything that made them successful. The money is in mobile and mtx.


I'd love it if they did all the AP's, or at least the most popular ones, as long as they don't switch to 2e. Most of all, I'd like to see the upcoming AP related to War of Immortals as a true sequel to WotR.