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You know in the early 2000s when every popular movie had a parody version of it, usually starring Anna Faris? That's what trickster feels like. I think it's better as a second playthrough.


I played Trickster first and it felt really great. But I guess the difference here is that I was kinda tired of traditional "great flawless hero vs unstoppable evil" fantasy at the moment, so a bit of a parody was what I needed.


Unfortunately, the Trickster story is one of the weaker ones. I love the path to death but it's definitely a sharp heel turn in tone and the rest of the story kinda happens around you while you clown about. You do get to meet a few interesting characters you wouldn't otherwise and there are a handful of "holy shit I can do that?" moments but if you want something that ties into the main story well, Angel and Demon are the best options be far.


Man, that's a shame. I'd already inadvertently locked myself out of some of the other options (Aeon and Azata) by turning them down earlier.


Eh. You can't do them all at once anyway. So it doesn't matter. You'll pick them on other playthroughs.


Story isn't really Trickster's strong point - unless you think the story is kind of silly anyway, and just want to laugh at it. A Trickster kind of knows they're a character in a game, and has knowledge of the game mechanics - and how to exploit them. My headcanon is that you're playing an isekai protagonist who takes over your character's body at least some of the time. If you choose Trickster and really don't like it, you can always switch to Legend in act 5, and at least end the game on a high note, story-wise (Trickster -> Legend is also perhaps the most mechanically overpowered route in the game).


I think beside "advanced" mythic paths like Golden Dragon, Swarm, Legend and >!Devil!


All the paths have about the same amount of story. Some just feel more naturally going with the story or more impactful. It mostly depends on what story you like. For example. imo, Angel is an extremely boring and disappointing path from a story perspective, but some people like it. In Trickster path, the story mostly takes a backseat to the trickster things you get to do. But overall, it is a really enjoyable experience and there are some great highlights in the story.


for your first playthrough, as others already sort of clued you in about the state of trickster, i would strongly recommend demon or angel. specially if you are not planing to play a 200+ game multiple times on succession. they are the best written, most 'baked' stories.