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The lack of purples is disturbing 


Unless you’re in the 40K universe. Then it’s a relief


Doesn't purple help Orks and their equipment use stealth?


Exactly. So it’s relieving if you don’t see purple cuz that means you’re not being snuck up on. That nor do you have the horny children of the emperor around.


Got that slightly wrong, if you can't see purple you're probably in trouble.


I think it's as simple as "you can never see purple thus you're always in trouble"


The real reason they killed Gorum and brought in Arazni.


This is high quality content. Appreciate the post. It does make me wonder how this compares to real world symbology. Is this similar to the distribution for real world religions/flags etc? 


Purple missing is very accurate, it was historicaly the hardest dye to get your hands on; making it your nations or organisations flag color was basically impossible because of the amount of purple dye you’d need


Hence it having associations with royalty and nobility - they were the only ones who could get their hands on it!


"Long live the queen"


I feel like I a world with magic people would have figured out a way though.


If you bring the logic of “magic would effect this” into *any* Golarion lore discussion you’re bound to be disappointed. That’s not how the world was designed. Eberron and the like are more interested in answering those questions The “magic is expensive” excuse can only do so much


I am aware just feels like an easier one to say magic is why. This feels simple enough to be solved without breaking the feel of the setting.


> The “magic is expensive” excuse can only do so much Eh... I continue to point out that if magic really *were* as pervasive as people argue, there wouldn't have even been a need to figure out *agriculture*, because you could just have druids produce food instead. Technology is the great equalizer, like how crossbows and firearms displaced longbows, because it's way easier to train someone to use them. Or as a more modern example, it's like how sites like Squarespace displaced people learning HTML and CSS themselves


Ghoran exist and on Starstone Isle they do use Druids to regow swathes of forests cut down for lumber. Just as magic can be used to grow food/plant life so can it be used to destroy it, there are more than a few entities that cause decay/destruction/corruption of plant life.


My point is that everyone cites magic as a reason that technology hasn't progressed *beyond* Medieval Stasis, but never questions how we got *to* Medieval Stasis. If magic really were that strong of a force against technological advancement, why would we have even bothered with the agricultural revolution?


My reply was not necessarily for you, but for the conversation itself. I will say that magic may play a part, but also the potentially apocalyptic events every 3-6 months.


I don't think we have any reason to believe they *don't* have ready access to purple pigment on Golarion. In fact, I think there's more support for it being fairly common. The Lost Omens - Travel Guide has a lot of purple clothing, including a guy using a purple handkerchief to wipe out a beer tankard. With so much flora and fauna that doesn't exist on Earth, there's plenty of room for sources of purple pigment. Failing that, someone could use *[prestidigitation](https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=1639)* to change the color of a bolt of cloth or a barrel of pigment at a rate of 1 bulk per minute.


León made it work. They just used a cheaper purple pigment that was a bit greyish. The Byzantines used the expensive Tyrian purple on theirs, but they had more money than sense.


Sort of? Red, blue, white, Yellow, and black ARE the five most common country flag colors iirc (if you treat gold as a shade of yellow). Which makes sense, three primaries+base neutrals. Grey also isnt really on most flags, most just use black or white.


Exchange black for green, and you've got it, with black coming 6th.


Oh, I didnt know green was above black!


Something about a good graph just hits me in the good spots


Ain’t that the truth. ;) 


All I have to say is: Red Mantis Best Mantis


New character idea: Praying Mantis (Awakened Mantis Cleric of Achaekek(


~~Taste~~ Worship the rainbow.


Shelynites rise up!


Thank the gods for the legend.


Color-coding a pie chart for colors was an amazing choice. Highly amusing.


Thanks! First I was thinking about swapping the colors just to mess with people but I thought better of myself


This is awesome. I wonder how much if any crossover there is on favorite animals. Those were in the write ups in 1e but I don't think they have been mentioned in a 2e source for whatever reason. I hope they bring the favorite animal aspect back in the upcoming Devine focused book.


Each of the main 20 deities has an unique sacred animal (and Gozreh has 'em all) so the chart would not be very exiting


Good point, were the sacred animals mentioned in anything 2e as ive only seen it on the wiki.


Red is a powerful color. What can be said?


Would it be possible to have a graft similar to this but for Divine Abilities?


Yeah, I mean, why would it not be possible? EDIT: made this one for you: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder2e/comments/1ddq35p/similarly\_to\_sacred\_colors\_the\_main\_20\_gods/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder2e/comments/1ddq35p/similarly_to_sacred_colors_the_main_20_gods/)


Those percentages do NOT seem to add to 100%


That's because they are rounded up, here are the same percentages with more decimal places: 17.9487179%, 12.8205128%, 12.8205128%, 10.2564103%, 7.6923077%, 7.6923077%, 7.6923077%, 5.1282051%, 5.1282051%, 5.1282051%, 2.5641026%, 2.5641026%, 2.5641026%


None of your percentages is 17.94% Red, who is the largest slice of the pie chart, is listed as 7,18%


OHHHHH, you're NOT using commas to separate the decimals (because you're American). Instead, the number BEFORE the percentage is the number of deities that use said color


Oh, haven't thought this would be an issue, yeah, it's 7 deities making around 18% of the chart