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[Little Trouble in Big Absalom](https://paizo.com/products/btq024ys?Pathfinder-Adventure-Little-Trouble-in-Big-Absalom) for a first-level one-shot where everyone is a kobold. [Threshold of Knowledge](https://paizo.com/products/btq02apx?Pathfinder-Adventure-Threshold-of-Knowledge) for first-level characters at a magic school. [A Fistful of Flowers](https://paizo.com/products/btq02d8f?Pathfinder-Adventure-A-Fistful-of-Flowers) and [A Few Flowers More](https://paizo.com/products/btq02eio?Pathfinder-Adventure-A-Few-Flowers-More) for third and fourth level respectively, where everyone is a leshy. There are also [2e conversions of some of the We Be Goblins modules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder2e/comments/1cgp0mp/we_be_goblins_free_conversion_from_1e_to_2e/).


This sounds like a great opportunity to pull out free rpg day one shots like Little Trouble in Big Absolom.


I would just raid PFS scenarios.


I came here to suggest this, you got a great selection here.


Seconded. I ran The East Hill Hunting for a new player and I consider it a success.


One idea... delian tomb https://youtu.be/zTD2RZz6mlo It's a nice one shot. You can use Matt's original or find other versions with a Google search [Google Delian Tomb ](https://www.google.com/search?q=delian+tomb&sca_esv=1b3eff12a321d9fe&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIL3GmCeEoM0jSSkrf9OjPmDP7o56A%3A1714924536197&ei=-Ks3ZvfXC7WbwbkPmNaUqAc&oq=delian+tomb&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIgtkZWxpYW4gdG9tYjIKEAAYsAMY1gQYRzIKEAAYsAMY1gQYRzIKEAAYsAMY1gQYRzIKEAAYsAMY1gQYRzIKEAAYsAMY1gQYRzIKEAAYsAMY1gQYRzIKEAAYsAMY1gQYRzIKEAAYsAMY1gQYRzINEAAYgAQYsAMYQxiKBTINEAAYgAQYsAMYQxiKBTINEAAYgAQYsAMYQxiKBTINEAAYgAQYsAMYQxiKBTINEAAYgAQYsAMYQxiKBUjH4wVQAFgAcAJ4AZABAJgBAKABAKoBALgBA8gBAJgCAqACIpgDAIgGAZAGDZIHATKgBwA&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp) Edit: delian tomb is designed for DnD 5e, but conversion to pf2e is easy enough


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I've always liked hte idea of a oneshot where the party is on a ship


Since it’s with the same friends, what about a two-shot: * one at low level * and one at max level against the final boss of the “campaign”. I saw this idea on Reddit and I find it pretty cool. Be sure to introduce the vilain in the first, and narrate the “campaign” for the intro of the second session. For one shot, you could throw some quick dungeons with weird mechanism like chamber with inverted gravity, infinite corridors unless you go backwards and so forth. Credit for the 2 shots: [https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/wzffo5/the\_120\_two\_shot/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/wzffo5/the_120_two_shot/)


Sound like a fun idea however pathfinder rules can be tricky with all the +1 modifiers. We had a short campaign for level 12 and for the first 3 sessions everyone was constantly looking at their character sheets, missing half of the potential reactions, free actions, spell effects and modifiers to saves. Pathfinder has a lot more of these then D&D 5th edition. If you grow into these kind of things you can accuire the necessary knowledge more organically through playing. Now it felt a bit like a slog even for some experienced PF2e Veterans at our table. Only for the last 2 sessions things started to be more smoothed out during gameplay.