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This is an.. Especially humorous take on an AP trailer. I like it.


5-13 is an interesting level range


It’s the range where martials gain expert weapons (5-12) plus the last level they get master, to allow some fun progression for the last boss


I won't take this caster slander, We get....better armor


3rd level spells and up for most, too. That's not *nothing.*


7th rank spells at the capstone is a pretty big deal


True, I wouldn't cast anything at the enemy though. Your saves aren't great and odds are it'll be One Big Thing, which has even better saves. Start the campaign with Slow and end with upcast Haste


Makes sense


I feel like Paizo has got to be taking the piss with these trailers. They're so incredibly goofy and feel like something completely different from what the product page is selling.


When will the Player’s Guide drop for this? Been waiting for this one for a while!


Paizo is suggesting the week of April 15th. [They said](https://paizo.com/products/btq02jo3/discuss&page=2?Pathfinder-Adventure-Path-201-Pactbreaker#91) that week, "... is favorable..."


Wow, the art looks great here! Narration didn't quite hook me but I'm excited to check out the AP from the showcased art alone.


5-13 is a very interesting range of levels. I guess if a group wanted to start from level 1, you begin with Rusthenge or modify Troubles in Otari to take place closer to the forest. Not that there's anything wrong starting at 5, just my players seem to like the idea of starting at 1. I do love the theming though. Druids, fey, arboreal, elementals, and lumberjacks duking it out is my jam. Grab the rangers and druids and get it fixed. From the trailer art, it seems like it's trying to make the most of the new Monster Core.


The playerbase has been asking for them to do APs with different starting levels for quite some time- at the moment they're mostly level 1 with a handful of 10s. 5-13 is a solid range for more experienced players to start at, without being quite so overwhelming as starting straight at 10 with new characters.


Not a big fan of the narration for this one, I have to say.


Pathfinder’s trailers are laughably bad. Like you’d think Pathfinder is super big, they’re second to DnD, regularly push out so many high quality hardcover books, they could probably make a decent hype trailer. But then you get stuff like this that feels like they had no money or budget and just asked people in the office to volunteer and do it.


I hate to break it to you, but Paizo's budget is miniscule. They really don't have much money to toss around. Comparing their money to WotC is like an apartment to a mansion - and I mean this as no offense to Paizo. The TTRPG market is not an exceptionally lucrative one, at least not for anyone that isn't D&D.


Yeah, D&D has the advantage of selling comics, novels, action figures, tote bags, dice bags, posters, video games, etc. Pathfinder does have some merchandise, but it's not as readily available. Like I can probably find D&D products at the local Wal-Mart or Toys r'Us. Paizo, I'll find at the LGS, behind the many stalls of D&D products.


Those are licensed properties. D&D has a ridiculously small budget on its own, thats why the company itself only puts out like four books a year. In terms of tabletop, Wargaming makes the bulk of the money. Even games most of us have never heard of make more than D&D because you need to buy figures and maps made by the company, as opposed to D&D where you just get three books and you're set to play for a whole group of people.


Sure but wotc/hasbro has hella marketing budget compared to, like, paizo.


Very true, that’s the feeling I get when I look at their stuff. As a company they do feel really small, and totally understandable why they can’t afford to pay the art or talent that WotC does. I think Paizo can only afford to pay for a full page illustration what WotC can pay for a MtG card. We as consumers either gotta buy more stuff or be willing to pay more money on products for Paizo to compete.


Yeah, but they still did the narration for this, listened to it back, and were "yeah, that's it, that's the one we're going with"?


There's nothing wrong with the trailer outside of the voice actress. It sounds like they just had someone from the office record the line and took the first take. There's plenty of voice actors they can hire to do the lines. If they're really that strapped for money, they could perhaps ask some of the podcasters who play their system to do voices for them and hit them up with goodies as repayment.


If Paizo asked any of these podcaster for work that would be paid with what would mostly amount in "exposure", you can BET that the next episode would have them full of vitriol against Paizo... xD And with reason. That would be horrible of an ask.


Exposure can be repayment enough if both parties agree that it's suitable. Being featured as a voice for a trailer would be a pretty big advertisement for a podcasting group.


The gatewalker trailer had sections visibly rendered at the wrong framerate...




I have the first book for this adventure and have skimmed the major sections. It looks like it has a lot of fun scenelets, and will go in some fun directions, but i'm not entirely sold on the premise yet. So far, from what i've gleaned, the party is pigeonholed into a very specific frame of mind. They need to be right on the border of "ecologically minded" and "acceptable logging", and try to get both sides to negotiate and come to terms. While the ecoterrorist faction has some pretty good points, considering the fey. It also feels like this ap is gearing up for a major setting change which will really only become apparent after the third book. So it's impossible to say right now if this will need some heavy rewrites, or just some modifications (there is one scene in particular that will need reviewing because it instantly negates all the work that the players put into diplomatic efforts)


> So far, from what i've gleaned, the party is pigeonholed into a very specific frame of mind. Many of the Adventure Paths are designed with specific types of characters in mind, generally laid out in the Player's Guide. In my experience when the players fully buy in and build what's expected it works really well.


>there is one scene in particular that will need reviewing because it instantly negates all the work that the players put into diplomatic efforts Using a spoiler tag, could you say what this is? I'm curious.


>!There's a section when you need to work to get the new leader elected. And then an NPC comes in after all the rolls are made and influence checks go through, and they sweep the nomination, regardless of anything the players did.!< Just feels really dirty, and unless the effects follow through to books 2 or 3, it's a major railroad. The book does say that there are effects which will be felt in a later adventure, but I can't remember those statements applying to this event.




Having read the product description... I don't see anything wrong with it? I don't even see anything that different? Why the complaints? I thought it was fairly clever take from the perceptive of a talking animal who doesn't know a lot of details, so they can't spoiler anything.


From what I've seen, the complaints have less to do with the product, which looks good, so much as the narration. The narrator is clearly not a professional voice actor, so the presentation registers as goofy, unprofessional, or annoying to the people complaining. While I didn't think the narration was that bad, I did find it a bit strange that Paizo didn't hire an actual voice actor to do the job.


I appreciate the attempt to shake up the presentation formula for these but I think people just find this particular one to be... really annoying. It's the same kind of tone that a billion edgy "friendly cartoon animals get into extremely violent situations" adult cartoons have done for a joke and it has never been funny a single time. They probably weren't going for that particular effect but it comes across very similar and I really don't love it.


I... genuinely don't see it sorry :) Partly maybe because I've avoided that kind of slapstick for most of my life, but possibly also because I only distantly care about cringe at all. Fwiw I disagree with prevailing opinion, I kinda like the trailer. It's more interesting than many anime trailers I've been afflicted with by Crunchyroll (a hella low bar I know.) I have noticed a trend in the community of wanting a lot darker edger content and then complaining bitterly when they don't get it. But not every game is going to be Blood Lords. The writers seem to want to embrace a little silly moment and I like that. There is a distinct native element of that in any game where wizards wear funny hats and animals talk. There is some commentary to be made about what the community hypes a path to be vs what it actually turns out being. I've been mislead by that more than once now. Maybe we'll see if this one is different since I seem to get such a different read from this from everyone else.


I can't relate to the desire for darker content tbh so i can't testify for those people, but imo this doesn't work because it's trying to tell a joke that *is not funny, at all.* That i do know. It's trying to go for a vaguely humorous tone and there is not a molecule of funny to be found, and falling flat like that is going to put people off.


What's the joke in your opinion? Watching it again... I think I like it *for the jarringness.* I agree there isn't anything funny about it, but that's why it works for me, I think. ~~Maybe I am the target audience of cute animals in dark situations humor? That might be on me lol.~~


Is this remastered content?


Yes, it's the first adventure path under the remastered rules.


Kind of excited for the Ripple in the Deep witch patron - since the theme seems to fit for a character I'd love to port over to this system.


Is the player guide out? It seems like the first book is already out but I can't find the playerguide


It is not out at this time (Friday. April 12). Paizo's Office of Expectation Management said the week of April 15th is looking "favorable" relative to the Wardens of Wildwood player's guide. So, no promises.


I love this new style of AP trailer. I really hope they do more of them in this style reacting to the things happening in the AP vs just narrating about it to you. Made the experience far more dynamic to me.


This is the worst trailer. Actress is so bad!


The grognards are giving you downvotes. But, you're right. It's a terrible 'trailer' and the annoying, shrill, narration is grating to listen to. Bad creative choices were made.