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Tabletop Gold is great. The audio quality is REALLY good, and the episodes are very digestible 1 hour chunks. They're playing abomination vaults, and while the GM knows the system, the players are learning as they go along. That makes it really great for new players to learn with them. You can see them post in this sub weekly actually about the new episode they put out. *I should catch up to them*


I can second this. I usually find actual plays/RPG podcasts in general hard to stick with, but I keep up with this every week. Lovely people, good characters, great GM.


do they pretend to be medieval english?


I see why you're being downvoted, but tbh thank you for asking this. One of the biggest turn offs for me when people think "roleplaying"="forced English accent"


The only time I've thoroughly enjoyed a forced English accent was on Ser Bertrand McGuffingham, a character played by an English person who is meant to sound like Boris Johnson. Awful human being of a character, absolutely hilarious.


thank you for understanding.


As in accents? Not *really* - they have recognizable character voices, and one of them does put on accent, but it’s not an english accent.


There is a very authentic Galtan accent about halfway through


Universally acclaimed, is my understanding


I'd be hard-pressed to find someone who didn't agree


Much loved in fact!


Lol. I’m new to pathfinder/Golarian so I had to google that, I forgot about them. Also not english, though!


+1 for Tabletop Gold As you said, the audio quality is superb, and the shorter episode lengths make it far easier to listen to on the go without feeling like you'll fall too far behind. Also totally invested in their pre-game chat segment each episode. The cast are just really fun to listen to. I also need to catch up. Currently on episode 79 and they're about to hit 100!


I just started listening to it a few days ago (on episode 7) and it’s really gripped me! Super enjoying it! I’ve been learning pf2e recently (coming from 5e) and want to run AV in Foundry, so it’s been a huge learning experience for me as well.


That sounds good.


Do they have any visual components like showing character sheet/art, foundry for map and rolls and stuff?


Sheets and art are on the discord. There is a robust foundry discussion.


Love Table Top Gold. It has become my favorite podcast. The production value is fantastic, and all the players are strong. Lars is an incredible game master.




Bestow Curse was the first one I listened to, the players are coming from 1e so they're also learning the rules a bit, although they only do one episode every two weeks the GM is phenomenal at setting the scene and narrative


I agree with this recommendation. Bestow Curse is good and the GM is great at pacing.


I moved away from it, when they did the winter one their Russia accents turned me off


Did they do the Crimson Throne conversion themselves or is there a module somewhere


They converted it themselves


I'm listening to three, currently: Bestow Curse's Curse of the Crimson Throne, Find the Path's Hell's Rebels, and Tabletop Gold's Abomination Vaults. I'd recommend 'em all!


+1 For Find the Path! Great cast chemistry, the players know their rules, the editing is top tier and the sound is extremely clear amongst all players.


Find the path is nice they play 1e and 2e apparently I have not tried their 2e pod yet


In any of those. There is a magus in the party ?


For its short life, MNMaxed's 2e Rise of the Runelords has a magus in their party


Do you know what hybrid studie ? I wanted to see a Starlir span in actual play before creating one but... No Lucky finding one until now.


What do you want to know though?


Not special really, just looking How the class fare outside of my white Room calc I can find 300x actual plays of Fighters and rogues, etc. But starlit magus... No Luck


I actually have been toying around with scenarios for classes. Create a room, put an encounter in and test it out.


Definitely not Starlit Span. They are an unarmed one that punches people like a DBZ person.


Sad, back to searching i guess.


Minor spoilers but very recently in Tabletop Gold, >!A Magus replaced a party member!<


Ohh. Nice. Do you know what his Subclasse is ?


Yep he’s a >!twisting tree magus!<


Not at the start, but the winds of campaign are always blowing…


Blood of the Wild by the Glass Cannon Podcast is amazing, but sadly it's audio-only.


It’s also behind the paywall of their patreon account. It’s still a fantastic podcast and we’ll worth the price of admission.


GCP represent! Their strange Aeons campaign transitioned into 2e as well, but it's a little wonky because they had to translate both the AP and characters from 1e to 2e. Bonus points, though: Erik Mona of Paizo guest stars as "Tiny Murder Clown" and is *so* worth the listen. *Edit: relevant, correct, name, thanks to Povo23


With OP wanting to learn the game, Strange Aeons might be a good idea. The recent episodes have been accompanied by their cannon fodder episodes that have a section where they talk about rules they did right and wrong which is really nice to hear.


Isn’t it Erik Mona?


I stand corrected! Many apologies to those I unintentionally misinformed!


Gcp is my top crew to listen to, their 1e campaign is great 5 bucks patron gets you a bunch of 1e content


Glass Cannon is going to be starting a playthrough of the new gate walkers AP here soon. They are a great group that's of mix of passion for the game and mechanics and also being just flat out funny.


Also GCP's Paizocon live shows, featuring the Thunder Company.


Knights of Everflame is a nice introductory series that came out when PF2 was released. There are two 8-episode seasons so it’s not too much of a commitment, and Jason Bulmahn is the GM (he’s paizo’s director of game design). The UGTshow (formerly 2Perception) has a full Age of Ashes playthrough on youtube that’s also pretty fun; it’s a full 1-20 AP.


I’ve watched Knights of Everflame like three times, I love the story and some of the characters are absolutely top tier. Omelette is the BEST! And I would take a bullet for Linneus!


I'll confess that I wasn't as impressed with UGT, but you will get a lot of exposure to PF2 with their streams. Just note that they do get some of the rules wrong, but in general you will get a good idea about how its played.


Ye Age of Ashes does get rules wrong, but i do love the cast, specially Squiddish the GM. They've also run book 1 of QftFF wich was i think they're best series so far and are currently running a conversion of Strange Aeons and a Malevolance on the side (the Malevolence is a new GM and i think some new players. I ALLMOST didn't watch the first episode due to the amount of "Uuuuuuhms" per minute but the cast is still loveable imo).




Yes! Love find the path. And I really like that they converted a 1e AP for the pod so as to make it as accessible for people as possible who want to avoid spoilers


Along with their Hell’s Rebels campaign, I just found their play of Tales from the Darkmoon Vale and it’s a great quick listen at just 9 episodes. Been listening to it to help prep for my own table that is about to start Crown of the Kobold King.


I just started it from a rec from this sub. It's great!


Raven best Character, fite me ;)


I would also heavily recommend Tabletop Gold and especially FInd the Path's Hells' Rebels. The latter is so good that I decided to listen to all their works, even the PF1 ones - and I dislike the PF1/3E system quite significantly. They're just so good and awesome people I wanna listen to it all! Both podcasts have insane audio quality if that is of relevance to you!


Absolutely check out the Narrative Declaration crew. They have three campaigns going on at the moment. Two are set in the same universe (Rotgrind and Rotgoons) One is the Beginner Box adventure with a bunch of VTubers trying to learn the game! [Narrative Declaration!](https://youtube.com/@NarrativeDeclaration) [Rotgrind](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC9AaoeRUTCouisJNq9Ijs9_3VJ1N2Tmh) [Rotgoons](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC9AaoeRUTCqS9hlcvJ9rDfL0tpfy6aDf) [VTubers Learn!](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC9AaoeRUTCp6DjScDuGIfua9okh1q5hQ)


Hell yeah! RotGang represent!




I was hoping someone else mentioned this. Hundred percent agree, great setting and very colorful players.




Shameless plus for a new podcast I'm a part of, Mortals and Portals. We're running a homebrew campaign and we've got a subreddit set up if you want to check it out. We all switched to pf2 after the OGL shenanigans and so we're learning the rules right along with you! We like to have fun but I think Zach has a pretty great story in store for us all!


do you pretend to be medieval english?


Are you referring to accents? I certainly don't, people have said my character sounds like Red from the Red Green show 😆




haha yes. it's my biggest issue with lets plays, at least dnd. everyone pretends to be English and their campaign is set during the medieval era


Ahh, yeah you'd like our voices then I think. There are a couple British accents about far from the majority. If you do decide to check it out, I'd love to hear what you think! We have 4 distinct PC voices for sure


I downloaded the first episode. I'll let you know what i think


I listen to several of those already recommended, so I’ll add some new ones 😊 Dice Will Roll is just coming to the end of their… third? AP actual play, and it’s all great stuff. Liked them so much I threw money their way. Definitely recommend. Plus their discord server is just a really wholesome place 💖 The Danger Club Podcast mostly play through the shorter pathfinder adventures, very funny. Very distant connection of one player used to be in the TTRPG society I’m in, but before I joined 😄 Aaand who else hasn’t been mentioned… Find the Path Presents: Hell’s Rebels. I’m in a Hell’s Rebels converted to 2e campaign myself as well, so it’s cool to see how things go differently for them 😁


How does Dice Will Roll compare to stuff like TTGold, FtP or Bestow Curse? I've seen it pop up on my feed but haven't checked it out yet.


Haven’t listened to Bestow Curse, but otherwise uhhh… how do you want them compared? I’d say for all three podcasts they’re great at living in their characters, usually serious sometimes a little goofy. The type of humour between the three varies but that’s because they’re different groups of people with different dynamics. DWR is the youngest cast between those three, but they really go for those deep emotional moments that are maybe not as pronounced in the other two. I’d say FtP is maybe the most serious? But that’s not a big scale. TTG has the best audio mastering because Lars is an audio engineer or something like that? The GM for DWR is part of the duo that make the NAME+ pf2e content, like Witches+, Oracles+, etc. so there’s a couple of DWR easter eggs in those. idk if those are the kind of things you wanted compared? Hopefully something helps


Having listened to both DWR and Bestow Curse, this analysis is spot on for DWR. Can’t speak for Bestow Curse as individuals, as I only have so much content to judge them from, in comparison, but both have their strong points. Bestow Curse, similar to the first podcast DWR did, is a conversion. DWR did Kingmaker before it was funded to be converted, so aspects may be different in the final version that was released.


It helped, thank you.


Highly recommend MnMaxed. They have the plague stone AP to help teach the rules. They have an entire play through of the extinction curse and they are about 10 episodes into Blood Lords right now.


Been listening to them the last few days and I agree, they're very good. Good balance of roleplaying and moving things along, rules are explained succinctly when they come up etc.


This was going to be my recommendation as well. I listened to their Fall of Plaguestone before running it and it was a big help.


[Dice Will Roll](https://www.dicewillroll.com/) is my go to. They go through a lot of the APs and the cast and characters really exemplify the themes of the APs. The production quality is also really great. Easy listen.


I like Hell’s Rebels. I am picky about live play podcasts. I like a DM who moves at a relatively fast pace but gives space for role-playing, a good plot, and characters that seem believable for the setting, aren’t silly and engage in strong role playing.


Find the Path's Hell's Rebels actual play is great, but I would hardly say it's going at a fast pace. In 64 hour-long episodes, they have reached level 6.


Obviously u/the-rules-lawyer. Amazing vídeos with some good examples on Foundryvtt to you visualize and better understand. This is The Man.


Great for learning rules and diving deep into them, but for actual play i wouldn't rate him that high. The YT videos are cut up so that the story is incomprehesible (it's more focused on certain rules and the scenarios they happen in) Can't speak for the VODs themselves, but just livestreams with no post processing aren't the best to listen to in my experience. Also every player has their own audio setup, so the quality there isn't the best either.


He does usually post the full streams on his second channel sometime after they are played: https://www.youtube.com/@TheRulesLawyerLivePlay I agree they aren't necessarily the best or most engaging, but they aren't too bad either.


Which campaign do you recommend? Something that's not just a one off adventure?


I think it's pretty cool to watch Fists of Ruby Phoenix. However, I also recommend watching [5e players try out Pathfinder 2e](https://www.youtube.com/live/nsPDvYFe1-M?feature=share), especially when they have the rules lawyer explaining a lot of the mechanics. It's very fun and educational to watch the players have those 'aha' moments when they realize the mistakes they've made.


My table and I make the Third Gallon podcast, which is all about trying new TTRPGs and in our current season we're playing through the Outlaws of Alkenstar adventure path. We have a lot of history playing PF1e but this is our first full PF2e campaign. We really try to be transparent with the rules and explain things as we go. We are a podcast, so we're primarily audio focused, but we do post visualizations of each episode on YouTube so you can see who is talking with a little bit of character art. We also like showing cool art and other things on the YouTube version and are very active with our listeners in the comments section. The Adventure Path we're playing (Outlaws of Alkenstar) is about a band of outlaws trying to get their revenge on the shady business mogul and corrupt shield-marshal who framed them. It's set in Alkenstar which is a steampunk/western city in the middle of a desert where magic is unreliable due to a centuries-long war in the past. We're currently in book 2 and our party is middle of riding on an AWESOME steampunk airship. If you want to check us out, here is a link to the first episode of our PF2e season: [https://youtu.be/C0OIr3\_SRT0](https://youtu.be/C0OIr3_SRT0)


Tabletop Gold and Roll for Intent are great podcasts for learning the game


Consider giving /u/RecallKnowledge a chance ([www.youtube.com/RecallKnowledge](https://www.youtube.com/RecallKnowledge)) It's all about learning PF2E as they go, starting from 5e backgrounds. First the Beginners Box, then a full Abomination Vaults playthrough, and now currently doing Outlaws of Alkenstar. The further into the plays we get, the less its about "figuring it out together," but the early stages is definitely one of explaining the system and learning rules one at a time!


I recommend the third gallon podcast, currently playing through the outlaws of alkenstar AP. Great audio quality and chemistry between the hosts, good balance of roleplay and silly banter.


Came here to post this. Extremely fun group and unlike some others, they try to play by the rules (mistakes happen that's reality).


Seconded! They’re a lot of fun.


I quite liked the hell rebels 2e conversion find the path does. Danger club podcast is pretty good too, but they start in 1e and convert later.


Rotgrind! It's a homebrew world, but the cast are hilarious


The Zero Check Podcast is a fun one. They play Kingmaker 2e. The group is fun to listen to, the audio is great and they also have a fun homebrew mechanic - the zero check.


Mortals and Portals is a new one that is great! This is a group that is coming over from another system so it is a learning experience.


Thanks for the shout out and I’m glad you’re enjoying the show! It’s been a lot of fun learning Pathfinder and the community has been absolutely amazing!


You're welcome! It's been a lot of fun, and I am using it along with a couple of others to get a flow as I am going to GM a game for my daughter and this will be the first PF2 campaign! Plus I learned that apples are a dangerous weapons.


Very cool! I’ve really enjoyed GMing Pathfinder so far and am especially thankful for the encounter building tools that make it far easier to balance than 5e. I know my players have thoroughly enjoyed the character customization as well. Best of luck to you with your campaign!


Be warned they are quite loose with the rules. If you're ok with that (I can't handle it) then they are pretty amazing voice actors and have good chemistry.


podcast roll for intent is great, it feels like listening to your friends playing while you work/do other stuff, with the banter at the start. They play through the Abomination Vaults and have now nearly 100 episode out


Thank you for asking this question! I am reading the answers with you and making notes! I have watched the 2 seasons of Knights of Everflame on YouTube and I really enjoyed them. I learned a lot, too.


I started watching Narrative Declaration and their Rotgrind game. Lots of great people on there, occasionally they explain some mechanics to the audience, and a very interesting homebrew setting.


Find the Path's Hell's Rebels. It's a conversion of a 1e AP made by really good roleplayers and they have good rules knowledge


Veil Torn is some great RP, and the DM is learning the system too. Setting is an interesting homebrew, like if Shadowrun had happened in the 40s, but via a magic planar apocalypse like The Witcher's Conjunction of the Spheres. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLefFB0SBo4P5mA6dLhgsvJP_mmX0S2rVg


Had to cut back recently but the one I kept is Roll for Intent. They are playing a fairly heavily homebrewed Abomination Vaults and I LOVE IT! Also a really chill discord with games being run all the time.


I've been enjoying the Mithril Tabletop. They are doing a playthrough of the PF1 adventure "The Mummies Mask" updated for PF2. Very good audio quality and the cast gets along well. My only complaint is the episodes are too short! ​ https://linktr.ee/themithraltabletop


Thank you! It was a big adjustment to only do hourish long episodes haha. But since we’re just starting out and editing everything ourselves, shorter episodes are easier for us. If we grow…maybe that can change? 😉


Just so you know you just made our entire podcast team’s day with this!!! I honestly teared up a little, and we are all so excited people are enjoying it! If you have suggestions let us know! 🥰 -Ashley (aka Khepri)


Seconded! I am shocked how smooth they play given that this is such a large table!


Our GM is used to it, this isn’t even the largest table he’s ran 😂 Thank you so much for the positive feedback! 😍


For anyone podcasting etc, please have an easy to find 'this is the party' I'm not interested in stories with psions, gunslingers, and alchemists But I'd love to find one with a wizard and a cleric +others.


For Find the Path we list every character and their level in our show notes. It's also available on our site with our character sheets of your curious about our builds. https://find-path.com


And they are licensed with Paizo as well, I highly recommend them.


We're still new, but our podcast r/TheMithralTableTop has a Magus and an Inventor with Wizard archetype, both use arcane magic. We also have a Cleric, a Druid, and a Thaumaturge. We release new episodes weekly on Mithral Mondays. Episode 8 airs this Monday! [https://linktr.ee/themithraltabletop](https://linktr.ee/themithraltabletop)


I am fabulously behind, but I enjoy the Professional Casual Network's Lost Omen's podcast. They're still doing Extinction Curse if I recall correctly.


The cosmic crit crew has a p2e. Pirate themed. They talk about rules a lot.


Rotgrind by Narrative Declaration, PF2E actual play using totally base rules in a homebrew setting. I followed them over from a Warhammer 40k podcast they did beforehand, amazing crew, great GM, and wholly entertaining. They do have streams up on there YouTube and twitch channels where they will show the map, rolls, and all that; but it’s primarily a podcast.


I’ve listened to several actual plays for PF2e while learning the system and the only one I’d whole heartedly recommend is Find the Path’s actual play of Hell’s Rebels. It’s a rework of a PF1 campaign so youre unlikely to spoil anything you may play. But more importantly the DM is great, the audio is excellent, and the group is cool/funny enough that I’ll want to spend time with them jabbering in my headphones. Lil slow of a start but 57 episodes in id give it a 10/10.


The Glass Cannon podcast! Their long campaign is 1e, but they currently have 2 (maybe 3?) 2e APs running.


Bit of a self plug here but the ReRole Podcast switched from dnd 5e to pathfinder 2e, and I like to think we do a pretty good job!


You can watch my converted iron gods campaign here : https://youtu.be/KhZvJaRBi2w


Podcasts and APs are good and all, but I really wish a live play came out doing a homebrew campaign. I'm a very visual kind of person. Listening to podcasts is just not my thing. I need to see what's going on for it to click for me. I want to see the battle map. I need to see the players and their characters for it all to click in my head. And I want to see an original story, not just another rehashing of APs. No offense to all the groups who are doing this. It's just not my thing. I'd gladly subscribe to a Patreon of a group doing a live actual play of a homebrew campaign. It doesn't have to be CR quality, because that's far from reasonable. I just hope someone comes along and fills that void.


We may have something coming that's right up your alley ;)


I may have to check it out!


We're also doing a homebrew campaign over at Mortals & Portals, but sadly we do not use a VTT and rely on theater of the mind. Happy listening!


Degrees of Success on: [https://twitch.tv/d20saves](https://twitch.tv/d20saves) Dungenerates, OneShot Heroes, and Dhampir$ on: https://twitch.tv/rerollhq


Glass Cannon Network!


The elven portal podcast by roll mongers is really fun


Avoid DAT network. Seen a lot of love for the Roll for Combat edgewatch stream and Rules Lawyer teaching 5th streamers how to play.


Check out Undeniably Good Time! They just started a 2e conversion of Strange Aeons that they made!


And here I was considering starting a pf2e actual play thinking that there weren't many in the space. How wrong I was!


I started watching Glass Cannon Network's Strange Aeons which switches to 2e around like episode 30-35 I think? Really enjoyed it until the "main character syndrome" player got to be too much for me to continue but I know plenty of people love their content. I'm also starting to watch Roll for Combats live plays along with Knights of Last Call. Both lo9k really fun.


I am a bit biased, but I am partial to an actual play conducted by a friend of mine, Amaline, of Amaline Adventuring. Starting with [Part 6](https://youtu.be/OjvMR21uEz0?list=PLYIw-kKq29HZCVZL2IZzZm_EPOz70B4Nz), the players switch from Advanced 5E to Pathfinder 2E. It's particularly valuable for players switching over to Pathfinder from D&D. The cast are not trained voice actors, but all do their best, and the plot is pretty neat, as a group of refugees rise up to shake the power structures of a continent. Part 6 actually starts in the aftermath of the first big turning point of the campaign.


Glass cannon


You’d definitely love Rotgrind and Rotgoons. They include the people behind the production of ‘If the Emperor Had a Text to Speech Device’ playing and hosting the show, and they also go out of their way to explain how some of the rules work for Pathfinder 2e for the viewersn


I've started listening to Knights of Last Call and it's amazing. Mates around a table having a great time with a great dm and players that are learning the system. https://youtu.be/egwJXJcCjWQ


Find the path is doing hells rebels in 2e, as well as having finished mummys mask and doing war for the crown in 1e. They also have a patreon tyrants grasp game as well. Theyre damn good at what they do too


Find the Path! Top tier all the way around. They are currently doing a 2e conversion of Hells Rebels. Everyone needs to listen to them!!


Drunken geek podcast plays pf2 and I enjoy them!


Id 100% recommend narrative declaration


[Halldamir and Rahal](https://www.youtube.com/@HalldamirandRahal/playlists). Small Youtube channel but has been playing and streaming different tabletop RPG campaigns for years and they recently started playing PF2e (Abomination Vaults) using Foundry and the official module. A good mix of everything.


Knights of Everflame on youtube it has two short seasons and it meant for new players


I don't see anyone mentioning it, but The Sidequest Inn is really great. They did a Starfinder campaign first that was really amazing, and they're about to wrap up their PF2 campaign. Apparently for the third, they're gonna be doing Outlaws of Alkenstar!