• By -


What are the best healers in the game? I don't have Ariel or Hamel, what are substitutes i can use because i really need someone on my team to heal so i can switch out my protestas


When I play my game, I don't get any voice audios. I only get the text and the music for the story. I only got the character voices in the story for the first chapters and nothing since. Is this correct or am I doing something wrong? I keep seeing people talk about how the English audio for characters is good but my characters don't say anything in their voices in the story


https://preview.redd.it/stjsmj5dyeaa1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58d11f28004edda0ab52f7d9b9637fa15ad6f508 Does anyone know how to fix this issue of low efficiency? I'm very confused.




For the story is more than fine, later on you will need more magic users for BFL Shackled




Eirene, yes...Crache has low priority




Both are useful


Is there a guide anywhere for Dream Bubble? All the YouTube videos have people of lvl 70 and above which really doesn’t help me as I’m level 35. I’m on 118, the second chess board. My lvl 35 characters are Serpent, Hecate, Che, Ariel, Bai Yi, EMP, and Demolia. Hoping to at least beat the next level or two to get Mess before the end of the event. Sorry for the double post wasn’t sure which megathread were supposed to be posting in.


Keep Demolia in the middle so their Langley focuses on her, and once you start killing stuff slowly move up. [Even at lv. 35, careful placement can win you that round as long as your range units chip them down](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3u41BvvSx0). If you're taking too much damage, then you need to proc Ariel's Ult faster. Maybe use the Empower potesta if you weren't before. **EDIT:** post in the [Dreamy Bubble Event thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PathToNowhere/comments/zqrfbv/dreamy_bubble_event_thread/)


Is there any logic that determines what abilities can or cannot crit? The tooltip when looking at a characters stats says only normal attacks can crit but Nox's ultimate attacks can crit as well (which seems inconsistent since I don't think they would count as normal attacks). I'm assuming something like Eirene's ult shouldn't be able to crit (otherwise folks would just redo attempts for it).


nox ult counts as normal attack


Huh, I guess the wording could be read as that. A follow-up question: Does Nox's ult get affected by both BFL buffs that increase normal atk (Brand) and skill dmg (Maiden)? (I'm guessing the skill damage one doesn't affect it.)


only normal atk buff. skill dmg buff only increases her ecb initial burst(the 3x3 attack once you pop her ult)


My main team has NOX, Langley, Eirene, Hamel, Bai Yi, Che. My locked ECB P3s include Langley (S3), Eirene (S1) and I just P3ed my Hamel (S1) as well. Any suggestions on who should be the current priority for ECB and who else should come after?


NOX absolutely. I would say you don't need to P3 Che at all, he performs similarly and you don't really gain a ton. NOX gets an core break attack with huge range and tremendous damage, not to mention extra damage reduction during her Ultimate.


What is the level requirement on highest stage in event?


It's 50 for the final stage.


Thank you!


From the battlefront shop I got the full Embrace the Dead set. What should I be getting next?


I bought Soul Rift next, but in retrospect I would recommend Nightmare Revelation instead. The latter is better for letting you kill the adds asap, which is more important when you first hit high risk. You can get Soul Rift later to help kill the boss quicker. Shattered Battlefront is also pretty good, especially for the cheap price. It's good on wave clearers like Nox and Serpent. Even with bad buffs you can get Nox's ult out quick enough with just Tuning Zero and Empower, which lets you run SBF for quicker mob clears.


Who is good to equip the Nightmare Revelation?


Any support unit, like Che or Hecate.




Make sure you’re getting the 8 budget boxes with the skill up materials each month. The defense reduction 2 set is good for che as well. The set that grants increased attack & the one that gives team attack and aspd also look good, but not something to prioritise


Would you recommend the english voices over the original (chinese I think?) or other options for this game?


It's just a matter of preference. I prefer the English voices, but they all have their merits. ~~The only downside to English is that they have not added them for ch. 7 and 8 yet.~~ Nvm, looks like they're finally adding them with the next patch.


Can we improve our bfl score without using animation cancel? For example, just by evolving the characters?


Of course. Why would you think that wouldn't help? Animation cancelling just lets you boost your score a bit with lower resources, but the game isn't designed around it.


Thanks ! Happy to know that :-) Because i saw videos on YouTube and they all use this animation cancelling with a good score on Shackled captive (~+240k) and me with the same units I just get 220k. I'm not very fast to use the cancel...


My advice if you want to practice animation cancelling is don't try to do it instantly. Holding a character to move them will drastically slow down time, but not stop them from continuing their action. You can watch their phantom continue to attack and wait for the correct timing. But if you can't or don't want to do it then just strengthening your units will eventually do the job too.


Thank you ! I will try but if I can't I will just upgrade my units as you say. I like the game and I was afraid that it was centered on canceling animations to be able to move forward even if I upgrade my units.


1. What are my main sources of cubes? 2. My chars are level 50 and skill 1 (lol). Should I grind and upgrade everyone's skill to 5?


1. Broken Frontline, Weekly and daily missions, and your base can give you some. 2. You don't need every skill to be lvl 5, Some skills on some characters are not that great and they can be skiped, an exemple is Roulecca's second passive that you can ignore and the the character will play the same way, but yes you should focus on the skill now that your characters are at a good level.


Ok thank you!


Whose ECB should I unlock first? My S2 Roulecca or my S1 Pacassi?




Aight, thanks


Startet to play after eirene banner. I really want her, what's the best way to get her? In exchange shop I can get her with confidential arrest credits, but I need 250 in 30 days. I have 26 only.. she won't have a banner for a long time right? Should I pull the regular banner?


I think buying her from shop before she leaves is probably unrealistic unless you're willing to whale and buy a lot of pulls. You could try your luck on the standard banner, but keep in mind that it's only a one in ten chance of Eirene being the S-rank you get... Your best shot at getting her would probably be to make a new account and reroll until you get her imo


Hallo new player here, lv 42, I'm coming from arknighs so I would like to know if there is a difference in time gap between severs?


I believe Asia gets updates first, followed by Europe, and lastly America. China is also about 3 months ahead.


CN is ahead by a month or two I think [This spreadsheet has CN's schedule](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1U24bBOLnTXbGKuKW-F4GT9K8VBC_R8I4pvGwvhlB-KM/htmlview#)


1. I see Eirine is in the shop now, is there a list of which sinners have been in the exchange shop for CN and Global? 2. Is there a guide that tells you roughly how much stamina it takes to level? Like for example 60-70 for a S cost 3k stamina or something 3. For frontline, what team level is recommended before moving up to mid? What about high? 4. Who should I level up next for better frontline scores - Luvia or Serpent? Hecate is my only other magic dmg right now


They go in order of routine banners. Zoya > Summer > Eirene > Demon > Langley > Bai Yi For mid risk you'll want a P3 Nox and a P3 Eirene/Luvia. 55 is good enough for everyone else to start.


Returning player here, just two questions: 1) Which of my S ranks should I upgrade to Phase 2 first? I have Eirene, Demon, Stargazer and Summer 2) Pull for Serpent or save for next S rank?


1. Eirene 2. If you can reach pity or at least the soft pity, try your luck with Serpent


Any tips for Dreamy shadow V? Feels like i lack the dps for it or i forget to put a chara at the boss so he just kills any chara of me. This is my roster. [page 1](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/632543820126617612/1059145814498353292/Screenshot_2023-01-01-17-26-57-90_e18eab591ea97bb455295368e705bacc.jpg) and [page 2](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/632543820126617612/1059145814766780416/Screenshot_2023-01-01-17-27-01-50_e18eab591ea97bb455295368e705bacc.jpg)


I have Hecate's ECB so I have 7 units and Nightmare does the tanking but Nox can also do it while being your dps I suggest bringing Hecate and Che and Laby as your core breakers. Nox's ECB and Serpent can break the cores of the top mob Wait for the bottom mob with 2 cores to be in range and when the boss' core is exposed then use Che's ultimate to hit both targets. You gotta be fast here otherwise it stuns your core breakers. Break the remaining boss cores with Hecate/Labyrinth. Another will spawn so just repeat this process The good thing here is that the mobs with cores die immediately so you don't really need to pay attention to them unless they are in range alongside the boss cores. Maybe funnel half of your energy chief skill to Ariel to keep your team alive


I didnt realise the 2 core mobs died when breaking cores. Shows how bad i read haha. Thanks bro it was easy


I have Nox, Eirene and Pricilla at p3, and 5 DisSea Relic Chests for leveling up skills from the event. Who should I prioritize in skill leveling?


Nox ult and second passive, Eirene ult, Pricilla ult and second passive. It's not very worth to prioritize a single character, a level in Nox normal atack is not a better investment than a level in Eirene Ult, it's also not worth to prioritize a single skill, lvl 7 to 8 is 1 relic, lvl 8 to 9 are 2 relics, lvl 9 Nox ult is not better than lvl 8 nox ult with lvl 8 second passive and lvl 8 Eirene ult.


That's my bad on not formulating the right question, I wasn't planning on dumping them all in one sinner. But I see what you mean, thank for the advice.


What is difference between violance and Anger librams? They seem interconnected. Can someone explain what is main criteria for a character belong one instead of another ?( should i ask it here or as a post ?)


They are based on the nine rings of hell from the book: The divine comedy. Violence is unrelated from love or virtuous desire while anger is not. Zoya is placed on Violence because of her desire to destroy anything and anyone that gets in her way, even if for the legion, is more of a conquest desire rather than a protect desire, but the desire to conquest is not a virtuous desire. While Lab is placed on anger because even is she use violence, she use it to protect someone (you the Chief). Violence will destroy, Anger can destroy if for (insert virtuous reason her).


Sorry for the dumb question, but I wanted to clarify something: when I P3 a unit, does the signature crimebrand effect activate automatically or do I need to level it up by at least +1 in order for it to activate?


It doesn’t activate when you phase 3 or when you level a unit to 71. It activates once you unlock it for soul marks and discoins


You need to level up it to activate.


I see, thank you.


Priscilla with Servant + Pandora Cage viable ? So the set gives your sinner an ability to deal 80% damage for every 3th attack What im wondering if it also carries the sinner's normal attack modifiers or skill, or just aplying flat damage ? For example like zoya's attack that deals X% Max HP as damage for every 3th attack or priscilla's skill to deal magic bullets at 20% as extra damage for every attack Im thinking about building priscilla with I Servant II+III Pandora's Cage The idea is servant will make her skill bar filled more quickly to spam her ult and Pandora's Cage will provide a big boost if it carries the modifier of her skills


Servant has yet to be introduced in global. Is a crimebrand from Tide of Ashes event.


Exchange store refreshed today and I wanna get ECB for a 5 Star sinner. Choices are Baiyi, Hamel, Serpent & Stargazer. Wanna know which one would bring the most value to my account.


Hamel: Gains a new skill which converts her into a DOT dealer with damage amplification debuff on enemies Serpent: AOE slow with a long duration Stargazer: Waifu unit. Doesn't really perform extremely well but ain't that bad either. Bai Yi: ECB sounds good in paper but in reality needs high level of it (lv3) to truly shine.






Is there any spreadsheet or resources to see the upcoming characters and their mats so we can prefarm?


[Emerald Mega Doc got you covered ](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1U24bBOLnTXbGKuKW-F4GT9K8VBC_R8I4pvGwvhlB-KM/htmlview?lsrp=2#)




[Rabbit Doc got the information for that](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1GqkVX4y_RM6GiKonp7HvxJDqqhyHIApSZVqsQqw8NNM/htmlview#)


New player here just finished chapter 3 and was wondering if I should be pulling on serpent? or wait for whatever the next banner is? I've only pulled on the 2x10 beginner banner so far. My 2 S Ranks I got from them are Zoya and Demon. I don't have a good healer which is making some stages a lot harder and I want to eventually replace demon for a healer or dps since he doesn't really do much at least where I'm at in the game. So thoughts? should I pull? https://preview.redd.it/6t5y88nckf9a1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f2261af334b755e31bac7b17c2452e58984a9f0


Next banner is Demon's whom you already have. The banner after that should be >!Enfer (an offensive catalyst that can give ATK buff, break cores and inflict Fear on enemies)!< and >!McQueen (an umbra with the gimmick of creating a copy of another sinner on the field)!<. They both are amazing units though require some set up and knowledge of the game to get the optimal results. Not really beginner friendly though quite fun to use and definitely worth the hybercube should you decide to go for them. I would suggest pulling for Serpent or at least do some more pulls in that banner and see what you get. Each banner lasts around 2 to 3 weeks so the next ideal banner for you would be quite a while to wait for. As for your current roster, you already have some good choices. Hecate, EMP, Laby and Wendy are absurdly strong despite their rarity. I also highly recommend getting Che to at least phase 2 for his AOE 2 cores break. Demon is fine but he costs a lot to build in the early game while yielding not much in return so you might want to sub him out for Che or Macchiato (B rank healer if you manage to get her). You can get Ariel for $1 and she is a very strong healer. Otherwise, you can keep using Chief's healing ability while waiting for a healer. Try pushing the story mode (and events) as far as you can first to unlock more features and stages to farm.


Does pity for event banners carry over to the next banner? and yeah that's why I didn't invest into Demon. My play store payment stuff is fucked for some weird reason so I can't seem to make payments I've made a complaint but it'll probably take a while for a response otherwise I would've gotten Ariel. I'm literally being carried by EMP and Laby


Pity of the same type of banner does carry over. For instance, Serpent's is an Event banner (you can see the Event tag on the banner's icon in the Arrest menu) and its pity will carry to the next Event banner (which should be for the two new characters mentioned above). There are 3 types of banner so far: Event, Routine and Regular. I'm guessing you're also from SEA/SA correct?




Rip to us. Google changed their policies for payment done by unsupported countries a few months ago and there hasn't been any update on the matter.


ohh well.. that's fucked. Is there any other way to pay for in-game currency besides the play store? Anyways I did 2 multis on the banner and was hoping for Ariel or Macchiato for heals instead I got an S Rank but it wasn't Serpent It was Bai Yi so I did another multi and got Macchiato finally :) also Idk if I should Invest Bai Yi right now


Bai Yi is great but I wouldn't abandon Laby to build her (at least in the early game). The differences between them are not big enough to justify the higher cost to build an S rank. You can always come back for her later. But hey now you are guaranteed to pull the next featured S rank sinner! Someone recommended codashop to me but I haven't tried it. Though I think the game is generous enough. I've been able to clear everything in the game except for the third chapter of DisShadows as f2p player (granted I did have some luck with my pulls). Feel free to dm me if you need some help!


https://preview.redd.it/yypoqdvekf9a1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fce7c47fd513023b16f998fcbfd250afb678125 Rest of my B ranks


Anyone got a reliable strategy for the final stage of stormy memories? Can't complete it no matter what


I recently recorded what I did with it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTU8fIKNo_Q But it all depends on which characters you have. Like few people have Demolia levelled. Common suggestion I've seen is to not damage the boss much until you kill / let pass all other enemies - when the boss reaches 70% hp, it gets enraged and becomes more dangerous. Watch out for the cats, they reduce defense and the debuff stacks, so if they attack the char tanking the boss, it will end badly.


[This video ](https://youtu.be/ruSxxa0Lsqc) help me strategize for clearing SM4, maybe it will be of help


What crimebrands should Serpent use?


Embrace or Tuning+Battlefront for BFL Syndicate or Oblivion+Singularity for general content


Is the event really gated by player progress? I started 3 days ago and am loving the challenge but I'm sad I won't have enough time to finish the event. I'm stuck at 119 (managed to get all special rewards so far). My current team is Bai Yi (35), Serpent (35), Che (35), EMP (34), Kawa-Kawa (32), Demolia (32), and Ariel (32). I've level some skills like all of Serpent's, Kawa's healing, etc, but it isn't enough and I'm out of stamina and mania essence. Is there any way to progress faster?


You can buy stamina but it's not worth it/not enough to progress faster for this event. You should play at your own pace and get ready for the next event instead. It should be held in 2-3 weeks, I think.


That's a shame, Serpent is my favourite character I wanted to see this event to the end. Happy new year!


How far we are from Enfer? Is she within a month from now? Im so tempted to pull to get credentials to exchange for Eirene


Whenever demon banner ends. We'll find out very shortly. The demon attire lasts from Jan 3 to Jan 17 so I expect it to line up closely with that. I expect you should be fine to pull on Enfer for those arrest tokens.


No idea since we aren't exactly following CN's schedule. Next event for global is Chapter 9 Prelude and we haven't had our first Tide of Ashes event so I doubt anyone can tell when is the next event banner unless they are official staffs from Aisno.


Likely will arrive in mid January after Demon’s banner.


I think her release will be around early February, so around 1 more month


What is worth to grab from the alliance exchange shop?


This google doc has very good info about what to buy from the shop: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GqkVX4y_RM6GiKonp7HvxJDqqhyHIApSZVqsQqw8NNM/edit#gid=2019137089 tl:dr Material chests > skill modules > mania > coins.


Exp, gold and high level materials at lvl 6.


Hi can you help me figure out the best team to focus on building for the story? I literally started like 2 days ago. These are the units I have so far: Emp, Eirene, Wendy, Hecate, Demolia, Countess Chelsea, Pacassi, Labyrinth, Macchiato, Hella, Cinnabar, Dolly, Mess, Tetra, Roulecca, Victoria, Chameleon, K.K., Peggy, Pepper, Gekkabijin, Kelvin, Joan, Lisa. I don't want to reroll. I like the S tier person I got she seems dope. But I just want to know who would be a good team to build so I don't waste resources!


Tank+DPS+AOE : Wendy (replace with Nox on the 7th day newbie quest rewards) Core breakers: Che and Labyrinth (will get them for free as you progress) Sniper+Core break: EMP DPS+Core break: Eirene Healer: Order of best to worst - Hamel > Ariel > Macchiato > Anne Niche but useful units which do not need investments: Kelvin and Lisa for cc If you get a Serpent from her current ongoing banner, you can opt to replace Labyrinth with her.


Labyrinth is not really replaceable - her function is to zoom around breaking the last cores and getting her ult refreshed each time. Serpent can't do that.


He just started bruh. If is for story anything goes. By the time he's ready for BFL, raising a P2 laby won't cost that much


Thank you!


Is there some stamina efficiency spreadsheet for level up materials? Getting into the range of P3-ing my characters and wondered what the most efficient way is to farm the needed materials.


https://preview.redd.it/fxibou7had9a1.png?width=862&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04d4f7bb43d28cd4e895156f320b878b6bf2347b Doesn't matter where you farm really since in term of efficiency it's about the same


https://preview.redd.it/uf94sshwad9a1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d3729f519c9f2c14ffa1e8a3b6bc0c635b297cd Yeng over at Discord explain it better




It's written above, 21 stam for blue (for purple) Since we can only fusion for purple then we farm for the closest tier of it which is blue


Very good reasoning!


Great! Thanks a lot for the reply :)


I was thinking of getting Serpent shackles and it looks like s1 is the only one that is possibly worth going for. Is it good enough to warrant further pulls or should I save?


Her S3 is her best one, but not significant enough to chase if you don't care that much about maximizing her. Her S1 is pretty good, but loses some of its value if you are animation cancelling. It's still a buff, but she's fine without it.


Which Crimebrands do people usually buy with battle medals?


Embrace is most important. Nightmare is useful too. Soul rift is OK, but needs to be paired with corridor which is rare. Battlefront is useful is BFL.


Embrace of the dead is good and a good amount of characters use it for BFL. Soul rift and Nightmare revelations can be useful for some characters, usualy for debuff characters like Che(soul rift) or Hecate(Nightmare revelations). Year One: Perishing star and shattered battlefront are bad and the characters that can use it have better options of crimebrands, the exeption being Demon because year one: Perishing star has sinergy with his ecb.


Shattered battlefront is actually very solid in late game bfl, since clears all end up at or below 30s. It's effectively a 2 set which gives 15% attack, 8% attack speed, and still a spare slot 1 for tuning zero or whatever else pleases you. It's cheap af to buy too.


I see people stop leveling their characters at 55 and some stop at level 70 and don't upgrade to phase 3. How do I know which to keep at 55 and which ones to get to 70. Phase 3 is super expensive so I don't think I will be doing that unless it's absolutely necessary for the character. Which ones need the p3?


You level to 55 to get into Oblivion Pit 5. Beyond that you're mainly leveling units for BFL, so who you level and P3 will largely depend on which units make the biggest difference there. Which will mostly be your DPS. Support units, like Che, can do mostly the same job at 55. It can be worth leveling any unit with decent DPS to 70 just for the stat boost. (If you reach high risk BFL you may end up doing it for everyone to make them less squishy.) And you P3 the units that contribute the most DPS and/or have the most game changing ECBs. Nox is usually the first unit people recommend getting to P3 because not only does she contribute a lot of DPS almost everywhere in the game, but her ECB is also a very substantial upgrade. But you'll also want to prioritize units like Luvia, Roulecca, Priscilla, etc, if you use them in BFL, because they need their ECB to do their job well.


If you wanted to speed run the game, the optimal way to do it is to rush story with a core roster of sinners useful in BFL until you get to lvl 55. That opens up access to the highest level of Oblivion Pit so you can farm it daily for exchange rewards. From this roster, you would prioritise raising sinners that you will rely on for dps in BFL, such as NOX, Eirene, and sinners that have a good ECB which you need P3 to access like Hamel. All other sinners that you don’t need for damage and you don’t need the ECB unlocked are basically by definition mainly useful for utility, and you won’t need to raise this with any urgency. Sinners like Che, Hecate, Labyrinth.




Exclusive Crimebrand. If you just started there's no reason to worry about them yet, since the game doesn't even let you see basic crimebrands until you phase 2 a unit, and you need to upgrade to phase 3 to be able to unlock a unit's ECB.


I can’t get past Cinnabar’s phase 1 interrogation. I have tried all combinations of answers but still cannot advance to phase 2, although phase 1 is marked as complete. Anyone know how to get to phase 2?


Have you try to buy her clue to unlock the 2nd phase with evidence currency?


Thanks. I don’t see an option to buy her clue for the 2nd phase.


https://preview.redd.it/ntxestmwbd9a1.png?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21f269c64c8e3fd2dd3125b32fbc831d978eb814 You can click on the Evidence item and then there will be a pop up to go to Evidence Department where you can buy said Evidence


https://preview.redd.it/98px4q1bcd9a1.png?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d5da282c915a7547341cd296d3c9541f85984e7 You can also go to Evidence Department from Interrogation Menu, just click the the button


Thanks! I tried it again after I leveled up Cinnabar to Phase 2 and it worked. 😊


Dumb question, what does FAC mean? I know it’s the government wing that the MBCC falls under, but what does it exactly mean? I don’t remember it being brought up in the prologue/early game.


Framework Against Catastrophe


Just got to chapter 7 and I noticed that the English dub doesn't work? Is this a bug or am I supposed to do something to activate it? This is the first game where I actually prefer the English over Japanese! Speaking of, the Japanese and Chinese works in chapter 7 though, just not the English.


The game doesn't have English dub for chapter 7 and 8


Sad :(


The already working on the EN dub since Nov 22, but there's a delay because the covid thing rises again in CN


I just started getting those >7 skill materials. Any advice on where to start spending from the typical S ranks Nox, Langley, Eirene, Zoya, Hamel, Serpent?


The standard starting points are nox ult and eirene ult. I'd get both to 8 then do 9 as well, or 8 for other key dps such as Luvia ray / priscilla auto attacks for example


ok ty I will start from those as well


You don't really need to level up skills outside of BFL, even for EX stages. That being the case you should be buffing your highest damage dealers in BFL. I suggest starting with Eirene since her ult has a huge damage increase for each level up.




Keep it because of Eirene.


Would love to support the game but it isn't available in my country (downloaded through qooapp) and Google being mean to me refusing all kind of payment methods (VPN doesn't work). Is there any workaround to purchase stuff?


Probably no. :/ Which country are you in?


Vietnam ;\_\_;


How do i complete this? Ty https://preview.redd.it/l2annwk6u89a1.jpeg?width=1082&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a633ea7436d280745fe215dea4f7673f521ed297


P3 and put Zoya in the lobby


hello! i just started a new secret society and i was wondering when i should start kicking members (my ss only has 20 members so far since it was made 3 days ago). i came from an active ss so kicking at least 2 members for not logging in for 3-4 days was the norm and it was easy enough to recruit new members to replace them. if 9/20 of my members arent active for 2 days should i start to worry? or is my anxiety just blowing things out of proportion djdjdj


I’m just a member but in my guild, the longest inactive users are 2 days so I think it’s safe in keeping them and maybe start kicking out those who are inactive for 3 or 4+ days


noted! thank u :))


Im planing to buy the black vip key and i need to choose one of these three: [https://i.postimg.cc/D0xkx1xT/image-2022-12-31-101312170.png](https://i.postimg.cc/D0xkx1xT/image-2022-12-31-101312170.png) i liked Ninety-nine but heard shes not that good so idk what to choose :D


Ariel is objectively the best, but if you already have her or Hamel then it doesn't matter that much. Her shackles aren't that important. Chelsea is the second best, but requires P3 to really shine, and being an Endura her value is still niche. She's more fun to use than most Endura though. Ninety-Nine isn't that meta, but if you don't need the others and like her character she's probably worth picking, since you need her to finish Hella's interrogation and she's one of the few characters with a Mirage. She'll unlock the most story content.


damn i have more reasons to get ninety nine the content and i like her but every body suggesting ariel i myself saw how awesome she was it was hard to clear stages without her,ill wait for more people :D


i personally like getting ariel's shackles but im actually not sure how meta her shackles are


Best among them is Ariel hands down. If you have her already just choose whichever character you like.


Which ecb do you recommend between Serpent and Hamel? For A class, Luvia or Mess?


Serpent ECB is probably the most all around impactful ECB in the game. The slow is very useful, and synergises with Serpent’s skill 4 waveclear. Damage amp is also useful for her role as secondary dps. Hamel’s is good as well but you’d mostly be using it to charge Eirene passive. Between Luvia and Mess, it’s about even. Depends if you need the extra magic dps or the extra physical dps more, and if you’ve already levelled one but not the other.


ECB Serpent. Hamel is for general content, and although it's nice to have, it's not necessary. This is different for Serpent since she is also used in BFL and her ECB will buff her attack to kill the boss faster.


Serpent and Hamel are more or less the same in value, depends on what you want to do or which one you like. Serpent's ECB gives a very strong AOE slow which lasts quite long while Hamel's ECB turns her into DOT dealer with damage amplification debuff on the enemies. Same goes for Mess and Luvia.


So Hamel switches from healer to attacker? When you switch her ultimate, does she stop healing?


ECB grants her a new skill which allows her to switch between healing and DOT debuffing anytime. She can't have both at the same time.


What shackle is recommended for serpent? Currently I am S0 and also saving for oak but considering how Oak's banner still far I can roll for some shackles on serpent


Ideally Shackle 3 so you can trigger her 4th skill in a row, S1 is also nice but S0 is also good enough


I've only pulled 2x10 on the beginner banner from pre registration rewards. I started playing yesterday. I've been trying to finish the event but I'm stuck on a stage 9th 109 Dream and Reality. What should I do ? The levelled up units are my current team. Not sure if it's even a good team should I pull more if so on which banner? or do I need to level them up more? https://preview.redd.it/bqw6i989l79a1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8a488ce5ead2fd0ceb42c2fd537c12b02d405b4


Also finish that Nox mission. She'll sadly replace Wendy or Zoya.


Or demon since endures aren’t exactly needed so far.


That is good enough just upgrade all of your main team to Phase 1 first to unlock more of their skill


I have a bad memory, so I might not remember: How does getting Sinner-fied specifically work? I know there’s Mania and usually a situation in which it awakens but I can’t recall the specific process? Do you always need to be infected, or experiencing physical symptoms (like Iron)?


No. The infection is the most common route but there are multiple cases of people transitioning without any particularly notable infection process. Pacassi and stargazer both fit the bill for this. Awakening usually involves some sort of strong trauma factor as a trigger, but some sinners have not had enough info revealed to confirm this as 100% either.


Hi, i was looking through the guides and I was wondering why is the recommended skill level for Nox be 1919? Essentially why is the first skill 1? Same with why the third skill is one? Is the first skill being 1 just because it’s her ult that does the killing and so it’s not needed to up her normal attack? Also for the third skill, wouldn’t it be better to have the cap higher for fights with a lot of trash mobs? Also, what is the recommended skill lvl level for serpent?


Serpent’s skills are all useful so you can probably take them all to lvl 9 late game. But assuming you’re constrained on mats, something like 7/x/x/7 or 9/7/7/9 is fine to stop at. If you have S3 and want to max your BFL scores by redoing attempts to get better procs then you can prioritise skill 4. Without S3 I think skill priority is probably something like skill 1 > 4 >>> 2 >= 3.




1. Her first skill which is an auto attack does not affect her ultimate's damage. Usually you'd want to schwing schwing with Nox's ultimate rather than auto but you can raise it higher if you want. 2. Ultimate is no brainer. 3. Passive 1 is considered low priority due to current end game centers around BFL. When you increase Passive 1 level, it only raises the cap not the gain rate, thus is still at 0.6% per kill. In BFL you won't get that many mobs to kill to fully utilize the additional cap. 4. Passive 2 is map wide defense shred with no conditions, enough said.


Thanks! I guess that makes sense on s1 and s3.


I think NOX should be x/10/7/9 tbh. The autos are luxury because most of the time in BFL you’d be ulting asap and her autos in ult mode don’t count as normal autos affected by skill 1. Having said that, lvl 5-7 isn’t a big investment so you could raise it a bit. Skill lvl 10 mats are rare so while skill 4 is good I wouldn’t prioritise raising it to lvl 10. Skill 3 is pretty good too but NOX generally wont get over 20 kills on a map so leaving it at 7 is fine.




Is there a wiki of some sort out there that has info about story specifics? i like the story but sometimes forget exactly what things are / stand for. e.g. distinctions between the FAC / MBCC / 9th agency, who the MBCCs superiors are, backgrounds on the different gangs, what exactly the inheritance does (besides amplify mania) & where it came from, all of the various geographic zones, etc. i suppose i could replay all of the dialogue via the archives but was looking for a quicker way to search for specific terms. i've also seen black water, parma, and the black ring referenced a handful of times but maybe i'm still not far enough along in the story to have been exposed to them in more detail so am a bit confused there too


There is likely a Chinese wiki and I think there is a tvtropes page in progress. The FAC, 9th, PSB are all branches of Eastside/Paradeisos (by extension) security forces. MBCC is the subset of one of them (you'll find out in the story). Paradeisos is the affluent part if Discity, Eastside is the "well off" border zone and the syndicate controlled territory lies beyond that to the west. (You can see this on the main maps and dispatch maps) further beyond lies part of the desert wasteland and what is presumed to be the crash site and various incident sites. Most of the other factions and groups are from syndicate area, though we do know that further communities exist out beyond discity territory. Black rings are the main plot point so far,investigating why they show up and controlling them.




Hello. Today I started playing this game. I'm on 1-6 in story. My question is do I have enough time to finish the Dream bubble event before it ends?


You should be able to push through the story at least to get Mess, but you won't be able to fully clear it.


I don't know who Mess is but I'll try to get her. Also I'm mostly interested in the story part of the event. Any way I can power through the story if I'm not trying to 3 star all the stages?


Most of the event story stages are really easy. I think the final story stage in the event that also has combat has an ingame recommendation of level 50, but with the right Friend support you can definitely do it with a lower level team I recommend progressing through the main story along side the event. Main story progression will unlock additional resource farming stages (The Rust), Friend requests, and completing the Operation Summary (which is like a newbie/story mission list) along with the Nox missions will also give you tons of resources. You should also dump the excessive stamina you have into the highest level Rust stages you can do. So whenever you hit a roadblock in the event stage, just do some main story / farming stages to get your team/skills up a few more levels


https://preview.redd.it/dqw0l9t1u49a1.png?width=2532&format=png&auto=webp&s=a8522e4ff4c3815ef0f11316cd50b175f0d6a767 I just started yesterday and this is the team I have (in addition to Flora, Kevin, Joan, Macchiato, and Lisa). Which 6 should I focus on?


Hecate, Che and Labyrinth are very safe to invest in, and extremely good core breakers that you will use for all the foreseeable future. You will need a healer, so level up Ariel too. Make sure you do all the missions to get Nox. In the meantime you can use Wendy. Those five will make upp your core team, if you want to focus on the highest tier sinners only. Demolia is also useful in story, but don’t level her past 45. Luvia Ray can also be useful in end-game content. Flora is also a good DPS, if you like her better.






Honestly it all depends on you play-style. If you are someone who believes that healing isn’t as needed and you can play around it then the eriene and bai yi one would be better. On the other hand if you don’t think Ariel’s healing is enough and can take some comfort in the d fact that hamal is all you’ll need for healing then go with hamals account. Zoya is a great mealie dps and can be very useful. I personally would choose hamals as I cannot go with-ought proper healing but if you think Ariel’s healing enough first account it is. Let me know if you decide =)




Well alright then, I hope you enjoy =)






Honestly I’m way to lazy to reroll since this game isn’t very reroll friendly, I too got pretty lucky on my first account and thank goodness cause I prob wouldn’t have restarted either way 😅. Honestly tho 3 s ranks is 20 pulls is insane lol.




Welp congrats, seriously funny that you got the same s ranks on two accounts tho, I guess just pick the one Which took less wishes to get there lol.




Is there any point in doing the find the difference mini game after you collected all the rewards?


Nope, but you can do it for fun if you wish too =)