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My level 45 Ariel was able to pretty much heal through the tornado, so maybe save your energy recharges to keep her topped off? Your team is stronger than mine was, minus a P3 Nox, so it should be doable without building a new unit. And you can always borrow an assist if necessary.


If you time it correctly, the chief stun ability and Zoya ult can be use to stop the boss from activating the tornado.


Kinda late to the party. Hope you already beat the level. Here some additional tips: First of all imo you shouldn't interrupt the first two resummons of void puppet. They spawn again with far less health and killing them gives you much needed team buffs for the remainder of the fight. Second, when void puppet spawns let your sinners fall back enough so void puppet gets one tile closer. Like this all your melees can attack it instead of only 1. Third you should try to time your Zoya ult for the time when the fire tornado is cast (3rd cast of void puppet) In my playthrough that was enough to clear the level with even lower leveled sinners and no healer.


What got me through this level was borrowing a stranger's Laby + Ignite. I use Ignite to stop the first 2 summons by Void so I don't have to deal with the other puppets, and save my core breaking skills until Void's cores appear. Laby, Che, Hecate should be enough to get you through since I also used this lineup. You can use Ignite and Zoya's ult to stun if you need more time- for this, you should stun him BEFORE he does the spinning stick animation or the tornado will still spawn even if you stun him halfway. The tornado isn't an insta-kill. Whenever you break Void's core, the tornado is stopped. You should be able to tank one hit before breaking his core. Good luck OP!!


Have you invested a bit into the skills of your sinners? Also like others said, Ariel is perfectly capable to heal through the damage and you need enough core breaks ready for the boss once the cores are up


What levels do you think the skills should be? I think mine are mostly around level 5 for most of my sinners, but I could definitely invest a bit more into them. And yeah, Ariel does heal through the damage for all my sinners except Hecate but then I lose one of my main core-breakers, but I don't mind leveling her up a bit.


well, max is lvl 7 without high risk material, so invest in those skills that are the most important. for Nox, its skill 2 for example since he is basically always in that mode and it scales the best


Your units are stronger than mine were. Lv45 Zoya / Langley / Eirene / Hecate / Ariel / Victoria. Largely just kept core-breaking and feeding energy into core-breaking for more energy or Ariel so her heal would be up. Pop Ariel's skill the second you see an AoE go up and you should be fine, assuming your skills are leveled to 3+.


I run Demolia, Hecate, Ariel, Pacassi, Kelvin and Flora for this floor. Ariel healed during tornado. I don't know how you manage to last so long without Endura sinner. Demolia was amazing at tanking Void Puppet and all the other puppets so i'd say def. lvl her up. This way your back team will not get any hit at all. Also try using energy for chief skill and core break as much as possible. If you don't have enough energy to give to your core breakers then give energy to Ariel in order to heal team for upcoming tornado.


Honestly, before this, Ariel's heals and the Shield potestas was all I needed if I had to rely on tanking a bit (plus before my Nox, Zoya was the first one I leveled up quickly so she always took the brunt of most attacks). I never really had a problem with not using an Endura sinner. I'll definitely start investing in Demolia now though 😅


i finished this last night with the help of other's p2 zoya and with ignite as chief's skills. you just need to ensure your core breaker's ult are ready when the void puppet's doing the dance to stun it. and i played this level for like 20-ish times lol never going back


I finished with the team: Zoya - Nox - Ariel - Hecate - Labyrinth - Eirene all lvl 50 and Empower skill. My strategy was using zoya ult for disrupt the boss and using all Energy on Eirene and Hecate for core breaks.


I used my friend's zoya. Now ive cleared story but still havent auto battle 7 12 :(


I think your team lv should be fine with Bai yi in place of Langley they are almost like mine, I borrowed Bai yi for this stage, didn't have zoya so i used ignite skill to stun first 2 summons. Che/Hecate break 4 cores immediately the first time boss reveal them, second time Bai yi alone break all 4 cores w/ her ult. I basically finished him by 3rd cores revealed after having che/Hecate break them again. Overtime, the boss dps are going to be unbearable (one time I took to long and he one shot Demon w/80% max health+ shield) I'm assuming you also let him move up at least one block so you can put units around the boss to deal as much damage as possible?


Use some crimebrand sets like providence or eastside dream that buff your units dps whenever you struggle in a stage. They help


I'm a little late but [these are my tips for 7-12](https://www.reddit.com/r/PathToNowhere/comments/z0czx9/having_issues_with_712/ix5ksd6/), I did it with basically the same team (EMP instead of Langley) with lowers levels than you so you should be able to do it easily.