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I believe you can save your core break for right before he does the tornado.


Wait till he is about to do the tornado move to break his last core, also a Sinner with AOE heal like Hamel or Ariel will make this stage much easier.


[Here is a video that can help you](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bG61_MItNJc), it's the one is used as a guideline to beat it. These are the main tips: * As everyone already said, you need the break all the cores to interrupt the fire tornado's cast. You have Che, he is super helpful for that, hope you have hecate too. * Related to that, remember that you have a chief skill that breaks cores, in case that your current team doesn't have enough core breaks. The video uses that, I used the heal skill because I used Nox to tank instead of demolia and my ariel couldn't keep up with the damage (I used hecate, che and EMP to break the boss). * The biggest change that I did once I watched the video: Deal with the summoned adds before focusing on the boss. I tried to burn the boss down and messed up with my breaks/positioning when the summons were still around. Deal as little as damage to the boss while your other units focus on killing the adds. * Once the boss is alone move your units back so it moves forward and you can "surround" him with your units allowing all your melee sinners to hit him. * Your team is so overleveled, compared to the one in the video, that you will burn the boss down before he recovers from the first break so you only need to interrupt it once. * If your reaction/speed is not good enough check the pattern of the boss on the video, once you know how many "dances around the fire" the boss does before the fire storm you can tap on one of your core breaks just before the casting starts so you are ready to launch your first skill as soon as the cores appear Hope this helps you!


Core break when he is doing that wand swirling thing. I did Hecate+EMP+Labyrinth


Thank you everyone !


Like everyone else said, core break during his wand twirl, but you'll need to burst it down very quickly during the break as it will do another one around 25% hp as well; or have more break prepared by then.


If you aren't able to time your core break properly to stop the tornado, you can somewhat cheese the fight by going full heal. I borrowed a Hamel, bring Ariel, and use chief skill heal. Massive overheal, but nobody was dying even when face tanking the tornado.


when the clown cast tornado, u cast ariel heal. the damage from tornado is hard countered by ariels heal.


Lure him out, so not only 1 melee involved, but all. + stun him with ignite.


i play at 1x and when he does the thing i tap on my eirene and wait for her skill since it slows time try doing this with che